Trixie's Final Choice

by DJSaltine

First published

Trixie is back, but something seems odd about her. She's got tear streaks in her eyes, her clothes are gone, and she's standing over a cliff.

Upon her being shown up by Twilight with that Ursa Minor and the Alicorn Amulet, The Great and Powerful Trixie has fallen into a depression that seems to be only worsening. Her confidence has been shaken, her wagon has been vandalized, and she has nopony to go to for help. Who can the Greatest and Most Powerful go to for help?

Coming back to the town she once ruled, she knows how she will end it all.

The final chapter is very violent and the reason that this is rated 'Teen' for 'Gore'.

Thanks to the following for finding errors:
Astral Moon

Her Redemption

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She had been scorned. The town she once had unlimited control over had taken it back and she was back to where she was before. Jobless. Homeless. Alone. Always alone. So, so alone.

Trixie looked sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking Ponyville. The beautiful sun was setting sweetly, but beyond that, Trixie was crying. The salty tears streamed down her face before resting on her hooves. She looked to the gorgeous sun behind reddened, wet eyes as the city hall building over-passed it in height.

Ponyville. The land she ruled with an iron hoof. The land, where she was defeated not once but twice by that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle, mocked her current state as its citizens went about their regular closing routines. A couple of fillies had their mothers yelling at them to come home and a store owner had forgotten his keys on the cupboard after locking up shop, but that was a normal, happy night for Ponyville.

Trixie wanted to cry some more, but no more tears would come out. She was physically tired of sobbing and yawned in between a whimper. Her mind was focused on her depression. All thoughts of Twilight.

“Why won’t they accept me?” Trixie whispered to herself, although no pony was near. “Why must I always run?” She rested her head on her balled hooves, her cheeks pressing to her eyes. Her eyes darted back to her old wagon resting near an old, dying tree. Although it had been shattered into millions of splinters several times before, she was still able to repair it.

“What else can I do?” she asked the wagon, as if expecting a response. None was given from the inanimate object. “All I’ve ever known was magic.” She looked to Ponyville again. “All anypony’s ever wanted was a magic trick out of me.” She sighed, her eyes feeling heavier as they wished to rest.

Trixie wanted to rest, too, just not in a similar fashion. ‘No pony would miss me. Not while they have their good, old Twilight Sparkle,’ she thought, her face wrinkling in anger. ‘She’s always been better than me, but she didn’t have to show everypony.’ The wind gave a little gust whipping her mane behind her, as if to say ‘you know that’s not what happened.’

“Now I can’t even enter a town without everypony knowing.” She raised her head off of her hooves. “They always laugh, but I’m tired of it.” She stood up on all four hooves and walked near the edge of the cliff. “No more will they mock me.” She stood on her hind hooves and got them to the edge, a few small stones descending into the dark town below.

Trixie, the once Great and Powerful, raised her front hooves to a ninety degrees angle, preparing to fall. She bit her lip as thoughts echoed into her head. Mostly memories of her fillyhood and the rejection she felt amongst other fillies.
She remembered the first performance she’d ever put on. The love of the applause. The ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ echoed behind her closed eyes as everything seemed to speed up. All her memories rushed by before empty darkness. She heard her voice from beyond. “Can’t I do anything?”

Her facial features softened as she all but yelled “No…” and fell over.

* * * * * * * *

Fluttershy was finished walking a group of wayward ducks back to their pond when it started to get dark. Upon them entering their home and splashing about a bit, she sighed contently, wished them goodnight, and began trotting back home, proud of helping the little family.

A voice from behind her made her turn around, but no pony was there. The voice was from far away, but it sounded sad. Carefully looking around, Fluttershy could find no animals, ponies, or anything else, for that matter, in which could make that sad voice.

Just then, the same voice echoed again, but louder and more assertive this time. Fluttershy looked around her in all four directions. Her eyes focused on the mountainside and quickly trailed up to see a blue mare wearing a magician’s hat and cape standing at the edge, hooves spread eagle-wise, her cape fluttering in the breeze.

She gasped. No pony in Ponyville has ever attempted suicide before! She began to run, but stopped when she noticed the mysterious pony had disappeared. Fearing that whoever the pony was had jumped, she ran to get somepony to help.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie felt her back collide with the soft, cool grass behind her. “No… not like this,” she whispered to herself. She felt a cool wind muss up her mane a bit more as her tears began to flow from her eyes once again. “I… I… I won’t let Twilight win,” she began a bit louder, her tears all but stopped and her face hardened in newfound vigor. Her face stayed that way for a moment before falling again to her unhappy state. “…but what can I do?”
She walked into her wagon, her head slumped nearly an inch away from the tickling grass below. Inside, she began sobbing again. She cried to herself, thinking about what her next step would be. That is, if she had another step…

“Why can’t I do anything?” she yelled to herself. “I can’t rid myself of those in Ponyville, and I can’t even rid myself for them!” She began sobbing deeply. The Great and Powerful Trixie cried her head to rest as her eyes couldn’t stay open any longer.

* * * * * * * *

“Twilight! Twilight, oh Twilight, come quick!” yelled Fluttershy in her normally quiet voice as she ran through the streets of Ponyville to the library. She knocked on the door yelling for Twilight, “Twilight! Something terrible has happened!”

The doorknob turned as if the handler was agitated, in violent and angry jolts of turning before the door slowly creaked open. Standing in the recently brightened library was Spike, still in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes. “Hi, Fluttershy. Is there a reason you woke me up right before I could fall asleep?”

Fluttershy began, moving into an embarrassed pose. "Sorry, Spike, but where’s Twilight?”

“Fluttershy, don’t you remember? Twilight is still in Canterlot.” Spike rubbed his eyes, but had a bit more understanding in his voice than before. “She won’t be able to come back until tomorrow.”

“Oh, right…” Fluttershy began, looking around blushing. “I forgot.” She looked up to Spike. “Would you be able to help? I think somepony’s done something terrible!” She kneed down to Spike, pleading for help.

“Who did what?”

“I couldn’t see who she was, but she jumped off the cliff by the forest!”

“WHAT?” Spike’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull in surprise. He looked around. “Give me a minute to change and I’ll be…”

Fluttershy grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. “There’s no time, we got to go!” she exclaimed, acting completely unnatural.

“Owlowiscious, stay back and watch the library!” Spike yelled to the bird resting on a windowsill, looking out the window.

“Hoo.” Owlowiscious replied back, turning his head to the entranceway.

“YOU, THAT’S WHO!” Spike exclaimed before disappearing in a cloud of dust behind Fluttershy.

Owlowiscious looked at where Spike used to be. “Hoo,” he hooted before turning his attention to the cliff where a strange-looking wagon rested by a tree.

The Nightmare

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“The pony was around here, when I looked away,” Fluttershy stated to Spike as they both searched around the ground at the foot of the cliff. Looking up, Fluttershy spotted the bit of the ledge in which Trixie had been previously standing over.

“Are you sure she didn’t just fly off?” Spike questioned, his right eyebrow raised in confusion. “She could’ve been a Pegasus and flew over Ponyville.”

“No, she wasn’t a Pegasus.”

“How would you know?”

“She had a horn.”

Spike’s face changed from confusion to concern. “Well, what are we just standing around talking for? Let’s find this pony!” He began searching again. “What color was she?”

Fluttershy started to look around as well, “well, she had teal fur, a hat, and, oh, a cape.”

Spike stopped in his tracks. “A teal unicorn… Hat… Cape…” He thought for a little while, his index finger resting on his chin. Suddenly, his face turned to a scowl. “Trixie!” He began walking back to Ponyville.

“Where are you going, Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“To bed,” Spike replied without looking back. “Trixie isn’t worth this much worry.”

“WHAT?” Fluttershy exclaimed. “You don’t care that she may be hurt?” Fluttershy was stunned.

“Don’t you remember what happened last time she was here?” Spike began, stopping in his tracks. “She took over Ponyville, exiled Twilight, and turned it into her own kingdom.”

“But she was under the amulet’s control.”

“That doesn’t change anything.” Spike continued walking. “Besides, she’s probably just looking over to figure out a new plan to get vengeance. Goodnight Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy pondered this. There wasn’t any blood and it didn’t appear anypony had disturbed the area, so maybe Spike was right. “Maybe…” she said to herself. Just then, she realized she was alone in the dark. Huddling back, she yelled out in her quiet voice, “MEEEPPP! Spike wait for me! Don’t leave me alone!” She took off like a lightning bolt after the baby dragon.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie had a nightmare that night. It wasn’t her typical bad dream; it was a deep, dark, haunting truth. In her nightmare, she walked into Ponyville without being noticed for her crime. In fact, no pony seemed to notice her at all. Nevertheless, she went to Twilight’s library, pity and humbleness in her heart.

Knocking on the door, she felt worry well up within herself. ‘What if she doesn’t accept my apology?’ Trixie thought. ‘What if she wants another challenge and to kick me out of Ponyville? What if…’ Her thoughts were cut off by the door swinging open. Twilight stood in the entrance of her library in all her Alicorn glory. Mouth agape, Trixie couldn’t believe Twilight’s luck.

A new thought entered her head. ‘What if she banishes me to the moon forever?’ This above all worried Trixie. She could handle rejection, but never seeing another pony ever again was too much. Bowing her head, Trixie began her request for forgiveness. “Twilight Sparkle, The Great and Powerful Trixie bows her head to a magician of far greater powers.” Her eyes were closed, but she hoped that Twilight wasn’t planning any attack. “I ask that you may accept my apology and maybe accept me as an active member of your wonderful town.” Trixie kept her head down and eyes closed, still worried of Twilight’s reaction.

“That’s all?” the Alicorn princess responded. Trixie lifted her head slightly, opening her eyes. “After what you’ve done?” Twilight’s face crinkled in anger, her crown started to lower over her eyes a bit, giving a darker tone to her face. “You ask for forgiveness? Well, you shall get none here!”

Trixie raised her head into a more natural height before backing away from the angry princess. “I…I’m sorry… I didn’t...”

“Didn’t what?” Twilight’s nostrils had steam coming out of them as her purple body started to burn red. “Didn’t mean any harm?” Twilight’s entire face, as well as her horn, began to melt and bubble down to a bloody soup.

“Yes…” Trixie replied reluctantly. She kept her eyes on Twilight’s eyes as they were beginning to melt out of their sockets in between the gore of her face.

“You were defeated!” Twilight’s entire face flowed to her neck, leaving only an ivory-colored skull of a unicorn. “You were banished!” Twilight’s eye sockets had fire burning within them. “You are of no use to anypony!” The entire background of Ponyville started to fade to black around them, but Trixie was unaware, only watching the horrific sight unfold before her. “You will eternally be alone,” Twilight’s voice changed, a demonic echoing behind her regular voice, “starting now.”

Trixie felt a cold shiver crawl up her spine as only the strange Alicorn princess with a skull for a face and herself were alone in this universally empty room. Just then, a pit of fire opened beneath Twilight, and began slowly sucking her under. Trixie ran to Twilight and grabbed her hooves. Twilight’s eyes shined intense with flames in their sockets and stared into Trixie’s soul.

Trixie knew if she let Twilight go, she’d be all alone. No pony else was here and it would stay that way forever, most likely. Even this horrific monster was better than nothing, and Trixie knew it.

“Let me go so that you may live in your punishment,” the strange being stated.

“No!” Trixie screamed losing her grip. “I just…” Twilight’s hooves started to slip. “…need a…”

With a sadistic smile, the strange apparition of Twilight slid into the fiery pit before it closed up after her.

Trixie was sitting alone, looking to the spot where Twilight disappeared. “…friend,” Trixie finished. She began sobbing. Sobbing in loneliness. Sobbing in self-pity. Sobbing in emptiness.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie awoke from her dream with a jolt. She looked around at the interior of the wagon, her head aching. She pressed her hoof on her forehead, still horrified at the incident, sweat sticking to her hoof. The dream replayed in her head continuously.

After a minute of sitting in this position, Trixie slowly raised her head. “I know what I must do…” She stood up and began to go through empty boxes. She found several and put them in a neat, little row. Quickly going through them, she pushed all but one aside. “This one. This one is big enough.”

She used her magic to take off her magician’s cloak and hat and place them on the side as she began typing a letter to her long-time enemy, Twilight Sparkle.

She looked out the window to the rising sun, its beauty warming Trixie’s face, evaporating the sweat on her forehead. “Now,” she leaned on the window, “on this new day,” her eyes glared to the town of Ponyville, more specifically, the library, “I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, shall end this rivalry once and for all!”

The magician ran out of her wagon, unclothed and carrying a box, wrapped not-so-neatly, but allowed a bow on top, with her magic. Her note carefully placed underneath said bow with the dark inked, if not hauntingly near blood red, letters: 'To Twilight Sparkle.'

The Note

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The tree where Trixie had parked was again lonely as its lone occupant had driven away. Trixie used her magic to keep the wagon moving as she passed the road leading to Ponyville. Her eyes had bags underneath and were saturated by salty tears, but her lips were curled into a smile. Her life was straight ahead, and she knew it. A new live. A new home. A new world.

Just then, a grumble echoed below. Trixie hadn’t thought about food for so long, that she didn’t even realize how hungry she was. Stopping the cart, she looked in her purse for some bits. Upon opening it, a moth flew out and fluttered around before leaving Trixie again. Inside, not a bit stood. She quickly took to searching every nook and cranny of the cart, the entire cart shook as pots clattering loudly to the ground. Inside, she sat in the middle of a mess, pots upside-down on the floor, flowerpots shattered with dirt seeping out the bottom and the tulips bowing low and shredded books littered the floor. Even beyond the ransacking, she still was empty-hooved.

Sighing, she ignored her groaning gut and continued to the next town to, perhaps make a good trade on a few of those noisy pots.

* * * * * * * *

Spike was awoken by a knock at the door. Grumbling, he got out of his bed and began walking to see who it was. “Twilight wasn't supposed to be here until noon. I hope it isn't Fluttershy still worried about Trixie,” he muttered to himself, his hand resting on the doorknob for a bit.

He rubbed his eyes as he slowly opened the door. “Hell... o?" Nopony was there. Looking back and forth, not a single pony was anywhere near, in fact. Nothing indicated any form of possible reasoning for knocking, that is, except a brown box with a bow on top.

Confused, he picked it up and grabbed the letter under the bow. Giving a final look around, he walked back into the library, shutting the door behind him. He set the box and letter on the table and walked away, as it was addressed to Twilight and not him; but he still wanted to see what was inside.

He turned his head away, closing his eyes, but only for two seconds before opening his right eye, studying the box.

“Huuuuh…” he sighed, beginning to walk past it. He walked up to a door and stayed in the doorframe before turning around and whistling as he past it again. He pretended to look out the window, but kept rolling one eye back to catch a view of this new item. “Hhmmm...” He walked again to the doorframe and pretended to inspect the craftsponyship that the ponies who built this place had put into it. Again, he turned away and walked past the mystery box.

Owlowiscious stared at Spike while he did this routine, Owlowiscious’ eyes showing his annoyance. Finally, when Spike started whistling as he walked past it again, Owlowiscious flew down right next to the box and hooted. “Hoo.”

“Waah?” Spike jumped, surprised at Owlowiscious’ voice. “Oh, Owlowiscious, it’s just you.” He walked over to the present and his feathered friend. “I just can’t stop wondering what’s in the box.” He rested his arm on the table and his cheek on said arm. “It’s for Twilight, but I don’t know what she could have possibly ordered.”


“Twilight,” Spike replied, his face showing his annoyance similar to Owlowiscious from before. “I mean, it could be anything.” He raised his head off his arm. “She could have ordered a present for one of the others.” He thought about this for a while, a little smile on his face. “She does know how to take care of her friends…”


“The pony who we’ve been talking about, Twilight,” Spike all but shouted at the owl. He thought a little while longer. “Or maybe a present to her from one of the others!” He thought for a while, before stating, “But her birthday isn’t for another two months. Which pony would give her a present when it isn’t her birthday?” He smiled, knowing that of all the ponies who’d give generously, it’d be Rarity.


“Why, Rarity of course.” Spike’s heart fluttered and beat audibly through his chest. His thoughts on what Rarity would have to say, his mind became a bit clouded. “Well, I guess I could see what she wrote to Twilight, I mean, it wouldn’t hurt.” He looked at the letter with To Twilight Sparkle written on the front. As he tore the top of it open, he muttered to himself quietly, “…and I’d be able to see Rarity’s beautiful hoofwriting…”

Upon fully opening the letter, Spike began reading, but heard it through Rarity’s voice.

“‘Dear Twilight Sparkle,
It’s been a while since our last magic duel, and you coming out vic…’
“wait a minute…” Spike lifted his head from the note. “Magic duel? Then this isn’t from Rarity, but…” Spike buried his face back into reading:
“‘coming out victorious. I congratulate you in all your prowess and bow before a more powerful magician.’
“It sounds like Trixie, but only if she had a good twin…
“‘Enclosed, I leave my magician’s cloak and hat and am off to find a job I can do better. I sincerely hoped that you could forgive me, but highly doubt that outcome. May you wear them with pride.
Your defeated adversary,
The Great and Powerful Trixie.’”

Spike sat there a bit, rereading the letter over and over again. “Trixie’s given up her magic act…” He looked at the box, still wrapped with a bow. “And asked Twilight to continue it?”


“…” Spike looked at the floor, his eyes showing concern. “Trixie…”

* * * * * * * *

Twilight, the newest Alicorn, was being carried home in a royal cart by two of Celestia’s strongest stallion coaches. Her face was in great joy as she was nearly home to see her best friends. It’d been too long since she’d seen her friends, having to wait through boring lectures that even Celestia was bobbing to sleep just made it all the worse.

On the ground, her five pony friends and childhood dragon friend awaited her return with a huge banner with glitter, sparkles, and many gems stitched carefully in a fashionable design that spelt out ‘Twilight Sparkle.’ Rarity was inspecting the banner and carefully moving it up and down, trying to level it. Pinkie Pie was hopping, her face smiling as always. AppleJack was setting up some apple pies, fritters, and the like on a table for the party. Fluttershy was sitting with their six pets, watching over their overly active selves. Rainbow Dash was hovering just a bit over the ground, listening to Pinkie ramble on. Spike, unlike everyone else, had his hands on his cheek, worried was spelled all over his face.

“Ooooooooooooo,” Pinkie jumped up and down and up and down and up… “I can’t wait until Twilight gets here; she’s gonna be soooooooooooo surprised!”

“Calm down, sugarcube.” AppleJack rested her hoof on Pinkie’s jumping shoulder. “If ya keep yellin’ like that, she’s gonna hear ya all the way here.”

Pinkie stopped hopping and gasped deeply. “You don’t think I’ve ruined the surprise do you?” She ran to each of her friends staring into their eyes, starting with AppleJack. “I’ve never ruined a surprise party before!” She grabbed Rarity’s head. “I’ve never ruined a party before!” She stretched out her neck to get to Rainbow Dash’s head. “I’ve never ruined anything before!” Rainbow glared at her as if saying ‘yeah right.’ Pinkie ignored it and moved on to Fluttershy. “Could she have heard me?”

Fluttershy hid behind her pink bangs from Pinkie’s confrontation. “Uhmm…” she said quietly.

“She didn’t hear you, Pinkie,” Spike replied from the bench, still looking down. “Your surprise is still safe.”

“Good. I was hoping…” Pinkie went on.

Rarity realized Spike’s strange behavior and came over to see what was up. “Spikey, what’s wrong?” she said cutely.

Normally, Spike would have been fluttering at Rarity’s every word, but today was totally different. He sighed. “Remember Trixie?” He looked up from the ground into her beautiful eyes, even though he wasn’t thinking straight.

“Urg, that ruffian…” she began, her face twisted in disgust. “That tacky hat and cape was never in style!”

“Well, it’s at the library…”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “The clothes?”

“Yeah…” Spike looked back at the ground. “Trixie left them and a note for Twilight.”

“Spikey, did you read Twilight’s note?” Rarity asked teasingly.

“Yes…” Spike responded, not acknowledging her tone. “It said she was giving up her performance and moving on.”

Rarity sat down next to Spike. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it Spike?” She put a hoof over his shoulder. “I mean, she could get a more… modest job, instead of the constant boasting.”

“I guess…” Spike admitted, eyes still glued to the dirt.

“There’s my wittle, Spikey-wikey,” she said, scrunching her face. “Now, let’s welcome Twilight.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in a second.” Spike said, braving a smile. Rarity walked over to the rest of her friends. Spike quietly commented to himself. “Maybe Fluttershy was right. I just hope she hasn’t done anything foolish…” He thought about it for a little while longer. “Twilight should know what to do!” With renewed vigor, he got up and ran to join the welcoming committee.

Back To Work

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Trixie looked to her quarrypony. The old rock farmer frowned; he always seemed to be frowning. Sweat was pouring down her forehead as Celesita’s sun taunted her with such a beautiful day.

“Okay,” the older pony replied. “You may take a break.” He started walking to do an inspection of her previously completed work.

“Huuhh…” Trixie gasped for air between gulps of water from a bottle. She looked at the barren landscape. “I never thought I’d be here again…” She sighed and looked the opposite way to the forest.

She sat down and rested her eyes for a bit, hoping to be somewhere else, when she felt consciousness slip away and she fell asleep. Luckily for her, the farmer was too busy with counting how much this next payment will be.

Trixie’s dream was different than before. She was in the black, dark place from before, but this time, she didn’t feel lonely. She felt warm and fuzzy inside. She couldn’t help but smile to the darkness. She was glad to be here. She felt safe. She felt something she hadn't felt in such a long time: Happiness.

“Hey, Trixie!” a voice called from beyond the darkness. It sounded familiar. It was of some mare; a mare she was positive she’d fought before. “Let’s play!” This wasn’t a ‘let’s play’ as if she meant business, this was a friendly ‘let’s play.’

Trixie was about to call out to the voice when her eyes were opened to the sun. The quarrypony still was unaware of her little dozing off, so she quickly got up, stifled a yawn, and went back to work.

* * * * * * * *

Later that day, the sun just grew hotter and the humidity just grew higher. Trixie was drenched in her own sweat as she cracked a final rock. The quarrypony walked up from behind. “You can have a lunch break now,” he stated, coldly.

Putting her hammer down, she moved to a little gazebo and sat in the cool shade. She didn’t have any bits, so she still was unable to eat, no matter how much her stomach growled. Resting back, she closed her eyes a bit.

Suddenly, she was back in the dark world again and again, she felt ironically warm. Another voice echoed through the darkness, a more feminine but still friendly voice echoed to Trixie’s ears. “Come on, darling, it’ll be fun!” Again, the voice was familiar and of somepony who stood up to her, but, again, she didn’t know who.

A second voice echoed, this one quieter and harder to make out. “I think you’d like this game,” it said. This one was different than any other of the voices. Trixie was almost certain she’d never heard this pony before.

Again, she wanted to reply, but was awoken. Looking around carefully, she saw the quarrypony wasn’t by the rocks. Worried he was near and ready to punish her, she quickly looked around. He stood by the entrance talking with anotherpony.

The other pony was purple and had a horn… and wings… and a crown. Trixie felt the name well up between her teeth, “Twilight…” Trixie was horrified. “She really is an Alicorn…”

Trixie didn’t need a second thought to get out as fast her legs could carry her. As she ran, she heard Twilight say something behind her. Uncertain to what she said, Trixie took off faster. She didn’t stop until she made it into the forest. Even there, she didn’t stop. Instead she ran deeper and deeper, hoping she’d finally lost Twilight.

Gasping from her constant running, she finally stopped and chuckled to herself. She’d done it. No more Twilight bugging her. No more Ponyville haunting. Nothing from her past, only her future.

Resting her head into her hooves, she began to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

Twilight had just got done talking Trixie’s quarrypony when she spotted Trixie running down the field. She took off after the running mare. “Wait! Trixie I want to talk to you. I want to…” Trixie had disappeared into the forest, forcing Twilight to slow to a stop. “… be a friend.” She lowered her head and sighed, slowly trotting back to her waiting friends.

“It’s okay, Twilight,” Spike said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “At least we know she’s fine.”

“I know, Spike,” Twilight responded. “I just wanted to welcome her to Ponyville.”

Spike looked to the dirt and rocks. “I know how you feel; I can’t imagine her enjoying breaking rocks for a living.”

Twilight smirked a bit. “She didn’t seem like she liked it when she told us last time…” Her face turned into a frown again. “She doesn’t have a place to go to though.” Twilight looked past the field into the forest. “Her wagon is still parked out here, so we could just wait.”

“I don’t know Twilight,” Spike looked to his feet, “if she doesn’t want to be our friend, we can’t force her.”

“You’re right, Spike. Let’s just leave a note saying she’s always welcome to Ponyville.” Both Twilight and Spike smiled as they returned to their other five friends, all of which anxious to get going for Twilight’s Welcome Home party.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie dreamt herself back into the dark room. A voice echoed through the darkness once again as the voice said, “C’mon sugarcube, you’ll love ta play.” Trixie knew it was one of the ponies from Ponyville, but whom, she couldn’t say.

Another voice came from the darkness, this one much more upbeat and trilled to be there. “Whee! We’re gonna have sooooo much FUN!” Trixie knew this one was from Ponyville. This was the annoying one who could play ten instruments at once.

Trixie was able to see something beyond the darkness. They looked like outlines, but it was too hard to see. They appeared to be outlines of ponies, perhaps those who were talking to her. She could specifically see their teeth, white and ecstatic to be with her.

Trixie felt so much warmer. She felt… wanted… happy… loved.

Her Friends

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In the forest, Trixie had finally awoken yet again from the fuzzy feeling of sleep, only to be confronted with the cold world around her. She shuddered as she saw dark trees rising high above her into a black sky of leaves.

Somewhere far behind, she got herself turned around. She became not sure which way she came from or which way to go. She felt a new feeling well up to her heart, and it wasn’t a warm one, but one of being lost.

She turned around from the spot on which she slept and walked back to find the way she came. She looked to the ground, trying to find any sort of path in which she could be led out. She ran for was felt like several miles before slowing to a stop, knowing she couldn’t have possibly gone this far.

“I…” she began, tears forming under her eyes. “I’m lost…” She looked far out to the darkness in front, behind, and everywhere else. “… and no pony knows where to find me.” She fell over and began sobbing. Similar to before, she sobbed herself to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie was in the dark world and listened carefully. No ponies voice echoed through the world. She saw straight ahead of her a pony walking closer. The pony was dark with a moon for a cutie mark. The new pony had a horn and wings and a crown, obviously being a princess. Trixie had never seen such a pony.

“Hello, Trixie,” the newcomer spoke. “I am Luna, bringer of the night.”

Trixie was befuddled. “H…how do you know my name?”

“I know all ponies who dream,” Luna stated firmly, yet, somehow, softly.

“What do you want from me?” Trixie was afraid of whatever her answer could be, but stuck to her guns.

“To help you,” Luna stated warmly.

Trixie was thankful this powerful being was not going to be a threat to her well being. “Help me with what?” Trixie asked, less forceful, but still questioning.

“To find your way home.”

Trixie was amazed. She hadn’t been home in so long. The entire town seemed so disappointed of her being showed up by a student, she couldn’t conceive of them taking her back.

“Remember,” Luna stated, interrupting Trixies’ thoughts. “Home is where the heart is.” Suddenly, Luna disappeared, being replaced with a town.

Trixie saw Ponyville. She saw the world she had created inside the magic dome she placed. The panic. The terror. The power. She saw it all. She saw ponies running from her eyesight lest they be changed into a way comical to their ruler. She saw everypony frightened to move, yet terrified to stand still. As she witnessed the fear, she looked upon her chest. No Alicorn Amulet held her robe. No amulet, in fact, just the gem she’d originally had.

Just then, her subjects all fell to a floating mass of, what could best be described as, ectoplasm, and began to swirl around Trixie. Horrified, she watched as they swirled, like little faces laughing at her misfortune. The noises of the displaced air around her began to sound like cackling.

Trixie made out one of the swirling masses and watched as it giggled before moving in closer to her trembling form. It pressed against her fur and dissolved into her body. As soon as it touched her, she felt a terribly cold feeling. She felt the feeling of sadness, a feeling that had become normal since running from Ponyville. She fell to the ground as other little faces closed in and took control, also being absorbed into her trembling body, each one bringing Trixie more pain.

Finally, only the final face swirled around her. This one looked calm. It didn’t seem to be cackling, but laughing. Trixie felt its laughter, but felt it as a warm, happy sort. It wasn’t a mocking laughter, but a laughter of friends. She began to slowly smile as the before masses seeped out of her and melted into a liquid mesh, eventually rolling away into the forest.

Trixie smiled an ear to ear smile before she gave a giggle. Then a chuckle. Before long, she was mad with hearty laughter, laughing with the spirit. Their madness only making them laugh louder.

They stayed that way for a bit, before slowing down to a chuckle, and, finally, gasping for air. Trixie looked to the mass; its form seemed to radiate some sort of light.

Suddenly, it disappeared. Trixie raised a hoof to follow it, but it was futile. Her final friend was gone, and she was alone in Ponyville. She felt like crying, but didn’t want to.

A purple hoof was placed on her shoulder from behind. Turning around, Trixie saw Twilight in her Alicorn form. She was whole, except for her face, which was the last spirit. The last spirit shifted in shape before forming Twilight’s face and horn. The warm feeling from the spirit was emanating from Twilight.

Both girls sat there, smiling to each other. Then, Twilight spoke. “Welcome home, Trixie, welcome home.”

Trixie watched Twilight and Ponyville slowly dissolve away back to her black, cold world. Yet, Trixie smiled. She knew Twilight would be her friend. Even the dark world laid out before her couldn’t dampen her spirit. She had a true friend, who let a fire burn in her heart, soothing her whole body.

Twilight’s voice echoed through the darkness. “Trixie, you’re always welcome here!”

Trixie smiled, but heard her own voice echo through the darkness. “Thank you, Twilight. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.” Trixie’s smile slowly dropped to a confused frown.

Nevertheless, Twilight responded to Trixie’s voice, “Trixie, we’re friends. What are friends for?”

Trixie called out to Luna. “What is this? Who is speaking for me?”

Luna didn’t appear as she had before, but instead, let her voice rumble the ground Trixie sat upon. “Only you may decide…”

Trixie awoke up from this one pleasant dream to a bright, new morning sunrise. She could see an opening through the thick trees of the forest, leading to the old quarrypony’s rock farm. Trixie was overpowered with joy and began running to hug her employer, something she never in a million years would have thought she’d do.

* * * * * * * *

Twilight was having a great ‘welcome home’ party; it wasn’t unlike Pinkie to throw amazing parties. Although her friends were having a wonderful time listening to Twilight talk about her time as a princess, they were unaware of Twilight’s worries. They knew Trixie was on Twilight’s mind when they went searching for Trixie, but they had no idea she was still worried about her. They had all but forgotten about the search for Trixie; too distracted by the fun of the party.

Spike, similar to Twilight, wasn’t easily taken away from their friend’s disappearance, he was intently listening to Twilight’s stories, but he was still worrying.

“The worst part was probably sitting through the discussions,” Twilight continued. “They were important ponies and all, but I wasn’t too sure about their ideas for Equestria.”

Rarity looked dreamily, “I bet they wore the most gorgeous of outfits.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “I don’t know much ‘bout them fancy politics, but did ya’ll talk anything ‘bout the apple business?”

Twilight thought for a while. “I don’t remember anypony mentioning apples…”

Rainbow Dash started floating around in the air. “I wouldn’t be able to stand staying there that long!” She rested her forehooves behind her head in a relaxed state.

“I had a hard time staying awake,” admitted Twilight with a smile on her face.

A new voice came from behind Twilight. This one she knew, but hadn’t heard it in such a while. “Even the Great and Powerful Trixie would have fallen asleep!”

Everypony present turned to see Trixie walk in, her cart a few feet behind her. She smiled as warmly as she could. Bowing her head, Trixie began her request for forgiveness. “Twilight Sparkle, The Great and Powerful Trixie bows her head to a magician of far greater powers.” Her eyes were closed, similar to her first dream. “I ask that you may accept my apology and maybe accept me as an active member of your wonderful town.” Trixie kept her head down and eyes closed, still worried of Twilight’s reaction.

The six ponies and single dragon gathered there stared at Trixie, looked at each other for a bit, and then focused on Trixie again. Twilight spoke up. “That’s all?”

Trixie felt a lump grow in her stomach. It was turning out to be her dream all over again. Biting her lower lip, Trixie awaited the rest.

Rainbow Dash looked to Twilight. “You know she didn’t even need to apologize, right?” Trixie opened her eyes, still to the ground.

Twilight smiled. “Of course not, she was forgiven all along.” Trixie raised her face to view theirs. They seemed sincere. Tears began to well under her eyes.

“GROUP HUG!” Pinkie Pie shouted in her normal, giddy tone, quickly pulling everypony and Spike into a giant ball of a hug.

Trixie felt an amazing fire start in her heart; it warmed her body and cleared her mind of any doubts. The ones she had treated so rudely, so cruel, so vile, were now her friends. Joy overtook her, sending chills of happiness coursing her body. A single tear rolled down her eye, but this one was different from the rest. This one was of joy. Great, overpowering happiness.

Satisfied, each pony and dragon backed away and began laughing. Twilight must’ve had a thought strike her as she realized something. “Oh, wait here, everypony!” She hurried into the library. A little while later, she came out carrying a box. The box Trixie sent to her.

Trixie stared at the box, thinking of its contents, her mouth partially opened in awe.

“It’s yours, Trixie,” Twilight began, her face smiling in great pride. “All magicians need their outfit.”

Trixie dreamily looked at the box. She loved that cape and hat for all its worth. It meant more to her than anypony could understand. It stood for popularity, often meaning love to the popular one. Trixie quickly looked away. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” she began, “it was meant for the greatest magician alive.”

“That’s why it’s yours!” Twilight stated, smiling warmly. “I’m not a magician, I just know magic.”

Trixie had more tears roll down her cheeks, again being those of joy. “Th…thank… you, Twilight…” Trixie undid the wrapping and revealed the legendary starry hat and cape. She put them on, their tight confines like an old friend on her naked body. Carefully placing the hat on her head, she felt whole again.

“Oh, and Trixie,” Twilight started.

“Yes?” Trixie looked up to Twilight’s eyes, them being still warm and friendly.

“Try to keep the bragging down a bit.” Both girls had a few laughs out of Twilight’s comment. Smiling, Trixie realized she now had a best friend. The closest friend ever. And she intended to keep it that way.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie had just finished setting her wagon up for a permanent home along the outer corner of Ponyville when Twilight walked by. “How’s it going here, Trixie?”
“Fine, Twilight,” Trixie smiled. “Just setting up some final weights to make sure it stays still.” She looked to the wagon, thought for a while, then asked, “Are you sure it’s okay for me to live here?”

“Trixie, you’re always welcome here!”

Trixie smiled, “Thank you, Twilight. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”

Twilight responded, “Trixie, we’re friends. What are friends for?”

Trixie knew she heard that conversation from one of her dreams, the most recent one, in fact.
Rainbow Dash flew by. “Hey, Trixie! Twilight!” She flew lower to the point in which her legs were dangling at Trixie’s eyelevel. “Pinkie just made a new game. Everypony’s waiting by the tree over there,” she pointed her hoof to Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie who were all walking over, anxious to get the final two ponies involved. “Let’s play!”

Trixie gasped a bit, careful not to let Rainbow or Twilight hear. The voice from the dark world was Rainbow’s! She smiled a bit to herself. “I don’t know…”

“Come on, darling, it’ll be fun!” Rarity stated.

“I think you’d like this game!” Fluttershy remarked, hovering inches from the ground.

Trixie still wasn’t willing to stop it there. The dream’s voices were almost complete. Tauntingly, she dejected their offering. “Trixie's not sure she'd like to play.”

“C’mon sugarcube, you’ll love ta play,” said Applejack.

Trixie pretended to think about it. Finally, she closed her eyes, smiled, and stated “Okay.” Twilight patted Trixie on her shoulder under a thin layer of cloth.

“Whee! We’re gonna have sooooo much FUN!” began Pinkie before she yammered on and on about the most random of things.

* * * * * * * *

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned something about friendship from my new friend, The Great and Powerful Trixie. She’s taught me that your true friends are the most important thing to have around you when you’re sad. She also taught me that you must watch your friends carefully when they are down, as they may do something rash. It scares me to say that I almost lost a friend, but am happy to announce that she is well and living here in Ponyville with us.
Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle


This is Spike. I just wanted to add that I learned that even the most heartless of enemies can need a crying shoulder. Forgiving somepony isn’t easy, but when it’s done right, it gives the strongest of friends.

Alternative Ending: Trixie's Ultimate Choice

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Gore Warning: Very Violent and Graphic Details

She had been scorned. The town she once had unlimited control over had taken it back and she was back to where she was before. Jobless. Homeless. Alone. Always alone. So, so alone.

Trixie looked sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking Ponyville. The beautiful sun was setting sweetly, but beyond that, Trixie was crying. The salty tears streamed down her face before resting on her hooves. She looked to the gorgeous sun behind reddened, wet eyes as the city hall building over-passed it in height.

Ponyville. The land she ruled with an iron hoof. The land, where she was defeated not once but twice by that meddlesome Twilight Sparkle, mocked her current state as its citizens went about their regular closing routines. A couple of fillies had their mothers yelling at them to come home and a store owner had forgotten his keys on the cupboard after locking up shop, but that was a normal, happy night for Ponyville.

Trixie wanted to cry some more, but no more tears would come out. She was physically tired of sobbing and yawned in between a whimper. Her mind was focused on her depression. All thoughts of Twilight.

“Why won’t they accept me?” Trixie whispered to herself, although no pony was near. “Why must I always run?” She rested her head on her balled hooves, her cheeks pressing to her eyes. Her eyes darted back to her old wagon resting near an old, dying tree. Although it had been shattered into millions of splinters several times before, she was still able to repair it.

“What else can I do?” she asked the wagon, as if expecting a response. None was given from the inanimate object. “All I’ve ever known was magic.” She looked to Ponyville again. “All anypony’s ever wanted was a magic trick out of me.” She sighed, her eyes feeling heavier as they wished to rest.

Trixie wanted to rest, too, just not in a similar fashion. ‘No pony would miss me. Not while they have their good, old Twilight Sparkle,’ she thought, her face wrinkling in anger. ‘She’s always been better than me, but she didn’t have to show everypony.’ The wind gave a little gust whipping her mane behind her, as if to say ‘you know that’s not what happened.’

“Now I can’t even enter a town without everypony knowing.” She raised her head off of her hooves. “They always laugh, but I’m tired of it.” She stood up on all four hooves and walked near the edge of the cliff. “No more will they mock me.” She stood on her hind hooves and got them to the edge, a few small stones descending into the dark town below.

Trixie, the once Great and Powerful, raised her front hooves to a ninety degrees angle, preparing to fall. She bit her lip as thoughts echoed into her head. Mostly memories of her fillyhood and the rejection she felt amongst other fillies.
She remembered the first performance she’d ever put on. The love of the applause. The ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ echoed behind her closed eyes as everything seemed to speed up. All her memories rushed by before empty darkness. She heard her voice from beyond. “Can’t I do anything?”

Her facial features softened as she all but yelled “No…” and fell over.

* * * * * * * *

Fluttershy was finished walking a group of wayward ducks back to their pond when it started to get dark. Upon them entering their home and splashing about a bit, she sighed contently, wished them goodnight, and began trotting back home, proud of helping the little family.

A voice from behind her made her turn around, but no pony was there. The voice was from far away, but it sounded sad. Carefully looking around, Fluttershy could find no animals, ponies, or anything else, for that matter, in which could make that sad voice.

Just then, the same voice echoed again, but louder and more assertive this time. Fluttershy looked around her in all four directions. Her eyes focused on the mountainside and quickly trailed up to see a blue mare wearing a magician’s hat and cape standing at the edge, hooves spread eagle-wise, her cape fluttering in the breeze.

She gasped. No pony in Ponyville has ever attempted suicide before! She began to run, but stopped when she noticed the mysterious pony had disappeared. Fearing that whoever the pony was had jumped, she ran to get somepony to help.

* * * * * * * *

Trixie watched time slow as her hind legs dragged into the cliff-side, skidding painfully deep into her legs. She saw the world spin as her upper torso was dragged closer to the solid rock side. Her head smashed into a rock sticking out only two inches, creating a crack on her forehead and letting crimson blood drip into her mane.

Gravity pulled even harder as she continued to tumble, only to be slowed slightly as her horn scrapes the falling pebbles, leaving gory chunks being ripped out. Through her constantly flying mane, Trixie could see a sharp rock stuck out several feet; its flat surface on top only looked dangerous to the ever falling mare. As she neared, she closed her eyes tightly, memories flashed before her eyes.

She saw the caravan, her home and most loyal of friends. No matter how much trouble she was in, it would be waiting, ready to roll out to the next town. She saw the star display she’d always use to impress her audience. She saw the beautiful fireworks, bursting radiantly in the sky.

Then Ponyville became visible. She saw the many posters hung overhead. The bountiful feast just awaiting her lips. The enslaved ponies bowing to her every whim. The two younger unicorns who obeyed every command.

Next, the ponies who opposed her reign jumped into her mind. The orange earth pony who had rather impressive apple skills who was tied up by her snake-like rope. The blue Pegasus flying past her face only to be pulled down by the rainbow she’d create. The glamorous white unicorn creating such a beautiful outfit, but being brutalized by a new mane-do.

Then Twilight Sparkle. The purple unicorn whose magic surpassed Trixie’s in all fashions. The unicorn who uncovered her story, rechallenged her to a magic duel, and… forgave her. Twilight let her run away and even smiled when she asked for forgiveness. Twilight, who, although foiled her plans, saved her friends and town from her own power-hungry greed to lead the town herself.

Trixie felt more regret than sadness. She just threw out a life of chance. A life of potential. A life that Twilight was willing to forgive.

Trixie’s eyes opened to see the rock just upon her head. She wanted to take it back; to reverse time to not even a minute before. Even if she did know some sort of spell to do so, she wouldn’t be able to with the way her horn was disfigured. “I’m sorry, Twi…” Her voice was cut off as her head was split, bits of skull and brain flying out of the open wound just in front of her cut-up horn.

Trixie was physically dead now. She was dead for weeks before, living off the few bits stored away in her wagon, but now, she had accomplished her goal. She wouldn’t be a burden on society. She wouldn’t be a bother to Ponyville. She wouldn’t worry Twilight Sparkle no more.

* * * * * * * *

“Twilight! Twilight, oh Twilight, come quick!” yelled Fluttershy in her normally quiet voice as she ran through the streets of Ponyville to the library. She knocked on the door yelling for Twilight, “Twilight! Something terrible has happened!”

The doorknob turned as if the handler was agitated, in violent and angry jolts of turning before the door slowly creaked open. Standing in the recently brightened library was Spike, still in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes. “Hi, Fluttershy. Is there a reason you woke me up right before I could fall asleep?”

Fluttershy began, moving into an embarrassed pose, “sorry, Spike, but where’s Twilight?”

“Fluttershy, don’t you remember? Twilight is still in Canterlot.” Spike rubbed his eyes, but had a bit more understanding in his voice than before. “She won’t be able to come back until tomorrow.”

“Oh, right…” Fluttershy began, looking around blushing. “I forgot.” She looked up to Spike. “Would you be able to help? I think somepony’s done something terrible!” She kneed down to Spike, pleading for help.

“Who did what?”

“I couldn’t see who she was, but she jumped off the cliff by the forest!”

“WHAT?” Spike’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull in surprise. He looked around. “Give me a minute to change and I’ll be…”

Fluttershy grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. “There’s no time, we got to go!” she exclaimed, acting completely unnatural.

“Owlowiscious, stay back and watch the library!” Spike yelled to the bird resting on a windowsill, looking out the window.

“Hoo.” Owlowiscious replied back, turning his head to the entranceway.

“YOU, THAT’S WHO!” Spike exclaimed before disappearing in a cloud of dust behind Fluttershy.

Owlowiscious looked at where Spike used to be. “Hoo,” he hooted before turning his attention to the cliff where a strange-looking wagon rested by a tree.

* * * * * * * *

“The pony was around here, when I looked away,” Fluttershy stated to Spike as they both searched around the ground at the foot of the cliff. Looking up, Fluttershy spotted the bit of the ledge in which Trixie had been previously standing over.

“Are you sure she didn’t just fly off?” Spike questioned, his right eyebrow raised in confusion. “She could’ve been a Pegasus and flew over Ponyville.”

“No, she wasn’t a Pegasus,” Fluttershy replied still looking around the ground.

“How would you know?” Spike raised an eyebrow, looking at his friend.

“She had a… a…” Fluttershy’s face paled from her usually bright yellow to a near white. “O…o…oh m…m…m…” she stuttered in fear.

Spike hurried over. “What is it, Fluttersh…” He saw the broken corpse of Trixie.

What a horrifying sight to see for such a young dragon. She had deep gashes on her forehead, some letting her brain breath the open air, a torn-up horn, all but a little bit of flesh near her head still hanging on beyond her open-veined horn, and a ripped-off jaw that lay a few feet away; the lower half probably fell off when she collided sideways into a large rock. Trixie’s left eye hung out of the socket by the tendon, swaying disgustingly in the cool breeze, while her right eye’s outer-layer was skidded away like her horn.

Her body had jutting broken bones in just about every inch under her blue skin. Each limb twisted in unnatural poses, positioned as if she were a stuffed animal thrown aside by an ungrateful child. Her left shoulder blade cut through her skin, showing off the white bone underneath. Patches of flesh were skidded, ripped, and torn off Trixie’s body by many different impacts by the rocks. Some shards of rock still hung into her side.

Not only blood was seeping out of a major cut on her underbelly, as stomach acids also tasted the sweet night’s air. Trixie’s stomach, liver, and some of her torn-up intestines hung from the deepest of slits. It appeared her some of the intestines were torn out and still hung somewhere overhead on a branch.

As if in a sadistic tease, the right side cutie mark had been torn away in a patch. Part of the patch was attached to her tail, forcing several strands out of the deceased unicorn’s body. If Spike and Fluttershy had ventured out ten feet to the north of her body, they would have come across it. It had somehow been ripped off successfully in one fully piece.

Puddles of dark blood, bits of brain matter, teeth, and patches of skin littered around her dismembered body. That didn’t matter to Spike as he fell to his knees next to Trixie’s dead form. He couldn’t feel the warm blood pooling up into his scales. He just felt numb. He didn’t hear Fluttershy say she’d get somepony else to help. He just couldn’t hear.

Gingerly, he laid his claw on her face and slowly dragged it down, gentle enough to avoid even annoying her fur. His body trembled as his eyes watered, sad tears streaming down his face and dripping into the puddles underneath. He wrapped his arms around the deceased unicorn’s head and pulled her near. “Trixie…” he spoke, his voice cracking up in great pain. “Why?” he asked, as if he actually expected a reply. Perhaps he did. Perhaps it never soaked in.

Spike positioned his body so that his legs were underneath the deceased body. He held her tight, pressing her soft skin against his scales only causing more tears to stream down his face. He closed his blood-shot eyes and rubbed his face on hers. “I forgive you.” He stopped rubbing his face. “You didn’t need to do this for forgiveness.” He held her closer, stroking her mane lovingly.