• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 770 Views, 6 Comments

When She Loved Me - Princess Glitzy

I cherished my mother's love. When my mother left it was terrible. She's gone and all that I have left are memories of when she loved me.

  • ...


I love you mommy.

My mama loved me unconditionally and I loved her more than anything. She was mine and I was hers. She was my pony, my one true friend.

"Mama, would ya love me if Ah was ugly?" She put me in her lap and held me close.

"Of course!"

"What if Ah was weak and Ah couldn't work on the farm?"

"I would still love you."

"Even if Ah was mean?!" She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you more than life, Applejack. Nothing would ever make me stop loving you."

She would always stick by me and help me if I felt sad. I always knew that she would never abandon me. We did everything together.

"What do you want to do today, my little apple?"

"What do ya want ta do today, mama?" She looked at me with a warm smile and soft eyes.

"How about we bake a pie? Doesn't that sound fun, AJ?" I threw my forelegs around her.

"That's perfect, mama! Let's go! Ah can't wait ta eat one of yer yummy apple pies!"

She was always a loving and kind mare. Everypony in town loved her. She helped everypony and brightened up their day. My mama made Ponyville a better place. She made Equestria a better place by just being there.

"Mornin', Ambrosia! Beautiful weather we're havin'! We better thank the pegasi for this."

"Good morning, Mary! It certainly has been a glorious morning so far! I think that I'll take a walk later today."

"That sounds great! Too bad I'm stuck all day sellin' my produce."

"How about I run the melon stall for the morning? Go have some fun and then you can take care of it late this afternoon." Mary nearly tripped over a barrel after hearing that.

"I can't ask you to do that! It's such a nice day and I don't want you to waste it!" She put a hoof on her shoulder.

"It's not a waste if I'm helping you. Knowing that I made your day just makes mine better."

My mama was the love of my papa's life. He would always act like a little lovesick puppy around her. My papa cared about her deeply. Everypony around him knew that he loved his wife, my mama.

"Papa, why do ya love mama so much?" He smiled at me with that goofy smile of his.

"It's because she is the best mare that Ah've ever met. She's as sweet as her pies and she loves me more than life. Ah couldn't hope for anypony better. Your ma is the light of my life."

"It sounds like ya really love her. Ah hope that Ah can grow up ta be at least half the mare that she is."

"Ya don't have ta try very hard. You're a lot like her. One day you'll find a stallion that loves ya as much as Ah love yer mama."

She took care of me when I was sick and nurtured me. I always felt loved and well when I was with her. My mama was just a healer as some say.

"Ah'm fine mama! Ya do'`t have ta worry about me! Ya should be workin' in the kitchen making goodies or collecting apples!" She put an icepack on my head gently.

"You have a fever of one-o-one and you have the flu. I have to make sure that you're okay. Your health and happiness are worth more than a few days of work."

"But ma-" She put a hoof up to my mouth.

"No ifs, ands or buts. I need to stay here, my little apple."

"Okay, mama."

"I love you, Applejack. Now, go to sleep, you need some rest. Sweet dreams."

When I was about seven she got sick. She wouldn't tell us that she was hurting though. She wanted us to be happy and not worry about her. My mama was still sick, though.

"What would you- *COUGH COUGH COUGH* -like for dinner?"

"Mama, er ya okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need to-" She fell onto the ground choking and wheezing.

"MAMA!" I ran over to her and grabbed her hoof. "WHAT'S WRONG?!" She was sweating and was pale.

"I- I'm fine."

"No, you're not!"

"I'll b- be fine. I'm just going to t- take a nap." Her eyes closed slowly.


She got worse and worse, but she stayed happy. My mama was strong, so she fought to stay healthy. She wouldn't let us take any pictures of her because she didn't want us to remember her that way.

"Mama, Ah drew ya this get well soon card." She smiled slightly.

"I love it, my little apple. Go ask the nurse if you can hang it up." I scampered away as papa came in.

"How er ya feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a chariot."

"It's okay, Ambrosia. You'll feel better soon. Ah know that you'll get over this."

"I hope so, for Applejack's sake."

Later we learned that what she had was fatal. Papa didn't tell me because he didn't want me to worry. Mama never told me either. She just kept that same smile, even though she knew she would die.

"You're gonna be okay, right mama?" Tears formed in her eyes.

"I want you to know that I am fighting this and no matter what happens I want you to stay strong for your big brother and your little sister."

"Alright, mama."

"Would you like to talk about school?"

"No, mama, Ah just wanna lie here with ya fer a little while." She wrapped me in her forelegs and laid her head on my shoulder.

I visited mama everyday. I was there on the first day and the last day. I just wish that I could've had more time with her. My mama lived a great life, nevertheless.

"Applejack, how much do you love me?"

"More than all of the apples in the world combined!"

"How much do you think I love you?" I spread my forelegs as far apart as they could go.

"This much!"

"I love you as much as the moon and the stars. I love you as much as the Earth is round. I love you as much as all of space. I love you more than life itself."

"That's a lot." She giggled for the first time since she got sick.

"Yes, yes it is."

"Ah love ya, mama."

"I love you, my little apple. You are such a great filly. I know that you'll do amazing things. Don't be afraid to try your hardest because I'll be with you every step of the way. Goodbye, Applejack, I'll see you soon."

She died right then. I cried, but I knew that she was in a better place. My mama was an angel in life and in death. She was an amazing wife, friend and mother. She inspired me to move on and try my hardest. When papa died I thought of her to help me get through it. I stayed sane and I stayed happy.

My mama was the best friend that I ever had and I've never forgotten her. She has always been there for me, even when she couldn't physically be with me. I don't feel like she's gone because she is still in the back of my head, helping me get through life's challenges. I will never be upset because of one very important thing. I know that she loved me.

Author's Note:

This is dedicated to all mothers that we've lost. They may not be here today, but they will always be with us in spirit, impacting our lives in the best of ways.

Comments ( 6 )

2782815 and AJ is my favorite this really hits home. nice imagery though

2782847 I like AJ too, but she`s not my fav. This is the only story so far that I`ve written where she`s been the main character.

2782870 even so its a great read.

I really like AJ and I really liked this. now we need a Big Mac story for their pa

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