• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 504 Views, 4 Comments

The Legend of the Human - MrEruaphadion

When a warrior monk ends up in Equestria he must help protect it from the danger he brought with him.

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A whole new world (not an Aladdin reference....)

"A pegasus? I thought pegasi were extinct". The grey pegasus tilted it's head a little and raised an eybrow in confusion.

"Extinct? Why would we be extinct? There are plenty of us in Equestria".

"Because of the war with-" Suddenly a realization hit Argus. "Wait did you say Equestria?" The pegasus nodded its head. "But there is no place called Equestria where I am from. So that must mean Platus pushed me into a trans-dimensional portal. But why?"

"I don't know but I know somepony who might be able to help. Her name is Princess Twilight and she is very smart".

"Great more nobility" thought Argus. "Sure lead the way". The pegasis started walking in the direction of the village and Argus walked along side her (he assumed it was female judging by the voice). "By the way I never learned your name"

"My name is Ditzy Doo but my friends call me Derpy" she said while smiling at who she hoped is a new friend.

"Well hello Derpy my name is Argus. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you to new friend" After this they both fell silent while pondering the events prior to their meeting. Eventually they reached the village. Argus was very surprised to learn not only was this world imhabbited by pegasi it is also home to ponies and unicorns (the former also being extinct in his world).

Another thing he noticed was how the inhabitants acted towards him. Anybody that saw him coming would get out of the way as soon as possible and avoid looking at him for to long. He figured it was a normal reaction after all not only have they most likely never seen his kind before but he probably looks a little intimidating to them. After all he is much bigger then them and he is carrying two sharp weapons on his back. Derpy spoke up, inturpting his train of thought.

"We're here!" she said enthusiastically. They had stopped outside a large tree that had a door, some windows and even a balcony on it. Derpy gently knocked on the door and stood there waiting patiently for an answer. It finally opened revieling a lavender pony with both a horn and wings standing in the door frame.

"Ah Derpy are you here to deliver those books I ordered?"

"Sorry Twilight they're still not here yet. I actually wanted you to meet a new friend I found just outside town" Derpy stepped aside to allow Twilight to get a better view of this new pony. She gasped a little in surprise before regaining her composure.

"I'm sorry where are my manners. My name is Twilight Sparkle. May I ask who and what you are?" Argus assumed the same rules about talking to royalty back applied in Equestria too so he got on one knee, rested and arm on his front knee and lowered his head slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you m'lady. I am Arugus, a human from a world called Earth". Twilight blushed fiercly.

"Please there is no need to bow and please call me Twilight" Argus got up, glad that he made a good first impression. "So tell me Argus how did you end up here?" It was then that Derpy decided to speak up again.

"I saw him come out of something he called a trans dimensional portal" Twilight's eyes widened.

"What?! Trans dimensional travel is impossible!"

"Actually Twilight under the right circumstances it is very possible"

"Hm that is very interesting. Why don't you come in and talk about it? And of course you can come in too Derpy"

"Well I have nothing better to do right now so why not?" Twilight smiled, feeling happy that she might actually get to learn something new.

"Well it's settled then. Come in" They all went inside, the two ponied were excited to listen to some stories from the human, Argus however was anxious to get back home, and to get some revenge.......

Author's Note:

Well here is the 3rd chapter. As always I encourage you to leave some constructive criticism so that I may improve. 'Till next time stay safe and have fun.

Comments ( 4 )


3189226 *facepalms* did I really do that? I'll fix it right now

Haven't read the story and probably won't but I figured I should point out that first impressions are everything. Having a grammatically or spelling flawed summary will lose you readers before they even read. Make sure that summary is immaculate for ultimate success. :pinkiehappy:

I just read all of the story you have written so far. I would like to start off by saying I think your premise has alot of promise. However there are a few things you need to do in order to make this better. First of all I would appreciate more back story on your main character. What drove him to give up his royalty? Was there something he saw, was someone close to him killed? Right now I am intrigued, but feel like there is something missing. Another aspect you need to flesh out is why these necromancers are attacking. Are they trying to take over the world? Are they mad at the king for some other reason? I would also apreciate a little more detail and description. Reading this story is like riding a roller coaster, very fast with no time to admire the scenery. I would like more detail and charcter development, for example what did your main character think and feel when he entered Equestria. What happened that he went from almost crying to nonchalontly talking with a pegasus? Beyond that go back through and try to fix your spelling/grammar. Several words that sound the same out loud are spelled differently I caught several where you used the wrong word. You also are using the present tense (is) traditionally that is relegated to dialogue and second person writing. The past tense is preferable if no one is talking (was) and the story is third person (yours is third person).

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