• Published 16th Jun 2013
  • 1,867 Views, 11 Comments

City of Vices - A Pony Typewriter

Flashy cars, big hairs, boom boxes, and ye-yo

  • ...


Within the office of the hawaiian shirt businessman, one of his employee, his lawyer and himself were sitting in different spots in the room, but their eyes were trained at the unconscious pony that lay on the sofa. There was silence in the room, nothing but the sound sea and air conditioning were audible. All of them were speechless, to see a mythical creature sleeping on your couch isn't something you see everyday on this crime infested city.

"So what do we do with it?" asked the lavender suit lawyer.

"What do you mean what do we do with it ?" Tommy threw a question.

Ken stood up and start pacing back and forth across the room."Tommy look, I like horses, I would like to ride one, and maybe keep 'em as pet" Ken continued "But not the ones straight out of a kid story!"

"Ken shut up, sit down, relax." Tommy said

Ken does what his client said, he sat down and catches his breath after his out burst. "First of all, we can't let thing go." Tommy said.

"Why not ?" Ken questioned his client decision.

"Because I doubt that the swamps of Florida is its natural habitat." Tommy explained. "Hell, I doubt that thing even from Earth."

"Well we can't keep it right ?"

"Ken, how many laws does the state of Florida have concerning keeping a purple horse with horn and wings."


During their conversation, Vincent moved from his seat and to the sofa where Twilight was sleeping. He saw that the pony beside him shifted in her slumber, he began to gently stroking the alicorn mane in attempt to calm it down. Twilight eventually stop shifting and kicking in her unconscious state.

"Exactly," said the man in blue, while pointing to his lawyer.

"So what do we do with it ?" asked the lawyer.

"Well, for now lets just keep it and lets see what it does," answered Tommy.

**** *** ***

Avery Carrington, a 51 years old Texan and property mogul, had just came back from a week long business trip from Las Venturas along with his personal intern and assistant, Donald Love. As both of them arrived at Escobar International Airport, Avery told his student to fetch their luggage while himself made a beeline to a public phone to arrange their transportation.

"Urrghh.... I don't remember this thing being so heavy," Donald complained as he slowly drag his mentor bag.

"Hurry up boy, the limo waitin' outside," said Avery, "And be careful with that bag, it got fine whiskey in it."

Donald continue to drag his boss' bag toward the waiting limo, slowly. Unknown to the two the said bag have picked up had additional content, but that extra weight had gone unnoticed by the two or airport security for that matter. Reaching the limo, Donald immediately put the bag in the trunk, alongside his own and Avery's golf bag, shutting the trunk he rejoined his mentor in the back of the limo.

Applejack open her eyes and was met by darkness, she tried moving her body, but only to found she is stuck, she buck the thing that keeping her in place, but it didn't move, she bucked harder, nothing. The farm mare was getting irritated with the result of her attempt, Applejack gave one hard buck. The result of her bucking wasn't freedom, but the sound of broken bottles, followed by liquid soaking the mare's orange fur. Applejack stopped her attempt to break free from his prison, and wonders what she had broken. The liquid reached AJ's muzzle, along with a strong odor of alcohol. She licked it, it tasted like her family's cider only stronger. She wanted more, but go against it.

"Ah can't be drinkin' now," the farm mare thought, "I gotta get outta here."

She continue to buck the bag, in attempt to retrieve her freedom. Unfortunately, the odor alcohol became overwhelming and she started to doze off, eventually she stopped kicking the bag and paid more attention to the liquid soaking her fur. She licked it again, and crave for more.

"Ah guess I can have sip or two," thought the apple mare, as she grabbed a bottle that rolled close enough for her to reach. She bite the cork holding the content and pulled, with loud pop the golden liquid inside the bottle was freed and ready for consumption, with both hooves on the bottle Applejack took a sip of the liquor.

"Hoowee! that's a mighty fine drink," said Applejack.

Putting everything aside, the farm pony began chugging the whole content of the bottle, leaving behind the thought of escaping from the dark inside of the bag.

*** *** ***

Tommy, and his lawyer, along with the guard had move to the estate lounge, they were sipping bourbon taken from the from the mini bar in the room to calm their nerves, and to make sense what just happened today. Leaving Twilight unattended in Tommy's office.


The sound of his brick cellphone stopped Tommy from finishing his third glass, he grabbed his phone from the coffee table nearby and answer it.

"Tommy Vercetti speaking," said Tommy to the phone

On the other end of the call, was one of his previous employer, and now a business partner, Avery Carrington.

"Howdy, Tommy!" said the aged gentleman from the other hand of his phone.

"Avery ?" asked Tommy.

"The one and only boy!" proclaimed the property mogul, "Hey, listen ah' just got back from Liberty and ah' reckon I drop by and maybe talk a little business with you."

Tommy silently cursed on the sudden turn of event,he has a purple horse with wings in his custody and now his business partner was coming over, not to mention the bodies of Lance, Sonny and his men were still scattered around and inside the house, he answered the best he can, "Yeah, yeah sure."

"Great, now where you at?" asked Avery.

"Starfish Island," answered Tommy.

"Be there in an hour." said the Texan.

With a press of a button Tommy terminated their conversation, "Son of bitch."

"Who was that ?" asked his lawyer.

"Avery." deadpanned Tommy.

"Shit!" cursed the purple suited man.

"What are we gonna do sir?" asked Vincent.

Tommy was again faced with a mission for the third time today, and now he have to make plan of hiding that horse from Avery, and make the house as presentable as possible within an hour.

"First we gotta hide that thing." Tommy said to his lawyer and guard.

"But what about the bodies?" asked Ken.

"We can take care of that later," said the business man in blue, "Avery won't mind a corpse or two."

Tommy was interrupted by his cellphone sounding again, he proceed to answer it, "Hello?"

"Oi Tommy, Tommy we gotta a little situation 'ere down on the club," yelled someone with a British accent.

"Kent if your band is causing problems again because they're high or drunk I am going to personally shoot you!" shouted the businessman in blue, "on your lazy British ass!"

"No, no it's not that my boys have been behavin' for a couple a weeks," answered Kent Paul, "OI STOP THAT YA CRAZY HORSE!"

For a few seconds, there was sound of glass shattering, women shrieking and something heavy fell down.

"Kent what the hell happening down there?" questioned Tommy.

"I-I'll explained later gov just get 'ere" *BEEP*

With the called ended, Tommy turn around to face his companions, "Alright, this is the plan."

"Who called?" asked Ken.

"It's Paul," answered Tommy, "But never mind that, Vincent, you go clean up the bodies, go asked the rest of the guys to help."

With a nod of confirmation, the hired muscle walked out the room to round up the rest of his co-workers to dispose of the bodies.

"Ken, I need you to hide that horse," explained Tommy to his lawyer.

Ken nod, "Where do you want me to hide it ?" asked the attorney.

"Hide it in the trunk of the limo," said the man in hawaiian shirt.

Ken agreed, just before he leave the lounge to do his job, he asked his client, "What are you going to do?"

Tommy emptied his third glass of bourbon, "I am going to Malibu Club," explained Tommy, "Paul making trouble again."

After that, Tommy leave the lounge for one of the businesses he recently bought, the Malibu Club. With his client away Ken walked to the lounge's door to proceed to hiding the creature that was sleeping on Tommy's office, but before he left, Ken eyes fell upon the bottle of bourbon on the bar.

"I need a drink," thought Ken aloud.

He then walked back to the bar and pour himself a drink, leaving his chores to a later time. Upstairs, the purple alicorn opened her eyes.

"Where.... am I?" asked Twilight to herself.

Not receiving answer, she got up and out of the sofa, and looked around. The princess found herself in a room decorated in black with the exceptional red carpet running through the middle and golden statues on either side of the room, she walked to the back of the room facing the windows and the sea.

"Where exactly am I?" asked Twilight aloud.

She turn around, looking that the door of the room was left open, the alicorn proceed to leave the room and into the mansion of Tommy Vercetti.

Author's Note:

The next one will include pink, and white.