• Published 27th Sep 2011
  • 3,724 Views, 107 Comments

Friendship is Music - Earl Grey

Octavia can't stand modern music, although it's more due to ignorance than actual knowledge.

  • ...

Part 1

“I simply cannot see why you insist on dragging me to these loud, smelly holes in the ground!”

“It's called a nightclub Octavia and it wouldn't hurt for you to expand your musical palette would it?”

Octavia humphed in reply. The grey earth pony, with her conservative, pulled back mane, couldn't abide anything that didn't comply with her refined tastes. True musical quality wasn't something you could recreate electronically.

Even before they had entered the club they could hear the pulsing beat, Octavia felt that the walls would collapse with the sheer level of sound awaiting them, her two companions, male and female twin pegasus ponies with chestnut coats and identical blonde manes, however, couldn't wait to get inside.

“I've heard they have a special guest DJ playing tonight,” the male, Bass Clef said, turning to his sister.

“Oh yes, I heard that as well, I wonder who it will be?” The female, Treble Clef replied.

Octavia rolled her eyes, 'How could such talented classical musicians lower themselves to modern standards?' She thought the word 'modern' with a particular disdain, “Whoever it is, I imagine I will wake up morning next with a headache, regardless.”

Treble Clef giggled, “Since when was your cutie mark a rain cloud?”

It was a mark of their friendship that Octavia didn't just up and leave right then, but a night with her friends was a night with her friends, wherever they decide to spend it. Instead, she smiled politely and joined the queue outside the nightclub. The nightclub itself was in one of Canterlot's more respectable areas, a fact that Octavia liked to ignore in order to justify her distaste, it was also run by a reputable member of society known for his philanthropy and being a stickler to following health and safety guidelines. These factors, not forgetting the music and atmosphere, were the reasons why it was so popular.

Octavia was too stubborn to see that though.

As the line thinned, Octavia's attitude didn't improve, the 'noise' as she would call it, was getting louder and louder yet, even with her keen ear for music, she couldn't hear anything reminiscent of melody or form or structure to the song, it just simply was.

“Philistines,” she muttered under her breath, luckily, Bass and Treble Clef were too busy watching the queue go down that they didn't hear her.

When they were finally able to enter, with a menacing glare and stern nod from the bouncer, Octavia followed the twins politely. There was a narrow corridor leading from the entrance, with every step that they took, the music got louder and louder, building up until they reached the end of the corridor where an open door covered in silver strips of plastic was the only obstacle separating them from the inner sanctum. Each pony passed through the door and were met by a never ending crescendo of techno-rave majesty, Octavia looked in physical discomfort, which she probably was, her sensitive ears were never acclimated to anything louder than the crash of timpani.

This never ceasing, unstoppable beat reverberated around her skull, it seemed like her brain was vibrating, she couldn't think straight, even her thoughts were being drowned out by the music. The twin pegasi didn't seem to mind though, soundlessly, or perhaps Octavia just couldn't hear what they were saying, they waved her over to a table just on the edge of the dance floor.

“It's not so bad once you get used to it, right?!” Bass Clef yelled, despite him being centimetres from Octavia's ear, she still had trouble hearing him.

The vibrations had now migrated to her stomach, it churned and boiled under the intense pressure until Octavia stood, hoof over her mouth, “Bathroom!” She said quickly, rushing towards a neon sign on a side wall that read 'Toilets'

Jumping into a vacant stall, Octavia finally let go and relaxed her throat, a rush of vomit burning her mouth as it made a bid for escape. Everypony in the bathroom heard the tell-tale sound of vomit on porcelain, one even gave a sympathetic chuckle as if to say, 'I've been there buddy.'

Octavia didn't appreciate the sentiment.

Wiping her mouth, she flushed the toilet and exited the stall to wash her hooves. There was only one pony stood at the sinks, she had a white coat which shone cleaner than the surrounding bathroom and a spiked dark blue mane with neon blue stripes, “Had a little too much to drink?” She asked, turning to look at Octavia with a smile.

“I don't drink,” Octavia dead-panned, “What's with the sunglasses? I can barely see in there.” Octavia pointed a hoof at the bathroom door, the music had been severely muted by the thick walls.

The unicorn used her magic to lift a towel to her hooves, drying them before answering, “You don't need your eyes to enjoy good music.” The pony opened the bathroom door, the music getting suddenly louder again, at the last moment, she turned once more “I'll see you around, or maybe I won't.” As the bathroom door closed and the music became dulled again, Octavia took a deep breath and washed her hooves before leaving to sit with her friends.

“What took you so long?” Treble Clef asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Octavia replied, looking sheepish, she'd rather not divulge the fact that she'd had a conversation with someone she had met in the bathroom.

“Not trying to hide were you?” Bass Clef said, grinning.

Octavia gave a disarming laugh and stared at the stage area in front of them, there were two stacks of speakers either side of a set of turn-tables. A large, greasy haired pony was approaching the microphone, “Who's that?” Octavia asked.

The twin pegasi shrugged, “Nobody I recognise.” Treble said.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts!” The greasy haired pony shouted, his voice magnified through the speakers, the music had been turned down so it seemed almost silent in comparison, Octavia sighed at the reprieve, “Put your hooves together for the queen of the decks... DJ P0n-3!”

When the announcer mentioned 'queen of the decks', a massive roar went up from the crowd, even Bass and Treble Clef were applauding madly, Octavia didn't hear anything after that.

The lights suddenly cut, the entire nightclub was dark, but it had silenced everybody, it was like the anticipation had stolen all the sound from the room. A strobe light kicked on above the turn-tables, a unicorn pony could be seen through a veil of mist billowing from the back of the stage, her spiked hair began glowing a neon blue as more lights kicked on around the club, all pointed towards the stage, her white body flashed all manner of colours. In almost slow-motion, an illusion conjured by the strobe light, the DJ, who Octavia now recognised, put a hoof onto the decks and music exploded through the speakers.

A slow beat, almost like the beating of a heart, began pulsing through the club, cheers erupted in small pockets of ponies and several whistles could be heard. The drum beat was soon joined by something Octavia recognised, the gentle sweeping sound of a double bass, the music was quickening, get faster and faster, Octavia could feel herself being pulled forwards in anticipation.

“Good evening, Canterlot.” The DJ said, it was a calm, collected voice that, combined with the background beat, seemed ethereal, like a strange kind of magic, “This is music.”

It was a simple statement, but the audience had become deathly quiet as she said it, the moment the word had finished being spoken, the speakers exploded once more, a solid wave of sound impacted everyone present, the double bass had been replaced by a rapid pounding that made Octavia's stomach vibrate again, but it was a good feeling, it was a hungry desire that gripped her, she wanted more.


As the DJ signed off and exited the stage, Octavia sat stunned in her seat, her years of studying classics and developing an ear for the finer parts and structure of music that could only be satisfied by a well crafted composition counted for nought at the moment. All of her preconceptions, all of her judgements and verdicts on modern music had been shattered by one show and the pony who performed it. The decks were here conductor's baton and the equipment was her orchestra, never before had Octavia heard music filled with such emotion.

After the applause died down, Octavia only stopped her standing ovation due to the raised eyebrows of the twin pegasi, “Well well, Octavia, it seems your trip here wasn't entirely wasted.”

Octavia sat back in her seat and grinned sheepishly, “I suppose it wasn't.”

Bass Clef coughed, “And who are you to thank for dragging you here?”

“The both of you,” Octavia replied, rolling her eyes.

“And what have you learned?” Treble Clef asked.

“That I shouldn't condemn an entire genre due to preconceptions and lack of knowledge.” Octavia gasped as she was suddenly sandwiched in a hug, “And that I should listen to my friends more often,” she added with a laugh.

When her friends detached themselves from her, Octavia looked at both of them in turn, “Now how do I go about purchasing a copy of that performance for my own personal perusal?”

Treble Clef looked pensive for a few moments, “I'm not entirely sure, but if you're willing to brave the security, we could have a word with the DJ herself.”

Octavia scratched her chin with a hoof, 'yes, maybe that would work,' with an emphatic nod, the three stood up and marched towards a door in the far left corner of the club, marked 'Backstage'. Annoyingly, the door was mobbed by ponies, a security pony was keeping them at bay, but he knew that if he didn't calm them down, things may get out of hand.

“Keep it cool and I'll see if I can't get her to sign some autographs, that sound fair?” The security pony shouted, it must have worked because the crowd immediately backed off, murmuring and tittering amongst themselves. The security pony had disappeared behind the door when Octavia arrived, “We can't hope to have a private word with her in this crowd,” she moaned, “If only I had known, I would have asked her in the bathroom.”

Treble raised an eyebrow, “What was that?”

“Oh,” Octavia blushed, “That's why I was so long in the bathroom, I met the DJ, although I didn't know it at the time, we made polite conversation and she left, obviously to start the show.”

“You met her? Actually talked to her? What was she like?” Treble couldn't contain her disbelief.

Octavia thought for a second, “Normal I guess, a little mysterious and slightly carefree. That's to be expected though, who reveals every last essence of their character to someone they've just met, especially one in the bathroom?”

Treble Clef's eyes were alight with glee, “That is so cool, you're so lucky!”

There was a sudden flurry of movement as ponies around the group began to jostle them every which way. The crowd cheered as DJ P0n-3 appeared at the door, flanked by security staff, she gave a genial wave to her fans and made an offer to sign a few autographs, despite the security ponies warning, the crowd didn't want to form a queue and flocked around the DJ, who didn't really seem to mind.

“Excuse me?” Octavia said, trying to get the unicorn's attention, “Excuse me!” she repeated, a little louder, it still didn't get her anywhere. It left Octavia feeling a little dejected, she had discovered this magical new part of herself and the one pony who she could talk to about it couldn't even hear her pleas, despite being only ten feet away. Sighing to herself, Octavia turned away to go back to her seat when a groan sounded from behind her, apparently the DJ had stopped signing autographs.

It was all Octavia could do to stop herself from sighing again, when she felt the tap on her shoulder, she couldn't keep it in any longer, “What is it Clef?”

No one answered, Octavia furrowed her brow and turned, stood behind her was a hulking mass of pony, mottled green like a moss covered boulder, “Pony wants see ya,” he grunted, Octavia barely made out the words, “Follow me.”

“Okay then.” She squeaked, she didn't dare try anything with the brute nearby, 'who is this 'pony' and why do they want to see me?' thoughts of her fate circled around her head. She was lead through the backstage door which lead onto a long corridor, immediately to Octavia's right was a door marked 'To Stage', but she was taken past this until they were stood outside of a door which had a small gold star painted onto it.

The big, green pony grunted again, angling his head towards the door. Octavia took the hint, she pushed the door slowly open, it looked like a simple dressing room, vanity mirror sat atop a desk on one side of the room, comfy couch on the other side and various amenities littered about the place to make it comfortable.

“Hey there!” It was her, the DJ, sat in front of the vanity mirror dabbing at her horn with a wet-wipe, “Let me just get rid of this stage glitter, it looks great but it's hell to get off.”

“Oh, hello, I didn't think that you noticed me out there, I would have left if you hadn't sent for me.” Octavia took a cautious step into the dressing room, making sure to close the door behind her.

“I heard you, I just didn't want to disappoint the rest of my fans, I wanted to talk to you again anyway.” She turned around in her seat to look at Octavia, “Is it all gone? The glitter?” she turned her head back and forth to give Octavia a better view.

“Yes, clean as a whistle.” Octavia mentally slapped herself, 'You are in the presence of a star, idiot! Be cooler!' Gathering herself, Octavia continued, “I suppose it's hard to see the glitter with those sunglasses on.”

The DJ laughed, “I doubt I'd be able to see it anyway, sunglasses or not, visual impairment is a bitch. Doesn't stop me from doing what I love though.”

“Oh,” Octavia's voice died in her throat.

“It's okay, I don't mind it, so you shouldn't either. As you've seen, I can get around just fine, with my finely tuned senses and a little magical help, it's almost as if I can see anyway.”

Steeling herself, Octavia made to change the subject, “So, your stage name, what does it mean? I'll admit that 'Pon Three' went over my head a little.”

The DJ let out her loudest laugh yet, but it wasn't mocking, merely amused, “It sounds like it went over you head a lot.”

Octavia looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“The three is meant to be read as an 'e', you see the number three is a backwards capital 'e'... almost.” The DJ walked over to the couch and sat down there instead, “It's supposed to be read 'Pon-e' or pony. It's just a little play on words... and numbers. Why don't you sit down?”

“Thank you,” Octavia muttered, “Now I feel rather embarrassed, although I have to admit I'm new to the club scene, I've never really appreciated this style of music until I heard you play the show. You've actually had a pretty large impact on my life, I'm a musician as well, you see.”

“I suppose I should properly introduce myself then, I'm Vinyl Scratch, it's good to meet you.”

“Octavia, likewise.”

Each offered a hoof, both shook politely.

“From the moment I met you I could tell you were a little different from the usual fare that attend my gigs. You don't drink, you're softly spoken, you threw up and you didn't seem ill, so I'm guessing you were just nervous or maybe a little scared.”

“I was raised with the classics and taught from a young age that the only music worth listening to is classical. Listening to your music though, I could feel a raw passion and a whole host of other emotions flowing through it. I was moved more than the first time I heard a Tchaiklopsky composition and it confuses me. My brain is telling me that I should listen to my father, but my heart is telling me that I'm taking a step in the right direction with you.”

Vinyl was a great listener, nodding and 'mhm'ing in the all the right places, “I can see where you're coming from, would you like me to tell you a story? I assure you it's relevant.”

Octavia nodded politely.

“I was born visually impaired and back then, they didn't have the kind of treatments we have today, so I was just kinda shoved to the side, my parents were given some special guidelines on how to raise a kid with sight problems and that was that.” Vinyl shifted awkwardly in her seat, Octavia could see that she seemed rather uncomfortable speaking about this, which made her feel all the more privileged that Vinyl would confide in her like that.

“As a unicorn filly, I had a tiny, untamed spark of magic, at first I was resentful of the fact that I had this magic, but no real sight to view my magic or what I had performed or whether I had performed it correctly at all. As you might be able to tell, I wanted to prove myself, to show everyone that I was just like them, I hated being 'that blind filly'. It took me a few years, but I managed to accept my condition, so my eyes were bad, that didn't mean my ears were or that my magic was, I worked and worked until I finally figured out how to use magic to help my eyes. With that, I had patched a hole in my weakness, soon enough I could function with reasonable normality.” Vinyl straightened up, she was obviously proud of this point in her life.

“Of course, around this time, new treatments had emerged which would help ponies like me, but despite my parents pleas, I refused to undergo the surgery. I told them that I didn't want to chance anything getting worse when I was getting along so well, I told them that I didn't need my sight when I had such good replacements. As a filly, you probably know that my mind wasn't entirely on overcoming adversity, I also had the trouble of my decidedly blank flank to deal with. At the time, I had hoped that turning the corner with my sight would have done it, but no, I got pretty depressed then, what was a blind filly to do in this world? I thought to myself.”

“It all changed when I heard soft music coming from a neighbours house one day, it was a classical piece, I don't remember the name, but I distinctly remember being able to hear each instrument playing and understanding the composition, I could see clearly in my mind how the music should work, I began having ideas, perhaps giving the flautist a larger role, downplay the harpsichord a little. I remember telling myself that if I was in charge, I could do it so much better, call it hubris if you will, but it was at that moment that I knew what I needed to do with my life, that's when this little sucker appeared,” She patted the music note on her flank appreciatively.

“I actually studied classical music for a while after that, but it never excited me the way this does, tearing up the decks with full control of the sound never fails to put me in the mood for having fun. I guess the moral of the story is to follow your dreams, you can try listening to other ponies, but if it isn't what you want to do, then it will never work out. Do what's in your heart and follow it to it's end, if it leads to a place you like, then just keep on walking, if it doesn't, then you can always tug on another string.”

Octavia smiled, “That was lovely, thank you.” She stood suddenly, remembering her friends, “I'm sorry, I have to go, my friends will be worried sick.”

Vinyl nodded her head, “Of course, it's me who should be sorry, keeping you from your friends. Take this with you though,” a small card with an address on it appeared by Octavia's side, floating with the help of Vinyl's magic, “Just in case you ever want to meet up for a coffee or anything.”

Octavia bowed low, “I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems after tonight and meeting you, I'm not the same pony who walked in here with a scowl on her face. I'll make sure to visit, if you aren't too busy of course.” She opened the door to the dressing room and exited, leaving Vinyl Scratch to her own devices.

The unicorn pony slipped off her sunglasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose with a hoof, her bright red irises scanned the room for a few seconds before she put on her sunglasses again. It had been an eventful day, but she saw a kindred spirit in Octavia, with the right improvements, the demure mare could have her own unique rhythm and Vinyl Scratch knew just where to start.