• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 1,800 Views, 13 Comments

Sound Advice - tmz112

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Sound Advice

As Applejack rapped her hoof against the familiar wooden door, she contemplated how she ended up here of all places...


Celestia's glorious sun bathed the land of Sweet Apple Acres in its radiant rays. All was silent in the orchards except for the chirping of the birds and the occasional loud, 'THUD.' The 'thud' originated from the tremendous bucking from a certain orange mare named Applejack.

Applejack was a well known pony, not only for being one of the best apple suppliers in Equestria, but also for being the Element of Honesty, one of the famed Elements of Harmony. Her and her five best friends had saved Equestria from certain doom several times, ranging from redeeming Princess Luna, formally known as Nightmare Moon, to stopping the malevolent Spirit of Chaos, Discord, from plunging Equestria into...well...chaos.

Applejack was also well known in her hometown of Ponyville , as well, for being one of the most dependable and friendliest ponies around. Yes, wherever she went, you'd be hard-pressed not to find a friendly expression upon her face. That is, except for today.

A despondent Applejack walked through the orchard, bucking tree after tree, slowly. On a normal day, you could see Applejack galloping from tree to tree, blazing through her work, quickly getting it done in a merry fashion. You could even hear a familiar, "YEE-HAW!", echoing through the land. Today, however, was not a normal day.

'It's no big deal, right?' She thought to herself as she bucked yet another tree. She watched as the various apples cascaded down into the awaiting baskets, sighed, and moved on.

'I should just forget about it... it's just a tiny crush. I mean, what are the odds of her even liking me back?' As Applejack approached the next, she turned and prepared to buck it. 'Rainbow's too good for me anyways...'

As she thought this, she reared up on her fore hooves and shot out her hind legs. Instead of hitting her mark, however, she missed the tree all together, and collapsed to the ground.

She laid there for a few minutes on the ground, unable to harness the energy to stand. Instead of standing, she opted to just rise to a sitting position and leaned against the accursed tree she failed to buck. She shut her eyes and sighed.

'This is ridiculous, I shouldn't let this mess up my work.' She looked up and gazed into the clear, blue sky that presided above her. Looking at it, it just reminded her of the loyal and brash pegasus, Rainbow Dash, she had lately become flustered by. All AJ could do was think of was the beautiful, rainbow colored pony. ' RD wouldn't be acting like this. She's so brave compared to me... '

Applejack sighed, 'Maybe I should ask somepony for advice. I'm sure Granny or Big Mac will know what to d-'


Applejack's eyes immediately shot open upon the intrusively, loud greeting from her little sister, Apple Bloom. Applejack's whole body tried to jump back in surprise, but because of the hard surface behind her, she ended up bumping her against the tree. This left her with a severe ache pulsating through her head.

"Apple Bloom!", Applejack shouted as she rubbed the back of her head, "What have ah told you about shouting at other ponies?"

Apple Bloom's face adopted a look of pure innocence. "That it's okay sometimes?" A wide smile appeared on her face.

Applejack sighed, "Apple Bloom..."

"That it's rude and ah shouldn't do it..."

Applejack weakly patted her on the head, "That's right and don't you forget it."

"Are you alright, sis?"

A fake smile appeared on Applejack's face as she looked at Apple Bloom. "Of course ah am, why would ya' think otherwise, sugarcube?"

Apple Bloom looked worryingly at her older sister. "Well...it's just, ya' never take this many breaks while you're working and ya' looked really down during breakfast this morning. Actually, you've been looking down for the past week or so. It just seems like there's something wrong."

Applejack blinked once, surprised. 'Wow, have I really been that transparent lately?', she wondered. She was prepared to respond with, "I'm fine.", but as she looked at her little sister's worried gaze, she faltered.

"Ah'll admit ah've been feeling a little down lately, but it's no big deal, really."

"Well, do ya' wanna talk about it?"

Applejack looked at Apple Bloom, perplexed. Of all the ponies in town, should she really talk about this with her little sister? 'I mean, what does Bloom known about relationships and crushing and stuff?' No, her crush on Rainbow Dash wasn't something she wanted to share with her little sister.

"No offense Bloom, but ah don't think you can help much in this department."

"Oh come on Applejack, tell me, ah bet ah can help!"

Applejack sighed and stood up from her seated position. "No Apple Bloom, ah don't think ya' can."

Applejack began to walk away but Apple Bloom pursued. Her persistence, she knew, would win out in the end.

"Please tell me?"

"No, AB."

She began jumping around Applejack as she continued to beg.






"No, AB!"

Suddenly, Apple Bloom jumped in front of Applejack, stopping her in her path. Apple Bloom mustered up the best puppy dog eyes and sad frown she could do in one final attempt.


Applejack finally couldn't take it anymore and broke down. She sat down on her haunches.

"Fine, Bloom. If you want to hear it so much, ah'll talk. Mah problem is tha-"

As Applejack was about to talk out her sorrows, a hoof was shoved in her face. Apple Bloom shook her head.

"Ah don't have the time right now, but ah can schedule you in for noon tomorrow. Is that a good time for you?"

"Wait, what!?", Applejack said as she pushed AB's hoof out of her face. "You don't look busy now!"

Apple Bloom stared blankly at her sister. "Well, ah'm about to be. ah have some important crusader business with the girls."

Applejack was about to ask Apple Bloom why she would bring up wanting to talk now if she had stuff to do already but didn't. She didn't have the usual fire she normally had when it came to talking and arguing. She merely sighed.

"Yeah, that's good."

Apple Bloom nodded in response and began to trot away, "Remember, noon tomorrow, mah room. Don't be late, ah am a very busy filly!"

Applejack could only shake her head in response. "What have ah gotten myself into."

The Present

As Applejack finished knocking on her sister's door, a voice rang out from within, calm and sophisticated.

"You may enter."

Applejack opened the door and expected to find the plain, rustic room that she knew as her little sister's. Instead, however, she found the complete opposite.

The first thing she noticed as she entered the room was the soft, red carpet below her hooves. Every other room in the house simply just had a wooden floor but this was not the case in Apple Bloom's. The walls and ceiling of the room were painted a dull grey, different from the usually unpainted, wooden surface.

Instead of the dresser and bed that was usually in the room, there was a plush, red couch and chair in the room. Next to the chair, a small, oak table presided. Upon it, there were a few items like a glass of water, an apple, and most odd of all, a wooden name plate. The plate read, "Apple Bloom: Licensed Therapist." Licensed was misspelled.

Sitting upon the red chair was Apple Bloom, a clip board in one hoof and a pencil in the other. She wore a polka dot bow tie and a pair of black, blocky glasses.

Applejack was stunned.

"Apple Bloom, what did yo-"

Apple Bloom held up a hoof. "Ah'll be asking the questions, please." She then proceeded to write something down on the clipboard. Applejack stood there in stunned silence.

After a few moments, Apple Bloom motioned towards the red couch. "Go ahead and take a seat. Lay down if ya' like."

Applejack's body seemed to work on its own as it walked to the red couch and laid down upon it. The couch was as plush and comfortable as it looked and as she laid there and looked up, she felt relaxed.

A few more moments passed before Applejack asked a question.

"If you're a licensed therapist, where's your fancy license?", she inquired.

Apple Bloom paused in her writing and seemly out of nowhere, pulled out a card. She silently hoofed it to Applejack. Applejack looked at the piece of paper and smirked. Upon it, there were the words, "Apple Bloom: Licensed Therapist," written in orange crayon. Once again, licensed was misspelled.

Applejack giggled slightly as she gave the card back to her little sister, who had a brow raised in question.


Applejack stifled her giggling, "Sure, sugarcube."

Apple Bloom went back to writing and Applejack continued to lay there, silent. After several more moments, however, she asked another question.

"Aren't ya' supposed to ask me how ah feel or something?"

"Hey! Ah said ah was asking the questions here."

Apple Bloom paused in her writing and looked at Applejack.

"So... how do ya' feel?"

Applejack giggled silently to herself as she responded, "Well, ah guess ah've been feeling depressed lately."

Apple Bloom, hearing this, proceeded to write more things down. Once she was finished, she pulled out some cards.

"Applejack, ah want you to look at these...ink...blob...things and tell me what ya' see."

"Apple Bloom, what does this have to do wi-"

"Just do it!"

Applejack sighed, "Fine."

Apple Bloom showed her the first one, "Some ink on a piece of paper."

"No, no! Look harder, what do ya' REALLY see?"

Applejack squinted hard at the ink blobs, "An apple ah guess?"

"And this one?"

"An apple."

"And this one?"

"Apple, apple, apple, that's an apple too. Apple, apple, appl-"

"OH COME ON, REALLY? That's it?"

Apple Bloom began to furiously look through the cards. "How are these apples?!?"

Applejack only shrugged in response.

Apple Bloom threw the cards on the ground and sighed, "Okay, this clearly isn't working so we're gonna try something else."

Apple Bloom reached behind the chair and pulled out a cable. "Okay, so this is called shock therapy, basically ah'm gonna-"

"Whoa there, sugarcube! We're not doin' any of that!", Applejack said as she began backing away in fear. None of this was helping with her crush on Rainbow Dash.

"Fine...", AB put the cable back behind the chair.

"Let's just talk, alright?"

Apple Bloom sighed and put down the clipboard. "Alright, what do you need advice on, sis?"

Applejack thought of how to phrase it. She didn't want to tell Apple Bloom who it was because if she did, she'd probably tell it to her friends and knowing Scootaloo, she'd tell Rainbow Dash.

"Well... there's this pony ah really like and ah wanna ask them out but ah-"

Suddenly, Apple Bloom sprung out of her chair and landed on Applejack, bouncing excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, my sister like likes somepony! Oh, oh, who is he, who is he?!? Do ah know him, is he nice, is he handsome?!?"

Applejack grimaced at the word, "he." It's not that she didn't like colts but the assumption that it was a "he" by Apple Bloom was slightly worrying.

Instead of avoiding it any further, Applejack told her. "Well, Bloom, it's not a "he." It's uh..., Rainbow Dash."

Apple Bloom looked at Applejack, momentarily confused, but then quickly regained her excited composure.

"Rainbow Dash!?! Oh my gosh, you have to ask her out!"

Applejack stared at Apple Bloom, relieved that she was okay with her liking a mare. She broke out into a hearty chuckle as she gave her sister a hug.

"Ah'm really happy that you're okay with it , AB, but why do ah HAVE to?"

Apple Bloom embraced her back and smiled, "Because, just think of how jealous Scootaloo will be! She idolizes Rainbow and if you two become marefriends, then Rainbow will be like mah sister and Scoot will be sooo jealous!"

Applejack pulled away from the embrace and held her sister at leg's length. She then broke into a fit of giggles from her sister's explanation. Apple Bloom soon joined in and this continued for a few minutes.

Once the giggle fest ended, Applejack sighed and a frown appeared on her face.

"I wish it were that easy AB, but what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she gets offended or somethin'?"

"Applejack, do you know what ya' sound like?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"A coward." A hurt look appeared on AJ's face as a stern one appeared on Apple Bloom's. "And not once in mah entire life have ya' EVER acted like a coward. You're the bravest pony ah know and Rainbow would be a fool to turn ya' down!"

A tear trailed down Applejack's face due to her little sister's encouraging words and a smile appeared as well. She then lovingly embraced her and held her tight.

"Thank ya' so much, Bloom, you're right." Apple Bloom returned the embrace and this exchange continued for several more minutes.

It was interrupted, however, as Big Mac's booming voice was heard from downstairs.

"Applejack! Miss Rainbow Dash is here to see ya'!"

Applejack froze as she heard her brother's words. Why was Rainbow here? What would she tell her? Could she really confront her right now?


The apple farmer pulled away from the embrace and looked at her sister. Apple Bloom donned a determined look.

"Go get er', sis."

Applejack's response was a mere nod. She got off the couch, exited her sister's room, and began trotting downstairs. Her heart was racing and she could feel herself starting to sweat. As she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she took a moment to compose yourself.

'You can do this, just remember what Apple Bloom said. You are brave, you are brave.' She chanted to herself as she opened the door, revealing the apple of her eye, Rainbow Dash. She looked as beautiful as ever, her multicolored hair shining in the sunlight, her majestic wings flared out from her sides. She was stunning.

So stunning in fact, that Applejack's brain immediately shut down, leaving her just staring at the pegasus.

"Hey AJ, Pinkie's busy baking so she wanted me to stop by and give you the invitation for the party she's throwing Saturday for Lyra's birthday party. It should be pretty awesome and I... hey AJ, are you okay?

Applejack just stood there, motionless.

"Applejack? You alright?"

Rainbow shook Applejack with her hoof, "AJ?"

Feeling the contact, Applejack shook herself from her mental stupor. She quickly tried to comprehend what was going on.

"Oh, hey RD, uh, yeah, I'm good! Party, Lyra, thing, yeah..."

Applejack mentally slapped herself. 'Smooth.' she sarcastically thought to herself.

Rainbow stared at her, slightly confused.

"Uh, yeah... Anyways, here's the invitation.", she said as she reached into her saddlebag and pulled it out, giving it to Applejack.

Applejack accepted it and smiled awkwardly, "Uh, thanks RD, I really appreciate it."

Rainbow smiled and gave Applejack a mock salute, "No problem, AJ, I'll talk to you later!"

As Rainbow turned around and prepared to take off, Applejack stuck a hoof out.


Dash turned back around and looked at Applejack, curiosity apparent on her face.

"What's up, AJ?"

At this point, Applejack began to sweat furiously and her legs began to tremble. Her stomach was turning due to the massive amount of nervousness she was experiencing. She shakily began.

"Ah-ah was w-wondering if y-you'd want to g-go out s-sometime?" As she finished barely getting her words out, she closed her eyes and braced for rejection.

Rainbow Dash look quizzically at Applejack, wondering what she meant.

"Go out, huh? As in... a date?"

Applejack nodded in response and Rainbow stood there, thinking. Finally, after a few moments, she smiled.

"Sure, Applejack, sounds fun."

Applejack opened one eye in disbelief and her jaw dropped, not able to believe it.


"Sure, I'll swing by tomorrow at noon, that sound good?"


"Awesome!" Rainbow replied as she leaned forward and gave Applejack a quick peck on the cheek, "See you tomorrow, AJ!"

And with that, she flew away, leaving a stunned, red faced Applejack standing at the door.

She then shut the door, turned around shakily, and stumbled through the Apple home, a lovestruck expression painted on her face.

As she passed by the stairs, a certain filly, who saw everything, sat on the bottom step. A triumphant smile appeared.

"Told ya' she'd be a fool not to go out with ya'."

Applejack merely mumbled a, "Yeah," as she shakily ascended the stairs, still in disbelief that Rainbow just said yes to going out to her.

As her sister stumbled up the stairs, Apple Bloom looked at her flank, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. Upon looking at it however, it remained blank. She pouted in response.

"Dang it! Ah thought for sure ah'd get a therapist cutie mark!"

Author's Note:

And done. I might make a sequel, I don't know.

Comments ( 13 )

Picked this story out at random. It's a bit unpolished but I admit it did make me smile. Keep up the good work.

2696511 Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:

Applejack you are getting sleepy... Now stop thinking you are Neighpoleon. :pinkiecrazy:

That is hilarious, Apple Bloom I don't think your sister needs that kind of help. Ouch.

A few grammar problems, but I really enjoyed. Great story, hope you make a sequel! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :twilightsmile:
As for a sequel, maybe, I'm not sure.

haha this was so simple, yet quite amuzing. the humor was very calm, i genuinely enjoyed this :)

Okay that was really cute!

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

You have got to make a sequel! This was so cute and the Applebloom part was really funny.:rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad you liked it!
A sequel, maybe, but I'm pretty lazy. :twilightsheepish:

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