• Published 28th May 2013
  • 2,934 Views, 46 Comments

Trixie's Final Choice - DJSaltine

Trixie is back, but something seems odd about her. She's got tear streaks in her eyes, her clothes are gone, and she's standing over a cliff.

  • ...

Her Redemption

She had been scorned. The town she once had unlimited control over had taken it back and she was back to where she was before. Jobless. Homeless. Alone. Always alone. So, so alone.

Trixie looked sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking Ponyville. The beautiful sun was setting sweetly, but beyond that, Trixie was crying. The salty tears streamed down her face before resting on her hooves. She looked to the gorgeous sun behind reddened, wet eyes as the city hall building over-passed it in height.

Ponyville. The land she ruled with an iron hoof. The land, where she was defeated not once but twice by that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle, mocked her current state as its citizens went about their regular closing routines. A couple of fillies had their mothers yelling at them to come home and a store owner had forgotten his keys on the cupboard after locking up shop, but that was a normal, happy night for Ponyville.

Trixie wanted to cry some more, but no more tears would come out. She was physically tired of sobbing and yawned in between a whimper. Her mind was focused on her depression. All thoughts of Twilight.

“Why won’t they accept me?” Trixie whispered to herself, although no pony was near. “Why must I always run?” She rested her head on her balled hooves, her cheeks pressing to her eyes. Her eyes darted back to her old wagon resting near an old, dying tree. Although it had been shattered into millions of splinters several times before, she was still able to repair it.

“What else can I do?” she asked the wagon, as if expecting a response. None was given from the inanimate object. “All I’ve ever known was magic.” She looked to Ponyville again. “All anypony’s ever wanted was a magic trick out of me.” She sighed, her eyes feeling heavier as they wished to rest.

Trixie wanted to rest, too, just not in a similar fashion. ‘No pony would miss me. Not while they have their good, old Twilight Sparkle,’ she thought, her face wrinkling in anger. ‘She’s always been better than me, but she didn’t have to show everypony.’ The wind gave a little gust whipping her mane behind her, as if to say ‘you know that’s not what happened.’

“Now I can’t even enter a town without everypony knowing.” She raised her head off of her hooves. “They always laugh, but I’m tired of it.” She stood up on all four hooves and walked near the edge of the cliff. “No more will they mock me.” She stood on her hind hooves and got them to the edge, a few small stones descending into the dark town below.

Trixie, the once Great and Powerful, raised her front hooves to a ninety degrees angle, preparing to fall. She bit her lip as thoughts echoed into her head. Mostly memories of her fillyhood and the rejection she felt amongst other fillies.
She remembered the first performance she’d ever put on. The love of the applause. The ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ echoed behind her closed eyes as everything seemed to speed up. All her memories rushed by before empty darkness. She heard her voice from beyond. “Can’t I do anything?”

Her facial features softened as she all but yelled “No…” and fell over.

* * * * * * * *

Fluttershy was finished walking a group of wayward ducks back to their pond when it started to get dark. Upon them entering their home and splashing about a bit, she sighed contently, wished them goodnight, and began trotting back home, proud of helping the little family.

A voice from behind her made her turn around, but no pony was there. The voice was from far away, but it sounded sad. Carefully looking around, Fluttershy could find no animals, ponies, or anything else, for that matter, in which could make that sad voice.

Just then, the same voice echoed again, but louder and more assertive this time. Fluttershy looked around her in all four directions. Her eyes focused on the mountainside and quickly trailed up to see a blue mare wearing a magician’s hat and cape standing at the edge, hooves spread eagle-wise, her cape fluttering in the breeze.

She gasped. No pony in Ponyville has ever attempted suicide before! She began to run, but stopped when she noticed the mysterious pony had disappeared. Fearing that whoever the pony was had jumped, she ran to get somepony to help.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie felt her back collide with the soft, cool grass behind her. “No… not like this,” she whispered to herself. She felt a cool wind muss up her mane a bit more as her tears began to flow from her eyes once again. “I… I… I won’t let Twilight win,” she began a bit louder, her tears all but stopped and her face hardened in newfound vigor. Her face stayed that way for a moment before falling again to her unhappy state. “…but what can I do?”
She walked into her wagon, her head slumped nearly an inch away from the tickling grass below. Inside, she began sobbing again. She cried to herself, thinking about what her next step would be. That is, if she had another step…

“Why can’t I do anything?” she yelled to herself. “I can’t rid myself of those in Ponyville, and I can’t even rid myself for them!” She began sobbing deeply. The Great and Powerful Trixie cried her head to rest as her eyes couldn’t stay open any longer.

* * * * * * * *

“Twilight! Twilight, oh Twilight, come quick!” yelled Fluttershy in her normally quiet voice as she ran through the streets of Ponyville to the library. She knocked on the door yelling for Twilight, “Twilight! Something terrible has happened!”

The doorknob turned as if the handler was agitated, in violent and angry jolts of turning before the door slowly creaked open. Standing in the recently brightened library was Spike, still in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes. “Hi, Fluttershy. Is there a reason you woke me up right before I could fall asleep?”

Fluttershy began, moving into an embarrassed pose. "Sorry, Spike, but where’s Twilight?”

“Fluttershy, don’t you remember? Twilight is still in Canterlot.” Spike rubbed his eyes, but had a bit more understanding in his voice than before. “She won’t be able to come back until tomorrow.”

“Oh, right…” Fluttershy began, looking around blushing. “I forgot.” She looked up to Spike. “Would you be able to help? I think somepony’s done something terrible!” She kneed down to Spike, pleading for help.

“Who did what?”

“I couldn’t see who she was, but she jumped off the cliff by the forest!”

“WHAT?” Spike’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull in surprise. He looked around. “Give me a minute to change and I’ll be…”

Fluttershy grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. “There’s no time, we got to go!” she exclaimed, acting completely unnatural.

“Owlowiscious, stay back and watch the library!” Spike yelled to the bird resting on a windowsill, looking out the window.

“Hoo.” Owlowiscious replied back, turning his head to the entranceway.

“YOU, THAT’S WHO!” Spike exclaimed before disappearing in a cloud of dust behind Fluttershy.

Owlowiscious looked at where Spike used to be. “Hoo,” he hooted before turning his attention to the cliff where a strange-looking wagon rested by a tree.

Author's Note:

More to come, but the amount of Chapters is yet undetermined.