• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 743 Views, 34 Comments

Are You In or Out? - nabrixwrites

Discord's planning his revenge, but this time, he's not alone...

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The Gryphon

Gilda was always a quiet one. She never spoke to any of her co-workers. Because of this, she was a big mystery around the factory. Some say she’s just shy, she doesn’t want to talk to anybody. Others theorized that she had Autism, and she was too scared to talk to anybody face to face. Some even theorized that she was a meth dealer, cooking her secret brew at home every night. In reality, none of these were true. The truth was that she was sad. That’s all. The sad truth was that she had no friends. Not a single one. She thought she had plenty, but in reality, all she had was Rainbow Dash. After losing her, Gilda realized just how alone she truly was. Nopony else spoke to her. Nopony else even cared, despite being mildly curious as to what she does after work each day.

It took everything Gilda had not to put a rope around her neck every night when she came home. She just kept telling herself that it would get better, but it never did. She asked herself where her life went wrong, when she lost Rainbow Dash. Of course, she had her answer. It was that stupid pink pony. That pestering, stupid, naive, annoying pink pony. God how Gilda loathed her. That was another thing it took everything Gilda had not to do. Kill that little bitch. Gilda wanted to just go down to Ponyville and snap her neck or suffocate her. Nothing would give her more joy, but she knew that if she did, it would not end well for her. She would get life in prison with little or no chance of parole. Or worse, banished to a celestial body for 1000 years. She couldn’t take that chance, so she just went on, day by day, living her miserable life, and contemplating each night whether or not to take her own life instead.

That is, until the God of Chaos himself arrived into her life.

She sat at the far corner of the mess hall, eating her lunch in seclusion. A strange cloaked pony walked up and sat down. Gilda grunted to try to scare him off, but it didn’t work. He just sat there, staring at her, with those big yellow eyes. She couldn’t see the rest of his face, though. Finally, he spoke. “Gilda Petaki. It’s nice to meet you.”

“What the fuck do you want?” Gilda emphasised the swear.

He didn’t seem flustered by her language. “I just want to offer you a preposition, is all.”

“Yeah, well I don’t- Hey, I recognise your voice. You’re that Discord guy, aren’t you?” He just sat there. “Oh, man. I laughed SO hard when I read in the paper about what you did to those stupid ponies! Serves them right. I especially liked what you did to the stupid pink one. She deserves it.”

“Yes,” he said. “That is what I came to say. It seems you are familiar with Miss Pie.”

“I hate that stupid bitch,” Gilda said angrily.

“Then I could think of no one better to help me.”

“Help you with what?”

“I am planning something. Something huge. An attack on the elements of harmony.” Discord paused. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Gilda?”

Gilda pictured it in her mind. She pictured holding that pink bitch in her claws, torturing her for all the pain Gilda had experienced thanks to her. The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of it. This is the first time in a long time she’d actually felt happy. It was false and fake, but it was enough. She’d take it. She just had one more thing she had to ask. “All right,” she said, “but on one condition.”

“Name it,” Discord said.

“You have your revenge scheme, I’ll even help you,” she said, “but you leave the pink one for me. I want the personal pleasure of snapping her neck.”

Discord paused. Of course he had no problem with the condition, but he was caught off guard by her enthusiasm. Everybody else so far has needed some persuasion. He guessed that must be the horrible effect that crippling depression has on you. You’re eager to take any escape that presents itself. “Deal,” he said. He stuck out his hoof and shook Gilda’s claw.

“So, I doubt I’m the only one you’ve asked. Who else will be helping us?” Gilda asked.

Now that caught Discord off guard. She was quite inquisitive, and quite nosey as well. “Well,” Discord said, “I’ve been selecting those who hate the element wielders the most. You may or may not have heard of these ponies, but you will be meeting them for the first time. Lightning Dust, Queen Chrysalis, The Flim Flam Brothers, and even a bunch of pissed off dragons.”

“Sounds like quite a formidable team,” Gilda pondered. “Anybody else you want to get?”

“Well, I’m going to go find some ruthless diamond dogs, and I’ve been thinking about another one quite recently.”

“Hmmm…” Gilda said, finishing her lunch. “Well, I look forward to meeting them all, but you might want to watch your back.”

“Why is that?” Discord asked.

“Think about it,” Gilda said. “You’re working with experienced criminals and villains and even ponies who are just plain desperate. Most of them probably aren’t above betrayal and double crossing. You never know who could do what.”

And with that, Gilda took her garbage and walked over to the bin, dropping it in. Discord was left there, alone, questioning the loyalty of his new allies.