> The Cold-Hearted Assassin > by lord concord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one:Dusk Night's journal entry 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk's journal Entry 1 page 1 How long have I been an Assassin a long,long time my name is Duskin Nightosphere Pie, and I have been an Assassin for ten years now. I'm Equestria's most deadly assassin the pay is really good depending on who i kill i am a very skillful assassin I've been training since i was little the pay is usual at least five hundred bit's i'll never understand why they call it bit's in the first place. It's been ten years since pinkie's family was nice enough to adopt me. they adopted when I ran away from my family and home and after a blood transfusion with pinkie i'm now part of their family bloodline so since i'm older than pinkie,blinkie,and inkie i'm their older brother now and me and pinkie visit our family farm and family every week when we are not working it's always awesome seeing ma and pa and blinkie and inkie and working back on the farm (sighs) i miss those days. Today is a special day for us our ten year anniversary celebrating our marriage i hope i don't have to work during it though. i'm glad i'm here with the love of my life Pinkamena Diane Pie or pinkie pie i like to call her this is bad i have no idea what i should get her she told me that the only thing she wants is for me to spend more time with her. I'm also in the wonderbolts i'm the commander of the wonderbolts I try and I try to spend more time with her and it just frustrates me that i spend little to no time with her maybe when we're old enough i'll retire from this job maybe. Pinkie was really sad the last time I left for a contract or i went to do a wonderbolt aerial show in canterlot when so I told her today I'll try and make it up to her and i'm not pinkie promising her because last time didn't end so well for me but let's just see what will happen today. > Chapter two: Dusk night and Pinkie pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today i woke up today i'm usually grumpy in the morning until pinkie pie wakes me up by shouting my name in my ear that's really annoying but she is annoying as she is beautiful she seems to be extra happy today because it's our anniversary today she's so excited than usual that's what i love to see her this happy, something about those beautiful sky blue eyes of hers just melts my cold heart with ecstasy. ''OH Duskie!'' Pinkie said yelling in Dusk's ear causing him jump in the air almost hitting the ceiling Dusk night was a little dizzy and Pinkie wished she hadn't done that until Dusk Night finally spoke but slightly annoyed ''Okay pinkie i'm up now why do you keep doing that to me every morning?'' ''oh just having a little fun silly you really should get more sleep then i'll stop this okay'' she then gave Dusk a small kiss on the cheek making him blush like a tomato. ''yeah i know but my job keeps me very busy pinkie you know how it is'' then Pinkie made a sly sexy smile and looked at Dusk Night with her best sexy cute bedroom eyes ''hey Duskie do you know what day is it?'' she said seductively Dusk Night knew where this was going and he blushed like a tomato and he got a wingboner by just the sound of her voice. ''yeah it's our 10th anniversary today why?'' then Pinkie got in his face making him blushed him harder and now his body was blushing he was now redder than big Macintosh. ''yes it is our anniversary and tonight after the party how about you and me make sweet cupcakes in bed'' she said seductively and gave Dusk a nice long lick in his crotch region which made him yelp in pleasure. Dusk night did not understand why they should make cupcakes in bed ''uh how are we going to make cupcake's in bed without a oven?'' Pinkie giggled at Dusk' obliviousness ''no silly what i meant is how about you and me make sweet love in bed,you know what i mean'' as she gave him a wink. Dusk night finally got it and he and gained a dark smile across his face and when he spoke his voice got menacing and cold. ''oh yes i would love to tap that flank tonight my sweet'' Dusk night said darkly which pinkie pie loved him talk with that dark tone ''I've been a naughty mare Duskie so punish me accordingly'' she said with a innocent but seductive voice ''oh yes you have been a naughty mare i can't wait to punish you tonight so much'' Dusk night then started to laugh like a psycho ''but you'll have to wait okay'' he said in his normal voice ''oh i know Duskie i know and i can't wait but for now let's get our party ready'' ''i love you Pinkie pie'' ''i love you too Duskie'' Pinkie then kissed him passionately and he returned the kiss. > chapter three: The Contract > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Night's journal entry 2 page 2 Dammit another dam contract of all the days they could have hired me to do a contract they just had to do it today!!! just why on the most important day of our life they did it today.this is so tiresome just stupid but i still have to do it they already paid me to do it now let's see who i have to kill oh that's just great To:The Cold-Hearted Assassin dear assassin this is your contract that i would like you to do, here are the details as you requested and the money Target:Spike the dragon Reason:i find him very annoying so kill him strategies:anyway you can kill him is fine by me i suggest you use stealth as you always do Bonus:if you can do without being caught i'll double it by 50,00 so good luck Warning:also you should be careful with his friends he consider's his family as they are the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony but i'm sure you can handle it good luck. From:anonymous ''dam well looks like spike's life will be cut short today but i have my contract and i must fulfilled it..... twilight and the others won't like this in the slightest but what do i care'' > Chapter four:The Assassin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As pinkie pie was getting the party ready she noticed Dusk night Was heading out.''Duskie where are you going? Dusk Night turned around to his Lover/sister and he spoke in a unusual cold voice. ''don't worry about it pinkie i'm heading out thats all'' he said as he gave her a serious look ''well okay then don't be late for our own anniversary okay honey'' pinkie said in a sweet innocent voice Dusk night gave pinkie one last look before heading out and spoke ''don't worry i'll be right back real quick''with that he headed out. Dusk night headed straight for the everfree forest to get in his armored black assassin robes Dusk night still didn't understand why everpony in ponyville was so afraid of it but he quickly forgot about it as he got dressed in his armor and got his dual dr katana's out and got ready to kill and he was going to be stealthy like a shadow itself and slowly approached the village he then saw the target spike with his friends these are Twilight including the rest of the mane 6 and finally spike's marefirend Rainbow dash, Dusk night remembered they have been going out for two months now and he notice they were heading for the picnic areas for a nice day of weather out to have a little get together for pinkie's and Dusk night's anniversary and he slowly started to follow them Dusk night realized how difficult and boring being stealthy would be then he started to talk. ''just forget about the bonus the client has already paid me 5000 bit's for the contract i'll just surprise them and then stab him in the heart yeah that should do it'' > chapter 5:The Attack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As twilight and her friends were setting up the blanket for their picnic she felt a unusual dark and cold presence carefully and creepily watching them from a distance this type of presence seemed familiar to her but she couldn't figure out who it was and it was slowly getting close to her and her friends and particularly closing in on her 1# assistant spike which made her feel scared. ''do you girls feel that?'' Twilight asked her friends her tone was a little shaken up. ''no why? do you feel something Twilight?'' asked her baby dragon assistant. ''i just got this feeling somepony...or something is watching us although it does seem familiar to me but i don't know who it is. ''i can feel it too and it's familiar and really.....really cold'' Fluttershy said cowardly. ''u...uh girls there's something right in front of us!!" There standing in front of them was a pegasus cladded in black Assassin armor standing at the same height as princess luna and big macintosh he had piercing white eyes that sended chills to their spines as they looked into his eyes they saw nothing....no emotion just....nothing as if they were looking into a void of darkness. ''i..is that the legendary infamous Cold Hearted Assassin?!'' applejack asked ''but.....but i thought he was just a myth!'' Twilight said in disbelief Twilight has read and heard about the legend of the Cold Hearted Assassin how his speed,combat skills,and stealth was considered legendary in Equestria how he can kill any creature with just one slash of his blade how he could become a shadow at will and more importantly how he killed nearly 1000 ponies in one night know as the equestria massacre,he was consider one of most powerful foe's Equestria has ever faced, but why was he here now right in front of them and what did he want? ''what...what do you what..uh..uh.. '' fluttershy couldn't say anything else to the Assassin The Assassin just pointed his hoof at spike which made rainbow dash scared but furious ''what are you here to kill my drakefriend? well you'll have to get past us and me!!!'' she said Angrily challenging The Assassin. The Assassin simply nodded at her question but his silence just made her angrier than ever ''why aren't you talking talk! damn you!!!'' The Assassin just stood there looking at her then he looked at his target spike then he ran with speed that would leave rainbow dash in the dust then he raised his hoof slightly revealing a hidden long dagger coated with a dark greenish blackish liquid presumably it was some sort of poison used to kill and he ran past rainbow dash and the rest of the main six and he stabbed spike then spike felled to the ground. ''NO!!!!!!'' The main six said in unison. Rainbow dash was completely shocked at what happen as tears started to form in her eyes. ''YOU BUCKING BASTARD I SWEAR I'LL TEAR YOU APART!!!!'' she screamed with rage as she tried to kill the Assassin but he quickly dodged it and disappeared leaving the main six shocked and dumbfounded by what just happen. Then they all gathered around spike's body his healthy purple scales were sickly white and rainbow dash picked him up. ''spike...spike can you hear me? come on speak to me!!'' rainbow dash said with tears running down her face spike open his eyes and spoke with a weak voice. ''y.....yes dashie i can hear you'' ''just...hang in there spike we'll get you to the hospital just don't die on us please!'' ''don't worry..... i'll be fine....i'm...fine i'm always fine with you dashie'' spike gave rainbow a gentle passionate kiss which she gracefully returned and then he passed out. ''don't worry spike we'll get that Assassin spike and i'll kill him for you okay.Twilight can you teleport spike to the hospital for me please?!'' Twilight then used her magic to teleport spike to the hospital ''thanks twilight.'' ''no problem now girls let's be careful if the stories that we have heard are true about the Assassin then should not underestimate him when we fight him, now let's go and kill him for spike!'' ''For Spike!'' they all said together and proceeded to catch and kill the assassin. > Chapter 6:A Shocking Revelation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Night's Journal entry 3 page 3 There i got him simple and fast too bad i couldn't get the bonus oh well the normal pay for a contract is about 500 bits but that's enough for me but damn i should have done while he was asleep or something but it's over and done with now the only thing to do is to escape his marefriend Rainbow Dash and the rest of our friends and my sister pinkie pie not that i'm scared of dashie because i'm a lot older and stronger and faster than she is but i'm going to try my best to avoid her until they lose track of me but it shouldn't be too hard for me when i step in the shadows i'm gone for good let's see what will happen if i'm captured. The Assassin was running really fast trying to avoid a now angry Rainbow Dash and his friends and his sister/wife Pinkie pie because they were right on his trail and Rainbow kept taunting him to fight which made him annoyed and he finally stopped. ''finally he stop boy that Assassin sure can run'' Applejack Admitted she had never seen anpony run this fast like him with the exception of Rainbow Dash. ''YOU!!!'' Rainbow Dash Screamed ''You'll regret the day You hurt my Drakefriend!!!''. The Cold-Hearted Assassin just stood there looking at Rainbow Dash he had never seen her this angry before then he finally broke his silence and spoke with a cold tone of voice which it sended shivers down everypony's spine. ''why don't you calm down dashie your more annoying than ever'' The Cold-hearted assassin said bitterly. Rainbow Dash gave him a very shocked,surprised look.''h..how do you know my...my...pet name?! only spike and my friend's know it!'' ''that's none of your concern or business'' ''YOU NEARLY KILLING MY DRAKEFRIEND IS MY BUCKING BUSINESS!!!!!'' she said screaming again. ''temper,temper Dashie i suggest you calm down before i kill you where you stand''. the nickname The Cold-hearted assassin called Rainbow Dash made her very angry to nowhere end and she flew and managed to buck him in the face knocking off his mask and she was shocked that she got a hit but she was more shocked to see who was behind it, she recognize his dull blue coat his rainbow colored mane and tail his cutie mark it was the same as her's but the color of the cloud was grey like a storm cloud and the lighting bolt was rainbow colored to match his mane and tail and finally his piercing red eyes. It was her BFF/Excoltfriend Dusk Night and the rest of the mane six was just as shocked like her but the one pony was shocked more than her was Pinkie pie. ''Du...Duskie?...is that you?!'' she asked with a shocked expression on her face. ''Yeah it's me what of it?!'' Dusk Night said bitterly, Rainbow Dash then asked him a question. ''Dusk Night why...why did you tried to kill spike?!'' ''as i said before dashie that's none of your concern or business.'' ''BUCK YOU, MY DRAKEFRIEND IS MY BUSINESS!!'' she said furiously again which made Dusk Night irritated from her yelling. ''(sighs) fine i got a contract to kill spike plain and simple'' he said calmly. ''it'll be plain and simple when i put you in the hospital!!!'' ''you think i'm afraid of you....no i'm not we all know i'm more faster,stronger,and smarter.'' And with that said Dusk night turned around and was about to leave but twilight stopped him. ''STOP WHERE YOU ARE!!!!'' Twilight screamed making Dusk night stopped ''your not going anywhere!!!'' ''and what are you going to do about it?'' he said mockingly. ''I'll Kill You!!!'' then she shot a bolt of fire at him but he quickly stop it with just his hoof much to her surprise. ''you think a fireball can stop me ha!'' he quickly hit it with his left wing. ''i'll let this one slide and don't worry about Spike the poison should take it's effect right now at this moment'' ''not unless we can stop it!!!'' Rainbow Dash continued to yell at him. ''i'm done here,have a good day'' dusk night unfurled his wings and took off in the sky when he flies he leave a rainbow trail like rainbow dash but instead it was rainbow colored lightning bolts with storm clouds then he instantly broke the sound barrier making rainbow dash and the rest of the main six drop their jaws in pure amazement and shock ''what?! how did he did that instantly, even i can't do that quick'' Rainbow dash said in shock and amazement. ''we better get the the hospital right away and see if Spike's alright'' fluttershy said with concerned the mane six all notice pinkie was looking at the ground making sniffling sounds and rainbow dash walked up to her with concern and ask a question. ''hey pinkie are you alright?'' pinkie looked up to the cyan pegasus with tears in her sky blue eyes. ''no i'm not ok i'm...i'm'' then she began crying as her curly mane and tail fell straight and her bright pink coat turned a dull shade of pink and she began to talk again. ''dashie i know you all want to kill him but he's just doing his job but please let's talk to him and try to reason with him please!'' this just made Rainbow dash even angrier ''NO I'M NOT GOING TO JUST SIT AND LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS HE-'' then pinkie cut her off and started to beg ''please let's talk to him first please i love him Rainbow I don't want to lose Duskie he maybe a Cold-Hearted pegasus but he's my big brother and lover......i just don't know what to do if i lost him please let's just talk to him i'm begging you.'' Rainbow Dash look sympathetic at her, she fully understood what Dusk Night meant to pinkie and she finally calmed down ''alright pinkie we will talk to him first but if that doesn't work you know what will happen next right?'' ''yes i know but i'm hoping we can persuade him to not kill spike'' ''we''ll be right be behind you darling'' rarity said ''alright let's go to the hospital and see if spike's doing well twilight do you mind if we teleport there? pinkie asked the lavender unicorn ''yes i can let's go'' and they teleported to the hospital. > Chapter 7: The Pegasus Assassin and The Party Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusk Night's journal entry 4 page 4 damn,so much for a mysterious identity oh well,it's amazing how Rainbow managed to hit me well she is almost fast and strong as me but i should have left as soon as my contract was finished but now pinkie knows who i am now i don't know how to explain it to her but i think i should have told her and our friends ten years ago then today is the day then we can still be together and have a party with our best friends. when they arrived at the hospital and they were amazed on how well spike was doing he completely cured from the poison and they patched up the cut from Dusk Night's hidden dagger from his armor Rainbow Dash ran straight up to him and kissed him softly on the lips and they both shared a soft but passionate kiss. ''spike we are so happy your okay'' pinkie pie said happily. ''we all thought you were not going to survive'' rarity admitted ''i guess dragons are strong against poisons i think i read something like that in a book once'' twilight said while trying to remember what the book was called. ''i'm so happy your okay spike i don't know what i'll do without you'' rainbow dash said as she was hugging him. ''i know dashie and that's why i love you,and plus i can't remember what just happen to me'' he said much to the shock to everypony. ''excuse me for interrupting all of you but there's a pegasus looking for you'' nurse redheart said coming in the room with an expression on her face as if she has seen a ghost. ''what's his name?'' rainbow dash asked suspiciously ''i believed he told me his full name was Duskin Nightosphere pie ''you said his name was Duskin Nightosphere Pie?'' pinkie asked with curiosity ''yes are you his sister?'' ''yes i'm his younger sister'' ''then if all of you would come with me he wants to see all of you please'' they all walk out of the room and into the lobby of the hospital and they saw Dusk night waiting patiently on a chair his eyes was closed and he was not moving but after all that has transpired none of them wanted to go near him his natural presence was very cold and dark much like his heart only pinkie walked up to him and gently tapped his shoulders and spoke with a calm sweet voice. ''duskie...duskie can you hear me?'' then she heard nothing but loud snoring indicating he was sleeping which surprised everypony. ''he's sleeping?'' rainbow said she was amazed to find Dusk Night was sleeping so peacefully despite his cold personality. ''i know how to wake him up'' rainbow dash then slapped him really hard but it didn't work and it he didn't seemed to be affected by it ''damn it didn't work and i slapped him really hard his fur feels unnaturally cold though'' ''let me wake him up OH DUSKIE!!!!!'' pinkie pie yelled right in his ear making him jumped out of the chair and he busted right threw the ceiling and everypony dropped their jaws at immense damage the Pegasus caused ''oops sorry girls'' pinkie said sheepishly all of them had annoyed expressions on their faces then dusk night finally flew down ''pinkie what did i tell you don't do that while i'm meditating'' ''wait you were meditating!?'' twilight said while looking confused at him. ''yeah it helps pass the time and it's relaxing and yes i snore sometimes'' dusk night explained ''dusk night you wanted to see us?'' fluttershy asked ''yes we all need to talk and don't worry about the hole i got it covered'' Dusk Night's eyes started to glow white this he magically fix the hole in the ceiling which everypony was amazed by how fast his magic fixed it ''how...how did you do that without horn!?'' twilight said looking very surprised and amazed. ''i'm an nocturnal pegasus'' he responded which confused everypony around him ''wait you're a Nocturnal Pegasus , but how can you use magic?'' twilight asked the dull blue pegasus. ''i can use magic without a horn because i'm a Nocturnal pegasus i will explain it later twilight'' '' there is also dragon magic that i know and i can teach it to spike'' ''i can teach him i can even teach him to make his own spells'' ''wow you'll do that for me and you'll teach me how to make my own spells'' Spike asked excitedly ''yes only if you are willing to learn'' he said sternly ''yes i'm willing to learn!'' ''then we will begin training when your ready twilight do you approve of this?'' dusk night asked the lavender unicorn ''yes i approve and i would like to watch'' ''yeah me too it will be awesome to watch spike use magic!!!'' rainbow dash said excitingly like pinkie pie ''of course all of you can watch if your not busy now let's talk in private how about your home twilight'' ''sure let's go'' and with that they all left the hospital to twilight and spike's home.