• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 3,725 Views, 107 Comments

Friendship is Music - Earl Grey

Octavia can't stand modern music, although it's more due to ignorance than actual knowledge.

  • ...

Part 10


“Vinyl, open the door and talk to me, I haven't seen you for an hour.” Octavia thumped a hoof onto the door several times, staring at it as if to see exactly what the DJ unicorn was up to in there.

At the silence from within, Octavia thumped on the door once more and cried, “Vinyl!”

Just as she was about the give up, the door took on an electric blue glow and swung open, giving the grey mare a good look at the rather messy floor.

“Sorry, I had my headphones on.” Vinyl was sat on her bed, said headphones draped around her neck and a goofy grin plastered on her face.

Octavia stared at the headphones for a few seconds, looking at the wire that came from the bottom and following it towards a large stereo system on the wall adjacent the bed. There were two huge speakers either side of it, Octavia wondered why they weren't currently in use. “Vinyl, why were you using headphones when you have those speakers?”

The unicorn replied with a sheepish grin, “I, er... I knew you were still around and I didn't want to disturb you if you felt sleepy again, so I put my headphones in. The quality is still really amazing though, so I don't mind.”

Octavia took a moment to feel appreciative towards Vinyl's display of sensitivity before taking a few slow steps into the room, being careful not to disrupt the mess too much. She found herself at the foot of Vinyl's improbably large bed and perched herself stiffly on the edge, “What were you listening to?” She asked, trying to sound interested. She had to learn somehow.

Vinyl fidgeted with the headphones, taking them from around her neck and placing them softly on the bed. “Really? You actually want to take an interest in what I listen to?” She asked this with a hint of cynicism, but there was also a hopefulness in her voice.

“Of course, I want to understand your music... and with understanding comes research.” Octavia shifted a little closer and gave the unicorn a helpful smile.

“Oh, awesome.” Vinyl's face broke out into a wide, genuine smile and she began fumbling with the headphones and using her magic to manipulate the stereo system. “Promise you won't laugh okay, but I was listening to my own music. It makes me feel a little better about myself.”

The earth pony restrained a chuckle, “I've never had the opportunity to listen to myself play, not counting the other day, so I can't judge. Why would you need cheering up anyway?”

The unicorn slumped backwards, her head hitting the pillow below her, “I suppose I've just been feeling a little deflated since Rainbow Dash left. She was so high energy that today just seems... lethargic.”

“Aren't you glad for a moment of peace and quiet?” Octavia asked, now moving over towards the unicorn and settling at her side.

Vinyl rolled over, away from Octavia, “I had my weekly peace and quiet on the sofa earlier. Now I feel restless... I want loud things to happen. That's why I was listening to my music for a while, it solved at least one of the problems.” Vinyl looked up and saw, not the frown of understanding she expected, but a smile on the grey earth pony's face.

“Let's not tarry then.” Octavia got off the bed and walked over to the stereo system, unplugging the headphones and pressing the play button. For a split second before the music came on, that same smile was on her face, but then a wall of sound almost flung her across the room as Vinyl Scratch's music came flooding out of the speakers.

With her ears ringing and a dazed expression, Octavia didn't even notice the music turning off, nor Vinyl walking up to her and asking if she was okay.

The unicorn had sighed watching her friend get blasted onto the floor, with her magic she shifted the volume down and paused the song before climbing off of the bed and seeing if the earth pony was still conscious. “That perhaps wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done.”

Octavia merely groaned, her ears screaming in pain.

“Come on, let's get you up,” Vinyl extended a hoof and waited for Octavia to grab onto it, with a bit of strength and the aid of a little magic, Vinyl managed to roll her onto the bed. “You should think the next time you go messing with a DJ's stereo,” the unicorn grabbed a pillow and laid it under the grey mare's head.

“Ow.” It was all Octavia seemed able to say at the moment, understandable seeing as she had been standing next to something comparable to an explosion.

“Ow is right, you dozy mare. I bet your poor little ears are shouting at you in protest.”

Octavia managed to nod her head whilst grimacing, “How... how can you handle that... level of noise?”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, “Sound, Tavi. Sound, not noise. Also, I'm used to it, playing in clubs all these years have given me pretty awesome control over sound dampening spells.” She had raised her voice so the earth pony could hear her over the ringing that was no doubt filling her ears. “I know something similar that will help you, I'm going to, basically, turn your ears off for a while. It'll speed the healing along much faster, believe me.”

As much as Octavia wanted to run away screaming at the idea of Vinyl Scratch performing anything remotely medical in nature, the unicorn did have a knack for sensory magic, she most likely knows what she's talking about. Hopefully.

“Okay, hold still, this might feel a little weird.” Vinyl's horn began to glow with a sharp blue light, obvious motes of power flickering where her magic was strongest. Octavia did indeed feel weird, she began to feel disconnected to her ears, as if they didn't exist on her head. They were so numb that if she had reached up with a hoof and felt them there, she still wouldn't believe they were attached.

The grey mare had kept her eyes open throughout the entire process, watching Vinyl's face diligently as the DJ concentrated on the task at hand, there was some strain, but Octavia could see the effort she was putting in. It was reassuring in a way, watching the unicorn struggle for her expense and even though she couldn't hear anything, the look Vinyl gave her once she had completed the spell gave her all the comfort any words ever could.

Octavia opened her mouth and made a sound experimentally, she couldn't hear a thing. She tried again, only this time focussing on a simple sentence and forming the words with her mouth, “Nod if you can hear me.”

Vinyl nodded and gave her a helpful smile as well.

She screwed up her face in concentration, thinking clearly, “This is weird.” She tried to keep everything clear and simple so as not to mess it up. Luckily, Octavia could see Vinyl making a sympathetic face, so she had understood. However, she also made a face that seemed to show that she had realised something, held up a hoof in clear indication for the grey mare to sit still for a moment and dashed out of the room before Octavia could sit up and see where she had gone.

It didn't take her long to come back though, floating a quill and several rolls of parchment behind her. She was already scribbling out a message as she walked over to the bed, when she sat down, she lay it in front of Octavia for her to read.

“I watched a film about a situation like ours once called See No Evil, Hear No Evil. Freaking hilarious.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, any hopes of receiving an uplifting message about 'promising to help during this trying time' was, now that she thought about it, optimistic at best. The unicorn took up the parchment again and scribbled another message, her text was surprisingly neat and legible.

“At least you'll get your hearing back. Although they do say that Beethoofen still managed to compose and play despite being completely deaf.”

Underneath that message, Vinyl had drawn a crude smiley face, Octavia just had to laugh even though she had no idea how it would sound. Despite her situation and despite Vinyl's rather unorthodox way of cheering ponies up, Octavia felt that she was in good hooves.

All credit to her, Vinyl stayed by Octavia's side for the majority of the next hour or so, writing little messages to ask her if she needed any help. The grey mare actually had to ask for a little time alone, just to have a chance to chill out for a moment. She had decided to give in to the oppressive silence, there was no point in fighting it, better to sit down and take life slowly for a while rather than mess herself up trying to compensate.

So she found herself sat in the living room, staring out onto the Canterlot city skyline. Her eyes, as they often did in her own apartment, drifted towards Canterlot Castle and her thoughts began to linger on the two alicorn princesses who lived within its walls. She was lucky enough to have seen them with her own eyes, she was even lucky enough to be greeted before the start of the gala by the younger sister Luna. Octavia remembered how melancholy she seemed, her words were hollow and forced, her countenance even more so. Most of all, she remembered how she lit up when Frederic told her that they would be playing nothing but classical compositions in honour of her return. It was only a few musical scores, but the link that they made to her past were enough to remind her of a time when things were somewhat normal.

Octavia smiled at this memory, it was something she loved to look back on whenever she felt that her link to music was slipping away. It allowed her to remember that music is more than sounds played together to make a song. Music was an expression of emotion, of memories and of the mind.

To Octavia, music was much bigger then herself, it was literally everything. To Octavia, the oppressive silence was merely an elegy of emptiness, it would play to its natural end and the next composition would begin. She would have to enjoy the music whilst it played.

Lost in her thoughts, Octavia didn't notice the piece of parchment fall before her eyes immediately. It took a few moments and the parchment actually floating in front of her face for her to actually realise that she was being prompted to read one of Vinyl's notes. She didn't instantly begin reading, instead turning towards the door near the kitchen where Vinyl's electric blue mane could be seen poking around the edge.

Oddly, the grey mare found herself smiling at the unicorns discretion, any other day and she could expect to have Vinyl jump out in front of her and start announcing her thoughts. Turning back to the note, she began reading.

“So, I've been thinking. You spend pretty much all of your free time around here and I've really come to enjoy your presence in the apartment. So why don't you just move in with me? It'll save you plenty of time commuting, you don't have to pay rent on your apartment, you'll have plenty of room and not to mention an awesome room-mate. It'll just be easier.”

The note came adorned with multiple crossings-out where Octavia assumed Vinyl had trouble wording her request. It wasn't too hard to see why either, the unicorn was asking her to move into her apartment and live with her, that mustn't have been an easy thing to do. The grey mare took another look over at the door, Vinyl's entire head could be seen looking on, trying to gauge any reaction. It was weird to see the unicorn so worried about something, she seemed vulnerable, as if everything rested on Octavia's decision.

To be completely honest, Octavia didn't quite know what to say, sure she had only gotten that apartment because it was in her price range, sure it was small and cramped and no place to practice playing a double bass, but she had been there a long time. It would feel weird not going back there after a long day. Vinyl had brought up a good point though, she had been spending a lot of her time here with the unicorn. She could have been home right now, enjoying full use of her ears, but she decided to stick around and almost disintegrate her eardrums, but she still didn't feel like going back to her apartment. Maybe it was time to let the old place go, goodness knows it would more convenient and not to mention that gorgeous recording studio with it's divine sound room.

Octavia turned and concentrated, “Let me think about it,” She said slowly, enunciating the words carefully so Vinyl could easily catch what she said. Now, of all times, it was especially important to be heard properly.

The unicorn smiled politely, it obviously wasn't the answer she was hoping for, but it wasn't a no. To Octavia, it was practically a yes, she just wanted a chance to say goodbye to her old apartment first.


During the next hour, Vinyl could be found staring longingly at Octavia from across whatever room she happened to be in. After getting bored of the sight of her sighing and of her being a generally miserable pony to be around, Octavia finally cracked and told her that she wanted to see her apartment before she made a final decision. Vinyl had insisted in tagging along.

“Only to make sure you don't get hurt on your way. I assure you.”

Octavia didn't know if it was physically possible, or whether it was just the effect of reading them in Vinyl's voice, but even the notes seemed to mock her with Vinyl's signature gloating pride.

The unicorn in question was doing her level best to make Octavia get going as quickly as possible and when forced to be patient for any length of time, would inexplicably start bouncing on her hooves in a futile effort to convey a sense of urgency. Perhaps it was the fact that she knew whining incessantly would get nowhere with someone unable to hear, so she turned that excess energy in on herself. This realisation alone made Octavia smile, 'Perhaps I should stay deaf for longer than needed if it annoys her this much.'

With that final thought, Octavia walked slowly towards the front door, watching Vinyl mouth something that looked like exasperated relief with perhaps one or two expletives mixed in. To make her anger known, she even wrote a small note, the word “FINALLY!” in big capital letters, a frowny face underneath it.

“You do not know where we are going. Be patient.” Octavia spoke each word clearly, it most likely sounded like a monotone admonition, instead of the playful reprimand she had wanted, but she smirked nonetheless, walked out of the apartment and towards the staircase without looking back.


One quick taxi cart ride later, Vinyl was standing with Octavia in a part of Canterlot she had never seen before. The boring part. The grey mare was met with a raised eyebrow and a note reading, “You live here!?”

Octavia shrugged it off and motioned for the unicorn to follow her into the building. She nodded politely to the stallion behind the reception counter, Vinyl doing the same. Her apartment wasn't too far up, but the few short staircases served to drive a metaphorical silence between her and Vinyl. Obviously, being without hearing, there was silence everywhere, but she didn't feel as if Vinyl wanted to initiate her in conversation or look at her at the moment. This feeling lead her to become rather self conscious, her apartment was terrible, she knew it and now Vinyl would know it.

With all the worrying, she hadn't noticed her door coming up on the left, a less than shiny number eleven on the front. “H-here we are.” Even if she couldn't hear it, she could feel the nervousness. Octavia looked around and saw that Vinyl was lazily following, her eyes glued to the ground, she looked up when she heard Octavia speaking though.

Her face said it all, even through the sunglasses she insisted she wear outside, Octavia could see some kind of disappointment written there. With a sigh she opened up the apartment and allowed Vinyl to walk in. In here, there wasn't much room to move around.

The unicorn instantly began scribbling a note, “Why were you having doubts again?” Typical bluntness from Vinyl.

“Complicated.” Octavia sounded out each syllable, which probably made her sound like a foreigner, but it was too much to try and speak in full sentences at the moment. She knew that Vinyl wouldn't like her apartment, but she never would have guessed that she herself would actually feel ashamed of it.

'Little Octavia' it would say, 'Gets a taste of the big life and leaves us all alone.'

This apartment, for Octavia, represented independence. After moving to Canterlot upon entering tutelage at the Fillyharmonic Hall, she had been allowed a room in the campus halls, it wasn't much but Octavia was often too busy studying to sleep. The room was merely somewhere she could go to rest her eyes, it was never a home, just a rest-stop on her educational journey. Then she graduated and was offered a place in the orchestra, working her hooves to the bone until she was hoof-chosen by Frederic to be a part of his four-pony ensemble. She found work, money was finally something she could afford to throw around and so she bought her apartment, it was small, but it had a charm about it. As the ensemble became well-known on the Canterlot circuit and more work appeared, she was able to furnish her apartment properly, buy some things. They got the Gala job and even more work appeared. She was living in a dream.

As the grey mare stared at her apartment now: its frugal furnishings, the down-played decorations, the earthen theme, she realised that it wasn't her dream that she was living. This was everything that her father had hoped for her as an adult. This was what Pinkie ran away from. This apartment was the old Octavia, the one that had allowed herself to get sucked in to her father's teachings. Seeing Pinkie had changed Octavia in a way, truly there had never been a more independent mare than Pinkie Pie. She lived at her own pace and followed her own rules, yet she was as happy as happy can be. She had great friends and lived in a fantastic town.

What had Octavia achieved? Sensible living in a practical apartment that served only one purpose, somewhere to go to between work. This was never a home, it was cold and mechanical, much like her father. Vinyl's apartment had an energy to it, there was a warmth that reassured her whenever had been to visit. She enjoyed being around the kitchen and making dinner and she even enjoyed helping to clean up after Vinyl sometimes. Most of all, she enjoyed being in a place where the people around her cared about her because they wanted to and not because she was a useful commodity.

All of a sudden, she forgot why she was holding onto this old apartment; she wondered why she even had to think about it.

“Yes, Vinyl. When can I move in?” She hoped that she spoke with an air of dignified finality.

Vinyl grinned happily and walked over, laying a foreleg across Octavia's shoulder, “You don't have much stuff do you?” she wrote, a quizzical look on her face.

“Biggest thing I have is the double bass. Everything else is just books, music and a few clothes.”

“Do you have any boxes? We might as well take some stuff back now.”

“Utility closet, maybe.” Octavia indicated a small door in the corner of the room. Vinyl trotted over and began rifling through the closet with her magic, at the bottom she found two perfectly flattened cardboard boxes.

A note came floating over towards Octavia not too soon after. “You grab some essentials whilst I rebuild these boxes.”

Octavia nodded her agreement and made her way into her bedroom, looking around at the minimalistic furnishings and meaningless decorations. There was nothing really essential here, instead, Octavia began rummaging through the drawers, pulling out a few fancy bow-ties, a double bass maintenance kit and a bag of bits that she had hidden away for safe keeping. She also grabbed a few items of clothing, nothing too special, but just enough that she had something to change into if the need arose. With the meagre selection of items arranged on her bed, Octavia came to realise that she had very few possessions that were really hers. She had things, like cabinets and drawers, but there was little in her apartment which really reflected her personality. Now that her double bass had found a new home in Vinyl's building, there was practically nothing.

The grey mare exited the bedroom feeling slightly downtrodden and found her way into her bathroom. She began grabbing various products and cleansing items, lining them up in a large towel, which she rolled up and carried with her back to the bedroom. 'This is really depressing. Perhaps I can get some books to pad out the boxes.'

As if Vinyl could read minds, the unicorn emerged from the living room with two fully erected cardboard boxes in tow. A note floated over to the grey mare which read, “It doesn't look like you have much stuff, so I shoved some books in the bottom to make it easier.”

Laying her bedroom and things in one box and the bathroom things in the other, Octavia turned round to face Vinyl with a smile, “Thank you for this.”

Vinyl's face conveyed only one thing, 'no problem', and that was the most reassuring thing she could get at this moment in time. Octavia was glad that Vinyl could be here with her whilst she did this.

“I'll just take these boxes downstairs, you sort things out up here and come down when you're ready.”

Octavia thanked her once more and watched as the unicorn filed out of the apartment. What else was there for her to do? There was nothing else she could do here; there weren't any more boxes to put things in, so she just had to make sure the apartment got locked up. Of course, the landlord would have to be notified that she was leaving. He couldn't exactly complain, she had only just paid her next month's rent last week. That was if he was in the building or not; she'd catch him eventually though.

With those thoughts tidied up, Octavia took one last look at her apartment as it was now- a figment of her past life. A past life that was about to get tidied up and sorted so that she could move on to something bigger and better.

Octavia took a big, deep breath and locked the apartment door, heading downstairs to meet up with Vinyl.

* * *

Octavia Introspection! Thought I'd try it out now that I've pretty much obliterated the whole social interaction thing I had going on. Just gotta wait until Tavi's poor, little ears heal and she'll be back in business.

Also, the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that some older parts have 7th December next to them, I looked back through those chapters and did some house cleaning. Mostly to the Ponyville parts which included Pinkie Pie. Because of the whole, mini-story arc I've got going about Tavi's past and my own little set of events. I did add a few lines of dialogue to the part where the part where Vinyl and Tavi go to visit Pinkie when she's at Sugar Cube Corner's muffin tasting, being a super baker and such. Mad props to Pinkie's baking skill. Basically, it points out that Pie is in fact a name that Pinkie made up when she was found and taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Cake after she ran away. (I know that her mother calls her Pinkamena Diane Pie in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, but again, this is my own little interpretation of events) It has helped her to dispel any suspicion around her and the kill the link between her family and herself, obviously she let Octy back in because she was always nice to her.

I don't always sit up until 2am finishing editing and posting chapters, but when I do, I do it for Friendship is Music.