• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 743 Views, 34 Comments

Are You In or Out? - nabrixwrites

Discord's planning his revenge, but this time, he's not alone...

  • ...

The Hooker

Tail’s End Tavern was a very run down, cheap, small bar on a dark corner in Canterlot. It was in the seedy part of Canterlot, the less friendly side. Crime was high, and there was someone getting mugged every other block. On the outside, the bar appeared to be extremely weathered, like nopony had performed any kind of maintenance in decades. It fit in with everything else. On the inside, the wallpaper was peeling, and the bartender, an old, short, weak stallion whose vision had gone past any point of repair, clearly showed no interest in repairing it. The only entertainment was emo poetry recitals. Extremely small, it’s also easy to miss. Especially on a dark, rainy night like the one on which our story starts. The only thing that could possibly be appealing about this place was the fact that the liquor was extremely cheap. It was the only thing that attracted Lightning Dust, who had clearly fallen on hard times since her expulsion from the Wonderbolt Academy. She had no source of income and it had gotten so bad that she had to resort to giving wing jobs and even blow jobs on the street corner for money. She didn’t dare face her family, being the disgrace she was. The only thing that kept her from ending it all was the cheap liquor.

After all, it was the only reason anyone ever came to the bar. Well, not everyone. One pony came to the bar for a completely different reason. He was looking for Lightning Dust herself. It had taken him forever just to find the rundown tavern, and he almost broke the door as he walked in, since it was already falling off its hinges. After being out in the rain, his cloak was soaked, yet he didn’t remove it when he went inside. He entered as silently as he could, with the broken door and the squeaky floorboards. He sat down at the bar next to Lightning Dust, not making eye contact with her nor the bartender. “Whiskey,” he said staring at nothing in particular.

Having no other customers to tend to, (Lightning Dust being content with her bottle of booze only one third gone) he grunted and poured a shot glass full of some generic whiskey. He began to screw the cap back on and take it back, but the mysterious pony said, “Leave the bottle.” He did as instructed, and returned to stereotypically wiping a glass.

The lighting in the bar wasn’t very good, and the cloaks hood completely obscured the pony’s face, even when he was looking dead at you. It made him all the more mysterious, the only things you can notice being his scruff voice and his glowing yellow eyes with red pupils. After a few shots, the mysterious pony spoke. Finally turning to face the broken mare in front of him, he said, “You’re Lightning Dust, right? I’ve been looking for you.” His words were low and gruff, you couldn’t help but listen to them.

Without thinking, Lighting replied, “I charge 20 for a tuggie, 40 for a blowy, and if you’re looking for sex, you’ve come to the wrong pony.”

“That’s not why I’m here,” he said, not changing his tone, clearly not taken aback by the fact that she just said she’d suck him off for 40 bits.

“Then why are you here?” she scoffed. “Come to laugh at the once great Lightning Dust? Come to see how far she’s fallen?”

He ignored her question. “Are you aware of a miss Rainbow Dash?” he asked, putting pictures onto the bar. One was of Rainbow Dash flying at a great speed. The second was of her receiving a medal at the Wonderbolt Academy, and the last was of her and her friends. A look of desperate anger came across Lightning Dust’s face.

“Yeah, I know her! She ruined my life! She’s the reason I got expelled! What I wouldn’t give to just be able to-” she motioned her hooves into a few punches. She stopped. “What’s it to you, anyway?” She took another swig of her drink.

The mysterious pony got up and started walking towards the back door. “Follow me,” he said. “We must discuss this in private. Nopony can see my face.” Lightning Dust sat there. The mysterious pony stopped, turned around, and his glowing eyes narrowed. “I said GET UP!” he said with force. Lightning did as she was told and followed him out the back. Once there, the mysterious pony looked around the dark, narrow alley to make sure no one was there. When he was done, he finally removed his hood and revealed his face. Lightning Dust’s jaw dropped when the cloak revealed Discord, the Lord of Chaos standing in front of her. Her initial reaction was one of confusion. His face was that of his draconequus self, but he had the body of a pony.

Noticing her confusion, the draconequus said, “it’s a disguise. I stick out like a sore hoof, and I can’t be noticed. If I draw attention to myself, ponies will get suspicious. I think Celestia is already getting suspicious, so I’m afraid our time is rather short.”

“Why did you track me down? What do you want from me?” Lightning Dust asked.

“I’m planning something. Something big. But I can’t do it alone. I need help.” She stared at him. “I’m planning an attack on the bearers of the elements of harmony. I figured I’d find the ones who hated them the most.”

Her stare became one of disgust. “I am many things,” she said. “I’m dirty. I’m a hooker. I’m poor. I’m a drunk. But I am NOT evil.”

“But think of what that rainbow pony did to you! Remember how she ruined everything you ever strived for! Everything you ever dreamed of! She took away your chance to be a Wonderbolt! Doesn’t that matter to you?”

“Of course it matters!” she said. “It’s just...just.... I don’t...-”

Discord cut her off. “If you take me up on my offer, I can promise you revenge. I can promise you Rainbow Dash’s head. You can even achieve greatness!” He paused as she continued to look for words to say. “Or, you can be a prostitute until you die of alcohol poisoning. Your choice.”

He promptly put his hood on and began to leave the alleyway. Lightning Dust thought frantically. That was her chance! And she was letting it get away! But she wasn’t evil. She wasn’t a bad pony. She remembered what Rainbow Dash did. The anger returned. She might never get a chance at revenge again. Hell, she might never get a chance to get off of the streets again. Carpe Diem, she thought. “Hey!” she called as he almost turned the corner. “Wait!” she ran up to him. “I’ll do it. I’m in.”

Discord put on a sly grin that no one could see. “Good,” he muttered under his breath. “One down, five to go...”