• Published 22nd Jun 2013
  • 767 Views, 17 Comments

The Cold-Hearted Assassin - lord concord

for centuries equestria has been plagued by a shadowy figure only now as the Cold-Hearted Assassin until his identity is revealed in ponyville

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Chapter 6:A Shocking Revelation

Dusk Night's Journal entry 3 page 3
There i got him simple and fast too bad i couldn't get the bonus oh well the normal pay for a contract is about 500 bits but that's enough for me but damn i should have done while he was asleep or something but it's over and done with now the only thing to do is to escape his marefriend Rainbow Dash and the rest of our friends and my sister pinkie pie not that i'm scared of dashie because i'm a lot older and stronger and faster than she is but i'm going to try my best to avoid her until they lose track of me but it shouldn't be too hard for me when i step in the shadows i'm gone for good let's see what will happen if i'm captured.

The Assassin was running really fast trying to avoid a now angry Rainbow Dash and his friends and his sister/wife Pinkie pie because they were right on his trail and Rainbow kept taunting him to fight which made him annoyed and he finally stopped.

''finally he stop boy that Assassin sure can run'' Applejack Admitted she had never seen anpony run this fast like him with the exception of Rainbow Dash.

''YOU!!!'' Rainbow Dash Screamed ''You'll regret the day You hurt my Drakefriend!!!''.

The Cold-Hearted Assassin just stood there looking at Rainbow Dash he had never seen her this angry before then he finally broke his silence and spoke with a cold tone of voice which it sended shivers down everypony's spine.

''why don't you calm down dashie your more annoying than ever'' The Cold-hearted assassin said bitterly.

Rainbow Dash gave him a very shocked,surprised look.''h..how do you know my...my...pet name?! only spike and my friend's know it!''

''that's none of your concern or business''


''temper,temper Dashie i suggest you calm down before i kill you where you stand''.

the nickname The Cold-hearted assassin called Rainbow Dash made her very angry to nowhere end and she flew and managed to buck him in the face knocking off his mask and she was shocked that she got a hit but she was more shocked to see who was behind it, she recognize his dull blue coat his rainbow colored mane and tail his cutie mark it was the same as her's but the color of the cloud was grey like a storm cloud and the lighting bolt was rainbow colored to match his mane and tail and finally his piercing red eyes. It was her BFF/Excoltfriend Dusk Night and the rest of the mane six was just as shocked like her but the one pony was shocked more than her was Pinkie pie.

''Du...Duskie?...is that you?!'' she asked with a shocked expression on her face.

''Yeah it's me what of it?!'' Dusk Night said bitterly, Rainbow Dash then asked him a question.

''Dusk Night why...why did you tried to kill spike?!''

''as i said before dashie that's none of your concern or business.''

''BUCK YOU, MY DRAKEFRIEND IS MY BUSINESS!!'' she said furiously again which made Dusk Night irritated from her yelling.

''(sighs) fine i got a contract to kill spike plain and simple'' he said calmly.

''it'll be plain and simple when i put you in the hospital!!!''

''you think i'm afraid of you....no i'm not we all know i'm more faster,stronger,and smarter.''

And with that said Dusk night turned around and was about to leave but twilight stopped him.

''STOP WHERE YOU ARE!!!!'' Twilight screamed making Dusk night stopped

''your not going anywhere!!!''

''and what are you going to do about it?'' he said mockingly.

''I'll Kill You!!!'' then she shot a bolt of fire at him but he quickly stop it with just his hoof much to her surprise.

''you think a fireball can stop me ha!'' he quickly hit it with his left wing.

''i'll let this one slide and don't worry about Spike the poison should take it's effect right now at this moment''

''not unless we can stop it!!!'' Rainbow Dash continued to yell at him.

''i'm done here,have a good day'' dusk night unfurled his wings and took off in the sky when he flies he leave a rainbow trail like rainbow dash but instead it was rainbow colored lightning bolts with storm clouds then he instantly broke the sound barrier making rainbow dash and the rest of the main six drop their jaws in pure amazement and shock

''what?! how did he did that instantly, even i can't do that quick'' Rainbow dash said in shock and amazement.

''we better get the the hospital right away and see if Spike's alright'' fluttershy said with concerned

the mane six all notice pinkie was looking at the ground making sniffling sounds and rainbow dash walked up to her with concern and ask a question.

''hey pinkie are you alright?'' pinkie looked up to the cyan pegasus with tears in her sky blue eyes.

''no i'm not ok i'm...i'm'' then she began crying as her curly mane and tail fell straight and her bright pink coat turned a dull shade of pink and she began to talk again.

''dashie i know you all want to kill him but he's just doing his job but please let's talk to him and try to reason with him please!'' this just made Rainbow dash even angrier ''NO I'M NOT GOING TO JUST SIT AND LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS HE-'' then pinkie cut her off and started to beg ''please let's talk to him first please i love him Rainbow I don't want to lose Duskie he maybe a Cold-Hearted pegasus but he's my big brother and lover......i just don't know what to do if i lost him please let's just talk to him i'm begging you.''

Rainbow Dash look sympathetic at her, she fully understood what Dusk Night meant to pinkie and she finally calmed down

''alright pinkie we will talk to him first but if that doesn't work you know what will happen next right?''

''yes i know but i'm hoping we can persuade him to not kill spike''

''we''ll be right be behind you darling'' rarity said

''alright let's go to the hospital and see if spike's doing well twilight do you mind if we teleport there? pinkie asked the lavender unicorn

''yes i can let's go'' and they teleported to the hospital.