• Published 28th May 2013
  • 2,933 Views, 46 Comments

Trixie's Final Choice - DJSaltine

Trixie is back, but something seems odd about her. She's got tear streaks in her eyes, her clothes are gone, and she's standing over a cliff.

  • ...

Back To Work

Trixie looked to her quarrypony. The old rock farmer frowned; he always seemed to be frowning. Sweat was pouring down her forehead as Celesita’s sun taunted her with such a beautiful day.

“Okay,” the older pony replied. “You may take a break.” He started walking to do an inspection of her previously completed work.

“Huuhh…” Trixie gasped for air between gulps of water from a bottle. She looked at the barren landscape. “I never thought I’d be here again…” She sighed and looked the opposite way to the forest.

She sat down and rested her eyes for a bit, hoping to be somewhere else, when she felt consciousness slip away and she fell asleep. Luckily for her, the farmer was too busy with counting how much this next payment will be.

Trixie’s dream was different than before. She was in the black, dark place from before, but this time, she didn’t feel lonely. She felt warm and fuzzy inside. She couldn’t help but smile to the darkness. She was glad to be here. She felt safe. She felt something she hadn't felt in such a long time: Happiness.

“Hey, Trixie!” a voice called from beyond the darkness. It sounded familiar. It was of some mare; a mare she was positive she’d fought before. “Let’s play!” This wasn’t a ‘let’s play’ as if she meant business, this was a friendly ‘let’s play.’

Trixie was about to call out to the voice when her eyes were opened to the sun. The quarrypony still was unaware of her little dozing off, so she quickly got up, stifled a yawn, and went back to work.

* * * * * * * *

Later that day, the sun just grew hotter and the humidity just grew higher. Trixie was drenched in her own sweat as she cracked a final rock. The quarrypony walked up from behind. “You can have a lunch break now,” he stated, coldly.

Putting her hammer down, she moved to a little gazebo and sat in the cool shade. She didn’t have any bits, so she still was unable to eat, no matter how much her stomach growled. Resting back, she closed her eyes a bit.

Suddenly, she was back in the dark world again and again, she felt ironically warm. Another voice echoed through the darkness, a more feminine but still friendly voice echoed to Trixie’s ears. “Come on, darling, it’ll be fun!” Again, the voice was familiar and of somepony who stood up to her, but, again, she didn’t know who.

A second voice echoed, this one quieter and harder to make out. “I think you’d like this game,” it said. This one was different than any other of the voices. Trixie was almost certain she’d never heard this pony before.

Again, she wanted to reply, but was awoken. Looking around carefully, she saw the quarrypony wasn’t by the rocks. Worried he was near and ready to punish her, she quickly looked around. He stood by the entrance talking with anotherpony.

The other pony was purple and had a horn… and wings… and a crown. Trixie felt the name well up between her teeth, “Twilight…” Trixie was horrified. “She really is an Alicorn…”

Trixie didn’t need a second thought to get out as fast her legs could carry her. As she ran, she heard Twilight say something behind her. Uncertain to what she said, Trixie took off faster. She didn’t stop until she made it into the forest. Even there, she didn’t stop. Instead she ran deeper and deeper, hoping she’d finally lost Twilight.

Gasping from her constant running, she finally stopped and chuckled to herself. She’d done it. No more Twilight bugging her. No more Ponyville haunting. Nothing from her past, only her future.

Resting her head into her hooves, she began to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

Twilight had just got done talking Trixie’s quarrypony when she spotted Trixie running down the field. She took off after the running mare. “Wait! Trixie I want to talk to you. I want to…” Trixie had disappeared into the forest, forcing Twilight to slow to a stop. “… be a friend.” She lowered her head and sighed, slowly trotting back to her waiting friends.

“It’s okay, Twilight,” Spike said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “At least we know she’s fine.”

“I know, Spike,” Twilight responded. “I just wanted to welcome her to Ponyville.”

Spike looked to the dirt and rocks. “I know how you feel; I can’t imagine her enjoying breaking rocks for a living.”

Twilight smirked a bit. “She didn’t seem like she liked it when she told us last time…” Her face turned into a frown again. “She doesn’t have a place to go to though.” Twilight looked past the field into the forest. “Her wagon is still parked out here, so we could just wait.”

“I don’t know Twilight,” Spike looked to his feet, “if she doesn’t want to be our friend, we can’t force her.”

“You’re right, Spike. Let’s just leave a note saying she’s always welcome to Ponyville.” Both Twilight and Spike smiled as they returned to their other five friends, all of which anxious to get going for Twilight’s Welcome Home party.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie dreamt herself back into the dark room. A voice echoed through the darkness once again as the voice said, “C’mon sugarcube, you’ll love ta play.” Trixie knew it was one of the ponies from Ponyville, but whom, she couldn’t say.

Another voice came from the darkness, this one much more upbeat and trilled to be there. “Whee! We’re gonna have sooooo much FUN!” Trixie knew this one was from Ponyville. This was the annoying one who could play ten instruments at once.

Trixie was able to see something beyond the darkness. They looked like outlines, but it was too hard to see. They appeared to be outlines of ponies, perhaps those who were talking to her. She could specifically see their teeth, white and ecstatic to be with her.

Trixie felt so much warmer. She felt… wanted… happy… loved.

Author's Note:

It's all coming together.
The final page is coming out soon.

Stay tuned for the finale and surprise guest!