• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 672 Views, 3 Comments

Johnathan - Dashie222

A story about Johnathan the pony.

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The Adventure In Everfree

The Adventure In Everfree

“I’m heading out now,” I told my mom as I left.

“Okay then, enjoy your party.”

I guess I would have to at least try to enjoy my party. It was around noon that everypony stopped ignoring me and avoiding me because of my “surprise” party and instead they all just disappeared. All but Rainbow Dash. She followed me for awhile. I knew she was there but I didn’t want to break it to her too soon. It was after about an hour of this that I finally decided to end it.

“I know you’re there Rainbow Dash,” I turned around and told her.

“Hey, no fair,” she came out from behind some garbage cans, “How did ou know I was there.”

“You’re a loud walker.”

“Hey do you want to go to Sugarcube Corner?” she asked me to quickly change the subject.

I wanted to have a little fun on my birthday so I said, “No thanks. I’d much rather have a rematch race against you.”

I knew this would make her a little annoyed as it was clearly her job to get me to my party.

“A rematch,” she said excitedly, “Ok…actually…you know on second thought you would probably win again.”

She could barely get her last words out and so I decided to go a little further, “But we could race on any track you like.”

I could see her mix of emotions on her face, “No no no, I couldn’t…I mean…well…my wing is broken. Yep, my wing is broken so I can’t fly.”

“Really your wing is broken. Too bad. Or maybe… you’re just too scared to race me.”

She was being pushed to her limits of what she could tolerate, “I am NOT chicken. I just have a broken wing.”

“Oh well, I guess you aren’t the fastest flyer,” I said as I began to walk away.

She quickly got up in the air and flew in front of me, “Now listen here Johnathan. I AM THE FASTEST FLYER BUT I DON’T WANT TO RACE!”

“Temper, temper. You really should get some anger management. I mean after all anger is bad for your health.”

“I am not angry now get moving!”

She began pushing me from behind but I placed my hooves in the ground to stop her. She wouldn’t give up and so with much resistance she finally got me to Sugarcube Corner. She went inside ahead of me but I still wanted to have a little more fun before my party. I went around to the back to see if there was another door. Luckily for me there was and so I entered quietly. I could see well in the dark and so I saw everypony hiding and waiting. I looked to my right and saw a light switch.

“Surprise!” I shouted as I turned the lights on.

Everypony turned around and couldn’t believe that I had found out. Surprisingly not much was said about it and my party was beginning. It wasn’t much fun for me but I didn’t mind. There were games and presents and a cake, the usual party things. My favorite part no doubt was the end. As I was leaving out the front door I was stopped by Sweetie Belle.

“Hey Johnathan, have you ever met a zebra?”

“No I haven’t. Why?”

“Well the Cutie Mark Crusaders are going to visit our zebra friend Zecora and we wanted to know if you would come.”

“Meeting a zebra sounds interesting. Sure, why not.”

We met up with the rest of the crusaders and we headed out to the Everfree forest. We had Rainbow Dash with us since we were just little kids and our families would be concerned if we went alone. We had gotten to the forest and then began to travel to Zecora’s home. It was my first time in the forest but the crusaders and Rainbow Dash helped point out the dangers along the way. Nothing much happened until we reached a split in our path.

“I think we need to go the left way,” Apple Bloom said unsurely.

“No way Apple Bloom. We go the right way… I think,” said Scootaloo.

“We’re lost aren’t we?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I say we go left,” said Sweetie Belle.

So we went left. It wasn’t long until we reached a dead end and so we began to walk the other way. Unfortunately we had discovered that there was a Manticore right behind us. Rainbow Dash Quickly got to work trying to distract the beast so we could run. However the Manticore struck down Rainbow Dash with a quick swing of its claw and began to approach us. I looked to my left and saw a loose vine. To my right was a thorn bush. Above the Manticore were some dead leaves. Next to my hoof was a rock. It clicked.

“I have an idea…but,” I began to say.

“Then do something,” said Scootaloo.

“But the probability of success is only point zero three percent.”

“So just take a chance,” Apple Bloom said, “Everypony has to take a chance and stop playin’ it safe once and a while and your time is now.”

She was right. I had to stop playing it safe and take a chance for once in my life.

“Here I go.”

I kicked the rock over to the vine. The rock hit the vine and caused it to drop. The vine along with the dead leaves fell down on the Manticore. It began flailing about trying to shake of the leaves and in the process crashed into the thorn bush. ‘Please work’ I thought to myself. It did work. The Manticore flew off and we could finally catch our breath.

“Phew,” I said as I fell on my back, “It actually worked. You know what.”

“What,” the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked.

“I will be a crusader with the three of you.”

“Awesome!” Apple Bloom said mimicking my voice.

“Hey,” I said as I stood up.

“I was just finishing my analysis,” she said mimicking my voice again.

“Oh you think that’s funny do you. Well we’ll see how funny it is when you’re pinned to the ground.”

I began to chase after her and she ran away. The other crusaders joined in and so did Rainbow Dash after a little bit. What more can I say really. I lived in Ponyville and enjoyed it. Not what I first thought when I moved here but hey, even I can be surprised.


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