Friendship is Music

by Earl Grey

First published

Octavia can't stand modern music, although it's more due to ignorance than actual knowledge.

When Octavia is dragged to one of Canterlot's more respectable nightclubs by some work friends, she finds a whole new world of music that threatens to shatter her pre-existing theories about musical quality. All it takes is one pony, a DJ whose music transcends the barriers of conventional genre classification. Will Octavia take the leap of faith into the unknown world of modern music? And will the mysterious DJ be there to catch her if she falls?

Part 1

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“I simply cannot see why you insist on dragging me to these loud, smelly holes in the ground!”

“It's called a nightclub Octavia and it wouldn't hurt for you to expand your musical palette would it?”

Octavia humphed in reply. The grey earth pony, with her conservative, pulled back mane, couldn't abide anything that didn't comply with her refined tastes. True musical quality wasn't something you could recreate electronically.

Even before they had entered the club they could hear the pulsing beat, Octavia felt that the walls would collapse with the sheer level of sound awaiting them, her two companions, male and female twin pegasus ponies with chestnut coats and identical blonde manes, however, couldn't wait to get inside.

“I've heard they have a special guest DJ playing tonight,” the male, Bass Clef said, turning to his sister.

“Oh yes, I heard that as well, I wonder who it will be?” The female, Treble Clef replied.

Octavia rolled her eyes, 'How could such talented classical musicians lower themselves to modern standards?' She thought the word 'modern' with a particular disdain, “Whoever it is, I imagine I will wake up morning next with a headache, regardless.”

Treble Clef giggled, “Since when was your cutie mark a rain cloud?”

It was a mark of their friendship that Octavia didn't just up and leave right then, but a night with her friends was a night with her friends, wherever they decide to spend it. Instead, she smiled politely and joined the queue outside the nightclub. The nightclub itself was in one of Canterlot's more respectable areas, a fact that Octavia liked to ignore in order to justify her distaste, it was also run by a reputable member of society known for his philanthropy and being a stickler to following health and safety guidelines. These factors, not forgetting the music and atmosphere, were the reasons why it was so popular.

Octavia was too stubborn to see that though.

As the line thinned, Octavia's attitude didn't improve, the 'noise' as she would call it, was getting louder and louder yet, even with her keen ear for music, she couldn't hear anything reminiscent of melody or form or structure to the song, it just simply was.

“Philistines,” she muttered under her breath, luckily, Bass and Treble Clef were too busy watching the queue go down that they didn't hear her.

When they were finally able to enter, with a menacing glare and stern nod from the bouncer, Octavia followed the twins politely. There was a narrow corridor leading from the entrance, with every step that they took, the music got louder and louder, building up until they reached the end of the corridor where an open door covered in silver strips of plastic was the only obstacle separating them from the inner sanctum. Each pony passed through the door and were met by a never ending crescendo of techno-rave majesty, Octavia looked in physical discomfort, which she probably was, her sensitive ears were never acclimated to anything louder than the crash of timpani.

This never ceasing, unstoppable beat reverberated around her skull, it seemed like her brain was vibrating, she couldn't think straight, even her thoughts were being drowned out by the music. The twin pegasi didn't seem to mind though, soundlessly, or perhaps Octavia just couldn't hear what they were saying, they waved her over to a table just on the edge of the dance floor.

“It's not so bad once you get used to it, right?!” Bass Clef yelled, despite him being centimetres from Octavia's ear, she still had trouble hearing him.

The vibrations had now migrated to her stomach, it churned and boiled under the intense pressure until Octavia stood, hoof over her mouth, “Bathroom!” She said quickly, rushing towards a neon sign on a side wall that read 'Toilets'

Jumping into a vacant stall, Octavia finally let go and relaxed her throat, a rush of vomit burning her mouth as it made a bid for escape. Everypony in the bathroom heard the tell-tale sound of vomit on porcelain, one even gave a sympathetic chuckle as if to say, 'I've been there buddy.'

Octavia didn't appreciate the sentiment.

Wiping her mouth, she flushed the toilet and exited the stall to wash her hooves. There was only one pony stood at the sinks, she had a white coat which shone cleaner than the surrounding bathroom and a spiked dark blue mane with neon blue stripes, “Had a little too much to drink?” She asked, turning to look at Octavia with a smile.

“I don't drink,” Octavia dead-panned, “What's with the sunglasses? I can barely see in there.” Octavia pointed a hoof at the bathroom door, the music had been severely muted by the thick walls.

The unicorn used her magic to lift a towel to her hooves, drying them before answering, “You don't need your eyes to enjoy good music.” The pony opened the bathroom door, the music getting suddenly louder again, at the last moment, she turned once more “I'll see you around, or maybe I won't.” As the bathroom door closed and the music became dulled again, Octavia took a deep breath and washed her hooves before leaving to sit with her friends.

“What took you so long?” Treble Clef asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Octavia replied, looking sheepish, she'd rather not divulge the fact that she'd had a conversation with someone she had met in the bathroom.

“Not trying to hide were you?” Bass Clef said, grinning.

Octavia gave a disarming laugh and stared at the stage area in front of them, there were two stacks of speakers either side of a set of turn-tables. A large, greasy haired pony was approaching the microphone, “Who's that?” Octavia asked.

The twin pegasi shrugged, “Nobody I recognise.” Treble said.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts!” The greasy haired pony shouted, his voice magnified through the speakers, the music had been turned down so it seemed almost silent in comparison, Octavia sighed at the reprieve, “Put your hooves together for the queen of the decks... DJ P0n-3!”

When the announcer mentioned 'queen of the decks', a massive roar went up from the crowd, even Bass and Treble Clef were applauding madly, Octavia didn't hear anything after that.

The lights suddenly cut, the entire nightclub was dark, but it had silenced everybody, it was like the anticipation had stolen all the sound from the room. A strobe light kicked on above the turn-tables, a unicorn pony could be seen through a veil of mist billowing from the back of the stage, her spiked hair began glowing a neon blue as more lights kicked on around the club, all pointed towards the stage, her white body flashed all manner of colours. In almost slow-motion, an illusion conjured by the strobe light, the DJ, who Octavia now recognised, put a hoof onto the decks and music exploded through the speakers.

A slow beat, almost like the beating of a heart, began pulsing through the club, cheers erupted in small pockets of ponies and several whistles could be heard. The drum beat was soon joined by something Octavia recognised, the gentle sweeping sound of a double bass, the music was quickening, get faster and faster, Octavia could feel herself being pulled forwards in anticipation.

“Good evening, Canterlot.” The DJ said, it was a calm, collected voice that, combined with the background beat, seemed ethereal, like a strange kind of magic, “This is music.”

It was a simple statement, but the audience had become deathly quiet as she said it, the moment the word had finished being spoken, the speakers exploded once more, a solid wave of sound impacted everyone present, the double bass had been replaced by a rapid pounding that made Octavia's stomach vibrate again, but it was a good feeling, it was a hungry desire that gripped her, she wanted more.


As the DJ signed off and exited the stage, Octavia sat stunned in her seat, her years of studying classics and developing an ear for the finer parts and structure of music that could only be satisfied by a well crafted composition counted for nought at the moment. All of her preconceptions, all of her judgements and verdicts on modern music had been shattered by one show and the pony who performed it. The decks were here conductor's baton and the equipment was her orchestra, never before had Octavia heard music filled with such emotion.

After the applause died down, Octavia only stopped her standing ovation due to the raised eyebrows of the twin pegasi, “Well well, Octavia, it seems your trip here wasn't entirely wasted.”

Octavia sat back in her seat and grinned sheepishly, “I suppose it wasn't.”

Bass Clef coughed, “And who are you to thank for dragging you here?”

“The both of you,” Octavia replied, rolling her eyes.

“And what have you learned?” Treble Clef asked.

“That I shouldn't condemn an entire genre due to preconceptions and lack of knowledge.” Octavia gasped as she was suddenly sandwiched in a hug, “And that I should listen to my friends more often,” she added with a laugh.

When her friends detached themselves from her, Octavia looked at both of them in turn, “Now how do I go about purchasing a copy of that performance for my own personal perusal?”

Treble Clef looked pensive for a few moments, “I'm not entirely sure, but if you're willing to brave the security, we could have a word with the DJ herself.”

Octavia scratched her chin with a hoof, 'yes, maybe that would work,' with an emphatic nod, the three stood up and marched towards a door in the far left corner of the club, marked 'Backstage'. Annoyingly, the door was mobbed by ponies, a security pony was keeping them at bay, but he knew that if he didn't calm them down, things may get out of hand.

“Keep it cool and I'll see if I can't get her to sign some autographs, that sound fair?” The security pony shouted, it must have worked because the crowd immediately backed off, murmuring and tittering amongst themselves. The security pony had disappeared behind the door when Octavia arrived, “We can't hope to have a private word with her in this crowd,” she moaned, “If only I had known, I would have asked her in the bathroom.”

Treble raised an eyebrow, “What was that?”

“Oh,” Octavia blushed, “That's why I was so long in the bathroom, I met the DJ, although I didn't know it at the time, we made polite conversation and she left, obviously to start the show.”

“You met her? Actually talked to her? What was she like?” Treble couldn't contain her disbelief.

Octavia thought for a second, “Normal I guess, a little mysterious and slightly carefree. That's to be expected though, who reveals every last essence of their character to someone they've just met, especially one in the bathroom?”

Treble Clef's eyes were alight with glee, “That is so cool, you're so lucky!”

There was a sudden flurry of movement as ponies around the group began to jostle them every which way. The crowd cheered as DJ P0n-3 appeared at the door, flanked by security staff, she gave a genial wave to her fans and made an offer to sign a few autographs, despite the security ponies warning, the crowd didn't want to form a queue and flocked around the DJ, who didn't really seem to mind.

“Excuse me?” Octavia said, trying to get the unicorn's attention, “Excuse me!” she repeated, a little louder, it still didn't get her anywhere. It left Octavia feeling a little dejected, she had discovered this magical new part of herself and the one pony who she could talk to about it couldn't even hear her pleas, despite being only ten feet away. Sighing to herself, Octavia turned away to go back to her seat when a groan sounded from behind her, apparently the DJ had stopped signing autographs.

It was all Octavia could do to stop herself from sighing again, when she felt the tap on her shoulder, she couldn't keep it in any longer, “What is it Clef?”

No one answered, Octavia furrowed her brow and turned, stood behind her was a hulking mass of pony, mottled green like a moss covered boulder, “Pony wants see ya,” he grunted, Octavia barely made out the words, “Follow me.”

“Okay then.” She squeaked, she didn't dare try anything with the brute nearby, 'who is this 'pony' and why do they want to see me?' thoughts of her fate circled around her head. She was lead through the backstage door which lead onto a long corridor, immediately to Octavia's right was a door marked 'To Stage', but she was taken past this until they were stood outside of a door which had a small gold star painted onto it.

The big, green pony grunted again, angling his head towards the door. Octavia took the hint, she pushed the door slowly open, it looked like a simple dressing room, vanity mirror sat atop a desk on one side of the room, comfy couch on the other side and various amenities littered about the place to make it comfortable.

“Hey there!” It was her, the DJ, sat in front of the vanity mirror dabbing at her horn with a wet-wipe, “Let me just get rid of this stage glitter, it looks great but it's hell to get off.”

“Oh, hello, I didn't think that you noticed me out there, I would have left if you hadn't sent for me.” Octavia took a cautious step into the dressing room, making sure to close the door behind her.

“I heard you, I just didn't want to disappoint the rest of my fans, I wanted to talk to you again anyway.” She turned around in her seat to look at Octavia, “Is it all gone? The glitter?” she turned her head back and forth to give Octavia a better view.

“Yes, clean as a whistle.” Octavia mentally slapped herself, 'You are in the presence of a star, idiot! Be cooler!' Gathering herself, Octavia continued, “I suppose it's hard to see the glitter with those sunglasses on.”

The DJ laughed, “I doubt I'd be able to see it anyway, sunglasses or not, visual impairment is a bitch. Doesn't stop me from doing what I love though.”

“Oh,” Octavia's voice died in her throat.

“It's okay, I don't mind it, so you shouldn't either. As you've seen, I can get around just fine, with my finely tuned senses and a little magical help, it's almost as if I can see anyway.”

Steeling herself, Octavia made to change the subject, “So, your stage name, what does it mean? I'll admit that 'Pon Three' went over my head a little.”

The DJ let out her loudest laugh yet, but it wasn't mocking, merely amused, “It sounds like it went over you head a lot.”

Octavia looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“The three is meant to be read as an 'e', you see the number three is a backwards capital 'e'... almost.” The DJ walked over to the couch and sat down there instead, “It's supposed to be read 'Pon-e' or pony. It's just a little play on words... and numbers. Why don't you sit down?”

“Thank you,” Octavia muttered, “Now I feel rather embarrassed, although I have to admit I'm new to the club scene, I've never really appreciated this style of music until I heard you play the show. You've actually had a pretty large impact on my life, I'm a musician as well, you see.”

“I suppose I should properly introduce myself then, I'm Vinyl Scratch, it's good to meet you.”

“Octavia, likewise.”

Each offered a hoof, both shook politely.

“From the moment I met you I could tell you were a little different from the usual fare that attend my gigs. You don't drink, you're softly spoken, you threw up and you didn't seem ill, so I'm guessing you were just nervous or maybe a little scared.”

“I was raised with the classics and taught from a young age that the only music worth listening to is classical. Listening to your music though, I could feel a raw passion and a whole host of other emotions flowing through it. I was moved more than the first time I heard a Tchaiklopsky composition and it confuses me. My brain is telling me that I should listen to my father, but my heart is telling me that I'm taking a step in the right direction with you.”

Vinyl was a great listener, nodding and 'mhm'ing in the all the right places, “I can see where you're coming from, would you like me to tell you a story? I assure you it's relevant.”

Octavia nodded politely.

“I was born visually impaired and back then, they didn't have the kind of treatments we have today, so I was just kinda shoved to the side, my parents were given some special guidelines on how to raise a kid with sight problems and that was that.” Vinyl shifted awkwardly in her seat, Octavia could see that she seemed rather uncomfortable speaking about this, which made her feel all the more privileged that Vinyl would confide in her like that.

“As a unicorn filly, I had a tiny, untamed spark of magic, at first I was resentful of the fact that I had this magic, but no real sight to view my magic or what I had performed or whether I had performed it correctly at all. As you might be able to tell, I wanted to prove myself, to show everyone that I was just like them, I hated being 'that blind filly'. It took me a few years, but I managed to accept my condition, so my eyes were bad, that didn't mean my ears were or that my magic was, I worked and worked until I finally figured out how to use magic to help my eyes. With that, I had patched a hole in my weakness, soon enough I could function with reasonable normality.” Vinyl straightened up, she was obviously proud of this point in her life.

“Of course, around this time, new treatments had emerged which would help ponies like me, but despite my parents pleas, I refused to undergo the surgery. I told them that I didn't want to chance anything getting worse when I was getting along so well, I told them that I didn't need my sight when I had such good replacements. As a filly, you probably know that my mind wasn't entirely on overcoming adversity, I also had the trouble of my decidedly blank flank to deal with. At the time, I had hoped that turning the corner with my sight would have done it, but no, I got pretty depressed then, what was a blind filly to do in this world? I thought to myself.”

“It all changed when I heard soft music coming from a neighbours house one day, it was a classical piece, I don't remember the name, but I distinctly remember being able to hear each instrument playing and understanding the composition, I could see clearly in my mind how the music should work, I began having ideas, perhaps giving the flautist a larger role, downplay the harpsichord a little. I remember telling myself that if I was in charge, I could do it so much better, call it hubris if you will, but it was at that moment that I knew what I needed to do with my life, that's when this little sucker appeared,” She patted the music note on her flank appreciatively.

“I actually studied classical music for a while after that, but it never excited me the way this does, tearing up the decks with full control of the sound never fails to put me in the mood for having fun. I guess the moral of the story is to follow your dreams, you can try listening to other ponies, but if it isn't what you want to do, then it will never work out. Do what's in your heart and follow it to it's end, if it leads to a place you like, then just keep on walking, if it doesn't, then you can always tug on another string.”

Octavia smiled, “That was lovely, thank you.” She stood suddenly, remembering her friends, “I'm sorry, I have to go, my friends will be worried sick.”

Vinyl nodded her head, “Of course, it's me who should be sorry, keeping you from your friends. Take this with you though,” a small card with an address on it appeared by Octavia's side, floating with the help of Vinyl's magic, “Just in case you ever want to meet up for a coffee or anything.”

Octavia bowed low, “I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems after tonight and meeting you, I'm not the same pony who walked in here with a scowl on her face. I'll make sure to visit, if you aren't too busy of course.” She opened the door to the dressing room and exited, leaving Vinyl Scratch to her own devices.

The unicorn pony slipped off her sunglasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose with a hoof, her bright red irises scanned the room for a few seconds before she put on her sunglasses again. It had been an eventful day, but she saw a kindred spirit in Octavia, with the right improvements, the demure mare could have her own unique rhythm and Vinyl Scratch knew just where to start.

Part 2

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I know there are numerous debates that rage over exactly what instrument Octavia plays, but for the sake of this fic, I've made it so she plays a Double Bass. There will be reasons why I chose the Double Bass, so it's not a choice made out of ignorance.

And as you've realised if you read Part 1, I run a version of Fanon where Scratch is Partially Sighted, not entirely blind. I just prefer it for character development reasons.

And now we return to our regularly scheduled reading

Part 2

Octavia woke up that next morning, not with the headache she had predicted, but with a sense of anticipation.

She looked over at the clock eagerly, it was seven-fifteen.

Despite the night she'd had, her natural body clock had insisted she wake up. She grimaced, unless they had to be, very few ponies would be awake at this time and Vinyl didn't seem to be the pony who would wake up early for the sake of it. Octavia thought about that for a few moments whilst climbing out of bed, folding the covers back and flattening them out as she did, 'Vinyl's night probably went on for a few hours more after I left.'

“I'd probably seem like some crazy stalker if I turned up at half past seven in the morning, anyway.” Saying it out loud seemed to validate her indecision, Octavia grabbed a nearby brush and straightened out her mane and tail, she turned to leave but spotted her bow-tie sitting on the desk near her bed, 'After breakfast. I don't want to accidentally stain it.'

Breakfast was much the same as every other day, she'd fill a bowl with various cereals and eat in relative silence, she earned enough bits through her work to buy her own place in an up-scale area of Canterlot, not that the apartment itself was any good, it was just in a good area. Sometimes she wondered if she should get a room-mate, if only to stave off the boredom of being alone. On occasion, she would play some music to make the apartment seem less empty, but after last night, she didn't feel like listening to anything in her collection and in her excitement about meeting Vinyl, she had forgotten to ask about getting a copy of the show.

Octavia sighed, she had finished her breakfast, attached her bow-tie, making sure it lay neat and tidy around her neck, but was at a loss as to what she should do for the morning. She had already decided that no matter what, she was going to visit the address she had been given the night before and she had settled on twelve o'clock as a respectful time to arrive, but what to do in the hours that separated her from midday?

She sat on her couch looking out of the window for a few minutes, but it didn't look as if the clock was moving, she got up and flicked through her bookcase, nothing tickled her fancy, the clock had barely moved. Octavia sat on the couch again, this time at the other end and stared out of a different window, the scenery was pretty much the same, except she could see the castle through this window, the princess would be up, having raised the sun not too long ago, this small realisation placated her tension a small bit. Bored again, Octavia's eyes fell on the bookcase once more before she dragged her gaze away, she could look through her music collection, even though she knew it by heart.

Octavia collapsed onto the couch again, this time in the middle, her tiny living room held little else to entertain her... except, maybe her double bass. She could spend hours playing on it, but not here, the acoustics were terrible. Octavia sat up immediately, yes, that's what she'd do.

Five minutes later, Octavia had a saddlebag tied to her waist full of whatever she might need whilst she was out, the piece of card with Vinyl's address was in it's own side pocket. Next came the hard part, the large, heavy string instrument. Luckily it was stored in it's own personal protective case, with attached wheels. That didn't make it any easier when it came to not dropping it, she had stairs to contend with, honest to goodness stairs.

Considering the case was taller than herself, even when she stood on her hind legs, it was a miracle that she got it down three flights of stairs without any major incidents, a security pony sat behind a desk gave her an appreciative nod as he watched her struggle past. Octavia even put on a show of having troubles, but no 'can I help you?' or even 'good day madam' escaped his lips, apparently reading Modern Stallion is so interesting it takes precedence over helping your fellow pony.

Octavia wheeled her case outside of the building, a taxi cart came rumbling by and she stuck out a hoof, the cart puller stopped, “You need help with that lady?” He asked, preparing to unhook himself.

“Yes please, driver. Be careful though, it's fragile.” Octavia climbed aboard the cart, preparing to secure the case once the driver passed it up to her. All credit to him, the burly, yellow pony lifted it with relative ease, his wide back providing ample room to carry such things. He lifted it to Octavia and she did the rest, lying it down next to her, “Canterlot Fillyharmonic Hall, please.”

The driver hooked himself back into the reins and began pulling the cart onwards, Octavia lurched backwards slightly as they took off, she made sure to keep a hoof on her double bass just in case.


It was almost eight o'clock by the time she set up her double bass in one of the rehearsing rooms, a small stool stood by the double bass on it's stand. Octavia got the bow in her hoof and sat down, bringing her other hoof up to the instruments neck, she began to feel each string in turn, almost like shaking hands with an old friend.

Gently, Octavia brought the bow across the strings, letting her muscle memory take over, before she knew it, she was playing a few choice classics from her collection.

Even as she was playing, her eyes closed and ears pricked, she couldn't focus, her mind kept slipping onto other topics. Octavia winced as she missed a note, then another, after a while she got disheartened and stopped altogether.

“Why can't I concentrate?” She sighed exasperatedly.

Of course, she knew why she couldn't concentrate, every time she thought about music, the face of that unicorn popped into her mind, her neon blue mane and big sunglasses proving ample distraction from following chord progression. Vinyl almost seemed mocking in how she just appeared, making everything more complicated than it needed to be.

Then something she said floated to the forefront of Octavia's mind, “tearing up the decks with full control of the sound never fails to put me in the mood for having fun.”

“Control.” Octavia repeated, “Maybe she was trying to tell me that I need to focus on creating original works instead of labouring under learning others.” She really thought she was onto something with this. Octavia carefully played a few random, complementary notes but winced as she recognised famous classical style and structure, “I need something new, fresh and innovative.”

Octavia's mind immediately drifted to last night's show and what she could remember of it, a remix as Vinyl would call it, it was a wobbly step down the path of originality, but it was one in the right direction.

She closed her eyes and thought back, her dawning appreciation as she recognised the gentle sweeping of the Double Bass, she tried her best to emulate the style. She could imagine the drums in the background, spurring her onwards as she built up to the crescendo, laying heavy on the bass before cutting into a faster, lower pitched version of the previous melody. On her own, it wasn't fantastic, but it made her feel good regardless, at least as good as the first time she learnt to play a classical piece note perfect.

For someone who was playing and improvising from memory, it was decent enough. After straining to remember anything else about the performance, she began adding to where she felt it needed adding to and trying to see if she could improve on her execution, as a classically trained player, trying to defy all of the conventions she had grown up learning was a difficult task.

So she sat, composing silently in her head. A scroll of paper on a nearby desk was filled with random notes and obscure shorthand pointing to various changes she had tried to make, any pony looking at it would probably see the deranged ramblings of a lunatic.

By the time Octavia had a solid few minutes of music down and accounted for, a rough guide hastily scrawled into her notepad, she looked up at the clock to see that it was already half eleven. Octavia shot up, she suddenly realised that she had built up quite the appetite during her stay and she'd need all the time she could get if she wanted dinner before heading to Vinyl's place. Octavia pulled her saddlebag on and rooted through the side pocket to look at the address, her heart fell, it was nowhere near where she was.

“Perhaps Vinyl will be nice enough to offer me lunch, it is after all, only good manners.” Octavia secretly hoped that Vinyl was a dignified mare behind closed doors and not the glorified party pony her image presents.

Carefully sealing her Double Bass back into it's protective case, she wheeled it back outside and waited for a taxi-cart to pass by, she didn't have long and the trip would take it's time. Of course, Octavia was working against a self-imposed deadline that didn't have any consequences if she was late, but she wasn't the kind of pony to be late, even if she was the one to enforce it.

As with before, the cart driver helped her get the instrument on board, after making sure it was secure, she told the driver where she needed to go.


Octavia knocked on the door, hearing a slight echo. The address had lead to a three storey building which had turned out to be a small apartment block, except that each floor was it's own apartment, a vast improvement over Octavia's tiny room.

Vinyl's apartment was on the top floor, it hadn't been easy lugging her Double Bass up those stairs, but she wasn't going to let it out of her sight, no sir.

After twenty seconds and nobody answered the door, Octavia knocked again, there was a brief rustling sound and a faint clip clopping of hooves. Octavia ran over what she was going to say in her head, 'nice and casual'.

The door was unlocked but only opened a few inches, caught on a latch, but there she was, her mane a complete bird's nest, “Who is it?” She asked, her voice was slightly raspy.

“It's Octavia, I was in the coffee, do you want to go for a neighbourhood?” She faltered slightly at the end, realising too late that she'd messed up.

Vinyl merely chuckled, “You sound like I feel. Wait there, I'll let you in.” The door shut and the chain rattled as it was taken off, opened wide, Octavia could see Vinyl's apartment properly. Not one to openly criticize, especially of someone who was fast becoming a friend but also someone who was visually impaired, Octavia kept it to herself that she thought it looked like a bomb had gone off. The front room was huge, yet it still looked trashed, the kitchen to the left had bottles lined up along the worktops, the living area just in front of her had various things littered between the furniture, even the massive window that almost covered the entire back wall had stains running up it several feet higher than should have been allowed. 'This amount of mess in my place and it would be up to my knees.'

“Sorry about the mess,” Vinyl said, walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge, “I had a little get together and it went on for a few hours longer than I expected, not had much chance to clean up yet.”

Octavia wheeled her Double Bass closer, she didn't want to lose it amongst the rubbish, “Are you sure you're okay, I mean, there are quite a few trip hazards.”

Vinyl appeared from the fridge, milk moustache barely visible against her white coat, she tapped her horn coolly with a hoof, “No need to worry.”

“I'm sorry,” Octavia flushed with embarrassment, “I just don't want you to get hurt.”

“A very admirable attitude, yet an unnecessary one.” Vinyl sat on one of the stools by the breakfast bar, using her magic to sweep away a layer of detritus, she lay her head on the table, “Could you perhaps get me an aspirin from the medicine cupboard in my bathroom, it's just through your door on the right, then turn right again.”

Octavia thought it best to help her, standing her Double Bass against a clean bit of wall near the door, she carefully stepped over empty bags of food and discarded drinks to reach a door on the side wall, there were only two doors on a small corridor, Octavia went through the right one and into a spacious bathroom. The bathroom was decorated pretty much like any bathroom Octavia had seen before, not that she had seen many bathrooms nor considered herself and expert on bathroom interior design. It was predominately white, with the odd black accent thrown in for good measure, Octavia found the medicine cabinet, a mirrored cabinet hanging above the sink and quickly found the bottle labelled 'aspirin'. She turned to leave and caught a noxious smell in her nose, she didn't turn around to see what it was.

“Here you go, Vinyl. You must have had a crazy night, huh?” Octavia returned to the living room to find Vinyl looking at her case.

“Not really, just a few people I know from the business, kinda threw it together last minute.”

'Not that crazy? I don't think I want to see her definition of crazy.' Octavia thought as her eyes widened a little in disbelief.

“So what's in the case?”

“That's my Double Bass, I was practising before I came over.”

Vinyl turned to Octavia, “Ha, I bet you liked the intro to my show last night then.”

Octavia laughed a little, “I liked your show in general, but yes, the intro did catch me off guard. That's actually what I was doing whilst practising, I was trying to emulate the opening, it took me a few goes but I think I got it.”

“Oh really?” Vinyl smiled appreciatively, “That's something I'd like to see” If she weren't wearing sunglasses, you probably could have seen that her eyes betrayed mild scepticism.

“Would you like to hear it? You're probably the only pony who could tell me if I got right or not anyway.” Octavia grabbed the case and began wheeling it over to the stool where Vinyl had cleared some of the rubbish.

“I'd love to, do you need any more room to set anything up?”

Octavia unzipped the case whilst it was still stood up, she pulled it out and leaned it against herself so she could get a comfortable grip, “I'm fine here, you just sit back and listen.” Octavia took one look at the notebook she had stored in the case to remember the melody and began to play.

Vinyl's first reaction was 'damn, she's not half bad' but as Octavia's impromptu performance went on, Vinyl amended that thought to 'damn, she's really good.'

Octavia finished and saw a visibly impressed Vinyl Scratch looking back at her, “You got all that just from memory?”

“It's been on my mind almost non-stop since last night, I just experimented until I thought it sounded right.” Octavia blushed again.

“It was damn near note perfect, that's quite the feat. Okay, so the piece I used wasn't overly difficult, but capturing it after one listen is still damn good, you have some real skill with that thing.”

“Thank you, but I'm nothing special, there are plenty of ponies better than me.”

Vinyl walked over and put a hoof on Octavia's shoulder, “If you help me clean up, I'll tell you a secret, I might even get you some lunch. Sound fair?”

“I suppose so, do you have a brush I could use?”

There were two loud bangs as doors to their right flew open, a brush being levitated by Vinyl's magic flew towards the pair. “Operation Morning After is a go!” Vinyl announced, raising a hoof in the air like she just didn't care. As Vinyl got started with the kitchen, using her magic to marshal the rubbish into a line before they jumped into a black trash bag, Octavia took to sweeping the living area, gathering the stuff on the floor into a corner where it would be easier to get rid of.

Soon after she had finished sweeping, Vinyl came over with a trash bag and Octavia swept the pile into the trash bag that Vinyl was holding open. “What's next?” Octavia asked, wiping her brow with a hoof.

“Just the bathroom really, but that isn't as big a job as this area.” Vinyl stopped to catch her breath.

'Using all that magic must have put a strain on her,' Octavia thought as she looked around the living area, it still wasn't spotless, but at least it looked liveable now.

“I think someone owes me lunch.” Octavia said, grinning.

Vinyl laughed good naturedly, “Fine, we might as well go for that coffee as well whilst we're out.”


Octavia and Vinyl were sat in a small café a short walk from Vinyl's apartment, both had a cup of coffee in front of them and both were waiting for their food to arrive.

Octavia took a sip of coffee, it felt good after the day she'd had, “I'm surprised, I thought somepony would have asked you for an autograph or something by now.”

“I'm a DJ, people recognise my music not me, it's a kind of anonymity I like. Of course, you're going to get ponies who know you by sight, but they're few and far between.”

“I think that's where we're different in a way, I have an ensemble, ponies hire us to play various events like formal balls. We, oddly enough, were hired to play at the Grand Galloping Gala this year, our music therefore is pretty much designed to slip into the background, so I have a better chance of being recognised for playing on stage than for my actual music.”

“You were at the Gala?”

Octavia blushed, “I didn't get to mingle much, I just played and got offered a few drinks and snacks. It wasn't exactly the best night ever.”

Vinyl laughed, “I personally think they sent me an invitation by mistake, but who knows, maybe one of the Princesses is a fan of my music. Gala's aren't usually my thing, but a party is a party, ended up being pretty interesting don't you think?

Octavia thought back, “I assume you mean the flying cake and all of the animals that got chased into the main foyer?”

“That's the one, my favourite was when that rainbow pony knocked all of those pillars down.”

Octavia looked rather serious despite the conversation, “I don't mean to criticise our leaders, but I thought it was awfully irresponsible of Princess Celestia to leave Luna with the duty of supervising the clean-up.”

“Perhaps one of the only times that ol' Luna has missed the moon, eh?” Vinyl joked.

Octavia giggled, “Quite.” Before she had a chance to say anything else, a waiter had arrived carrying their food, a simple vegetable salad for Octavia and a jacket potato for Vinyl, conversation ceased as they ate a fair chunk of their food. “So do you come here often?” Octavia asked, a piece of radish half way to her mouth.

“I'm not exactly the best cook, for... obvious reasons, so I tend to eat here a lot, yeah. They offer a wide variety of meals, it's close by and the food is delicious, even if I was a good cook I'd still probably come here.” Vinyl took a big bite of her jacket potato and a small sliver of butter ran down to her chin.

“You told me that you were going to tell me a secret if I helped you, so what was that about?” Octavia looked serious again.

Vinyl took time to lick up the stray bead of butter before answering, “It was something I was going to tell you later, but I don't think there's any sense beating around the bush about it, honesty is the best policy right?”

Octavia nodded in agreement.

“The thing is, I really like your sound, I want to work with you, collaborate if you will.”

Octavia almost choked on a carrot, “Wh-what? Me? Collaborate? My sound?”

“Yeah, I think we could have a great synergy, elements of the past and the future, combining to make something just as great, if not greater than either.”

“I don't think I can, I don't know anything about modern music!” Octavia protested.

“I do. I also know enough about classical music to be of some help to you, helping you adapt your style perhaps, expand your horizons a bit.”

Octavia was taken aback, this offer had come out of left field after all, “Say theoretically, I do decide to join you, how would we go about doing it?”

Vinyl finished the last bite of her jacket potato, “We'd meet at my place, I have recording equipment and it's where all my stuff is, we'd jam a bit, make some noise, test the waters, then see if we can make something a bit more concrete. Once we've got a few songs recorded, we start putting on shows and making some money. That's about what I have so far.”

“At least your goals are somewhat realistic, if optimistic.”

“Optimistic?” Vinyl said, incredulously, “Two talented mares like us, what could go wrong?”

Part 3

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Okay, try number 2. I forgot to save it first time *facehoof*

In this chapter you get to see what other parts of Fanon I use. Once again, I do it for the sakes of the story so it isn't for no reason. I also invent a form of public transport.


Vinyl unlocked the door to her place and the pair entered, Octavia standing awkwardly around the entrance.

“Make yourself comfortable, sit down whilst I get you a drink.” Vinyl walked into the kitchen and began messing around with the refrigerator.

Octavia spied her Double Bass resting on the couch and swiftly moved to join it, she opened the case and had a quick check to make sure it was fine. She sighed in relief, Octavia closed it back up and began staring out of the window whilst waiting for Vinyl.

“I thought I said lighten up?” Vinyl's voice came from close by, she had walked over to the nearby coffee table and put the drinks down, “You like orange juice right?”

Octavia accepted the orange juice with a thank you, “I was just waiting for you to return, how was I not 'lightened up?'”

Vinyl sat down on a couch opposite Octavia, “Your posture I suppose, you look like you're in some kind of finishing school for rich fillies or something.”

Octavia laughed, “Finishing school? Me? My family never had the money for that.”

“So where did you grow up?” Vinyl asked, taking a sip of her orange juice.

“Rock farm.” Octavia mumbled.

“Say what now?”

Octavia sighed, “My parents owned a rock farm outside of Ponyville, I grew up there.”

It was Vinyl's turn to laugh, “How does a rock farm work?”

“My parents would never say,” Octavia admitted with a sigh, “There was no talking, there was no smiling, there were only rocks. We rotated the rocks between the fields surrounding the farm each day and that was that. If people wanted rocks they'd come to us.”

“Wow, sounds depressing.” Vinyl added.

“So depressing that my sister decided to leave home as a filly and abandon her duties, we aren't exactly on the best terms. Last I heard, she lives over a cake shop.”

The mischievous glint appeared once more in Vinyl Scratch's eyes, hidden by her sunglasses, “You know what we need? A holiday!”

Octavia began spluttering something about not having time, but Vinyl ignored it, “It's only for the weekend and I thought we could use the time to do some bonding and perhaps some market research if we have time between the getting-to-know-each-other.”

“Market research for what?” Octavia asked, she seemed slightly more receptive to the idea than before.

Vinyl threw up her hooves like it was obvious, “We want to know what the average pony on the street wants in their musical experience and taking some time off to experiment is a great way to find out. We need to get away from the city and into nature, you know... going back to our roots or something.”

Octavia narrowed her eyes, “What are you suggesting?”

“Ooh, I had a great time at a gig a while back, met some great ponies at this fashion show I was hired to DJ. It was some place in Ponyville, the air is really fresh out there, let's you clear your mind and shake the cobwebs off your brain.”

“Only for a weekend though, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, we don't want to interrupt anything going on, just break loose for a while.”

Octavia sighed, “Fine, so when should we do this?”

Vinyl somehow produced a calendar from behind the couch, “Well, it's Friday now and it's half past one, so if we catch a sky cab, we should be in Ponyville before three, easy.”

“Now!? I can't go now, I'm not ready!” Octavia almost fell off the couch in shock.

“You've got a bit of money on you and a few basic necessities, that's all you need. Think of it as your first lesson in cutting loose and enjoying life!”

“Who died and made you my personal life coach?”

“Your old personal life coach!” Vinyl got up off the couch and pointed an accusing hoof at Octavia, “You bored him to death with your boringly safe lifestyle!”

Octavia brought a hoof to her forehead, “I guess I walked into that one. If you honestly believe it will benefit the music, our friendship and my own scruples, then I say lead on little pony.”

Vinyl cheered, “Awesome, I'll go fill a saddlebag and be right back!”

Octavia sighed as she watched Vinyl march through a door by the kitchen, 'what have I gotten myself into?' She turned dejectedly towards the window again and began scanning the skyline she wouldn't see for a few days.


Vinyl had a hoof on Octavia's shoulder as they waited for their sky cab to arrive, almost as if to keep her in place so she didn't change her mind.

The Sky Rank was a large building on a fairly open tract of land on the outskirts of Canterlot, chariots of all sizes and styles were lined up and ready to take off.

When the pair were called forwards, they went through a back door in the waiting room and out onto the runway, two pilot pegasi greeted them, both wearing official flight suits and matching goggles, “I hear this is only a short flight into Ponyville, am I correct?” One of the pilots asked.

“Sure are Cap'n!” Vinyl answered with a giggle, Octavia blushed embarrassedly.

“Just follow us and we'll get you loaded onto the chariot, you have no luggage?” The other pilot asked.

“Only carry-on,” Octavia replied, “My companion thought it was easier that way.”

Together, the four ponies got locked and loaded into the chariot, with Octavia and Vinyl in the back and the two pilots making some last minute, pre-flight checks.

“Once we're in the air,” the first pilot said, “You'll want to hold on, I know you're secured by the straps but it's better for everyone if you just hold on.”

Octavia looked at Vinyl, obviously flustered. It wasn't exactly the most comforting thing to say when you're about to go flying through the air at breakneck speeds in an open top chariot, but as he said, they were strapped in, there was no turning back now.

“Wahoo! Let's get this show on the road!” Vinyl shouted. She was either fearless or just plain ignorant, Octavia mused.

With a lurch, the pegasus pilots began a simultaneous trot that drove them faster and faster until the edge of the runway loomed nearer, Octavia covered her eyes as the chariot flew over the edge, she could hear Vinyl shouting “Whee!” There was a small drop, but the pegasi caught themselves and were up and away before they could fall any further. Octavia risked looking and dropped her hooves, which immediately found the nearest surface to steady herself on, luckily, the ride was fairly smooth.

“This is so awesome!” Vinyl shouted, grinning like a loon.

Octavia's only response was a silent scream, her lungs didn't seem to want to work. She didn't have to wait for much longer though, the small town of Ponyville loomed below them, a mere suburb compared to Canterlot, but it had a rustic charm about it. Something about the place just made it look like a great place to live. This thought calmed Octavia down, she was still tense, but at least she could stand keeping her eyes open.

Vinyl yawned, it had only been ten minutes since they had landed in Ponyville, but she was already looking bored, “I'd forgotten how boring Ponyville actually is.”

Octavia furrowed her brow, “It was your idea to come here!”

“Calm down, Tavi-”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Octavia interrupted suddenly, “What did you just call me?”

Vinyl grinned sheepishly, “In the interest of saving time, I shortened your name.”

“From Octavia to Tavi? Isn't that a little redundant?”

“I don't think so, that's like half the syllables, are you aware how long it takes to say two syllables? Besides, it's cute.”

Octavia bristled, how Vinyl knew how to push her buttons after so little time together was nothing short of spectacular. 'Spectacularly annoying,' Octavia thought.

Vinyl suddenly stopped, looking around for something, “Why don't you have a look around town, I've got to see an old friend.”

Octavia jumped at the chance, “Okay then, I imagine a place like this has a fascinating history and culture. I may even find it as inspiring as you seem to think this place is.”

“Yeah, yeah, you go... inspire yourself, I'll find you when I'm done.” Vinyl turned, heading left down a wide open street, “It's a small town, it shouldn't take too long!” She called.

Octavia had walked for fifteen minutes, but she hadn't been able to find any shop that sold musical instruments, she found one that sold only quills and sofas, a bizarre combination of items, but no musical instruments. This was unfortunate, Octavia had always found playing her Double Bass as a massive source of comfort. As it was, Octavia had to hold onto the niggling in the back of her mind, the little squirming ball of annoyance that had Vinyl's face. How she had been talked into making an impulsive, unplanned trip to a place she'd never been, she'll never know.

Perhaps it was the sincerity in Vinyl's voice when she talked about music. Octavia had always found people like that, those who lived and breathed music, to be fascinating stores of knowledge that she could tap. She was a student, in essence, willing to learn from anyone who was willing to teach her. Everything Vinyl had to say was so new and interesting that Octavia couldn't help but take it in.

'That doesn't make her any less infuriating though,' Octavia thought as she wandered silently through Ponyville's quiet streets. Without realising it, Octavia had managed to walk herself into the town square, where the Town Hall dominated the majority of the skyline.

“Vinyl did say I should explore. No doubt the Town Hall has a fascinating store of local history, perhaps they offer tours.” Octavia said this aloud to herself, a passing lavender unicorn gave her a strange glance as she walked by. Octavia turned away quickly, feeling rather embarrassed, talking to oneself wasn't exactly the most sane thing to do. Octavia looked around at the unicorn, she had the sudden feeling that she had seen her before. She pushed it from her mind for the time being.

Octavia entered the Town Hall, marvelling at the wide open entrance hall, it had more than enough room for the entire town if it really needed it. Up above her at the end of the hall was a balcony, 'Used for making speeches perhaps?'

Several important looking ponies rushed by, all of them carrying documents of some kind, as Octavia watched them pass, a security pony approached and stood before her, “Do you need anything?” he asked.

Octavia looked up at the to see a cobalt stallion with a security badge affixed to his chest, “Oh, hello officer,” Octavia said, feeling slightly intimidated.

The security pony fixed her with a fierce glare, “Do you need anything?” He asked again.

“Oh, er... I was wondering if you offered any tours around the Town Hall?” Octavia forced a smile and added, “I'm sightseeing.”

The security pony raised an eyebrow, “You're new in town?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

The security pony chuckled knowingly, as though he was in on a joke that Octavia was unaware of, “There are no tours, there's nothing to see anyway.”

“Why were you laughing?” Octavia asked firmly.

“You'll see.” He replied cryptically.

Octavia turned tail and marched away, she wasn't very impressed with the security pony's attitude, “He could have just said they didn't offer tours instead of being a jerk about it.” Octavia seemed vaguely aware of a few ponies nearby, but she didn't seem to care about that right now. Her previous annoyance at Vinyl boiled over into her annoyance at the security pony and she was feeling rather on edge at the moment.

In a moment of weakness, Octavia began wishing that Vinyl were actually with her right now, annoying as she was, she always made for interesting company. She would probably make Ponyville's seemingly meagre tourist attractions look more fun at least. Octavia wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, her hooves just walked themselves along with the rest of the pedestrian traffic and when she looked up, she noticed that she was in a makeshift market of sorts. Various wooden stalls had been set-up along the sides of the street, there were stalls selling carrots, celery, oranges and other produce like...


Octavia jumped, an orange earth pony had shouted at her from the stall, “Y'all lookin' mighty hungry there, no finer food than Sweet Apple Acres apples.”

Even Octavia had to admit that it was a tempting offer, she walked over to inspect the merchandise. Looking at the stall owner, Octavia had another feeling that she had seen her before, maybe it was the hat or maybe it was the apples, “Didn't I see you at the Grand Galloping Gala?” She hoped she was right.

The Earth Pony looked surprised, “Well shoot, Ah didn't figure you as a local, but Ah wouldn't have guessed you were one of those hoity-toity Canterlot types.”

Octavia laughed alarmingly, “I'm far from what you would call a 'hoity-toity Canterlot type', I was playing in the band that night.”

She raised an eyebrow, “All Ah know is, nopony seemed to care for my apples. The name is Applejack by the way.”

“It's nice to meet you Applejack,” Octavia smiled, “And if it's any consolation, I happened to think that your apple treats were fantastic. I'll take an apple fritter please.” Octavia took a few bits from her saddlebag and handed them over

Applejack took the bits and put them in a bag under the counter, “Thank you kindly,” she handed Octavia an apple fritter, “So what brings you to Ponyville?”

“I'm only in town for the weekend, my friend convinced me to go on a short vacation with her,” she took a bite of the fritter, “This is really good. Anyway, I'm just taking in the sights whilst she visits an old friend.”

Applejack chuckled, “Ain’t nothin' much to see in Ponyville, we've got pretty much what we need to keep on turnin' and nothin' else. It's a pretty nice place to keep on turnin' though, mind you.”

Octavia nodded in agreement, it was far more beautiful out here than it was in the hustle and bustle of Canterlot. “Me and my friend came out here specifically for a little inspiration actually. We, for want of a better term, are in a band together, so we're using this time to properly get to know each other.”

“Musician, huh? So what instrument do ya play?”

“I play the Double Bass.”

Applejack looked as though she was trying to picture exactly what a Double Bass was in her mind, “That's one o' those big, upright violins right?”

This made Octavia giggle, “I couldn't have put it better myself.”

Applejack looked as if she was going to object to that in some way, but thought against it, “So where are you stayin' tonight?”

“What do you mean?” Octavia replied, looking confused.

“There's nothin' in the way of hotels in Ponyville, so Ah figure you'll be stayin' with somepony.”

“Oh,” Octavia suddenly stopped, her mind trying to scramble itself back into line, “I imagine my friend has something planned, but I honestly can't say.”

Applejack gave a good-natured smile, “If ya find yourself stuck for lodgin', Sweet Apple Acres isn't that far outta town, we've got plenty o' room.”

“Thank you for the kind offer, I'll make sure to tell my friend. Small details such as sleeping often seem to slip her mind.” As soon as Octavia said it, she had to wonder if Vinyl had planned on sleeping at all. “Thank you for the food and the conversation, it really helped.”

“Don't mention it.” Applejack waved goodbye as Octavia made her way further into town.

It wasn't long after her encounter with Applejack that Vinyl Scratch finally decided to join her. Octavia had found a bench near a delightful looking fountain and took the time to have a sit down when Vinyl suddenly sat down next to her.

“Where did you come from and how did you find me?” Octavia asked, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart after the small shock.

Vinyl, rather infuriatingly, just tapped her horn and grinned knowingly.

“So, have you finished catching up with your friend?” Octavia asked, taking a deep breath to further calm herself down.

“For the time being, yes. For now however, I require your services at a little shop called Sugar Cube Corner.” Vinyl got up and started poking the grey mare with her horn to get her to move.

Octavia stood, if only to escape the prodding, looking a little confused, “What are you talking about?”

Vinyl shrugged, “They make delicious cakes, what more reason do you want?”

“Are you being mysterious on purpose?”

“I prefer the term 'enigmatic'.” Vinyl smiled mischievously and laughed loudly, scaring away several birds in the area. She span Octavia around and began poking her again until she started walking.

“Come on, Tavi, it's going to be fun!”


Turns out, it wasn't fun.

It was awkward.

For everyone.

So after being dragged half way across Ponyville to Sugar Cube Corner, Octavia was pushed into the little bakery and met by a tumultuous roar of “Surprise!” Then she locked eyes with the most exuberant pony in attendance, streamers caught in her mane, glitter everywhere and the party seemed to stop. Everypony noticed the serious expression on Pinkie's face, an expression that some in the room had never seen on the pink party pony before, it shocked them all into silence.

A purple-maned unicorn tried to ask if Pinkie was alright, but she was shrugged off. The earth pony choosing to walk slowly, as if dazed, towards the entrance where Octavia was, covered in streamers and confetti.

“Well... This didn't go as planned.” It was Vinyl who broke the tense silence, the other ponies seemed to drift away and quietly continue the party, “I'll just let you two have a little privacy shall I?” Vinyl tried to slip away into the crowd, but Octavia grabbed her by the tail, pulling her back and away from the party.

“What are you playing at?” Octavia said in a violent whisper, murderous intent in her eyes.

“Okay,” Vinyl admitted, “There's the slightest chance that I may have had ulterior motives when I proposed this vacation.”

Octavia almost exploded, “This was a set-up!?”

Vinyl backed away, looking apologetic, “When I heard the story about your sister and what you said about her, I realised that I knew who she was. So I felt I owed it to two of my friends, who just happen to be estranged sisters, by re-uniting them.”

“You know her? How?”

Vinyl grinned, “She throws the best parties in Ponyville, of course I know her.”

Octavia sighed, “Look, I can see that you meant well, but this just isn't something you spring on a pony.”

Vinyl attempted to respond, but a pink something interrupted.

“Don't I get a say in this conversation?” Pinkie had jumped, almost literally, in between the two ponies, she wore a goofy smile and said happily, “I'd much prefer it if you two were having fun instead of a boring old argument. Enjoy your 'welcome to Ponyville' party Octy!” She bounced away and poured herself and several other ponies a glass of punch.

“It's rude to ignore the host of a party, you know.” Vinyl said, trying to gauge Octavia's state of mind.

“It's better than sitting around and moping I suppose.” Octavia said, sounding defeated.

Vinyl smiled, “That's the spirit!”

“Once this party is over though, my sister and I will be having words.”

Octavia tried her best to forget everything and have fun, but Vinyl's betrayal (for Octavia had, perhaps melodramatically, began thinking of it as such) stuck in her mind and put her in the wrong mood for enjoying a party.

Not that the party was bad, far from it. The music was upbeat, Octavia saw Vinyl dancing merrily with a bunch of random ponies. The food and drink were good, at several points during the party, Pinkie appeared at Octavia's shoulder and shoved plates of food at her and refilled her cup with punch, she seemed too wrapped up in her hostess duties to stick around for too long however. Even the atmosphere was good, quite a few ponies Octavia had never even seen before had approached her to say hello and welcome. She was glad to see that Applejack had managed to get to the party, the earth pony seemed shocked that Octavia and Pinkie were sisters, “Like an apple being related to an orange,” she remarked.

When Pinkie announced that karaoke was going to take place, Octavia groaned, she couldn't sing worth a damn and the hostess would undoubtedly call upon the guest of honour to begin the festivities.

Sure enough, Pinkie called her name and asked her to come up 'on stage'. Immediately (and even though she wouldn't admit it) gladly, Vinyl appeared at her shoulder, “Wanna duet?”

“I'm not going to be able to get out of this am I?”

“Hell no.”

“Because you won't let me?”

“Hell yes.”

“Fine. Why do I always end up conceding to you?”

“Because, Tavi,” Vinyl said, matter-of-factly, “Deep down, you want to let loose and enjoy yourself, really deep down. I'm just a convenient excuse to make you feel better about doing it.”

Octavia looked up at her seriously, “I'm warning you now, I'm terrible.”

Had she not been wearing the sunglasses, Octavia would have seen the wink, but instead, all she got was the mischievous grin, “I've got more than enough awesome for the both of us, besides, I know the perfect song.”

Even Octavia had to admit that the karaoke was actually kinda fun. Vinyl got really into it by dancing and exaggerating her voice at the chorus, she was actually quite a good singer as well. With the help of her exuberance, Octavia managed to stop caring about what the crowd thought of her singing and instead just tried singing to entertain the crowd. Pinkie even jumped on stage with her own microphone for the final chorus.

Octavia left the stage to a rousing cheer, although she didn't know how much of it was hers, but she did know that she was finally starting to enjoy herself. Pinkie clapped a hoof on her shoulder and said, “Welcome to the herd, sister.” She turned away and dashed off, presumably because she had spotted something shiny, Octavia wasn't entirely sure.

A bit of searching lead Octavia to a table near the back of the room, Vinyl was sat alone, swirling a glass of punch with her magic, “Something wrong, Vinyl?” Octavia asked, wondering about her bizarre behaviour. Bizarre for Vinyl anyway.

“Can you not hear that?” She replied dreamily, not even bothering to look at Octavia.

“Hear what?” She spun around and she spotted immediately what Vinyl was talking about, a pegasus pony had replaced her on stage and was singing a fairly slow rock song, incredibly well. As soon as she thought it though, the song picked up and became slightly faster. “Who's that?” Octavia asked.

“One of Pinkie's friends, I think her song choice was appropriate, no?”

Octavia stared at her, looking blank, “I don't get it.”

Vinyl sighed, she kept forgetting about Octavia's lack of knowledge about anything that wasn't classical and several centuries old. “The song is by a band called 'Wings' and she's a pegasus pony. That may be as far as the comparison goes, but it would have at least got a chuckle amongst a more musically diverse audience.”

“I'm trying my best to learn, you know” Octavia replied defensively.

The unicorn took a sip of punch and stayed silent for a few seconds, “So what do you think?”

Octavia narrowed her eyes and sat down in the seat next to Vinyl, “Think about what?” Her eyes drifted towards the stage, “Oh, of the singing? She's very talented, but it seems quite raw, I'd say she hasn't had any formal training. Still better than you though.”

Vinyl took her eyes off the stage and glared at Octavia for a second, “So you agree with me.” Another sip of punch, “Part two of my question, what do you think about turning our duet into a trio?”

“A singer huh?” Octavia scratched her chin with a hoof, “I could be convinced.”

Vinyl slammed her punch into the table, a look of fiery determination in her eyes, a look obscured by her omnipresent sunglasses, “Perfect.”


>_< I dislike writing Applejack's dialogue. It's so hard to capture her Southern twang.

And if anypony wants to know, the song being sung at the end by Wings was "Band on the Run" because it's so kick ass it exists in Equestria.

Part 4

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Sorry for the delay everypony.

Had some thing to deal with and new projects that demanded my time. If it makes you feel better, I've been slacking with various other fiction based duties as well, so it isn't just you ponies.

My awful time-keeping aside... Onwards!

* * *

“Daddy, can I-”

“Quiet Octavia. Work your legs, not your mouth.”

“But I-”

“We all need to do our duties, child. Hard work breeds achievement.”



The grey mare could hear her name being shouted, sung really, a strained note that wasn't entirely unpleasant.


The voice became more urgent and more annoyed.

“Wake up or I'll shave off your cutie mark.”

Octavia's eyes snapped open. Her head lay on a table in the corner of a dishevelled looking room, streamers and glitter and cake and popped balloons littered the floor. She seemed strangely disconnected to her own head, concentrating, she managed to find some measure of control over herself, that also meant she could feel the shooting pain in her skull. “Ow” she moaned, rubbing her head with a hoof.

“Come on, let's find a bed for you to rest in.” Vinyl Scratch appeared in her periphery, offering a helping hoof.

“Were you always that blurry?”

Vinyl laughed, “You're a hoot, you know that. Once you loosen up anyway.” She grabbed Octavia and helped her onto her hooves. Octavia stood shakily, but Vinyl held her in place. “Now march, we can't intrude on your sisters hospitality for too long.”

As they exited Sugar Cube Corner, Octavia suddenly remembered something, “Apples! We'll sleep... Apples!”

Vinyl was used to such behaviour, experienced in the way of partying as she was, “Of course. The Apples will help us sleep.” She found it best not to argue too much when they were like this.

“Follow me!” Octavia pulled herself from Vinyl's grasp and began an ungainly trot down the street. Despite the state she was in, she was surprisingly fast on her hooves.

Vinyl shook off the buzz she was feeling and kept as close to Octavia as she could. She didn't want to get in her way, but she didn't want her to get into any trouble, not that Vinyl was too worried, Octavia was a sensible pony. “Where are you going?” She shouted, no doubt waking up a few ponies.

Octavia continued trotting along the empty Ponyville streets shouting “Apples.”

It was enough that Vinyl seriously began to wonder whether she should grab Octavia and sort things out herself. It wasn't often that Vinyl had to play the role of babysitter, “Freakin' lightweight,” she grumbled. As Vinyl was wondering what to do, she didn't notice the fact that they were suddenly surrounded by apple trees. Octavia knew of course, despite her inebriation, she knew where she needed to go.

Sweet Apple Acres farm was just up the road. Octavia began banging on the door as soon as she reached it, Vinyl appeared behind her and tried to get her to stop, “What the hell are you doing?” She whispered violently.

Octavia turned to face her and attempted to look as dignified as one could whilst under the influence, “I'm finding us a place to stay.” She said this like it would be plainly obvious to the DJ pony.

“Why here? We passed plenty of places on the way.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, managing it slightly out of sync, “Applejack said so.”

“Apple-who now?”

“A friend.” Octavia gave up trying to explain to the unicorn and resumed her banging on the door.

When the door opened, it took a while for her hooves to stop, catching Applejack on the nose.

“What was that fer?”

“Sorry about that,” Octavia had to stop herself from giggling, “I need a place to-” and she fell asleep before she could finish the sentence.

Vinyl stepped in, looking apologetic. “I tried to make her stop, but she insisted.”

Applejack sighed and knelt down next to Octavia, “Help me get her up, we'll stick her in one o' the guest rooms. I guess she partook in one too many glasses o' punch?”

“You'd guess correctly. Although for her, one too many isn't that many at all.” Vinyl channelled her magic into helping lift Octavia, Applejack took the strain on the other end and they managed to find a small cot on the bottom floor to put her in. It was as simple as simple got, but a bed was a bed.

Applejack and Vinyl retreated into the sitting room, the former collapsing onto the couch whilst the latter hovered uncomfortably nearby. “Y'all can sit down, you know.”

“Thanks for your hospitality, I know it's not exactly fair for us to turn up so late.” Vinyl took a seat on a small chair.

“Don't worry, I said she could stay over an' that's knowin' how some o' Pinkie's parties end up.” Applejack turned over and lay down on the couch, her eyes closed.

“I'll just go find a room shall I?” Vinyl offered, getting up and walking slowly over to the corridor where Octavia's temporary room was.

Applejack flailed a hoof and mumbled something unintelligible before she started snoring.

“I'll take that as a yes.”

When Octavia opened her eyes, she immediately regretted it.

Her usually sharp, lavender eyes were bloodshot and refused to look at anything with the clarity they usually did. Even her ears refused to co-operate, amplifying every noise to terrifyingly painful levels.

“Feeling okay?”

Octavia cringed at her voice, “What the hell happened last night?”

Vinyl trotted over and jumped on her bed, causing the grey earth pony to hide under the covers, “You had fun,” she said simply, “Maybe it took a few glasses of punch for it to happen, but I saw you dancing and laughing, even your sister was impressed.”

“Why does my head feel like its being pecked by angry birds?” Her voice was muffled, but Vinyl caught the gist.

The unicorn took the chance to antagonise her friend further, poking the lump in the covers a few times and laughing, “You've never had a hangover before? I knew you were a lightweight, but teetotal?” Vinyl thought for a moment, “I can't even imagine that, I thought all musicians were on the sauce.”

“Not all of us. I thought the punch was non-alcoholic!” Octavia moaned, curling up even more.

“Come on Tavi, Applejack has a 'down home' hangover cure ready to go, you just gotta wake up.”

“I don't want to.”

Vinyl grinned, “I wasn't asking.” Using her magic, she lifted the covers from the bed and flung them into the corner, much to the chagrin of the earth pony now staring daggers at the unicorn.

Octavia began to shiver, it was cold without her covers.

“Let's get some food down you, it'll warm you up from the inside.”

“I'm afraid that if I eat anything I'll just throw it back up. My stomach feels rather... fragile, at the moment.”

Vinyl nodded knowingly, “I can understand that, but it's better to eat in the long run, take it from the expert.” Abandoning all pretence, Vinyl rolled Octavia onto her back using her magic and walked slowly out of the room carrying her. “You could stand to lose a few pounds you know,” she added.

Octavia was too annoyed and too lethargic to reply or care at the moment, so she just limply accepted her fate.

Vinyl deposited her on a chair in Applejack's kitchen, in front of her was a steaming pile of food and a strong cup of tea.

“Now eat up, that there's a guaranteed cure.” Applejack appeared in the door frame, leaning casually against it.

“How does that even make sense?” Octavia asked, poking at the food in disgust.

“The Apple family knows one thing, Apples. Can't buck apples if you're drunk... or tired.”

Vinyl sat in the seat next to Octavia, “I'd listen to her, we have a similar way of thinking. One of the first things you learn before taking on a profession is how to best rid yourself of hangovers to make sure you don't fail at said profession.”

Octavia took a precursory sip of tea, recoiling at the strong flavour, “I don't think I got that memo. Why don't you feel like this anyway Vinyl? And don't give me any of this magic crap.”

The unicorn was tempted to tap her horn mysteriously as she often does, but knew that she herself wasn't liable to accept crap when she had a hangover, “I honestly didn't have much to drink, shocking I know. Even still, my liver can handle it, whilst yours is still adapting.”

“Didn't have much to drink? But you... erm,” Octavia rubbed her head, struggling to recall whatever it was that Vinyl did, “Why can't I remember? You were doing something ridiculous, either way.”

“Something ridiculous you say?” Vinyl chuckled, “It honestly doesn't take much for me to do something ridiculous, that's just how I am. In fact, a DJ friend of mine dared me to play some terribly embarrassing music at a gig I was doing, just to see how people would react. Needless to say, I remixed that shit so well it sounded great anyway.”

Octavia lay her head on the table, “Not that I didn't enjoy your story Vinyl, but your mane is so bright that it's making my headache worse.”

“Oh, sorry.” Vinyl's horn glowed a bright blue for a second, her sunglasses lifting from her head and lying on the table. Octavia looked up feeling quite shocked, the sight was almost enough to cure her hangover right then and there. Vinyl's eyes were an angry shade of red and barely any of the pupil remained, leaving the iris to almost dominate her eye, if it wasn't for the whites, she'd look quite demonic. “I wouldn't really know would I?” She finished, sounding quite serious.

Vinyl got up and left the room, leaving her sunglasses and a dumbfounded Octavia behind.

“What's her problem?” Applejack said, walking over.

Octavia groaned at her insensitivity, “She's visually impaired and I go around insulting her appearance. Stupid Octavia, now she'll hate you.”

Surprisingly, Applejack chuckled, “Ah know a fair bit about friendship, not as much as apples, but ah'm learnin'. You may have hurt her feelin's, but ponies don't hate other ponies for bein' insensitive, once she realises that your temper's just a li'l short 'cause of the hangover, she'll forgive ya.”

“I hope you're right, Applejack.”

“'Course ah am! It takes a stubborn mule of a pony not to learn something about friendship in this town. Now sugar cube, ah think you should take these here sunglasses to your friend and make your peace.”

Octavia smiled, for a farm pony, Applejack was pretty wise when she wanted to be. “Maybe I should let her cool off for a while first... and maybe I should eat this food before it cools off.”

“The clear headed approach, ah like it!” Applejack winked and went to leave the kitchen, but turned just at the door, “Ah'll go see if ah can knock some sense into that unicorn friend o' yours.”

“Thank you, Applejack. Although, I'd suggest not actually knocking sense into her, that might make her mad.” Octavia smiled and started eating her breakfast, it wasn't really that bad once she'd taken a few bites.

Octavia would find Vinyl Scratch in the barn, staring balefully at a gramophone. It was playing an upbeat tune, but the low quality of the equipment made it sound tinny and distant, Vinyl didn't seem to mind either way.

“Vinyl?” Octavia coughed politely to get her attention.

The music suddenly stopped, making a scratchy sound before cutting away, Octavia realised she must have been controlling the device with her magic. “Yeah?” Vinyl didn't bother to turn around.

Octavia took the chance to move a few steps closer, “I'm sorry about earlier, I just-”

“You just forgot, right?” Vinyl interrupted, “Yeah, it's easy to do that when it isn't you.”

The earth pony chanced another few steps, but her shame kept her silent.

“I can almost forget sometimes myself, then someone does something to throw it back in my face and I remember that yes, my eyes are fucked up beyond repair. It's just tough to face that again and again with the realisation that you'll never truly 'see' your friends or your loved ones.” Vinyl brought a hoof to her face, but Octavia couldn't see what she was doing, “I count my blessings every day that I was born a unicorn, that I can cope as well as I do because I have magic on my side. I'd hate to see what my life would be like if I were any different.” Vinyl let out a sound that was half-sob half-chuckle.

“None of that matters, Vinyl.” Octavia finally managed to say, it caught the unicorn off guard, enough for her to turn and face the earth pony. Octavia couldn't help but notice her eyes, it was clear that she had been crying, but her puffy bloodshot eyes only compounded the shock of seeing them. Taking a deep breath, Octavia ignored them, “You make beautiful music that thousands of ponies enjoy, you're a delightful pony to be around and...” Octavia stopped, searching her own feelings for the words she wanted to say, “You've pushed the boundaries of what I thought I could experience. I can truly call you my friend.”

Vinyl gave a quick laugh, wiping away a few final tears, “Thanks, Tavi. I think you're just the pony I need, someone level headed enough to help me through the rough patches. I thank you for that.”

Octavia smiled and rushed over, “You left these behind, I thought you might want them.” She pulled out Vinyl's sunglasses and offered them to her.

With a glow of blue tinted magic, the sunglasses rose and placed themselves on Vinyl's head, making her look like the pony she usually was. Vinyl even gave a little smile to show the earth pony that everything was right in the world again.

“Jus' hug already!”

The two ponies looked around to see Applejack watching them from the barn entrance, she was chuckling encouragingly.

With a laugh, Vinyl and Octavia embraced.

“Now, I'm not sure about you Vinyl, but I could go for a quiet day today.” Octavia said, letting go.

“We could always go and see Pinkie Pie, isn't that what you wanted to do?” Vinyl replied.

Applejack laughed, “Quiet an' Pinkie Pie don' mix.”

“I'm sure my presence will keep her passive. If there's one thing I've learned about my sister, it's that she'll go to great lengths in order to forget her childhood, I honestly don't blame her.” Octavia stood and started to walk towards the barn door, “Seeing me is like a big slap in the face, her reaction at the start of my welcome party is proof of that.”

“So we aren't going to see Pinkie Pie?” Vinyl asked, sounding confused.

“Oh, we are, I'm not going to waste this opportunity because of some childhood awkwardness.”

After saying goodbye to Applejack, and receiving a parting gift of apple based food stuffs, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch walked back into town, looking for the shop they had left the previous night.

Vinyl was leading the way, she at least had an idea of where to go. Rounding a corner, they came face to face with a mass of ponies blocking the entrance. A banner hung over the entrance of Sugar Cube Corner which read, 'Free taste test! Vote for your favourite muffin flavour!'

When Vinyl inquired as to why everyone was stuck outside, the general consensus seemed to be that a grey pegasus pony had took it upon herself to be the official muffin expert and demanded solitude to inspect the product. Vinyl, not one to be stalled by mere lines, told Octavia to follow her around to the back door, which was thankfully free of ponies. The door was open, letting out the most delicious smell of baked goods.

A pink head appeared in the doorway looking frazzled and sweaty, a pink body followed it as it collapsed onto the floor.

Vinyl trotted over, looking confused, “You okay, Pinkie?”

“I've been up since the break of dawn in a hot kitchen baking muffins, it's not as fun as it sounds.” It was the way of Pinkie, and as such said a lot about her in general, that these rare moments of clarity made it sound like there was something terribly wrong.

“I'm glad to see that you put an equal amount of passion into your job than you do your parties. Hard work was never a trait I associated with Pinkamena.” Octavia stepped forwards and gave her sister an encouraging smile.

Pinkie sprang up, all fatigue apparently forgotten, “Hiya Octy!”

“Still using that old nickname are we?” Octavia gave an embarrassed laugh.

“Still using my boring old real name?” Pinkie countered.

Octavia took this chance to voice something that had been bugging her since the party, "What's this I've been hearing about you calling yourself Pinkie Pie?"

"Just something I made up," The baker scratched her head, "Didn't want to tell Mr. and Mrs. Cake my real name, so I just said the first thing that came into my head. There was a pie on the counter."

The grey mare laughed, "Pie suits you." She gave an honest smile.

“I kinda like Pinkamena,” Vinyl said, suddenly interrupting the two, “It has a steampunk feel to it. Note to self, explore steampunk musically, enlist the help of Octavia.”

Octavia looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow, Pinkie stood next to her in the exact same pose, when Octavia turned back to the pink earth pony, she noticed what she was doing. “Stop copying me! That always annoyed me when we were young.”

Pinkie giggled and snorted, “It's just a bit of fun, Octy.”

Octavia sighed, “Yes, you're right, harmless fun. I guess I'm still a little nervous about being thrown into this reconciliation.” She gave Vinyl a sideways glance. “It truly is good to see you again though, Pinkie. We may not have gotten a chance to bond so well as kids, but your upbeat attitude and cheery disposition were nice to have in that dreary place.”

“If I made you smile, then that makes me smile!” As if to prove her point, Pinkie put on the biggest smile she could. “I should really get back to work though, those muffins won't bake themselves... or can they?” Pinkie left the other two with that final thought before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Not that I doubt my sister's ability as a baker, but should we get as far away from this place as possible?”

“Most certainly my good pony.” Vinyl raised an eyebrow, “I've had an idea anyway, make haste Octavia!” Vinyl began a quick trot away from Sugar Cube Corner, Octavia hot on her hooves.

“So what is this idea?” Octavia shouted, trying to keep up with Vinyl's pace.

“I feel kinda bad about the whole deception thing when I dragged you to Ponyville, so I thought I'd actually do something musical to make up for it. This is going to help with that.”

Octavia made an appreciative noise, 'So this is what Vinyl sounds like when she's working,' she thought. If it was going to help the music, then Octavia was ready to do whatever she needed to do.

What she didn't know however, was that Vinyl's idea took them to Carousel Boutique, a fashion shop not too far from the bakery. Rarity, the unicorn custodian, seemed positively delighted to help Vinyl achieve her vision, making complements and suggestions where needed. Vinyl had a flair for design it seemed.

Octavia was being used as a model, she didn't entirely appreciate being measured and scrutinised.

“What fantastic posture!” Rarity would exclaim, “You would be the perfect model for my winter collection. So dignified, so elegant.”

Whenever Octavia would ask what she was being measured for however, Vinyl and Rarity would look at one another and share a smile. This annoyed her more than anything else because it could mean a multitude of things, perhaps it was another one of Vinyl's delightful jokes, or maybe she was being serious and it would look great. Octavia wouldn't call it a lack of trust in the unicorn, but more an over-abundance of knowledge about her habits.

As Octavia waited for something to happen, she took the opportunity to inspect the store. Rarity definitely kept it clean, nothing was out of order and every piece of equipment or piece of clothing was pristine. The unicorn herself seemingly embodied this fact, keeping her mane elegantly curled and her coat gleaming. If Octavia used a little imagination, she could see a striking resemblance between Vinyl and Rarity, yes they were both white unicorns, but they held themselves with the same kind of pride. It was then that Octavia thought that whatever Rarity wanted to do, it would probably end up looking good, you don't gain that kind of confidence if you aren't skilled.

“Thank you for your patience, dear. Come back in an hour or so and I'll have the design ready for fitting.”

Octavia was glad for the opportunity to move without being whined at, “Why weren't you getting measured?” The grey mare asked, looking at Vinyl, “Surely if this is for the music then it shouldn't just be me.”

“I already have my outfit, I assumed because you're so inexperienced at the whole 'having a social life' thing, you wouldn't have the necessary tools. Besides, I've seen Rarity's work, it's always a winner.”

Octavia made for the exit, figuring her work was done for now, neither Rarity nor Vinyl made any attempt to stop her, so she kept on walking. As she exited the shop, Vinyl pulled up along side her, “So what should we do now?”

“I wouldn't mind getting something to eat.”

“Sounds good to me.”

* * *

Huzzah! We're back in action, notes for this chapter.

Applejack isn't any easier to write

Pinkie Pie is equally difficult to write, I just don't trust myself to capture her personality properly, so she didn't get much screen time. At least her and Octavia have reached a place where they could be friends again.

Rarity wasn't that bad to be honest, I kinda liked writing her.

Part 5

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After an uneventful lunch and subsequent return to Carousel Boutique, Octavia began to wonder what Vinyl had planned for her.

Rarity was stood before a curtain, grinning with ill-contained pride, “Your outfit is just beyond this curtain. You'll look positively darling in it!”

Vinyl nudged Octavia forwards, giving her that infuriating smile. Octavia played the role of polite pony and asked to see the creation.

The curtains took on a violet glow of magic, shifting back to reveal a dress horse covered in a rather fabulous looking outfit. Dark grey in colour, the dress was simple yet complicated at the same time, it turned from soft fabric at the top to a tough looking corset around the waist and ending in a mid-length, open front skirt that adhered to the contours of the dress horses body and tail whilst leaving the front near enough bare. To top it all off, a matching veil was draped across half of the dress horses face.

Octavia honestly had no idea what to say.

“Isn't it great!” Vinyl said, “You'll be needing it when we play our first show.”

“You already have our first show planned out? We haven't even practised together yet.” Octavia replied, relishing the opportunity to say something rather than gaping awkwardly at the dress.

Vinyl grinned sheepishly, “I, er... This is actually an old idea of mine, I've just never had the chance to make it work until I met you.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow, “So what's this plan of yours?”

“Okay, Picture this...” Vinyl bounced up and down a few times, obviously excited. When she calmed down a little, she draped one of her front legs around Octavia's shoulders and used to other to guide her gaze into the distance, “Darkness. Then a light fades in revealing Octavia, looking for all the world like a gothic aristocrat. Slowly, she picks up her bow and begins to play a haunting melody reminiscent of moonlit nights in the Everfree Forest. Vinyl fades in, adding to the melody with atmospheric rhythms before switching into a heavy bass drum, signalling the turning point of the performance. The melody begins to fade away, being replaced by a much more intense repetition of a similar yet modified melody that sets the scene for what is to come, a rousing monologue from none other than me.”

“A monologue?” Octavia questioned, looking slightly amused.

Vinyl looked slightly crest-fallen, but hid it well, “Yeah, everyone likes monologues.”

“If by everyone, you mean cartoon super-villains.”

“You've not heard the monologue,” Vinyl walked over towards Rarity, “Or the monologue set to our epic music. Either way, climb into the outfit or face the consequences.”

Octavia didn't look too threatened, “And what would these consequences be?”

“Oh, I'm sure two talented unicorns like ourselves,” Vinyl indicated herself and Rarity, “Would be able to come up with an absolutely magical solution.”

It took a long time to get Octavia into the dress, Vinyl apparently insisted that it be designed to be close fitting. It took almost as long for Rarity to make small adjustments to the dress once Octavia had been told to model it and make a few turns on a makeshift walkway. Finally, it took equally as long to get her out of the dress without damaging it.

Rarity said that she would personally wrap and box the dress so as not to damage it in transit. Octavia tried to talk her out of it, but Rarity insisted, saying it was the least she could do after all the bits they paid for it.

“Wait a minute.” Octavia turned to Vinyl, who was casually cleaning her hooves, “You bought me the dress?”

“I thought that much was obvious, you've been trying it on almost all afternoon.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, “I thought I was going to buy it after we'd sorted out the fitting. I never knew you had already paid for it.”

Vinyl didn't seem very bothered by Octavia's objection, “Look, the studio pays me far too much money for the music I put out, I honestly don't need a lot of it. Consider it an early birthday gift if it makes you feel better.”

Octavia found herself, once again, at a loss for words, “Thanks Vinyl, no one has ever bought me such a beautiful gift before.”

“Sounds like you just needed nicer friends.”

Octavia made to object, but when she really thought about it, she realised that she didn't have any friends outside of her work. Yes, she was friendly with them, Bass and Treble Clef especially, but they rarely interacted outside of work. Octavia hung her head, feeling dejected, “I guess I did.”

Vinyl realised what her remark had done a little too late, “I didn't mean to drag up any old stuff by saying that.” The unicorn tried to lay a comforting hoof on her shoulder, but Octavia shied away.

“No, you're right, I've never really had friends. They just put up with me because I work with them.”

“Hey, chin up.” Vinyl put on an encouraging smile, “You have me now, none of that other stuff matters.”

“How do I know you're just not keeping me happy so we'll work better together?”

Vinyl tried not to look shocked at this question, she very nearly managed it, she sighed and went on, “Would a fake friend buy you an expensive, custom dress and ask nothing in return? I'm sure there are plenty of cheaper ways to keep someone buttered up, why waste more money than you have to on someone you don't really care about?”

Octavia looked up, Vinyl had a rather round about way of getting to her point, but it was a comforting point nonetheless. “Just don't waste too much money on me.”

“I will make no such promise, I'll spoil you like the milk in my fridge if I so please.” Vinyl gave her a cheeky grin and Octavia chuckled happily.

“Aww,” Rarity had appeared behind them, elegantly wrapped box held with her magic, “If I didn't know any better I'd say you two were budding, young lovers.” She winked and gave a disarming laugh.

Vinyl rolled her eyes, Rarity was oblivious to this of course, “Is that the dress? Thanks, we'll be leaving now, lots to do. I'm sure you can relate.”

Rarity nodded, “Yes, I have commissions to work on. If you need anything else, remember Rarity and tell your friends.”

“Come on Octavia, we need to execute part two of our musical plan.” Vinyl pushed the earth pony from the store, looking somewhat miffed.


“Okay Vinyl, so what exactly is part two?”

“We find that pegasus from last night. It shouldn't be too hard, just look up.” Vinyl scanned the sky just in case.

“The one who you wanted to talk to about singing in the band?”

“Wow, good job, I thought last night would be one big blur for you.”

Octavia cradled her head, the ghost of a headache catching her, “It's mostly just the second half of the night, I can remember the start rather well.”

“Shame, the second half was pretty good. Pinkie started a game, covertly of course, to see who could hide her pet alligator in the most hilarious place to prank people. Our pegasus friend joined in now that I think about it.”

“Can't we just ask someone? I know she's blue, surely that narrows it down.”

Vinyl had her eyes firmly trained on the sky, “I know what she looks like and where she lives, it's nearby just in case you wanted to know.”

Octavia dialled the conversation back a little, looking slightly worried, “You know where she lives? How?”

“Not everyone can be as level-headed as me at a party,” Vinyl replied, looking around, “We got to talking and she told me, I've no idea why though, I didn't exactly ask.”

Octavia breathed a sigh of relief, it was always nice to know your friends weren't crazed stalkers. “I can see some kind of cloud house over there, no other way I can describe it really, it's a house that's also a cloud. Do pegasi live in those?”

Vinyl turned to face where Octavia was pointing, “Good eyes Tavi, there's only so much I can do with magic. It's very possible that's where she lives, see any other cloud houses around here?”

Octavia made a quick three-sixty spin but spotted nothing, “Clear skies all around.”

“Then let us away, the quicker we get this done, the quicker we can start.”

The two ponies stood underneath the cloud home, staring at the several metres of open air that separated it from the ground.

“Well, this is convenient,” Vinyl said, her voice layered in heavy sarcasm.

“She mustn't like visitors that much, how is a non-pegasus supposed to get her attention?” Octavia supplied, trying to mitigate the pegasus' apparent want for solitude. She looked over at Vinyl to see if the unicorn agreed with her. Apparently she wasn't listening because Vinyl was searching the ground. “Er... Vinyl, what are you doing?”

“Looking for rocks, a few of those will get her attention. Aha!” Vinyl floated a bunch of rocks with her magic, launching them through the clouds at random.

“Ow!” Vinyl had apparently hit something capable of feeling pain. The next thing they knew however, a rainbow blur flew out of the cloud home and zoomed towards the ground coming to a halt before the pair, kicking up dust as it did. “What do you think you're playing at!” the blur shouted, brandishing a threatening hoof at each of them in turn.

“Hey Rainbow. How was your morning?” Vinyl didn't falter under the pegasus' gaze, instead giving her a goofy grin.

“It was going fine until somepony threw a rock at me!” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head.

“Chill sister, we're just here to talk.”

Vinyl's familiarity with the pegasus would no doubt help ease everything, so Octavia elected to stay silent and just watch.

Rainbow Dash let out a deep breath, it seemed to level her out at least, “I wondered what happened to you after the party, I woke up with Pinkie insisting I leave before the shop had to open. Something about muffins?”

Vinyl laughed, “Oh yeah, we've already spoke to Pinkie, she's been up to her neck in muffins all day it seems.”

“Yeah, so I only got back a few hours ago, not feeling my best after last night. Think I had a little too much.”

Octavia failed to suppress a knowing wince, “You and me both,” she said.

Rainbow Dash turned her gaze, giving Octavia a quick once over, “You're Scratch's friend from last night, right? I don't think I caught your name, maybe I just can't remember,” she laughed embarrassedly.

Octavia chuckled, if only to make the pegasus feel better, “It's Octavia, I don't remember a lot about last night either.”

“Rainbow Dash, fastest weather pony in Equestria, at your service.” The pegasus gave a mock bow before smirking. “So what did you want to talk about, I didn't do anything stupid last night did I?”

Vinyl took control of the conversation again, “You were delightful company, but it's only one part of last night we want to talk about. Karaoke to be exact.”

If this question came out of the blue, she didn't show it on her face, “Just some harmless fun, a nice rock ballad to get the party started. You know how it is.” Rainbow shrugged absent-mindedly, her answer sounded rehearsed, like she had to explain her karaoke habits to a lot of ponies.

“I do know how it is, I know that you were fantastic up there. You have a brilliant voice.”

“So is that all you wanted, to complement my singing voice? It not as if I put any practice into it.”

“And that's why I think you're great,” Vinyl showed an excited smile, it warmed Octavia to see how passionate her friend was about music.

“You have a raw talent that hasn't been tempered by formal training to pigeon-hole your skills. You're exactly what I've been looking for in a vocalist.”

Rainbow took a step back and spluttered, “What me? No, I suck and believe me when I say that I'll brag about almost everything. My singing voice was never one of those things.”

“I know what I heard. Now, you don't have to make a decision now, perhaps you take a trip back to Canterlot with me and Octavia and we have a quick jam session, you might find it fun.”

Octavia recognised that tone in Vinyl's voice, her silver tongue working it's magic. Perhaps it was magic, maybe she should ask one of the days.

Rainbow Dash looked hesitant, “I have a lot of stuff to do here, I can't just abandon Ponyville.”

“It's nothing like that, think of it like a little holiday, I'm sure you're up for one of those after last night. You come into Canterlot, you lay some vocals down over our music and see how well we gel. Even if you end up saying yes, you could even stay in Ponyville if you wished, the music is perfectly willing to work around your schedule.”

The conflict showed on Rainbow Dash's face, but Vinyl cut in to put a cherry on the top of her cake.

“Of course, my music gets a lot of attention, I have countless fans all over Equestria. In fact, I was talking to my friend Spitfire last week, she told me that they use my music in some of her Wonderbolts routines.”

“You know Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts, the greatest fliers in all of Equestria?” Rainbow looked manic.

Vinyl ignored it and kept a cool demeanour, “Sure, we go way back, met when we were fillies.”

“So... say I go with you,” the pegasus tried and failed to stay casual, “You could put in a good word for me?”

“Let me put it this way, Dashy,” Vinyl leaned in close, “I'd be eternally grateful if you said yes.”

Rainbow almost jumped out of her skin, but reigned it in, “I don't think a weekend away could hurt, I might as well give it a shot. I've got plenty of holiday hours saved up anyway.”

“Perfect. Now if you don't mind, you can follow us when we leave for Canterlot, I'm not paying for an extra seat when you've got wings.”

Octavia was impressed, Vinyl had total control of that conversation without making it obvious. What other talents she was hiding, Octavia was sure she would love to find out, the unicorn was seemingly full of secrets.

Vinyl wrapped up a few last details with Rainbow Dash and started to walk back into the town centre, beckoning Octavia to follow.

“Now that we've got that all wrapped up, how about we make the best of our last few hours in Ponyville.”


“Hey look, there's a library!”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, “If I wanted a nap I would have had one already.”

“How can you not like a good book?” Octavia asked, looking scandalised.

“I love reading, what with my partial blindness and such. It's a blast.” She dead-panned.

Octavia's voice caught in her throat, “Sorry.”

“Nah, it's okay, I just use it as an excuse to ignore bad reviews.” Vinyl grinned, letting Octavia know that everything was cool. The earth pony responded with a smile of her own.

“Okay then, seeing as you're apparently the master of fun, what do you want to do?”

“Don't rush me, I'm still thinking.”

Octavia let out a high-pitched laugh, “Don't tell me Vinyl Scratch doesn't know what to do for fun? Isn't that against your own personal laws?”

“It's not my fault!” Vinyl sighed exasperatedly, “Ponyville is giving me so little to work with.”

Vinyl stayed silent after that, walking slowly in any random direction her hooves dragged her. Octavia followed, if only because she didn't want to get lost alone. Her gaze fell onto the rolling hills and valleys that surrounded the small town, she spied several lakes and even an intimidating mountain in the distance. Octavia's eyes lit up with an idea.

“Vinyl,” she got the unicorns attention, thinking how she should word her question, “It's been a long day and I think it would be better if we just sat down and enjoyed the scenery. We won't be able to see anything like this when we go back to Canterlot, we'll be busy over there anyway, so can't we just slow down and have these few hours to ourselves?”

Vinyl looked over, for a second it looked like she was about to object and insist they go hang-gliding or some such nonsense, but she took a deep breath and nodded in agreement, “A rest sounds lovely, what do you have in mind?”

Octavia smiled happily, “I saw a lake nearby, we could sit under a tree and talk, watch the birds fly by, it'll be great.”

“Sounds... lovely.”

“You already said that,” Octavia grinned mischievously.

“Well, I would've preferred going hang-gliding or something, but sitting down next to a lake might be fun.”

“We'll make it fun.”

The lake wasn't very big, but it looked great in the late afternoon sun. Ducks were swimming between the lakeside reeds and a variety of insects flew across the surface of the water. Octavia had dragged Vinyl over to a spot under a tree and forced her to sit down and admire the beauty of nature.

“Not just the sights either, just listen to birds and the insects and the wind. It's like nature is putting on a concert just for us.”

“That is honestly the most stupid thing anypony has said. Ever.” Vinyl said in a deadpan.

“Don't be a grump, just because you aren't getting your way for once.” Octavia settled down next to the unicorn and playfully tapped her with a hoof.

“That's not the reason.”

Octavia smiled, “Oh really? And here's me thinking that your cutie mark should have probably been a silver tongue.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Vinyl asked, looking offended.

“Oh nothing,” Octavia said casually, “It's just that I've noticed you have a real way with words and you can be very convincing if you want to be. Poor Rainbow Dash never had a chance to say no did she?”

Vinyl narrowed her eyes, hidden of course behind her sunglasses, “You make it sound sinister, like I had ulterior motives or something. 'I only want you in the band so I can make love to you'” Vinyl mocked, putting on a fake voice.

“I never knew you swung that way.” Octavia couldn't stop herself from giggling.

“Hey, wherever Vinyl Scratch swings, she doesn't miss.”

“What is that even supposed to mean?”

Vinyl shrugged, “It sounded cooler in my head.”

“You're avoiding the issue. How exactly are you so persuasive? Is it just a natural charm or is it a little more, magic perhaps?”

“What do you mean, magic?” Vinyl nudged her own horn nervously, her smile seeming a little too forced.

Octavia rolled her eyes, “It's magic, I don't need to explain it.”

Vinyl sighed, backing up against the tree for support. She lifted the sunglasses from her head and folded them carefully by her side, “Okay, I'll tell you. Although I'm not exactly proud of it.”

Octavia lay on her stomach, propping her head on her front hooves, “I'm all ears.”

“So we've established that I'm partially sighted, right?” Vinyl began, watching Octavia nod in response, “And we've also established that I use my magic to help me 'see'. What I didn't establish however is that the magic I use is part of a branch of magic known as sensory magic, or any piece of magic that directly relates to a pony's senses. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch, that kind of stuff.”

Octavia nodded along, keeping up so far.

“I assume you know that unicorns have magic which relates to their special talent. I learned how to use the spells that help me before I had even discovered my special talent, which is creating and playing music. I assumed that the sound aspect of the magic came easily to me because of my special talent and that I learned the 'sight' spells due to pure force of will. I learned one day through experimenting that I could control the other aspects of sensory magic just as easily as I could sound. It was only a matter of time before I figured out I could use magic to manipulate how other ponies perceive the sound of my voice, with that in mind, I can make myself sound good to them. It gets harder to do on a large scale, which is why I don't bother with it during performances, keeping that up throughout an entire song would probably kill me. One on one, it works brilliantly though. The other pony is hearing a pleasant voice so they're more open to listening to me and considering what I have to say. It's a cheap trick, I know, but it works.”

“So...” Octavia began hesitantly, plucking up the courage to ask her next question, “Have you ever done that to me.”

Vinyl smiled, her eyes flashing brilliantly in the late afternoon sun, “Honestly, no. I just know what you like to hear. I don't need extra help when you and me have this great synergy.”

“I feel it as well... the synergy I mean. How else can you explain two ponies becoming such fast friends?

“Maybe we were fated to be together,” Vinyl said, staring off into the distance.

“Perhaps we were,” Octavia gave Vinyl a gentle pat on the shoulder, “Sometimes I think the universe has a pretty good taste in music.”

Part 6

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Vinyl had arranged an early morning flight back to Canterlot. Mostly because Octavia had insisted, “I have important business to attend to in the city on Monday.” The grey mare could be heard remarking.

Her white unicorn friend would reply thus, “How can I say no to that adorable face?”

If this mysterious visitor would have eavesdropped a little longer, they would have witnessed a small fight break out, as the earth pony tried with all her might to murder the unicorn in whatever inventive, brutal method occurred to her. They would have noticed the unicorn giggling madly as the earth pony tried, defending herself easily by glancing blows away with small bursts of magic.

Further investigation into the two ponies would have revealed a third, an orange earth pony wearing a Stetson. It would seem she played 'sheriff' to the pair, clapping both of them round the back of the head with her strong hooves. “Now you,” She pointed a hoof at the unicorn, “Mosey on back t' yer own room, some of us hafta be up at cock crow.”

The unicorn would try and fail to restrain her laughter, “Night, ma'am” She would say in a crude, southern accent, tipping her imaginary hat at the door.

Sheriff earth pony would roll her eyes and insist the other earth pony get some rest as well. The grey mare would nod respectfully and make her preparations for sleep.


Octavia felt oddly emotional as she bade Applejack goodbye for what could be the final time. The farm pony was, to put it simply, a very nice pony. Honest and friendly, Applejack was just someone you could get along with. She gave Octavia and Vinyl a hug each before getting back to work, humming a jaunty tune as she did.

“So...” Octavia began, looking at the box she was carrying on her back, “Will we be visiting our new rainbow friend?”

The unicorn took a few seconds to answer, apparently weighing it over in her mind, “We probably should at least tell her we're on our way back, it shouldn't take her as long to get to Canterlot so she can have a bit longer in bed if she wants.” Vinyl sighed, it wasn't obvious to anyone else, but she closed her eyes, they had begun to hurt again. “Could you do me a small favour, Octavia?”

“Hey, that almost rhymes.” The usually serious earth pony cracked a smile, but it was the one time that Vinyl didn't return it, “What's the favour then?” The unicorn didn't look much in the mood for jokes at the moment.

“I'm feelin' kinda drained, would you mind leading us to Rainbow's place so I can give my horn a rest?”

Octavia frowned, “Do you feel ill? Sorry, I mean, of course I'll lead the way but if you don't feel well I think you should tell me.”

Vinyl forced a smile, “Just a bit achy and lethargic, nothing a bit of rest can't cure.” Octavia didn't need to know about the headaches just yet, maybe in time. The white unicorn sighed happily as she dispelled her sensory enchantment.

“Just follow the sound of my hooves, okay. It shouldn't take long to get into town and then we'll get you home and back to bed.” Octavia smiled helpfully, but the gesture fell on deaf ears... so to speak.

“Octavia you naughty mare, aren't you even going to ask me on a date first?” It was a feeble attempt at changing the subject but the more Octavia thought she was okay, the longer she could keep her headaches a secret. It wasn't much at the moment, but she could feel them coming, 'Always pushing yourself too far, eh Vinyl?'

Luckily, Octavia decided to run with the sarcasm, “Was that a 'we are secretly dating' joke? How original.”

“You know me Tavi, I'm a committed kind of pony.”

Octavia barely contained a chuckle, “And here's me thinking that you were the love 'em and leave 'em type.”

“Hey, sometimes relationships don't work and the sooner you realise it, the better for the both of you. Besides, I hardly think you qualify to give out relationship advice.”

“I have a thousand pieces of advice about how not to initiate a relationship if that helps. For example, never stand outside your Cello instructors house and play the most romantic song you know, especially if his wife is home... and people are watching.” Octavia was glad that Vinyl couldn't see how embarrassed she looked.

“You fell for your Cello instructor? That's kinda sad. Anyway, I thought you played Double Bass?”

“A mare can't be multi-talented?”

“Pfft, transferable skills. Call me when you learn how to play the saxophone.”

“Fine, I'll just not talk.” Octavia held her head high in defiance. It was then that Octavia fully began to comprehend just how much of communication is non-verbal, it was a shame that she and Vinyl couldn't have that non-verbal link. The earth pony almost hugged her friend right there and then, stroking her mane and telling her that everything would be alright. As it was, she just seemed lost.

“But if you stop talking, I won't be able to follow your incessant whining.”

Scratch that, she's still the same old Vinyl.

Rainbow Dash was waiting for them when they arrived at her home, something that Octavia (and Vinyl once the earth pony told her) found rather odd.

“You're up early,” Octavia said in greeting, “We got up especially.”

Rainbow laughed rather unnervingly, “I didn't sleep! I've been waiting for you all night, drunk my weight in coffee. You guys sleep slowly.”

Now that Octavia was closer, she could see the dark rings under the pegasus' eyes and how jittery she seemed. Apparently deciding that standing still was too boring, Rainbow flew a few laps around her cloud house and landed again.

Vinyl took this opportunity to give the pegasus the run down on their plans. “Now Dash, we're on our way back to Canterlot, our sky-cab is scheduled to arrive soon and we thought that we should come over and tell you so you can meet us at the depot in Canterlot. You could probably get there faster by yourself, so you can stay here for a while if you want.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow looked scandalised, but perked up just as quick, “I'm coming with you guys, I don't wanna miss my opportunity with the Wonderbolts, I mean singing with you guys.” Rainbow's forced smile wasn't very convincing.

“Fine, just remember that there isn't room for you inside the chariot.”

“I'll need all that flying time to warm up anyway.” The pegasus looked between the other two quickly, as if expecting one of them to respond just as quickly as she did.

Octavia decided to speak up, “Okay then, now that we have all of that sorted out, we should be on our way to the landing point.”

“Yes, good idea Tavi. Just follow her Dash, she knows where she's going.” Vinyl turned towards Octavia and motioned for her to start moving.

They were quite the odd sight, the three of them. First of all you had the grey earth pony with a fairly large box on her back and an exasperated look on her face, then you had the white unicorn with her head down and generally looking sorry for herself, finally there was the cyan pegasus, zipping around the other two like a housefly that's had too much sugar.

They stopped in a large stretch of open flatland just outside of Ponyville where they had originally landed. Octavia and Vinyl sat down patiently, Octavia with her eyes towards the skies and Vinyl just laying her head on her front legs.

“This is taking too long.” Rainbow Dash had been still for perhaps five seconds before saying this.

Octavia sighed, “We got here early just in case, the chariot isn't scheduled for another ten minutes at least.”

“Ten minutes!? That's like... hours!”

“Just sit your feathery behind down,” Vinyl said, her tone was serious, “Be quiet until the sky-cab arrives or I'll make you go home.”

The pegasus did as she was told surprisingly. Vinyl did seem in one of those moods where you just don't want to mess with them, perhaps it was her threat that did it, Rainbow Dash seemed intent on being good at this so she could set up a meeting with the Wonderbolts. Octavia could understand it in a way, using one thing as a stepping stone to another thing, but where would that leave them? If Rainbow Dash got what she wanted and the Wonderbolts accepted her as a member of their flight team, would she have enough time to continue working with her and Vinyl or would she have to focus squarely on her flight training.

Just being around the pegasus told Octavia one thing about her, if it came down to a choice, she wouldn't pick being a vocalist over being a Wonderbolt. Which was quite sad actually, but Octavia had to trust Vinyl's judgement when it came to this. The unicorn had said it herself after all, Rainbow Dash was what she was looking for in a vocalist and from what Octavia could tell, she had been looking for a while. Vinyl doesn't seem like the type to just give something like that up.

When Octavia snapped out of her musings, she saw that the chariot was pulling in to land, she nudged Vinyl and told her the ride was here. Rainbow looked towards the unicorn as if asking permission to move. Vinyl couldn't see this of course, but Octavia took the hint and told her to follow close, Vinyl didn't correct her, so Rainbow nodded and stretched her wings ready for the trip.

“Let's just get this sorted shall we.” Vinyl sounded annoyed.

Octavia couldn't help but feel like she had to do something, 'Maybe when we get her back home, I should be able to find something to help her there.'


Vinyl unlocked her door with a quick burst of magic, even that simple act sent a shooting pain through her head, she fought to mask it before Octavia or Rainbow Dash could notice, they didn't need to worry about her.

The door swung open, “Make yourself at home, kitchen is to your left, bathroom is through the door to the right, couch is right ahead.”

The unicorn stood at the door and watched as her two new friends rushed in, Octavia had predictably headed straight for her Double Bass and was checking if it was alright. Dash was taking an aerial tour of the living room, poking her head into every cupboard and seeing what was through every door. Vinyl took her time closing and locking the front door manually, it was better than causing herself pain.

Vinyl crashed on the couch opposite Octavia, they were almost in the same position when she proposed the entire Ponyville vacation in the first place.

“Look Vinyl, you really need to get some rest, we can sort everything else out tomorrow. You can't rightly focus on work when you're as obviously strained as you are.”

Perhaps Octavia had noticed after all, “Thanks for the concern, but we need to deal with Jitterbug first, she needs the rest more than I do.”

Octavia looked up at Rainbow Dash, she was currently trying to open one of the windows near the top of the back wall, “I suppose, but what can we do? She's so pepped up she isn't going to go to sleep any time soon.”

“If she won't sleep naturally, then make her sleep unnaturally. There are some sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet, you know where that is, just grind two up in a protein shake and tell her it's to help for her Wonderbolts audition.” There was a small pause where Vinyl could imagine Octavia staring at her with that, 'did you really just say that' glare she has, “And don't worry, she won't remember much when she wakes up. Do this and I promise I'll let you fuss over me.”

Vinyl heard the sound of Octavia grumbling and getting up, “Okay, I suppose it's best to perform music when everypony has a clear head.”

“That's the spirit, drug our new friend and put her in my bed.” She may feel like crap, but Vinyl still knows when to crack a joke.

Octavia rolled her eyes and wandered into the bathroom, finding that it was sparkling clean, 'Vinyl must have a maid.' It actually smelled lemon fresh rather than... she didn't even want to think about it. The medicine cabinet was in its place above the sink and the sleeping pills didn't take long to find, they were in a fairly large bottle with a sleeping pony on it, 'apparently Vinyl needs a lot of these. Better take the bottle, Vinyl might want some.'

Pills in hoof, Octavia made her way to the kitchen and began rooting through the cupboards to find what she needed. After a minute or two of searching, she found a mortar and pestle, a large glass, a small packet of powdered protein shake mix, a lot of milk and a spoon.

She ground the pills into a fine powder using the mortar and pestle but left it alone for the time being. She poured the milk into the glass and made sure to read the instructions of the back of the powdered protein shake mix before adding it in. She carefully stirred the mixture, making sure not to spill any of it, once she felt that everything had dissolved, she added the ground up sleeping pills, added them to the mixture and stirred it once again. Admiring her concoction, Octavia smiled and turned to Vinyl, “I've done it!” she shouted, “Where's Rainbow?”

The unicorn merely pointed towards her left, at the door Octavia knew held Vinyl's bedroom. The earth pony took special care in picking up the drink, walking slowly towards the door which burst open unceremoniously as she neared it. Rainbow Dash had obviously finished her tour of the apartment and was looking for something else to do.

“Rainbow Dash, I have a drink for you.” Octavia called, balancing the drink so she didn't spill any of it.

The pegasus looked down, “Great, I was really thirsty after all that flying.” She zipped down and took the drink off of Octavia, downing almost three quarters of it in one gulp. “That tasted... really erm...” her eyes began to droop.

Octavia mock gasped, “You look tired Rainbow, perhaps you should have a rest, it's been so long since you slept after all.” She trotted up and offered her shoulder to the pegasus.

“Yeah... sleep would be good.” She yawned and her legs buckled slightly.

Together, they walked back through the door beside the kitchen area, coming onto a corridor similar to the one on the other side of the apartment, there were a few doors leading off of this one, Octavia took a chance with the first. She found a large room, walls almost blocked out by posters and pictures, it was messy and had a plush carpet leading up to a massive bed, 'This is definitely Vinyl's room.'

The two ponies made it to the bed, Octavia holding the covers back whilst Rainbow collapsed into it, snoring soundly, “Sweet dreams.”

The earth pony allowed herself a small smile before backing out of the room, she was glad to see that Vinyl hadn't moved. “So...” she began, before the unicorn interrupted.

“Yeah, yeah... fuss away.”

Octavia took a seat opposite her, “You've been acting funny since we left Applejack's. What's the matter and tell me the truth this time.”

“Are you saying I lied?”

“No, I'm saying you just withheld a few important details. I'm your friend, I deserve to know what's going on if it's something bad.” Octavia looked at the unicorn pleadingly, even if she couldn't see it.

Vinyl sighed, “I have a really bad headache.”

“But that isn't all is it?” Octavia got up and took a seat on the edge of the couch where Vinyl was lay, she put a hoof on Vinyl's forehead, the unicorn jumped slightly at her touch, but didn't complain.

“You're burning up.”

“I've just been pushing my magic a bit too much the past weekend, it happens, I just need to rest for a bit.”

Octavia frowned, 'how can someone be so blasé about their own health?' “Surely there's something that can help speed the process along, recharge your batteries so to speak. If it's happened before, surely you know of something.”

Vinyl shivered, “Well there is one... no, I shouldn't even mention it.”

“Vinyl, please. Anything you need, I'll get it for you.”

“I'm not sure it's appropriate,” she shifted uncomfortably, “I don't even know why I brought it up.”

“Vinyl.” Octavia glared at the unicorn so intensely that she was sure Vinyl could feel it despite her disability, “Anything.”

A sharp release of breath, “If you really want to know,” a deep intake of breath. “There are certain chemicals in a pony's brain, in earth ponies and pegasi they serve only to produce the feeling you know as happiness or pleasure, in unicorns it can stimulate the rush of magic, making them feel recharged.”

“So, I just have to make you happy?”

Vinyl winced, “It's not quite that simple, you can't just put on my favourite song and give me a nice meal, it needs to be an intense rush of pleasurable excitement, enough to force the magic to recharge. The chemical is a natural secretion so it does it by itself over time.”

Octavia looked confused, “So how do I go about 'exciting' you... oh.” The answer dropped into her head and with it, a fierce blush.

“Yeah...” Vinyl rolled over, facing the back of the couch, “That's why I didn't mention it.”

The earth pony wasn't about to let a little embarrassment stop her, “Why can't you just... you know, help yourself?”

There was a brief silence from Vinyl, “With this headache? I don't think I could get myself in the mood. It's always easier with somepony else though.”

Octavia backed away slightly, “Well... that's, er... good to know. Rainbow Dash left some of the protein shake, you could have that to help you sleep.”

Vinyl sat up slowly, purposefully turning away from Octavia, she staggered over to the kitchen and found the glass, draining it completely. “Yeah, I'll just go climb in bed, I'll be better in the morning, come by then.”

“Oh, I think Rainbow Dash is already asleep in your bed.”

The unicorn smiled weakly, “It's a big bed, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Lock the door on your way out, okay?” She had disappeared the door before Octavia even had a chance to say anything.

Staring awkwardly around the now empty living room, she got up to leave, but stopped herself when she saw her Double Bass and the box from Ponyville. 'I'll be back tomorrow, I'm sure Vinyl will keep them safe for me.' Octavia didn't have much of a choice, she walked over to the front door and set the lock before slipping out, her thoughts centred around the unicorn that had looked so vulnerable just moments before.

'And you left because you felt a little awkward. What kind of friend are you?'

“I have business to deal with.”

'You keep telling yourself that.'

* * *

Okay, not the most terribly exciting chapter ever to exist, but this story is Slice of Life for a reason. Life isn't always exciting.

There were some important things set up in this chapter though if you care to read between the lines and make a few assumptions.

Sorry about taking a while to upload this, I've had my time divided by a lot of projects (some new, but mostly revising Adored, which should be finished soon. I only have the last quarter to go)

Part 7

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I've been ill lately, found it hard to get in the mood to write.

This chapter is rated Teen for scenes of Drunken Shenanigans and Crackpot Philosophy

* * *

Octavia felt dreadful as she entered the concert hall, which only made what she was about to do even worse. There was no way of avoiding it though, she couldn't very well focus on two demanding musical projects.

She knew that her band mates would be getting ready for practice and it would only be fair if she told them all together.

The main stage in the Fillyharmonic Hall was one of the most prestigious places a classical musician could ever hope to play in all of Equestria. Octavia could remember the day she got her acceptance letter vividly.

Her mother and father were waiting in the dining room eating a plain, nutritious breakfast, Octavia had come downstairs with her sister, Pinkie having already left home by this point.

“You have mail, Octavia.” Her father said, indicating a large envelope on the dinner table.

“It's stamped by the Canterlot Arts Council.” Her mother added.

Octavia could remember feeling tense, her muscles seizing up to the point where she found it difficult to sit down at the table. When she calmed down, the tenseness was replaced by a feeling of dread, 'what if I don't get accepted, what could I possibly hope to achieve after being rejected by the Canterlot Arts Council.' Her father had instilled a deep sense of pride into his offspring, Octavia had always performed her best in whatever she had done and if her best wasn't enough then she obviously wasn't trying hard enough.

“Open it.” It wasn't a request, there was no warming comfort in his voice to tell Octavia that even if she did get rejected, everything would be alright.

As an earth pony, Octavia had always found it difficult to perform precise tasks such as opening letters and with the added nervousness, it didn't help her concentration. When she finally managed to fumble it open, a fairly thick booklet fell out, a picture of the Canterlot Fillyharmonic Hall on the front, it seemed to be an information guide of some kind, but Octavia ignored it for now, she focused on the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Carefully unfolding it, her eyes dismissed all unnecessary distractions and instead looked directly at the first line of the letter.

...We are delighted to inform you that you have earned a place...

That was all she needed for the time being, disregard details, she had made it. Her ultimate prize was within her grasp, nothing could stop that now. “I've been accepted.”

Her father cracked a very rare smile, “Hard work breeds achievement, Octavia. I'm proud of you.”

And here she was again, just about as nervous as she was was back then. Except this time, instead of joining, she was leaving.

She entered the practice room and all eyes turned to her. One pony in particular, a light brown earth pony with an off-white mane, greeted her enthusiastically, “Ah, Octavia! We were wondering if you would arrive, no one has seen you for days.”

Octavia forced a smile, “Good afternoon Frederic. I can't stay for long, there's somewhere I have to be.” Octavia felt her mind going back to Vinyl's apartment, replaying their conversation in her head, reinforcing her guilty feeling.

A purple pony with a cobalt mane interrupted her train of thought, “What do you mean, 'somewhere you have to be?' What can be more important than your job?”

“That's what I've come to discuss.” Octavia took a few steps forward and looked at each of her three band-mates in turn, “I'm resigning.”

Beauty Brass, who had been casually practising breathing exercises with her sousaphone, let out a short trumpeting blast in shock. Harpo almost snapped a string on his harp and Frederic hit a series of uncomplimentary keys on his piano.

“Resigning!?” Frederic managed to choke out, he got up from his place at the piano and walked over, staring incredulously at his colleague, “Whatever brought this on?”

Octavia hated the looks of shock and disappointment on their faces, she hated knowing that she's let them down, “I'm sorry you had to hear it like this, but I had only just made the decision myself. I don't enjoy playing traditional music any more, it's like the will has been sapped from me. I got an offer to play with somepony else and I accepted, I can't focus on two separate projects, especially ones as demanding as they are, so I had to make my choice.”

“You didn't win.” Octavia turned away, she didn't want to see their faces any more.

“Octavia wait.” It was Frederic, “We may not be able to sway your decision if you feel the way you do, but I don't think any of us would want to anyway. Just know that, if you ever change your mind, you're always welcome here.”

Octavia looked at Frederic, the stallion who had taken her under his proverbial wing, provided her with expert tutelage, endless criticism and praise. He was as much a father to her than her biological one, “Thank you Frederic, I really appreciate it.” She looked over his shoulder at her former band-mates, “Thank you all for giving me the skills to perform and for giving me a chance. If it wasn't for you I probably would have gone insane a long time ago.”

Frederic placed a hoof on Octavia's shoulder, “Every bird has to leave the nest eventually, it's only natural. Just make sure your new nest is one filled with happiness.”

“I hate to do this to you all, I really do.”

The light brown earth pony smiled, his eyes watering slightly, “It will be hard to replace someone of your talent, but we'll manage. We certainly managed before you came along and we'll do so again. I, and I'm sure the band will agree, wish you luck in whatever you do and we'll follow and support your music wherever it goes.”

A rousing “Hear hear!” came from Beauty Brass and Harpo.

Frederic offered Octavia one last smile before she left, she returned it two-fold, her eyes threatening to fill with tears also.

Upon getting home, Octavia slammed the door to her apartment and crashed onto her sofa, she didn't bother going to her bedroom, instead falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The entire day up to this point had been exhausting for Octavia, both physically, mentally and emotionally. Waking up early and the trip home, dealing with Vinyl, quitting her old band, all of it seemed to combine in her head until she simply couldn't function any more. So for now she rested and hoped that it would do her some good, even if that good is only putting off her problems for a little while.


Across town, Vinyl could feel the sleeping pills wearing off. The sound of heavy breathing fell into her ears, she focused on it, listening for its pitch and tone when she heard something very interesting. There were two separate sounds in there, two completely isolated sets of breathing noises that would be indistinguishable to most ponies, but not for Vinyl Scratch. A combination of her natural talents and partial blindness have blessed her with excellent hearing and her mind was currently running through plans of how she could use this knowledge.

She wasn't an expert on pegasus anatomy, but she had read various articles on the applications of the anatomy of the trachea in singing. It was partly a factor in her choice of Rainbow Dash as a vocalist, a pegasus that was innately talented could be a force to be reckoned with.

Vinyl rolled over to face the pegasus and chanced a small bit of magic, her horn glowed slightly and Dash's outline in the bed appeared before her. Dash's breathing caused vibrations in the air which allowed Vinyl to get a good look at her face, 'If only circumstances were different. I wouldn't mind waking up to a face like that more often.' The DJ grinned and rolled out bed, shivering slightly in the cool air. She lifted her sunglasses onto her face before shutting off her magic to keep herself fresh, Vinyl opened the door to her bedroom, wincing as it creaked loudly. The unicorn looked behind her towards the bed, but it seemed that Dash hadn't noticed it.

When she entered the living room, she looked immediately out of the window, noticing that the sun was dangerously close to dropping behind the horizon. As much as Vinyl needed the rest, she really hated sleeping during the day, there was just so much she could have done in those hours and she had lost that opportunity. At that moment, her stomach rumbled and the sound of a door opening came from behind her.

“I thought I heard someone open the bedroom door, guess you were checkin' in on me.”

Vinyl chuckled, “Yeah, sure. Er... you hungry?” She asked, quickly changing the subject. She felt kind of bad that she had woken Rainbow Dash up, but it was convenient in itself, she could get something proper to eat now that the pegasus was awake.

“Don't know if you're aware of this, but us pegasi are pretty much always hungry.” Dash still seemed to be shaking the sleep off of herself, her wings were tucked close to her sides and she walked slowly and purposely, “Flying is hungry work and I suppose a faster natural metabolism probably helps as well.”

“Great.” Vinyl smiled, Dash seemed like her kind of pony, “I was about to go get some pizza, you in?”

“I never turn down free pizza.”

“I'll just go grab a few things and we'll be off, I can give you a mini tour of Canterlot whilst we're out.” Vinyl trotted over to a chest of drawers on the side wall and began rummaging through them to find what she wanted.

“Oh hey, where's that Octavia pony? I want to thank her for helping me out, I think I went a little crazy with the caffeine.” Dash stretched her wings and began hovering slightly to work her muscles back into motion.

Vinyl chuckled, pulling a leather pouch from the drawers and placing it on a stand where her saddlebags were resting. “Don't worry about it, caffeine gets the best of us. Sweet, sweet caffeine. I suppose Octavia went home, she said she had to do some stuff and I'd imagine that she'd have done it by this time.”

“You guys don't live together? I thought you did.” Dash flew over and sat on the couch, resting her back hooves on the coffee table.

“Nah, we only just met actually, the band just kinda fell together after a gig I played.”

“So it's just you all alone in this huge apartment?”

Vinyl paused, looking over at the cyan pegasus, “Well it sounds bad when you say it like that... but yeah.” She used her magic to secure the saddlebags across her back, “I don't mind though, it gives me room to relax after a hard day.”

“Don't take this the wrong way, but I've heard your music and Octavia doesn't seem like the kind of mare to go to one of your gigs.”

Vinyl laughed loudly, startling the pegasus slightly, “You're probably right on that account, but it's my understanding that she was dragged there against her will by some colleagues. She plays in this fancy band see, they actually played the Grand Galloping Gala this year.”

“Ugh. The gala...” Dash rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Ha. I just remembered, you were the one who knocked over those pillars. Classic.”

“You were there as well?”

“Yeah, wasn't much of a party until you and your friends turned it up a notch. Property damage in the castle, that's quite a story.” Vinyl angled her head towards the door and unlocked it with a flourish of her magic.

Dash got up and flew over, landing next to the DJ, “I'm just glad I didn't get jail time.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses, “Instead you get free pizza, how does that make you feel?”

Dash grinned, “Makes me feel like I should trash that place more often.”


Octavia's eyes burst open, she didn't know why or how, but she could feel something ominous stirring in the back of her mind. Somewhere, bad things were happening and knowing her friend, it was probably happening to or around Vinyl. Or worse, her Double Bass.

To the outside observer, Octavia's next step, which involved rooting around for some bits and charging out of her apartment, would seem illogical. The grey earth pony had come to rely on her instincts however, they were very rarely wrong, some might even say they were uncanny. Either way, Octavia had no doubt in her mind that something she wasn't going to like was happening in Vinyl's apartment. She walked out of her building to be confronted with the darkness of late night.

Luckily, Vinyl's apartment wasn't as far away when compared to the concert hall. She flagged down a taxi cart and tossed the driver an extra few bits to make him go that little bit faster on her way there. She rumbled along the near empty streets of Canterlot tapping her hooves on the side of the cart. The city had a notorious night life, but only in certain areas, Octavia had never seen the need to indulge in those kinds of pleasures and so had found a quiet place that was close enough to her work so that she didn't have to worry about being late, but far enough away from the night life hotspots that she could lead a relatively quiet life.

Then Vinyl trots into her life and she finds herself being dragged towards the lifestyle she didn't want. Worst of all, she finds herself enjoying it. 'Rushing off to make sure Vinyl isn't in any trouble. Are you just trying to ease your conscience or do you actually care about this unicorn?' Her mind conspiring against her wasn't exactly helping matters. It was perfectly okay for her to feel worried for Vinyl, they had become friends and despite the initial deception regarding the trip, the visit to Ponyville had done their friendship a world of good. It should be natural for her to be worried if she gets a bad feeling about her friends well-being.

“This is yer stop, missy.” The cart puller brought Octavia from her thoughts. The grey mare could see Vinyl's apartment building just in front of her.

“Thank you kindly, sir.” She handed over her fare and jumped onto the pavement, trotting swiftly into Vinyl's building. The security pony looked up but grunted in recognition. Octavia climbed up to the top floor and found Vinyl's door.

Octavia took a deep breath before continuing onwards, trying to compose herself so it didn't seem like she had rushed over. She knocked and the first thing she heard was loud music, a rhythmic electronic beat that seemed to shake the walls, then she heard faint giggling from the other side of the door.

There was a clicking sound of the door unlocking before it swung open, revealing Vinyl, whose mane looked a lot messier than it usually did, “Oh hey!” She turned and began shouting to someone else, “It's Tavi! She's back!”

The door Octavia knew lead to the bathroom burst open and a pegasus flew lazily over towards them, landing with a wobble, “Yeah, thanks for helping me earlier, it was super awesome of you!” She smiled with a manic euphoria that seemed a little much for an apology. “Oh, you have to come in!” She began laughing uncontrollably, clutching her side, “Vinyl bought so much pizza!”

The DJ joined in the laughter, laying a hoof around Dash's shoulder, “We trotted into the pizza place and we were like, I don't know what toppings I want. Then Rainbow Dash here said, why don't we get all of 'em?” She gestured as if this was the obvious thing in the world, “My mind was totally blown. All the toppings.”

“So many toppings!” Dash added with a grin.

“The pizza guy wouldn't give us a pizza with all the toppings though. So I bought five different pizzas, each with different toppings, then combined them here!” Vinyl pointed towards a positively grotesque creation on the coffee table, it was hard to tell where the toppings ended and where the pizza base began. Octavia could feel the disgust crawling up her throat. “You gotta try a slice, Tavi.”

The grey mare smiled politely, “No thank you Vinyl, I just came by to check if you were okay after yesterday and now that I know you're both... content, I can go home.” She tried to slip away, but Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the forelegs and dragged her towards the seating area by the huge window that served as Vinyl's back wall.

“At least have something, we've got so much left over.” Dash pleaded.

“Why did you think it was a good idea to buy so much pizza anyway?” Octavia questioned, turning to Vinyl who she knew could be liberal with the purse-strings when she wanted to be

“How else were we supposed to create this culinary marvel? Oh and I suppose we may be the slightest bit drunk.” Vinyl visibly swayed as she said this and unless Vinyl had installed moving floors, Octavia believed that this was probably the reason why they were acting as they were.

Dash jumped into the conversation, almost literally, she landed between Octavia and Vinyl, looking glad for herself, “Vinyl was giving me a tour of Canterlot, then we passed this club and Vinyl was like, it's so awesome in there, we should check it out. By this point I was still pretty hungry for pizza, but they had two-for-one cocktails! That's like, double your normal cocktail amount! So we had a few drinks, talked to a few ponies, listened to the awesome music, then we got some pizza and brought it back here. This part of Canterlot is way cooler than the stuffy old castle.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, “You only had a few drinks? Why are you both so... out of it?”

Vinyl stepped in and slumped next to Octavia on the sofa, “You get super drunk, super fast on an empty stomach. That's why we went to get some pizza.”

“Okay, that I can understand, but...” Octavia had a frightened look in her eyes as she gazed at the monstrosity before her, “Why did you have to make that?”

“Did you not hear the story? All the toppings, Tavi! All the freaking toppings!” Rainbow Dash sat opposite the other two and grabbed a slice of the unholy feat of pizzatecture, showing no fear as she sunk her teeth into it and actually sighing in pleasure at the taste. Vinyl grabbed Octavia's attention once more, “You wanna know what's not on that pizza?”

“A warning label?” Octavia quipped.

“This pizza shows those fat cats down at the pizza place that we don't play by their four topping limit rules. This pizza is freedom. Freedom from the tyranny of oppressive topping selection!” Vinyl had a look of utmost seriousness on her face, one that made Octavia hope to Celestia that this was the alcohol talking.

“This pizza is like life, you know? When you're just a little pizza base, no one knows what you're going to be or what you might achieve, then you get a little older and they give you a tomato purée education and sprinkle you with conformity cheese. This is where you define yourself though, you get your first topping, a special topping just for you, a topping that fits perfectly with who you are as a wee little pizza. Then.... THEY try to force toppings on you, they tell you which toppings to put on so they can shoehorn you into a little filing cabinet, make you nice and indoctrinated so you won't get any ideas about picking your own damn toppings. Then when you get too free, they try and limit you at four toppings, telling you it's impossible to make yourself unique... special.”

Vinyl reached down towards the table and grabbed a slice, holding it high above her head, “When they do, you tell them no. Tell them that you will have as many damn toppings as you please and there's not a damn thing they can do to stop you. Only then will you be free... and delicious.” She took a big bite, chewing through all of those toppings and emerging on the other side with a smile on her face, “Do it, Octavia. Take a bite... for freedom!”

The grey mare looked over at Rainbow Dash, she had just finished her slice and hadn't died yet, so it can't be fatal, at least not immediately. “Fine yes, give it here. Oh, Celestia why am I doing this?” She held the dough based metaphor in her hooves, staring at the amount of seemingly uncomplimentary toppings just scattered everywhere.

“That's it, one bite will set you free.” Vinyl and Dash looked on with interest, the pegasus reaching slowly for another slice without tearing her eyes away from the scared looking earth pony.

Closing her eyes, Octavia went for it, taking a big bite out of the pizza slice, within seconds her mouth had been assaulted by an array of flavours and textures that was weird beyond anything else she had ever eaten. She swallowed quickly and began to hyperventilate slightly, wondering whether she had seen the last of the pizza. “I feel... I feel...”

“Liberated?” Vinyl offered.

“Nauseous.” Octavia added.

“Dude.” Rainbow was taking the final few bites out of her second slice of freedom pizza, “I didn't think you could do it, but you made her eat it. That's impressive is what it is. How much do I owe you?”

Vinyl laughed, “Just take that damn pizza and make sure it goes nowhere near my mouth again, the lengths I go to...” She shook her head, but the smile on her face overrode anything else.

Octavia however was following this brief exchange and feeling her anger rising at every word, “You made me into a bet?”

“Yup.” Rainbow replied unabashedly, “Vinyl said she could make you voluntarily eat the pizza, I said that it was a load of horse-apples. Although to be honest, I just wanted more pizza for myself, this stuff is good.”

“How did you know I was going to come over?” Octavia asked, flaring up.

“Didn't.” Vinyl replied, “We were just about to contact you when you arrived.”

“It was like fate delivered you to us, so we could make you eat pizza.” Dash added.

Vinyl turned to the pegasus, “Woah. That's deep.”

“Deep dish.”

Vinyl burst out laughing, falling off the sofa and rolling onto the floor near the coffee table and it wasn't long before Rainbow Dash joined her.

Octavia rolled her eyes, she couldn't leave these two alone, not like this. It looked like it was going to be a long night.

* * *

So... that chapter was needlessly fun to write. I had intended to put a much bigger emphasis on Octavia story at the start of the chapter, but I kept getting stuck, so I switched to Vinyl and Dash. If you'll notice, Dash so far in this fic has been 1) Pepped on caffeine 2) been "just woke up" tired and 3) drunk. Will we see her in a normal state of mind at all? Maybe in the next chapter if she isn't too hungover.

Part 8

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If you had asked Octavia one year ago, “What is the most horrible sound in all of Equestria?” She would have replied, “Modern music.”

If you had asked Octavia one day ago, “What is the most horrible sound in all of Equestria?” She would have replied, “Vinyl Scratch's gloating laugh when I begrudgingly admit that she's right about something.”

If you had asked Octavia right now, “What is the most horrible sound in all of Equestria?” She would reply, “Warm vomit hitting cold porcelain. Especially when I'm barely two feet away and holding the mane of the pony doing it.”

Earlier that morning, Octavia had been rudely awoken by a door crashing open and the stamping of hooves across the living room. Her eyes, still bleary from sleep, barely registered the white blur as it flew past her impromptu bed on the sofa. She had enough time to say “Buh?” and scratch her head before the blur had vanished though the door on the other side of the living room. Octavia took a few seconds to try and piece together what had just happened, but she didn't need long before she heard something that answered for her.

The sound of Vinyl Scratch emptying her stomach into the toilet.

She didn't even need to think about it consciously, her legs just climbed off the sofa by themselves and began a slow walk towards the bathroom. Octavia barely registered this, being preoccupied with shaking the sleep out of her eyes. She reached the bathroom however and Octavia decided she might as well ask how she was doing, “Vinyl?” She knocked quietly, only to be greeted by a retching noise, “Are you alright?”



“Does it sound like...” Retch. “...I'm alright!?”

Octavia furrowed her brow, “Vinyl, I'm coming in.” The grey earth pony grasped the door handle with her hooves and pushed it open, she immediately scrunched up her nose from the smell but carried on, spotting the white unicorn slumped over the toilet, electric blue mane everywhere. Octavia trotted over and sat down next to her, grabbing her mane and pulling it back to save it from the threat of splash-back. “Don't want to ruin your lovely mane do we?”

All Vinyl did for the next few moments was breathe heavily, spitting chunks of what looked like eggplant and an undigested slice of mushroom into the bowl. “Don't lie Octavia... you just... wanted an excuse... to run your hooves through my mane.” she panted.

“That's fine Vinyl. I'm sure you'd love to pick chunks of pizza out of your mane all by yourself, I'll just go shall I?”

Vinyl coughed, sending a fresh wave of pizza bits into the toilet bowl, “No, no. I was only joking, sharing a lovely joke with my favourite-est earth pony in all of Equestria.”

Octavia smiled gloatingly, “Only your favourite earth pony?” she said with a simper.

“Okay,” Vinyl pleaded, “I'd happily sell all of my Mumble records if it means you will keep holding my mane back.”

“Octavia is pleased, but er... who's Mumble?”

Vinyl struggled for a brief moment between the utter lethargy in her limbs, the very fact that she didn't want to get vomit all over her and shouting at Octavia for not knowing who Mumble was. Finally she submitted, feeling her body go numb, “Just some musician that I've collaborated with on occasion. It's not like he's one of my favourite artists ever or anything.” Vinyl could feel herself die inside as she said that, she could also feel the bile rising in her throat again.

“Why...” Retch, “...aren't you being sick?”

“I wasn't drinking last night. I don't know about you Vinyl, but I've always found that not drinking leads to less feeling like crap in the morning.”

Vinyl laughed mirthlessly, “I'm more inclined to believe it was the pizza. That thing was foul.”

Octavia chuckled, “I ate some and I'm fine, perhaps you're slightly allergic to something and don't know it. Well, maybe not allergic, but... intolerant?”

“Hey, is someone in there?”

Vinyl retched again, thankfully a dry one, “Go see what she wants.”

Octavia rolled her eyes and stood, walking slowly over to the door and opening it slightly, “Yes, Rainbow Dash?”

The pegasus' polychromatic head appeared in the small opening, “What's going on in there?” She asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Octavia scowled, “Vinyl is feeling sick after yesterdays antics, I'm trying to help her feel better.”

“You tell Dash that I hate her!” Vinyl's shout came from behind them, her voice sounded sore and angry.

Rainbow chuckled, “Hate you to!”

“No, I mean it! It should be you in here after all that crap you ate!”

“Speaking of which, do we have any of that pizza left? I woke up feelin' kinda peckish.” The pegasus had resorted to biting her hoof to stop herself from cracking up.

Octavia decided to step in before things got a little out of hoof, “Do you require the bathroom at all, Rainbow Dash?”

The pegasus grinned, “Nope, just came over to snoop, you two are so cute together.” With a final mischievous grin, Rainbow Dash walked back into the living room, presumably to find some leftover pizza.

As she was prone to do, Octavia silently glowered at the jibe. It was as if everypony had collaborated one day and agreed to annoy her with constant taunts. The grey mare turned back to Vinyl, who had risked taking her head from over the bowl.

“I don't think I can throw anything else up, it's feelin' kind of empty down there.”

“Well then,” Octavia announced, helping the unicorn back onto her hooves, “You will need filling up.” It took a strange look from Vinyl for the earth pony to realise what she had said. “Really Vinyl, get your mind out of the gutter and let me make you some breakfast. I can make sure Rainbow Dash eats something better than cold pizza as well.”

Vinyl smiled, but it wasn't her usual smug grin, it was a genuine smile, one that reached right up to her red eyes. For once they looked endearing, even with them being bloodshot, “You know, Tavi. I don't say this very often, but I appreciate what you do for me, thanks.”


The three ponies were sat around the breakfast bar, which acted to separate Vinyl's kitchen area from the rest of the living room. Octavia and Rainbow Dash were sat on stools looking into the kitchen, Vinyl was stood at the sink, washing the dishes with her magic.

“I've been thinking Vinyl,” Octavia asked suddenly, “We've pretty much seen all of your apartment, but I've not seen anything here that has space enough for a recording studio.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow interjected, raising an eyebrow, “All I've seen is the spare bedroom, your bedroom, the bathroom and a cupboard full of junk. Unless you've got some kind of hidden doorway in here.”

“Really, Rainbow Dash, why would one even consider having a hidden-” Octavia was interrupted by the sound of plates splashing into dishwater.

“Oh my gosh, that would be so awesome!” Vinyl had apparently abandoned her duties and chose instead to sit opposite Rainbow Dash, the unicorn looked as excited as the pegasus.

“I know right? You'd be all, 'I'm going to the supply closet for a second' then whoosh! Secret mop activated switch!”

“What would I need to hide behind my secret door?”

“Confound you Vinyl Scratch! Focus for a moment will you!” Octavia shouted, cutting off the flow of the conversation before it got too far.

Both Vinyl and Rainbow Dash, looked over at the the earth pony, leaning back slightly to distance themselves from her accusing eyes.

Octavia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, making a gesture with her front hooves as if she was pushing something invisible down towards the floor, “Ahem, now that we're not tittering like school fillies, can we please continue with the conversation that occurred before the interruption. You know, the one about the entire reason we're here in the first place.”

Vinyl's mouth hung open whilst her brain tried its hardest to try and process what just happened. “Er... I'll just show you where the recording studio is, shall I?” The DJ jumped off of her stool and shook her head slightly, perhaps to convince herself that she didn't just imagine that.

Octavia watched her go, but frowned when Vinyl headed for the front door. “Why are you going outside?”

“That's where the studio is, it's in the apartment below this one.”

“Wait a minute,” Octavia hopped off of her stool and walked slowly towards the unicorn, “You own this apartment and the one below it?”

“Well, not technically, the recording company owns the building. The top floor is my apartment, the floor below that is the recording studio and the bottom floor is a bunch of offices.”

Rainbow Dash joined them by the door, staring quizzically at Vinyl, “You pay rent to your label?”

“Technically yes, but they pretty much take it out of my wages before paying me, so I don't have to worry about it.” Vinyl opened the front door and stepped out, staring at the other two, “Now are you coming downstairs or do I have to give myself a tour around the studio?”

Octavia had never paid much attention to the first floor of Vinyl's building in the few times she had been there. It was styled in exactly the same way as the rest of the building and didn't have anything there to differentiate it from any other part of the building, but when Vinyl lead them down there and opened up the door, Octavia found herself getting oddly excited.

Perhaps it was the fact that Octavia had never seen a recording studio before, her work with the ensemble was strictly limited to live performances, so she had never truly heard how she sounded as a player. This was an opportunity to gauge herself as a player of her instrument, rather than listening to the reviews of others.

Vinyl unlocked the door and ushered the other two into the wide open lobby, it was about half the size of Vinyl's living room upstairs, with a few sofas around the edges of the room. Before them was a reception desk, where a pony was sat, looking rather bored whilst flicking through a magazine.

“This is the lobby. Ponies wait in here and it's incredibly boring, as I'm sure Flash here will tell you.” Vinyl stood in the middle of the lobby, pointing towards the reception desk. The pony behind the desk put the magazine down, revealing a yellow pegasus mare with a messy, two-tone cyan and white mane. “'Sup Flash?” Vinyl asked, walking over towards her.

“It's been pretty peaceful today, so I came up here for a sit down. At least that way, no one can actually tell me I'm not doing my job.” The yellow pegasus laughed genially.

Vinyl turned back to Octavia and Rainbow Dash, “Flash here is the building's Odd-Job pony, if it needs doing, chances are she can do it.”

“So who are your friends, Scratch?”

“Oh, these ponies right here?” Vinyl waved them over, “Only two members of the greatest band ever.”

Flash stared at them, as if trying to see if she knew who they were, “These two work with Mumble?”

Vinyl's hoof collided with her face so hard that her sunglasses almost broke, “No, Flash. They're the new members of my band, I was hinting that we are the best band ever.”

“Does your band even have a name?” Flash rolled her eyes as if she's dealt with this before. “Or have you decided to skip making a name and go straight to shouting them out of the recording booth and telling them not to come back?” Flash grinned in a near perfect imitation of Vinyl Scratch herself.

The DJ unicorn however, was glowering in a way that Octavia had never seen before, “I'd rather we not talk about that.”

Flash leaned over her desk and began talking to Octavia and Rainbow Dash, “I like meeting new ponies regardless, even if I might not know you for long. My birth name is Shutterfly, but most ponies call me Flash, I'm a photographer in my spare time you see.”

Dash walked up and shook hooves, giving a polite nod. Octavia smiled, “Octavia. Charmed.” Then she turned to the unicorn, staring fiercely at her, “What's this about 'shouting ponies out of the recording booth and telling them not to come back?' Why don't you want to talk about it?”

Vinyl looked away hesitantly.

“No, Vinyl. We'll talk about this now.” Octavia could feel her assertive glow from earlier coming back. “Tell Rainbow Dash and I the truth. Are we just more ponies in a long line of failed attempts?”

“Fine, whatever. Geez, who put a bee in your bonnet?” Vinyl smirked, but it was forced and Octavia could see through it.

“I would say that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but I fell asleep on the sofa foalsitting you and Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, don't bring me into this.” Dash backed away, leaning on Flash's desk, “I'm just as interested in her answer, but this is your lovers spat.”

Octavia shrugged off Dash's comment in favour of waiting for Vinyl to answer.

“You're right in thinking that you aren't the first ponies that I've 'auditioned' for spots in my band.” Vinyl walked slowly over towards a sofa and sank onto it, taking off her sunglasses and rubbing the bridge of her muzzle with a hoof, “Before, I just used to ask ponies to come over and jam with me for a while, but none of them had the precise talents I wanted, some were just down right wrong. After a while, I started getting angry with them, hence the shouting and ordering. Most ponies in the business think I'm unstable or impossible to work with because of it... Mumble hasn't even asked for so much as a sample from one of my songs for the past six months.”

“When exactly did you start this audition process?” Octavia asked, something Vinyl said had piqued her curiosity.

“About a year and a half ago and let me tell you, I've seen plenty of musicians pass through my doors, but believe me when I say that you two are the real deal. There is no turning back for me, no reconsidering and no more crazy. I'm going to show the whole music world that DJ P0n-3 is a visionary, I'm going to prove all of the critics wrong when they said that I'd lost my touch and most of all, I'm going to show everypony that I am most certainly not in a creative slump.” Vinyl had gotten back to her hooves. Her red eyes were filled with determination, eyes that focused on the grey earth pony, “Reassured yet?”

Octavia turned away, feeling the guilt well up inside of her.

“I am,” Rainbow Dash said, smiling, “You're a great pony to be around and I see no reason to doubt you.”

Vinyl gave her a warm smile before turning to the grey mare, “And what about you, Octavia? I hid that part of my past because I'm not proud of it, I'm not proud of what it says about me. I wanted to show you who I am because... I really respect your opinion and I wanted you to approve of me as an artist.”

“I'm being a closed-minded fool again.” Octavia felt a few tears escape her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away, “I shouldn't have doubted you like that, you... you deserve better than that.”

'Don't let jealousy get the best of you, Octavia.'

Then Vinyl did something that Octavia wasn't expecting, she walked over and lay a foreleg around her shoulder in a hug, “We both have things to apologise for, let's just call it even and keep going, shall we?” When she broke away, she was wearing her trademark Vinyl Scratch grin, sunglasses magically back on her face. “Now, I sure you're anxious to see where your Double Bass is, I got Flash here to carry it into the recording booth in preparation for today.”

“It was not easy, let me tell you that for free.” Flash rolled her eyes, sitting back down in her chair and flicking her mane out her eyes, “Why can't you play the violin or the fiddle or something?”

“I am actually quite proficient with both of those instruments, I merely prefer the Double Bass.”

“Yeah, tell that to my back, which I almost threw out carrying that monstrosity.”

“It is not a monstrosity!” Octavia flared, riding the assertive high she had been on all day, “It is a finely crafted work of art.”

Vinyl chuckled, “Yeah, er... we should get going Flash, lot's to see you know. See you later!” Vinyl pushed her friends hurriedly from the lobby and through a door labelled 'studio' before Octavia started saying things she might regret.

“This, as you can see, is the studio.” Vinyl announced, pointing at the various stations which helped record things and mix it when you're done. To their immediate right was a soundproofed room, which was made to look like a completely white, empty space with instruments and microphones seemingly floating in the void. Octavia found that image rather calming. The only way to see into the room was through a large window above a massive recording station, with dials and sliders and buttons as far as the eye could see. Octavia wondered how anypony could grasp exactly what each of them did.

“That, as you can probably tell, is the recording booth,” Vinyl pointed through the window, “That's where the music is all recorded on this massive thing. The various dials can isolate certain parts of the music and play them separately, it can lower the volume, make it louder, add effects, all kinds of things.”

Vinyl walked over to the other side of the small room, towards more huge machines, “Once it's done being recorded, the song gets sent over here where it's mixed and cleaned up ready for distribution.”

“So how do we get into the recording booth? I didn't see a door.” Octavia asked.

“Oh, there's a door just at the back of the room,” Vinyl angled her head towards the back corner of the room, “It leads onto a little corridor, then the booth is just behind that. Come on, I'll show you.”

Vinyl lead the way into the recording booth, holding the doors open for Octavia and Rainbow Dash as they got into position. Vinyl was stood behind a large machine that looked half keyboard half record player, she was already using her magic to mess around with the various knobs and dials. Octavia had rushed over to her Double bass, giving it a tender stroke along the body and making sure the bow was nice and taut. Rainbow Dash hovered slightly, wondering what she should do.

She could hear the sound of Vinyl and Octavia testing their instruments and making sure they sounded good and it made her feel rather self-conscious. “Er... should I be doing anything, Vinyl?” The pegasus asked, looking around the seemingly empty room.

Both Vinyl and Octavia looked up, immediately stopping what they were doing. “Oh, sorry about that Dash, just making sure I had the right settings on this thing. Why don't you try singing something you know, Octavia and I will try and follow with an appropriate backing track.” Vinyl nodded towards Octavia who returned the nod with a determination that said, 'I've done this before.'

“Okay, I suppose I know a few songs,” Rainbow replied nervously, “It's nothing special, but this is one that my dad used to sing to me when I was filly in Cloudsdale.” She cleared her throat and after a few practice notes, began singing.

One day soon I just know you'll see
Raise your head and smile for me
Laugh about your history
Learn just what you're meant to be

Vinyl and Octavia almost forgot what they were supposed to be doing, but with a quick incredulous look at each other, they smiled and Octavia began to play a soothing melody whilst Vinyl had somehow managed to create an atmospheric backing of blustery winds and rumbles of thunder. Slowly she began to fade it out in favour of a lighter melody to compliment Octavia's bass.

You sigh and always try to play it cool
But deep inside, you still feel like a fool
The world's so big, and you, you feel so small
Wondering if you should try at all

Octavia kept up her melody, playing where it felt the song should go, her mind working in the background whilst her creativity took full control of her hooves. Vinyl faded her melody and began messing around with a light drum beat, cutting it and looping it to play in the background whilst she picked up the melody again.

Well, Tomorrow's not til today is gone
Live the moment, don't take long
Smile for impending dawn
Forget the troubles you think on

Is it time to break the mold?
Are you doing what you're told?
Go ahead, you can be bold.
Live for living, don't be cold!
When your final days have come
Smile at the mile's you've run
Come on, have a little fun
Spread your wings your time has come!

Vinyl could feel the tone of Rainbow Dash's voice quickening, becoming more powerful, she began singing with a fierce passion that Vinyl matched with her drum beat. Octavia quickened her pace to keep up, her eyes closed in heavy concentration.

Sitting, hoping for the wings you've earned
Silent as the fire in you burned

Brush away the dust and ash
On your shoulders from the past
Smile at the things that last
Feel the beat, your dice are cast
Stroke of luck, or fate, rejoice
Now you finally have a choice
So prove them wrong, that much is true
Just wait another day

When Rainbow Dash had finished, Octavia and Vinyl took their cues and began fading out their melody. They looked around at each other, a new found respect in their eyes.

“That was fantastic you three. Perhaps I was too hasty in saying I won't know you for long.”

The voice came from an intercom by the side of the window. Staring at them through said window, was Flash, the yellow pegasus wearing a pair of large headphones that had apparently let her hear what was going on in the booth.

“You were listening in on us?” Vinyl asked, slightly incensed.

“I was doing better than that, I was recording you guys. I bet you're glad I decided to see what you were up to aren't you?”

“Without my permission!? Wait until I get my hooves on you!” Vinyl charged out of the recording booth, Flash could be seen untangling herself from the headphones and running swiftly away.

In the booth, a faint “You'd better run!” could be heard through the intercom.

Vinyl appeared at the window and put the headphones on, Octavia and Rainbow Dash hadn't moved since the unicorn had charged out of the room. “Sorry about that, I suppose I can be wound rather tight in the studio.” She laughed nervously, “So anyway... seeing as Flash recorded us, should we give it a listen? We might as well, right?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged indifference and Octavia nodded, “We'll be right out Vinyl!” She shouted.

Vinyl winced on the other side of the window, tearing the headphones off of her head, “You don't have to shout Tavi. The microphone is right there.”

Octavia looked up at the thing hanging from the ceiling, before blushing madly, “Sorry.”

As Octavia made to walk out of the room, Vinyl's voice blared from the intercom again, “Hey, Octavia!”

The grey earth pony turned to look at Vinyl, who looked oddly smug.

“I just noticed, you aren't wearing your bow-tie.”

Octavia reached a hoof up to her neck, but felt nothing, “I suppose you're right, what does it matter anyway?”

Vinyl tittered, “You look naked.”

Octavia brought a hoof to her face and sighed.

* * *

A few quick notes.

Yes. That is a reference to General Mumble, one of my favourite pony musicians (and with his album In General, one of favourite non-pony as well)

Yes. The lyrics towards the end are from the song The Wings You Earned by Tarby. Another one of my favourite pony musicians.

Also, Shutterfly/Flash does actually appear in the show (In Green Isn't Your Colour) and those are the two names given to her on the MLP Wiki. A picture of Flash. If you count all of her appearances in that episode, she's probably had about as much screentime as Vinyl herself... so yeah. I've become oddly attached to her character, she's fun.

Bonus, completely unrelated, one-panel comic! - The camera on my phone is pretty much the only way I can get this stuff onto my computer, so it isn't as good quality as it could be.

Part 9

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“I'll try and come back as soon as I can, it's been great hanging around with you guys.”

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were stood in the middle of the formers living room, saying a quick goodbye to Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus' time in Canterlot was up for now, her superiors on the Ponyville weather team wouldn't allow her any more time off and she needed to go home.

Vinyl Scratch, the ever exuberant unicorn DJ, grabbed Rainbow Dash by the neck and rubbed the top of her head with a hoof, knocking the pegasus' already windswept mane even further into a mess. “Don't you worry about it, as I said before, we're okay to work around your schedule. After that session in the recording studio, I can't imagine anypony else I want heading my band.”

Octavia nodded, smiling her agreement, “You were fantastic Rainbow Dash, your vocal range is absolutely stunning, I don't mean to cause any upset, but I wouldn't have guessed it from looking at you.”

The cyan pegasus didn't look angry, “Nah it's fine, I love proving people wrong,” she flashed a victorious smirk, “Besides, I can't say that I didn't think you were a stuffy snob when I first got to properly know you. You have a heart of gold though and I know through watching you and Vinyl together that you're loyal to the cause, that's something I can respect.”

“Thank you,” the grey mare blushed slightly at the compliment, “I'm usually quite modest, but proving people wrong does feel rather good doesn't it?”

“Aw, little Tavi's learning,” Vinyl interrupted, knocking her in the foreleg with a hoof, “Soon we'll have her swearing and maybe even enjoying proper music.”

Octavia merely rolled her eyes, “It's been a pleasure getting to know you, I hope you return soon, Rainbow.”

Vinyl grinned, “What Tavi said.”

“Thanks guys, I can't wait to tell my friends about all of this, they'll be so jealous.” Rainbow smiled her biggest smile yet, “I should get going though, see you when I can!” Rainbow Dash unfurled her wings and took off, flying towards the top of the back wall where an open window was waiting.

“Oh wait, Dash!” Vinyl shouted towards the pegasus, who was already half way through the window, but thankfully heard the unicorn, “I've got something to say to you and Tavi before you leave.”

Landing swiftly, Dash raised an eyebrow, “Oh, what's that?”

“I assume it's band related if you specifically need Rainbow Dash for it.” Octavia added.

Vinyl nodded, staring at each of her band-mates in turn, “Well... I've kinda come up with a name for the band. I was listening to a few old songs and one word jumped out at me, triumvirate. Three ponies of equal station working together, it kinda reminded me of us. Plus it sounds freakin' awesome.”

Octavia smirked, “Wow, Vinyl Scratch knows what triumvirate means, perish the thought.”

Vinyl merely glared at her, “So what do you think?”

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up, “I can't say I've ever heard of that word before, but I agree, it sounds freakin' awesome.” She grinned approval and held up her hoof for the unicorn to bump.

“And you, Tavi?”

The grey mare regarded her for a moment, “I feel that the name conveys an image of equality and solidarity. I like it.”

The unicorn smiled, “So we're all agreed? Triumvirate it is! Hooves in, ponies.” Vinyl held a hoof out in front of her, implying that the others do the same. Rainbow Dash joined in immediately, grinning just like Vinyl. Octavia took her time, her eyes saying 'do we have to?' but she relented and placed her hoof on top of Rainbow Dash's.

“Now what?” Octavia asked, genuinely dumbfounded.

“Now this!” She and Rainbow Dash threw their hooves into the air, taking Octavia's grey limb with them, the earth pony squealed in surprise before covering her mouth with the offending hoof and blushing embarrassedly.

Rainbow Dash clattered to the floor, clutching her side in paroxysms of laughter whilst Vinyl merely stared weirdly at the grey mare, “Did... did you just squeal?”

The earth pony in question was still vehemently covering her mouth, instead she nodded meekly.

Vinyl smirked, “So undignified,” she mocked, speaking in an exaggerated upper class voice, “So base, so vulgar. Such a noise is not befitting of a mare of your standing.” Then she joined Rainbow Dash on the floor, laughing maniacally.

“It's not my fault!” Octavia shouted, finally dropping her hoof, the blush remained however, “It just... happens... usually when I get taken by surprise. It's embarrassing enough without you two laughing at me!”

“Okay, I'm sorry.” Vinyl had gotten back up to her hooves, using one to wipe away a few tears that had formed around her eyes.

“Yeah, me too.” Rainbow Dash chuckled a little before putting on a sorry looking face which ended up not looking very sorry at all. “I should really be off now though, I'll try to be back as soon as I can, okay?”

Vinyl leant in for one final hug, “Don't worry about it, we'll still be here, don't lose your day job on our behalf, you'll make Tavi feel bad.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, “Say hello to Pinkie for me when you get back.”

“Will do!” With a final salute, she took off and dashed out of the open window, her silhouette staying visible for a few seconds before it turned south and away from Vinyl's building.

“I'm hungry, want some food, Octavia?” Vinyl asked suddenly.

The grey mare frowned, “Can't you at least take the slightest moment for some sentiment?”

The unicorn shrugged, “Not when I'm hungry.”


One quick but tasty dinner later, Vinyl and Octavia found themselves laying on the two couches under the large window. Each pony was rubbing their stomach in silent fulfilment and generally thinking about how their week up to that point had been.

Octavia was thinking how unlikely her situation was, one week ago she was dreading a trip to a nightclub with some work colleagues and now she was laying on a DJ's couch just thinking. Vinyl had told her to do it, that 'digesting food always gives her ideas', Octavia thought it was nonsense but agreed to it anyway. Any time Vinyl Scratch offers to be quiet for a while is an offer you can't refuse. Octavia looked over at the DJ, who was staring out of the window, she found that she had a certain respect for the unicorn, not that she'd ever openly admit that. She was a lot smarter than the image she puts across, her knowledge of music, all aspects of it, was exemplary and her attention to the structure of the music she produced bordered on insane.

Vinyl had said that she wanted Octavia to respect her as an artist and she really did. If it wasn't for her she'd still be, as Rainbow Dash so eloquently put it, a stuffy snob. She turned her head back, staring out of the window and sighing contentedly.

Just as Octavia sighed, Vinyl rolled her head over and took a long look at the earth pony, as much as she could see through the murk of almost complete blindness anyway. Octavia, putting it politely, was a strange individual, Vinyl thought. She had the body of a mare, yet she had a stunted mind full of unnecessary focus and dismissal. It was as if someone had gone to great lengths to condition her to ignore entire swathes of music. She was a fantastic classical musician, you can't disagree with that, but she could have been so much more if she had been allowed to make her own choices and use all kinds of musical knowledge to incorporate into her own unique style.

Vinyl was an avid follower of science fiction and she had seen the brainwashing trick countless times, Octavia was similar to the ponies who needed to be re-educated. It was up to Vinyl to be the heroic saviour and bring her onto the side of good.

Octavia always seems so distant, as if she's forcing her emotions away from herself in order to depersonalise her own little world. Vinyl sighed, she couldn't have had a very good childhood.

Maybe that's why Pinkie escaped when she could.

Knock knock

Octavia's small grey hoof tapped against the basement door, the sound echoing around the concrete room beyond it, “Pinkamena, Father says it's time for you to come out.” Octavia's voice was small and frail.

“I don't want to come out.”

“But you must, sister. Father instructed me to take you to him.” The grey earth filly looked pleadingly at the door, trying her best to reach the pony within.

“I hate Father, I don't want to see him.”

“Please, Pinkamena, I don't want to get in trouble with Father as well.” Octavia slumped against the basement door and pressed an ear to the wood.

“Stop calling me Pinkamena!”

“That is your name, what else can I call you?” The grey filly began pulling on the door handle, “Please, sister, don't get me in trouble just because you are.”

Click. Octavia fell forwards as the door opened, she lay on her back, staring up into the displeased face of her sister. The older pink filly's mane was relatively straight but was curled slightly towards the end, “Only for you, I'm not doing this for Father's sake.” She walked away, her head held high, but just as she reached the staircase to get to the main level of the farmhouse, she turned around, “You can call me Pinkie.”

Octavia rolled onto her hooves and took chase, hurrying up the staircase only to stop at the ajar door. She could hear her father's shouting from here and she didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. She carefully lay her ear on the door, making sure not to push it open accidentally.

“Why in Equestria would you commit such a foolish act, Pinkamena!”

“I wanted to make you happy for once!”

“There isn't any time for happiness, you will do your job to help put food on our table and you will learn the necessity of hard work. Parties and other such frivolous wastes of time should be of no importance to you!”

“Doing this made me happier than you've ever managed, it even helped me earn my cutie mark. I'm not going to say sorry and apologise for this!”

“What kind of example are you setting for your sisters? You're hurting them more than you're hurting yourself you know.”

“If I help them realise the world is a better place without you, then I'm not hurting them, I'm setting them free.”

Hooves stomped away and disappeared up the stairs to the first floor. Octavia took a deep breath and poked her head out of the basement door, checking to see if it was alright to come out. When she saw that it was clear, she rushed towards the stairs and climbed them swiftly, she wanted to see if her sister was feeling okay.

At the top of the steps, Octavia could hear a gentle sobbing coming from Pinkie's room, they grey filly rushed over and attempted to open the door, only to be met by more resistance. “Pinkie? It's me, Octavia, are you okay?”

The sobbing stopped and the door clicked open, Pinkie ushered her in and closed the door just as quickly. Pinkie's room was small, just behind the door, with just enough room to let it open all the way, was a small bed that reached all the way to the back wall. Lining the other side of the room was a small dresser and a cupboard. The room was decorated in a very drab style, it was clear that Pinkie's room wasn't the safe haven it should be.

“I heard what Father said to you, I don't think he was being very fair.”

Pinkie looked at her sister, her eyes were still watery and red from crying but a small smile was on her lips, “Then you agree with me?”

“Well...” Octavia had a conflicted look on her face, “I don't think it was fair that he punished you for throwing that party, it looked really fun. Father has our best interests at heart though, he wouldn't do this if he didn't think it was good for us.”

Pinkie growled, a look of deep frustration appeared on her face, “You've been brainwashed by him, the home schooling, the life lessons, the hard work, he's deciding your life for you instead of letting you choose for yourself. I hate that he's doing it, that's why I'm running away.”

“You're running away?” Octavia gasped and climbed up next to her sister on the bed, “Where are you going to go?”

“Anywhere but here, I've heard Mother say that Ponyville is the closest town, so I'll start there. I'll see what happens after that.” Pinkie got off the bed and grabbed a battered saddlebag, filling it with what little possessions she had.

“But I don't want you to leave, you're my best friend.”

The saddlebags fell from Pinkie's grasp and the pink filly turned to stare pityingly at her sister, “That's why I have to leave, a sister shouldn't be your best friend, she should be your sister. I've already had my fillyhood taken away from me, I don't want the same to happen to you.”

“What will I do when you leave, I'll be all alone.”

“Come with me then,” Pinkie had picked up her saddlebag and tied it around her waist, “We'll find a new home together, far away from this place.”

The conflicted look appeared back on Octavia's face, “I can't leave, Father relies on me too much to help.”

Pinkie sighed before opening the window in her room, climbing onto the windowsill and jumping out onto a nearby tree branch, “It's a shame Octavia. If you ever change your mind, come to Ponyville, ask about me and we'll be a proper family.”

And just like that she was gone, the pink filly that Octavia had looked up to was gone. She left a hole in Octavia's heart, one that she had tried to fill with classical music, one that had only now begun the healing process.

“I've just had an idea.” Vinyl sat up, looking over at the grey mare.

Octavia opened her eyes slowly, she had fallen asleep during their unofficial reflection period, “Huh? What?”

“Were you just asleep? Sleeping isn't thinking Tavi!” Vinyl got up onto her hooves and walked around the coffee table, knocking Octavia upside the head. “It's a good job I'm still on the ball.”

“I don't see a ball” Octavia mumbled, rubbing her head where Vinyl had hit her.

Vinyl hit her again for good measure, “It's a figure of speech and wake up!”

“I am awake!”

Vinyl's horn began flashing blue for a moment and a cup of steaming hot coffee came flying over towards the table.

Octavia stared at it incredulously, “Where did you get this from?”

“Stop asking questions and drink your damn coffee!” Vinyl walked away and began rooting around inside a nearby cupboard, her tail waving to and fro as she inspected the corners for anything she might have missed.

Octavia stared at the black liquid as it steamed away in it's little ceramic prison, she took a gentle sniff and recoiled immediately, “You don't have any tea, perchance?”

Vinyl's irritable looking head appeared from it's hiding place in the cupboard, “What's wrong with my coffee?”

“It's coffee,” Octavia stuck her tongue out, “I don't like coffee. I prefer tea, Earl Grey is my favourite.”

“I don't got no stinkin' tea, okay!”

Octavia sighed and rolled her eyes, “I am loathe to use this phrase, but it seems appropriate given the circumstances. Who has urinated in your coffee, Vinyl?”

Vinyl's electric blue mane quivered, the white head hidden within it's wild tresses had a look of shock upon it, “Did you, Octavia... just make a pun? A crude one at that?”

“I'll have you know that I possess a rapier wit.” The grey earth pony got to her hooves and put on the most haughty look she could manage, “I've impaled many upon it's razor sharp edge.”

“I thought you said you were modest, how's that for falling on your own sword?” Vinyl smiled at her rebuttal.

Octavia smirked in a perfect impersonation of Vinyl Scratch herself, “Rainbow Dash taught me how boring modesty can be sometimes. I've also decided that any time I can rub something in your face is a moment to cherish.”

“Oh Celestia, what monster have I created!?” The unicorn turned tail and galloped out of the living room, heading straight for her bedroom.

The grey mare smiled, casually checking a hoof to make sure it was clean and presentable, 'Octavia, one. Vinyl Scratch, zero.'

* * *

Welp, so much for me taking a break on this. Turns out trying to stop writing this for a while is hard work xD

So anyway, you might have read this and thought, "what the crap, Pinkie's dad liked the party in the Cutie Mark Chronicles flashback!" Well, with the kind of attitude I've given him in this fic, liking that party is the last thing he'd do. Octavia and as-of-yet-unnamed-other-sister did though (Octavia especially) so Pinkie still got her cutie mark for it, but she also got punished by her father for it. A spell in the basement apparently.

You'll also notice that I made a little more progress with the whole 'band' aspect on this fic. Yup, they have a name, it's official (well, official in terms of I made it up in the confines of my fic :P)

Poor Pinkie, at least she got her wish, Octavia did come to Ponyville and they did become a family again. I wonder if that's the last we'll ever see of the Pink Baker of Love? Only time will tell.

Part 10

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“Vinyl, open the door and talk to me, I haven't seen you for an hour.” Octavia thumped a hoof onto the door several times, staring at it as if to see exactly what the DJ unicorn was up to in there.

At the silence from within, Octavia thumped on the door once more and cried, “Vinyl!”

Just as she was about the give up, the door took on an electric blue glow and swung open, giving the grey mare a good look at the rather messy floor.

“Sorry, I had my headphones on.” Vinyl was sat on her bed, said headphones draped around her neck and a goofy grin plastered on her face.

Octavia stared at the headphones for a few seconds, looking at the wire that came from the bottom and following it towards a large stereo system on the wall adjacent the bed. There were two huge speakers either side of it, Octavia wondered why they weren't currently in use. “Vinyl, why were you using headphones when you have those speakers?”

The unicorn replied with a sheepish grin, “I, er... I knew you were still around and I didn't want to disturb you if you felt sleepy again, so I put my headphones in. The quality is still really amazing though, so I don't mind.”

Octavia took a moment to feel appreciative towards Vinyl's display of sensitivity before taking a few slow steps into the room, being careful not to disrupt the mess too much. She found herself at the foot of Vinyl's improbably large bed and perched herself stiffly on the edge, “What were you listening to?” She asked, trying to sound interested. She had to learn somehow.

Vinyl fidgeted with the headphones, taking them from around her neck and placing them softly on the bed. “Really? You actually want to take an interest in what I listen to?” She asked this with a hint of cynicism, but there was also a hopefulness in her voice.

“Of course, I want to understand your music... and with understanding comes research.” Octavia shifted a little closer and gave the unicorn a helpful smile.

“Oh, awesome.” Vinyl's face broke out into a wide, genuine smile and she began fumbling with the headphones and using her magic to manipulate the stereo system. “Promise you won't laugh okay, but I was listening to my own music. It makes me feel a little better about myself.”

The earth pony restrained a chuckle, “I've never had the opportunity to listen to myself play, not counting the other day, so I can't judge. Why would you need cheering up anyway?”

The unicorn slumped backwards, her head hitting the pillow below her, “I suppose I've just been feeling a little deflated since Rainbow Dash left. She was so high energy that today just seems... lethargic.”

“Aren't you glad for a moment of peace and quiet?” Octavia asked, now moving over towards the unicorn and settling at her side.

Vinyl rolled over, away from Octavia, “I had my weekly peace and quiet on the sofa earlier. Now I feel restless... I want loud things to happen. That's why I was listening to my music for a while, it solved at least one of the problems.” Vinyl looked up and saw, not the frown of understanding she expected, but a smile on the grey earth pony's face.

“Let's not tarry then.” Octavia got off the bed and walked over to the stereo system, unplugging the headphones and pressing the play button. For a split second before the music came on, that same smile was on her face, but then a wall of sound almost flung her across the room as Vinyl Scratch's music came flooding out of the speakers.

With her ears ringing and a dazed expression, Octavia didn't even notice the music turning off, nor Vinyl walking up to her and asking if she was okay.

The unicorn had sighed watching her friend get blasted onto the floor, with her magic she shifted the volume down and paused the song before climbing off of the bed and seeing if the earth pony was still conscious. “That perhaps wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done.”

Octavia merely groaned, her ears screaming in pain.

“Come on, let's get you up,” Vinyl extended a hoof and waited for Octavia to grab onto it, with a bit of strength and the aid of a little magic, Vinyl managed to roll her onto the bed. “You should think the next time you go messing with a DJ's stereo,” the unicorn grabbed a pillow and laid it under the grey mare's head.

“Ow.” It was all Octavia seemed able to say at the moment, understandable seeing as she had been standing next to something comparable to an explosion.

“Ow is right, you dozy mare. I bet your poor little ears are shouting at you in protest.”

Octavia managed to nod her head whilst grimacing, “How... how can you handle that... level of noise?”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, “Sound, Tavi. Sound, not noise. Also, I'm used to it, playing in clubs all these years have given me pretty awesome control over sound dampening spells.” She had raised her voice so the earth pony could hear her over the ringing that was no doubt filling her ears. “I know something similar that will help you, I'm going to, basically, turn your ears off for a while. It'll speed the healing along much faster, believe me.”

As much as Octavia wanted to run away screaming at the idea of Vinyl Scratch performing anything remotely medical in nature, the unicorn did have a knack for sensory magic, she most likely knows what she's talking about. Hopefully.

“Okay, hold still, this might feel a little weird.” Vinyl's horn began to glow with a sharp blue light, obvious motes of power flickering where her magic was strongest. Octavia did indeed feel weird, she began to feel disconnected to her ears, as if they didn't exist on her head. They were so numb that if she had reached up with a hoof and felt them there, she still wouldn't believe they were attached.

The grey mare had kept her eyes open throughout the entire process, watching Vinyl's face diligently as the DJ concentrated on the task at hand, there was some strain, but Octavia could see the effort she was putting in. It was reassuring in a way, watching the unicorn struggle for her expense and even though she couldn't hear anything, the look Vinyl gave her once she had completed the spell gave her all the comfort any words ever could.

Octavia opened her mouth and made a sound experimentally, she couldn't hear a thing. She tried again, only this time focussing on a simple sentence and forming the words with her mouth, “Nod if you can hear me.”

Vinyl nodded and gave her a helpful smile as well.

She screwed up her face in concentration, thinking clearly, “This is weird.” She tried to keep everything clear and simple so as not to mess it up. Luckily, Octavia could see Vinyl making a sympathetic face, so she had understood. However, she also made a face that seemed to show that she had realised something, held up a hoof in clear indication for the grey mare to sit still for a moment and dashed out of the room before Octavia could sit up and see where she had gone.

It didn't take her long to come back though, floating a quill and several rolls of parchment behind her. She was already scribbling out a message as she walked over to the bed, when she sat down, she lay it in front of Octavia for her to read.

“I watched a film about a situation like ours once called See No Evil, Hear No Evil. Freaking hilarious.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, any hopes of receiving an uplifting message about 'promising to help during this trying time' was, now that she thought about it, optimistic at best. The unicorn took up the parchment again and scribbled another message, her text was surprisingly neat and legible.

“At least you'll get your hearing back. Although they do say that Beethoofen still managed to compose and play despite being completely deaf.”

Underneath that message, Vinyl had drawn a crude smiley face, Octavia just had to laugh even though she had no idea how it would sound. Despite her situation and despite Vinyl's rather unorthodox way of cheering ponies up, Octavia felt that she was in good hooves.

All credit to her, Vinyl stayed by Octavia's side for the majority of the next hour or so, writing little messages to ask her if she needed any help. The grey mare actually had to ask for a little time alone, just to have a chance to chill out for a moment. She had decided to give in to the oppressive silence, there was no point in fighting it, better to sit down and take life slowly for a while rather than mess herself up trying to compensate.

So she found herself sat in the living room, staring out onto the Canterlot city skyline. Her eyes, as they often did in her own apartment, drifted towards Canterlot Castle and her thoughts began to linger on the two alicorn princesses who lived within its walls. She was lucky enough to have seen them with her own eyes, she was even lucky enough to be greeted before the start of the gala by the younger sister Luna. Octavia remembered how melancholy she seemed, her words were hollow and forced, her countenance even more so. Most of all, she remembered how she lit up when Frederic told her that they would be playing nothing but classical compositions in honour of her return. It was only a few musical scores, but the link that they made to her past were enough to remind her of a time when things were somewhat normal.

Octavia smiled at this memory, it was something she loved to look back on whenever she felt that her link to music was slipping away. It allowed her to remember that music is more than sounds played together to make a song. Music was an expression of emotion, of memories and of the mind.

To Octavia, music was much bigger then herself, it was literally everything. To Octavia, the oppressive silence was merely an elegy of emptiness, it would play to its natural end and the next composition would begin. She would have to enjoy the music whilst it played.

Lost in her thoughts, Octavia didn't notice the piece of parchment fall before her eyes immediately. It took a few moments and the parchment actually floating in front of her face for her to actually realise that she was being prompted to read one of Vinyl's notes. She didn't instantly begin reading, instead turning towards the door near the kitchen where Vinyl's electric blue mane could be seen poking around the edge.

Oddly, the grey mare found herself smiling at the unicorns discretion, any other day and she could expect to have Vinyl jump out in front of her and start announcing her thoughts. Turning back to the note, she began reading.

“So, I've been thinking. You spend pretty much all of your free time around here and I've really come to enjoy your presence in the apartment. So why don't you just move in with me? It'll save you plenty of time commuting, you don't have to pay rent on your apartment, you'll have plenty of room and not to mention an awesome room-mate. It'll just be easier.”

The note came adorned with multiple crossings-out where Octavia assumed Vinyl had trouble wording her request. It wasn't too hard to see why either, the unicorn was asking her to move into her apartment and live with her, that mustn't have been an easy thing to do. The grey mare took another look over at the door, Vinyl's entire head could be seen looking on, trying to gauge any reaction. It was weird to see the unicorn so worried about something, she seemed vulnerable, as if everything rested on Octavia's decision.

To be completely honest, Octavia didn't quite know what to say, sure she had only gotten that apartment because it was in her price range, sure it was small and cramped and no place to practice playing a double bass, but she had been there a long time. It would feel weird not going back there after a long day. Vinyl had brought up a good point though, she had been spending a lot of her time here with the unicorn. She could have been home right now, enjoying full use of her ears, but she decided to stick around and almost disintegrate her eardrums, but she still didn't feel like going back to her apartment. Maybe it was time to let the old place go, goodness knows it would more convenient and not to mention that gorgeous recording studio with it's divine sound room.

Octavia turned and concentrated, “Let me think about it,” She said slowly, enunciating the words carefully so Vinyl could easily catch what she said. Now, of all times, it was especially important to be heard properly.

The unicorn smiled politely, it obviously wasn't the answer she was hoping for, but it wasn't a no. To Octavia, it was practically a yes, she just wanted a chance to say goodbye to her old apartment first.


During the next hour, Vinyl could be found staring longingly at Octavia from across whatever room she happened to be in. After getting bored of the sight of her sighing and of her being a generally miserable pony to be around, Octavia finally cracked and told her that she wanted to see her apartment before she made a final decision. Vinyl had insisted in tagging along.

“Only to make sure you don't get hurt on your way. I assure you.”

Octavia didn't know if it was physically possible, or whether it was just the effect of reading them in Vinyl's voice, but even the notes seemed to mock her with Vinyl's signature gloating pride.

The unicorn in question was doing her level best to make Octavia get going as quickly as possible and when forced to be patient for any length of time, would inexplicably start bouncing on her hooves in a futile effort to convey a sense of urgency. Perhaps it was the fact that she knew whining incessantly would get nowhere with someone unable to hear, so she turned that excess energy in on herself. This realisation alone made Octavia smile, 'Perhaps I should stay deaf for longer than needed if it annoys her this much.'

With that final thought, Octavia walked slowly towards the front door, watching Vinyl mouth something that looked like exasperated relief with perhaps one or two expletives mixed in. To make her anger known, she even wrote a small note, the word “FINALLY!” in big capital letters, a frowny face underneath it.

“You do not know where we are going. Be patient.” Octavia spoke each word clearly, it most likely sounded like a monotone admonition, instead of the playful reprimand she had wanted, but she smirked nonetheless, walked out of the apartment and towards the staircase without looking back.


One quick taxi cart ride later, Vinyl was standing with Octavia in a part of Canterlot she had never seen before. The boring part. The grey mare was met with a raised eyebrow and a note reading, “You live here!?”

Octavia shrugged it off and motioned for the unicorn to follow her into the building. She nodded politely to the stallion behind the reception counter, Vinyl doing the same. Her apartment wasn't too far up, but the few short staircases served to drive a metaphorical silence between her and Vinyl. Obviously, being without hearing, there was silence everywhere, but she didn't feel as if Vinyl wanted to initiate her in conversation or look at her at the moment. This feeling lead her to become rather self conscious, her apartment was terrible, she knew it and now Vinyl would know it.

With all the worrying, she hadn't noticed her door coming up on the left, a less than shiny number eleven on the front. “H-here we are.” Even if she couldn't hear it, she could feel the nervousness. Octavia looked around and saw that Vinyl was lazily following, her eyes glued to the ground, she looked up when she heard Octavia speaking though.

Her face said it all, even through the sunglasses she insisted she wear outside, Octavia could see some kind of disappointment written there. With a sigh she opened up the apartment and allowed Vinyl to walk in. In here, there wasn't much room to move around.

The unicorn instantly began scribbling a note, “Why were you having doubts again?” Typical bluntness from Vinyl.

“Complicated.” Octavia sounded out each syllable, which probably made her sound like a foreigner, but it was too much to try and speak in full sentences at the moment. She knew that Vinyl wouldn't like her apartment, but she never would have guessed that she herself would actually feel ashamed of it.

'Little Octavia' it would say, 'Gets a taste of the big life and leaves us all alone.'

This apartment, for Octavia, represented independence. After moving to Canterlot upon entering tutelage at the Fillyharmonic Hall, she had been allowed a room in the campus halls, it wasn't much but Octavia was often too busy studying to sleep. The room was merely somewhere she could go to rest her eyes, it was never a home, just a rest-stop on her educational journey. Then she graduated and was offered a place in the orchestra, working her hooves to the bone until she was hoof-chosen by Frederic to be a part of his four-pony ensemble. She found work, money was finally something she could afford to throw around and so she bought her apartment, it was small, but it had a charm about it. As the ensemble became well-known on the Canterlot circuit and more work appeared, she was able to furnish her apartment properly, buy some things. They got the Gala job and even more work appeared. She was living in a dream.

As the grey mare stared at her apartment now: its frugal furnishings, the down-played decorations, the earthen theme, she realised that it wasn't her dream that she was living. This was everything that her father had hoped for her as an adult. This was what Pinkie ran away from. This apartment was the old Octavia, the one that had allowed herself to get sucked in to her father's teachings. Seeing Pinkie had changed Octavia in a way, truly there had never been a more independent mare than Pinkie Pie. She lived at her own pace and followed her own rules, yet she was as happy as happy can be. She had great friends and lived in a fantastic town.

What had Octavia achieved? Sensible living in a practical apartment that served only one purpose, somewhere to go to between work. This was never a home, it was cold and mechanical, much like her father. Vinyl's apartment had an energy to it, there was a warmth that reassured her whenever had been to visit. She enjoyed being around the kitchen and making dinner and she even enjoyed helping to clean up after Vinyl sometimes. Most of all, she enjoyed being in a place where the people around her cared about her because they wanted to and not because she was a useful commodity.

All of a sudden, she forgot why she was holding onto this old apartment; she wondered why she even had to think about it.

“Yes, Vinyl. When can I move in?” She hoped that she spoke with an air of dignified finality.

Vinyl grinned happily and walked over, laying a foreleg across Octavia's shoulder, “You don't have much stuff do you?” she wrote, a quizzical look on her face.

“Biggest thing I have is the double bass. Everything else is just books, music and a few clothes.”

“Do you have any boxes? We might as well take some stuff back now.”

“Utility closet, maybe.” Octavia indicated a small door in the corner of the room. Vinyl trotted over and began rifling through the closet with her magic, at the bottom she found two perfectly flattened cardboard boxes.

A note came floating over towards Octavia not too soon after. “You grab some essentials whilst I rebuild these boxes.”

Octavia nodded her agreement and made her way into her bedroom, looking around at the minimalistic furnishings and meaningless decorations. There was nothing really essential here, instead, Octavia began rummaging through the drawers, pulling out a few fancy bow-ties, a double bass maintenance kit and a bag of bits that she had hidden away for safe keeping. She also grabbed a few items of clothing, nothing too special, but just enough that she had something to change into if the need arose. With the meagre selection of items arranged on her bed, Octavia came to realise that she had very few possessions that were really hers. She had things, like cabinets and drawers, but there was little in her apartment which really reflected her personality. Now that her double bass had found a new home in Vinyl's building, there was practically nothing.

The grey mare exited the bedroom feeling slightly downtrodden and found her way into her bathroom. She began grabbing various products and cleansing items, lining them up in a large towel, which she rolled up and carried with her back to the bedroom. 'This is really depressing. Perhaps I can get some books to pad out the boxes.'

As if Vinyl could read minds, the unicorn emerged from the living room with two fully erected cardboard boxes in tow. A note floated over to the grey mare which read, “It doesn't look like you have much stuff, so I shoved some books in the bottom to make it easier.”

Laying her bedroom and things in one box and the bathroom things in the other, Octavia turned round to face Vinyl with a smile, “Thank you for this.”

Vinyl's face conveyed only one thing, 'no problem', and that was the most reassuring thing she could get at this moment in time. Octavia was glad that Vinyl could be here with her whilst she did this.

“I'll just take these boxes downstairs, you sort things out up here and come down when you're ready.”

Octavia thanked her once more and watched as the unicorn filed out of the apartment. What else was there for her to do? There was nothing else she could do here; there weren't any more boxes to put things in, so she just had to make sure the apartment got locked up. Of course, the landlord would have to be notified that she was leaving. He couldn't exactly complain, she had only just paid her next month's rent last week. That was if he was in the building or not; she'd catch him eventually though.

With those thoughts tidied up, Octavia took one last look at her apartment as it was now- a figment of her past life. A past life that was about to get tidied up and sorted so that she could move on to something bigger and better.

Octavia took a big, deep breath and locked the apartment door, heading downstairs to meet up with Vinyl.

* * *

Octavia Introspection! Thought I'd try it out now that I've pretty much obliterated the whole social interaction thing I had going on. Just gotta wait until Tavi's poor, little ears heal and she'll be back in business.

Also, the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that some older parts have 7th December next to them, I looked back through those chapters and did some house cleaning. Mostly to the Ponyville parts which included Pinkie Pie. Because of the whole, mini-story arc I've got going about Tavi's past and my own little set of events. I did add a few lines of dialogue to the part where the part where Vinyl and Tavi go to visit Pinkie when she's at Sugar Cube Corner's muffin tasting, being a super baker and such. Mad props to Pinkie's baking skill. Basically, it points out that Pie is in fact a name that Pinkie made up when she was found and taken in by Mr. and Mrs. Cake after she ran away. (I know that her mother calls her Pinkamena Diane Pie in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, but again, this is my own little interpretation of events) It has helped her to dispel any suspicion around her and the kill the link between her family and herself, obviously she let Octy back in because she was always nice to her.

I don't always sit up until 2am finishing editing and posting chapters, but when I do, I do it for Friendship is Music.

Part 11

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It had been a few days since Octavia had grabbed those first few items from her old apartment. Ever since then, her room in Vinyl's apartment had begun to fill up with far too many boxes for her to stay there properly. She would have to wait until it could all be sorted out into the rest of Vinyl's living space.

In the mean time, she had been sleeping in her old apartment, feeling an odd sense of catharsis as she noticed that the place had a barren, empty look about it. This was the final day however, the landlord had said that this was as long as she could stay there, so Octavia took one last look at the place before leaving it for good.

Her smile was bigger than it had been for a long time as she walked away from the place, moving on from one part of her life to the next. The grey mare said a final goodbye to the security pony behind the front desk, who grunted from behind his copy of Modern Stallion.

“No change there then,” Octavia remarked, rolling her eyes.

It was a short journey to Vinyl's building, Octavia couldn't think straight due to her excitement. Today was the day that she would leave the past behind her and forge a new path for herself in the world. With Vinyl at her side, she was sure that it would be interesting.

Taking a deep breath, Octavia stepped through the front doors and smiled at the receptionist, a magenta unicorn wearing a smart looking suit.

The receptionist looked up at the sound of the doors opening and broke out into a large smile herself, “Ah, Miss Octavia. You're finally moving in today aren't you?”

“Yes, my lease ran out, so I'll be working hard trying to get my room ready to use by tonight.”

“That's nice,” The magenta unicorn scanned a few papers on her desk before looking up again, “Oh, I'll see about getting Flash to help you with the boxes. She should be starting her shift in about half an hour, I'll ask her then. Enjoy your stay.” The unicorn smiled again and got back to her work.

Octavia chuckled, it was good to have a nice receptionist for a change, one who actually wanted to engage in polite conversation. Taking her leave, the earth pony made her way to the top floor where Vinyl's- no, her door sat awaiting her. It was closed and Octavia went to knock, but it swung open soundlessly when she made contact.

“Vinyl?” Octavia called weakly, the living room was completely empty. One of the sofas was ruffled as if it had been sat on a lot lately and it's pillows were strewn across the floor nearby. It almost seemed as if a struggle had gone on there, Vinyl wasn't known for cleaning up after herself, but she wasn't a slob. The hairs on the back of Octavia's neck began to prickle and the breath was forced out of her as a shiver fell across her spine. She span around quickly and faced the kitchen, but her fears only worsened as she saw a half-finished glass of wine on the breakfast bar and a bundle of broken glass below one of the stools.

The grey mare backed away until she found herself near the door that lead to the bathroom, she slipped through quickly and tried to gather her thoughts. The short corridor was empty and just as she had seen it last, which helped to calm her down a little.

'Okay, door open, broken glass, messed up sofa, no attempts to clear it up.' Octavia's breathing picked up and she could feel her heart racing, that combination of events sounded ominous at best. A rational pony would worry somewhat but get down to the problem, which may end up being a big misunderstanding. Octavia was not a rational pony at the moment however.

'What if Vinyl's been kidnapped? No, the receptionist would have seen them coming up the stairs... What if she was kidnapped by pegasus ponies? They wouldn't need stairs...' The earth pony racked her brain, she had definitely heard of pegasi kidnapping ponies from top floor apartments 'But who would want to kidnap Vinyl? What enemies has she made? An angry, fellow musician... a spurned fan... crime organisations?'

Octavia shook herself, she needed to stop thinking like that. Vinyl was fine, she probably just needed to nip out and get something, yes, that was it. She took a calming breath and walked over to the bathroom door, pushing it open carefully, it was lemony fresh and looked fine, no sign of Vinyl and no sign of anything else. The earth pony backed out and braved looking into the living room again, the broken glass and messy sofa remained, but she put them out of her mind and walked quickly across the room.

Her eyes moved once over the large window that covered almost the entirety of the back wall, one of the top windows was open quite wide. Octavia went through the door before she could dwell on that fact too much. Once on the other side, the grey mare's eyes moved immediately to Vinyl's door, a deeper feeling however, switched her gaze over to her door, what if they weren't just kidnappers, but also burglars? Could they have taken any of her things?

Perhaps quite selfishly, given the situation, Octavia made her way over to her room and she pushed the door open quickly, she sighed happily when she saw that not a single box had been disturbed and it seemed nice and clean considering the general state of the room. Curiosity sated, Octavia looked towards Vinyl's door again, but she found herself unwilling to open it. The kidnappers may not have wanted to steal any of her things, but what if they were after something of Vinyl's in particular. What if she hadn't co-operated? What if they had gotten angry and... and...

Octavia didn't dare finish that line of thought. Plucking up her courage, Octavia walked over and grabbed the door handle, pushing it slowly open. The door creaked, but it wasn't loud enough to mask the obvious noises coming from within, there wasn't any time to stop now though, she flung the door open.

“Vinyl?” Her eyes were checking the floor on entry, hoping beyond hope that it wouldn't be a pool of blood greeting her. She looked up when she noticed it was clear, but her eyes fell upon a moving lump in the bed, far too big to be just Vinyl on her own. “V-Vinyl!?” Octavia's eyes grew to the size of saucers when the covers flew off. Her jaw was somewhere in the lobby and had no intentions of coming back any time soon.

Lay on the bed, blushing profusely was Vinyl Scratch. The yellow pegasus sat astride her, wings splayed dramatically, was none other than Flash, the pegasus she had been told was due in for work any time now. Octavia could feel her eyes shutting off, it felt oddly similar to when Vinyl did the same to her ears not too long ago, but the grey mare could tell there was no magic involved this time, at least until her brain stopped along with her eyes. Then she couldn't feel anything at all.


There was a pleasant breeze wafting past her face, it both cooled and soothed her. Perhaps she was merely imagining it, but maybe she was atop a hill on a misty moor, under the shadow of a poplar tree, playing a sorrowful tune on her double bass.

“Octavia, are you awake?”

Vinyl appears at the bottom of the hill, she's shouting something. Octavia has her eyes closed, lost in her music, but as she hears Vinyl, she focuses harder on the music and tries to tune out the shouting.

“You passed out, you seem fine though.”

The unicorn begins to scale the hill, continuing her shouting as she does. Octavia gives up trying to concentrate and throws her bow to ground, eyes trained on the approaching unicorn, “What in Equestria are you shouting about?”

Vinyl stops walking, now stood in front of the earth pony, “Wake up, please.” She has a deadly serious look in her eyes.

“Why do you keep saying that?” Before she can think on it however, Octavia opens her eyes to see Vinyl Scratch hovering above her, relief spreading across her face.

“Thank Luna, you're awake. I was starting to get worried for a moment there.”

The grey mare stared speechlessly for a few seconds, slowly coming to realise that she wasn't atop a hill on a misty moor, but was being fanned by Vinyl as she lay... come to think of it... “Where am I?”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow, “You're on my bed, you fainted.”

Octavia's eyes flew open wide again, “You're bed!? Where you... and... and...” She tried to sit up, but Vinyl forced her back down, giving her a stern look. Instead, Octavia settled with trying not to think about what she's currently lay in.

“Good, so you don't have memory loss. Also, for your information, I changed the sheets before laying you on them.” Vinyl began blushing slightly and looked over her shoulder, at what, Octavia couldn't see. “So I guess we have to talk about what you saw, which I'm sorry for by the way. I totally forgot you were officially moving in today.”

Octavia moved herself into a more comfortable position, wincing slightly as she did. Vinyl saw it and gave her a 'don't try and move too much' glare. “A little context might be nice, although I could do without too many details.”

“I wouldn't do that,” Vinyl smirked, “I don't want to corrupt your sweet and innocent mind.”

“I'm not that innocent.” Octavia remarked.

“Oh really? Sex.” Octavia tried her hardest, but the blush slowly turning her face from grey to crimson refused to stop. “I rest my case. Now, I'll just get on with the story shall I? First, background...”

The date. Yesterday.

The time. Late.

I was bored. More bored than a DJ unicorn in Canterlot should be, so I left the apartment and sought entertainment in the local watering hole. It may not have been the hive of scum and villainy I'd like to think it is, but it was criminal how dirty the toilets can get in there sometimes, so I let it slide.

I sit at the bar, my mind on other things. The bartender leans a foreleg on the bar and gives me a sideways glance, “You look like a mare with a whole mess o' troubles.” he says, his words tainted with regrettable truth.

I match his stare, knowing that I'd be unable to make him think otherwise, “You could say that. Whiskey sour... make it a double.”

“Serious drink, huh? You must want to do some serious forgetting.” The bartender readies a glass and begins pouring some bourbon into a cocktail shaker, followed by some lemon juice and sugar, finally he puts in some ice and shakes for a few seconds before pouring into the glass.

I stay strong, not giving into his bartender wisdom, “There's a lot I'd like to forget, today I'd just like to drink.” I take a small sip, feeling it slide down my throat, burning as it went. Taking my silence as a hint, the bartender moves away to the other end of the bar.

“Don't see you in here often.” A familiar voice greets me, I recognise it instantly.

“We must just come at different times.” I take another sip, feeling the seat beside me get filled.

“What are you drinking?”

“Whiskey sour,” I reply, turning to see Flash giving me a strange glance, “I hear pegasi aren't great at holding their drink.” I smirk and see that she does the same.

“I'd love to prove you wrong.” She shakes her cyan mane out of her face and whistles for the bartender, slamming some bits onto the table, “Two whiskey sours and keep 'em coming.”

When Flash said 'keep 'em coming' she really meant it, I finished my drink, waiting eagerly for my second. The bartender gives us a glass each and we look at each other, nodding before downing the lot. Our glasses are instantly refilled and we go again.

My stomach starts burning and I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts but Flash pushes another drink on me, her smile unfaltering. I couldn't back down now, Flash had already finished her third drink and I was lagging behind.

“Who can't handle their drink?” She jabs at me, grinning bigger than before. That did it, now I was determined to beat her.

My magic flares, her features thrown into sharp relief. The image lingers in my mind as we both take another drink. “So what brings you out here tonight?” I asked, my words slightly slurred.

She downs another drink, “Just lookin' for some fun, the drinks were a bonus.”

“Did you find any? Fun, I mean?”

“That depends on whether my fun says yes.” Flash winks, the smile she was giving me seemed more than just a friendly gesture, it seemed almost inviting.

I may be many things, but dense was not one of them, “I have an unopened bottle of wine back at my place, how about we continue our fun up there?” I throw a few more bits onto the bar and get up, feeling the floor sway beneath my hooves. I lean on Flash and she leans back, we laugh uncontrollably and walk out of the bar together. It wasn't far to the building, we got there quickly enough, the receptionist gives us a stern glare as we stumble in, but we just laugh some more.

We were barely up the stairs before Flash started kissing me, I kissed back just as hard. We were barely aware of our surroundings, making our way up the stairs and into my apartment seemingly on instinct. We collapse onto a sofa, bodies entangled, hooves exploring, I felt wings caressing my sides, the downy softness sending me into paroxysms of laughter. I roll off of her onto the floor, “That's not fair!”

“You're a unicorn aren't you? Level the playing field.” She kicks her wings up, flying a quick loop before landing near the kitchen, “Let's open that wine shall we?”

I bite my lip, watching her walk over to the kitchen, she sways her hips back and forth, her grinning face looking over her shoulder to gauge my reaction, “Like what you see?” She croons, her eyes flashing lazily at me. I climb back up onto sofa and watch her pour the wine, as soon as she fills the first glass, I use my magic to bring it over to me. Flash laughs and pours herself a glass, zipping back over with a lazy flap of her wings.

We sit quietly for a few moments, sipping the wine and trying to out-seduce the other in the process, my bedroom eyes aren't quite as effective as hers, but levitating the glass with my magic left my hooves free to do... other things. Flash stared, eyes wide. She finished her wine and flung the glass across the room, diving on me again, she's like a wild animal, kissing every part of me she can reach, moving slowly downwards, her lips lingering longer and longer on my stomach. “Save that for the bedroom.” I smirk as I see the small look of disappointment on her face, “I don't want to make a mess on the sofa.”

Her smile returns, a mischievous grin. She kisses my stomach one last time before getting up, her eyes never leaving mine. I realise that I still have a hold of the glass, I didn't finish it, but there was something sweeter waiting for me, so I set it down on the breakfast bar. I give Flash my best 'come hither' look and she follows obediently into the bedroom.

We didn't get much sleep, but when we did, it was mainly due to exhaustion. When we woke up the next day, we just started again...

“That's when you walked in.”

“Ruining a perfectly good pre-shift romp!” Octavia recognised the voice, it seemed Flash hadn't left.

“It's hardly my fault.” Octavia complained. She turned her attention to Vinyl, giving the unicorn an odd stare, “So what's going to happen now, with you two?”

Vinyl furrowed her brow, “What do you mean? Why does anything have to happen?”

Octavia craned her neck, looking at the pegasus sat in the corner, “She's still here, if it was just fun as you said, why would she stick around to watch me wake up?”

“You make a good point, Tavi.” Vinyl turned to the pegasus, an accusatory glint in her eyes, “Why did you stick around? You didn't have to and I get the feeling that you didn't really want to either.”

Flash squirmed uncomfortably, she got to her hooves for something to do but she couldn't escape Vinyl's question, “Is it so bad to want the fun to last a little longer?”

The DJ got to her hooves, moving away from the bed and standing next to Flash, “Of course not. Last night was really awesome and if you told me that I couldn't have that again, I'd be a liar if I said I wouldn't mind. Plus, I like you, that always helps.” Vinyl nudged her affectionately with a hoof.

Octavia felt good enough to sit up and watched the scene from her place on the bed. The grey mare liked to think that she had a pretty good handle on Vinyl Scratch, how to decipher her mannerisms and what not. In her honest opinion, she felt that Vinyl was telling the truth and that she was pleased to hear that her time with Flash wasn't going to be a one time thing. The two were a lot alike, both scared and thrilled by their feelings, both outgoing and both sharing a fierce competitive streak with the other.

“Don't you have a job to get to?” Vinyl asks suddenly. Flash stopped what she was doing, which was holding her head up against Vinyl's neck and she rushed over to the door of the bedroom.

“If anypony asks, I was flying by the building and you guys let me in.” She disappeared quickly, the sound of slamming doors in her wake.

“I can't believe I get to say this for a change, but you guys make a cute couple.” Octavia gave an honest smile, one which Vinyl couldn't help returning.


Octavia groaned, “You always have the perfect words to ruin my intentions, don't you?” She climbed off of Vinyl's bed and stretched her legs, making sure they were in working order. “I'm genuinely happy for you and you have to turn it into a competition.”

“All you had to say was yes.” Vinyl didn't try to be smarmy, instead she took an admittedly less travelled path and tried to be serious about it. “I know it must be hard for you, the way you were raised, how socially awkward you are... I get it, ponies just don't gravitate towards those kinds of personalities. Instead of standing there and waiting for them to come to you, try reaching out yourself. You'll find that ponies are more receptive to that.”

“One night of wild passion and suddenly you're a fortune cookie. What exactly did Flash do to you?”

Vinyl merely took a deep breath, “Now that I'm potentially in a relationship, I feel calmer, I no longer hate other ponies for merely existing. It allows me to dwell on the positives in life.”

Octavia rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, “All this in the space of five minutes? Impressive.”

“Sarcasm isn't becoming of you, Tavi, be positive and I'm sure you'll find somepony soon. You're cute, you're talented, you just need to fix your attitude a little and you'll be fighting them off.”

The grey mare left the room without another word, leaving the unicorn with a confused look on her face. Octavia didn't know what annoyed her more, Vinyl's new preachy attitude or the fact that she was probably right. Either way, she walked into her own room and took her frustration out on the first stack of boxes she could find, emptying it's contents and arranging them into a series of neat piles.

'That's right Octavia, avoid your problems. You have no control over your social life so you retreat into your room where you can control the only thing you have left. Things.'

She worked obsessively, taking care to empty each box completely and put the contents into the ordered piles at her hooves. She still had a long way to go, something that suited her just fine, as long as she had to concentrate on this, she couldn't dwell on her problems.

Vinyl thought about following Octavia and trying to cheer her up, she looked awful mad. The DJ couldn't help but feel that she was partially responsible for the earth pony's mood. She walked into the living room and decided to begin making something to eat, if Octavia got hungry, then she could always come out and have something then.

It might make her feel better at least.

Knock knock.

“Door's open!” Vinyl shouted. The front door swung open and Flash appeared from behind it, looking around for the unicorn.

“I got told to come up here and help unpack some boxes.”

Vinyl couldn't help but smile, “I wouldn't bother Tavi at the moment, I think she's mad at me. You wanna help me make some dinner instead? I'm not that great for obvious reasons.”

The pegasus wandered over into the kitchen, staring at the bare worktops, “What do you want to make? I know the general cooking basics and some intermediate stuff but I'm no gourmet.”

“Simple but effective will do, I want it to be good enough that Tavi stops being angry.”

Flash nodded slowly before realising that she had another reason for coming back, she had to relay the message the receptionist had given her, “You have a visitor by the way, she's waiting downstairs.”


I had this finished the other day, but I wanted to give it one last look over before posting it. I also read over it outloud (well, in a hushed whisper because there were other people in the house) I read it in a rather posh English accent, it works.

Keep in mind that just because Flash technically is a character from the show, that doesn't mean this is shipping. I'd class it just as romance, because in my head, shipping and romance are different.

I've wanted to write that scene of Octavia walking in on Vinyl doing it with someone pretty much since this fic began. Fun hint, it was originally going to be Rainbow Dash, but I swapped it because overall, this doesn't upset as many plotlines. Plotlines such as, why is Octavia so mad? Who is this mysterious visitor? And many more that I haven't thought of yet!