• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 2,001 Views, 15 Comments

The Apprentice - TheNewYorkBrony

Twilight Sparkle is a witch training under the hands of Princess Celestia. When the Princess decides it's time for her to make friends, she sends her to witch school: Little Pony Academia. There she will learn there's more to magic than ju

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An Epic Quest Begins!

I renamed the story and changed the cover pic because i felt it fit better. It will still be the same story but it will go in a bit of a different direction. Please tell me what you think!

Celestia stood staring at a window grimly. Why now? Why of all times must he make a return? She thought. She didn’t even notice Luna had come to stand next to her. Her face was no longer calm and friendly, but just as grim and serious as her sisters. She no longer wore her shorts and sweatshirt, but her official royal gown.

“Sister, is it possible that it is him?” She asked, staring at the image in the stained glass window.

Celestia sighed. “I’m not going to lie to you Lu. But it is possible. And after I had sealed him away for so long.” She frowned. “It seems we must put our plan into action sooner than anticipated.”

“You mean the child?” Luna asked. “Twilight Sparkle? But she hasn’t had enough time to-”

Celestia held up a hand to silence her sister. “I know, Luna. But something tells me she soon won’t be fighting alone on this one.”

It was morning again, and sunlight flitted into the cramped room again. Six bodies, deep in sleep, breathed softly chests rising and falling with every breath.
The spell had completely drained them all, especially Rainbow Dash, who had fallen asleep first. The others followed suit after watching her intently to make sure she was okay.

Their mission was successful. They had gotten the message to the princesses. They were hopeful, but not delusional. Being the very important women that they were, it would probably take days or weeks before they would respond.

Twilight again, was the first to wake. She was used to being up so early in the morning because of her schedule at the castle. She looked around herself, to see that Rainbow was nuzzled into her bed, Rarity was in her lap, Pinkie leaning on her shoulder, and Applejack napped idly with her Stetson over her face, with Fluttershy back to back.

She shook Rarity first. "Hey, Rarity?" She asked, her voice groggy with sleep.

The purple haired girl's eyes fluttered open. "Yes, what is it, Twilight?"

"What, what time is it?" She asked.

Rarity reached for the clock that had been Twilight's desk that had flew into the floor from the sheer intensity of the spell. "It's 10:00." She yawned before haphazardly throwing the object back down.

Twilight yawned herself. "That's nice." Then, "Wait what?!" She hastily reached over Rarity to grab the clock. "Girls! Get up! We're late!"

Pinkie startled awake too fast and bumped her forehead on the footing of the bed, Rainbow fell off it, and Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy scrambled to their feet.

"Aye," Pinkie mumbled, rubbing the spot on her forehead.
Rainbow Dash lifted herself up. "What the heck?! What was that for?!" She groaned. She was still in pain from last night and the fall didn't help it much at all.

Twilight shoved the clock in her face. "We're two hours late!" Twilight was particular about being late for things. She hated it. Celestia used to tell her it was fine to be late sometimes for a valid reason. Twilight had zero tolerance for it. "We're tardy! Tardy!" She panicked.

"Jeez, what an egghead." Rainbow mumbled which earned her a smack in the head from both Rarity and Applejack. "Ow."

“Are we all going to go to class?” Fluttershy asked.

“It would make sense to.” Twilight responded.

“B-but it would look weird if all of us came in late together.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Fluttershy’s right.” Applejack agreed. “It would look mighty suspicious if we all just walked in together.”

“So what do we do?” Dash asked. “We can’t just stay here either. That would raise questions too.”

“We do some inspecting. See what other students know.” Twilight decided.

“But what about being tardy?” Rainbow Dash teased. Applejack hit her again. “Oh come on! It was a valid question!”

“Even so.” Twilight replied. “We can’t just wait on the princesses for everything. If it’s one thing that they’ve taught me, it’s that you never wait for an opportunity, you take it.”

Everyone nodded. “So what’s the plan, boss?” Rainbow remarked.

Twilight was taken aback by the title but smirked. “We find us some students.”

Although mostly all the girls in their dorm were supposed to be in class, they weren’t. Most decided to skip so that they wouldn’t have to obey the new curfew or just go to class in general.

“When is it ever okay to skip school?” Twilight muttered after they had talked to a few girls down their hall.

“When is it not? I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to go missing either.” Rainbow muttered back.

Applejack heaved a sigh. “Ah can’t say Rainbow’s right, but Ah can say she’s sorta on the money.”

All the girls gave her a confused look. She continued, “I’m not saying skipping school is good, but in a situation like this, Ah understand it. Think about it, how many students have gone missing since all of you got here?”

Rainbow thought for a moment. “I came at the beginning of the year with Fluttershy. Around that time it was only two.”

Rarity frowned. “It was about five by the time I transferred.”

Pinkie shrugged. “It was like, ten when I actually started paying attention.

“See? And it’s up to about twenty girls now. It has almost tripled. Something is seriously going on.” Applejack mumbled.

“What do you suppose it is, Sherlock?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“Well I’m not exactly sure but it just might be something Celestia had told me about when I was a child.” Twilight responded, thinking.

“Well what is it?” Rarity asked.

“Not a what, but a who.” Twilight responded. “Come on, let’s go back. I think I know what’s going on now.”

Each girl shared a confused look but followed after Twilight.

Back when Celestia and Luna were no more than children, the land was ruled by their mother and father. It was a peaceful time, their people living happily in harmony.

Their uncle, Discord, a warlock of a high caliber, completely detested the idea. He thought the land should be ruled in chaotic fury. Their parents strongly disagreed. Discord was furious. He snuck into the castle one night and murdered their parents.

With the King and Queen dead and their children too young to rule, Discord took over as ruler of the land.
The sisters watched as their people lived miserably with each other, unable to do anything about it. They were not as strong as him, nor did they have the expertise needed to outsmart him.

Then, when Celestia turned seventeen, the proper age to rule, she demanded that he step down so that she could come into power. He refused, and a epic battle ensued.

Celestia lost, and the kingdom was once again under Discord’s control. Four years later, the sisters tried again, and together they defeated him with a new kind of magic, called Los Elementos de la Armonía, or, in English, The Elements of Harmony.

The elements turned him into stone, sending him off into a faraway land, to be watched over by the guards of the kingdom that was now rightfully hers and her sister’s. He was never seen again, and the elements of harmony were scattered, only to be found again when or if he would be arisen. Only the true barriers, with the elements they represent deep within their hearts, would be able to see out the stones and their power to use them once again to defeat Discord and his evil ways.

“We have to find something called The Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow asked. “How are we going to do that?”

Twilight thought for a moment. “I have no idea.”

“And how are you so sure that it’s this Discord fella? The story said nothing about him making young witches disappear.” Applejack said pointedly.

Twilight sighed. “I know, but, it’s like I have this gut feeling that it is him.”

“I know what that’s like.” Rainbow agreed. Then she sighed. “I’m standing by Twilight. I think we should find these Elements of Harmony.”

Fluttershy looked scared. “B-But we don't know what they look like or where they are!”

Twilight shook her head picking up a thick brown book with a wand on the front of it. “Don’t you worry. I’ve got everything we need right here.”

Rainbow grinned. “Well alright! Who’s with me and Twilight?!” She asked, putting her arm out.

“I guess I’m in.” Applejack smiled as she put her hand in.

“Me too! Me too!” Pinkie bubbled doing the same.

“I am too, darling.” Rarity added.

Everyone looked to Fluttershy who became quite flustered. “Well- I- Um- I- Oh fine!” She finally decided.

Twilight looked at the excited faces of the girls around her and smiled. She felt that she could almost finally trust them. “Alright. We leave tomorrow morning.”

Author's Note:

sorry this is so short, my laptop charger is broken and i wanted to finish this before the battery completely died. Please comment and tell me what you think!

Comments ( 4 )

this is one of my favorite stories, please update it!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

3167119 For a moment I though it was her, or Twilight makeing cosplay of Tarja!:rainbowhuh:

I'm enjoying this so far. Will there be an update any time soon?

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