• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 746 Views, 34 Comments

Are You In or Out? - nabrixwrites

Discord's planning his revenge, but this time, he's not alone...

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The Magician

The applause was immense. Trixie was loving it. This was the third night of her show in Las Pegasus, and she had picked up a massive audience. Her magic show was the talk of the town. This was her life-long dream, and she was finally realizing it, all thanks to an unlikely friend putting her in her place. Though as much as Trixie loved the applause, it was getting late, and she needed to get some rest for her show tomorrow. "Thank you, everypony! Thank you!" she yelled, before vanishing in a puff of smoke, and the lights going dark in the theatre.

Trixie reappeared outside in the rain on the dark night, right outside her little wagon. With the money she was making from her very successful magic show, she could afford a newer, bigger one soon. She walked inside and hung her coat up on the hook. She lit the lamp hanging from the ceiling above her little table, and noticed a fresh envelope, with the ever familiar seal from Twilight Sparkle on it. Ever since she had first visited Ponyville, Twilight's home, she had resented Twilight for upstaging her. It got bad enough that she returned to Ponyville with hostile intentions, and she did some things she regretted. Luckily that's all in the past and she has reconciled with Twilight. In fact, they have been writing back and forth ever since. Trixie always got a little excited every time she saw a new letter from Twilight on her table. The envelope was still warm, so Spike must have just sent it. She wished her teleportation spell was instantaneous like Spike's. Instead, hers had to travel as a mass of pure magic across Equestria to her destination. But what was she going to do? She's no dragon, after all. She quickly picked it up with her magic and removed the seal. She pulled out the letter and began to read:

Dear Trixie,

A lot has happened since we last corrosponded. Applejack had to host her family reunion, but that ended up being a complete bust, as she tried to be a perfectionist about everything. It actually sounded kind of funny. I wish I could have been there.

Soon after, she actually saved Spike's life from timberwolves! When I heard, I was scared to death. I'm glad Spike's okay. What's funny is that afterward, Spike felt he owed Applejack a life debt, and was constantly trying to help her. He's over it now, though.

Another thing happened recently that I'm not too happy with. Princess Celestia believes she can use Discord's magic for good, so she tasked Fluttershy with "reforming" him. He seems to be docile now, but I'm not buying it. I'm keeping an eye on him, and I'm wearing my Element of Harmony at all times.

In recent news, did you hear that the Crystal Empire was chosen to host this year's Equestria Games? I know, it's really cool, but the best part is, my brother gets to coach their team! There was an unfortunate mishap, though, and there was a confusion as to who the games maker was. It was really embarrassing.

There is one last thing I want to tell you. After I completed an old unfinished spell written by Starswirl the Bearded, Princess Celestia has decided to make me a princess! I don't get it either, but I'm also an alicorn now, too, so I have these annoying wings that refuse to go down. I can never get comfortable in my own bed. I don't even know if I'm cut out to be a princess. I'm not much of a leader, but I guess we'll see what the future has in store.

On a lighter note, I heard that you got a gig in Las Pegasus, in the Rio Las Pegasus hotel and casino even! I'm so proud of you! I bet your show is fantastic. Maybe Spike and I could come and see it some time.

Anyhow, good luck with your show, and wish me luck with this whole princess thing. I'm going to need it.

Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle

Trixie was always happy to receive a letter from Twilight. The two had become good friends since Trixie's last trip to Ponyville. Tixe used her magic to pick up a quill, and pull some ink and paper from her shelf nearby. Before she could write her reply however, there was a knock at the door. She put down her things and answered the door. Standing in front of her was Discord, the spirit of chaos himself. "May I come in?" he asked.

Trixie said nothing, but moved to the side to let the draconequus in. "Thank you," he said. After that, he was silent. He walked over to the small bed and sat down. Trixie was unsure why he would be here with her. Especially considering the unease Twilight expressed in her letter, Trixie was worried that Discord might try something dangerous. After looking around the small, quaint room, he spoke.

"That was a great show. I was thoroughly entertained."

That was not what Trixie expected him to say. Still, she always enjoyed getting admiration and her ego stroked. "Well thank you!" she said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie always aims to please!" She paused. "But Trixie doubts that you're only here to praise."

"Oh, quite the contrary," the sly draconequus said. "In fact, I think your magic is some of the best in Equestria. When you cut that volunteer in half and both halves walked around the stage…that was just brilliant!"

"Well of course it was!" Trixie said, loosening her resolve. "After all, I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Oh how Trixie loved the adoration of her fans.

"Yes," Discord said. "So it must be an immense shame to be constantly overshadowed by Princess Twilight."

"Come again?" Trixie said, snapping out of her massive ego.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten what she did to you," Discord said. "I heard how you were about to save all of Ponyville from an Ursa Major, but Twilight stepped in and stole your thunder, just to spite you!"

"Technically it was an Ursa Minor…" Trixie said, a little quieter, her confidence fading.

"Same difference," Discord said. "The point is that I'm planning something big. A major revenge scheme and I need all the help I can get. I thought that you, after what happened with Twilight Sparkle, would want to join me. Whaddaya say? Are you in or out?"

Trixie paused. Twilight's fears were right. Discord was still hostile. She quickly thought over her options. She could tell Discord thanks but no thanks. She didn't want to hurt Twilight. Although it's likely Discord would dispose of her if she said no. No way he'd let her live with the information she now possessed. Clearly Discord wasn't aware of her last visit to Ponyville, and that she and Twilight were friends. Trixie quickly realized that her only option was to say yes, even if it was a lie. Discord just sat there, patiently. He motioned a fist up to his face and looked at his wrist, as if to look at a watch, despite there being no watch there.

"All right," Trixie said. "I'll do it."

"Perfect!" Discord said. A triumphant musical cue played and text appeared above Discord's head reading, "Trixie has been added to your party." Trixie just gave Discord and unamused stare. Discord coughed and the text vanished. "Right, of course," he said. He materialized a paper out of thin air and gave it to Trixie, who held it in her magic aura. "That's directions to the rendezvous point. We'll all be meeting up there. I hope to see you there in a week."

"Others?" Trixie asked. "There are more?"

"Yes," Discord said. "Various others from all over the world whom the elements of harmony have royally pissed off. Quite a formidable team if I do say so myself." And with that, he stood up to leave. As he was walking out the door, he transfigured into the form of a pony, and materialized a heavy cloak over himself. "I look forward to working with you," he said with an evil grin as he closed the door. Trixie was left alone in the small room, paralyzed with fear of what Discord was planning for her friend. She looked at the piece of paper. It seemed that the rendezvous point was about five miles outside Ponyville, in a clearing near the center of the Everfree forest. Regaining her senses, she knew what she had to do. She walked back over to the table where her letter writing materials sat and began to write.

Dear Twilight,

Or should I say Princess Twilight? Congratulations, I'm so happy for you! I would love to have you come see my show. Nothing would make me happier. Unfortunately, this is not the time for that. I need to warn you. You're in grave danger! Discord just appeared here in Las Pegasus. He came to try to recruit me to an effort to attack you and your friends. He said he has others too. Please, get your friends and run. Get somewhere safe. Tell Princess Celestia as soon as you can. I lied to him and said I would help him. That should buy you some time. Our rendezvous is in the middle of the Everfree forest, so do not go there, find somewhere else to hide, and I'll write to you if anything happens.

Your friend, Trixie

Trixie sealed the letter in an envelope and performed her spell as fast as she could. She only hoped that Twilight got the letter in time. Then, Trixie decided that the best thing to do now was to get some sleep. She was going to need it.

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