• ...


(If you might ask, I removed the third chapter since honestly, it wasn’t what I wanted at all and it was so bad that it makes the constant “love” stories of Twilight and Celestia look like a masterpiece. I have intentions to make more connection between the Crysis universe and Equestria so don’t expect this to be another Action story with the only difference being the Crysis name slapped on it. Hope you enjoy this chapter more than the previous 3rd one and if not, what a shame).

(Author's note: For those who haven't played Crysis 2. Nathan Gould (mentioned in my first chapter, "Aftermath") was a former scientist who worked in Hargreave-Rasch Biomedical (a company that developed Nanosuit 1 and Nanosuit 2), who now works for the United States Military. Tara Strickland is a CIA undercover agent (disguised as a C.E.L.L. Special Advisor during Crysis 2) who lost her father in the first Crysis, and wanted revenge against Jacob Hargreave (founder of the Nanosuit) for not warning the U.S. military about the Ceph in the first Crysis which led to many lost lives. In short these two helped Alcatraz in the events of Crysis 2, to prevent New York from being nuked.)

"I don't fucking believe this! You’re calling the search off!?"

"Look Nathan. Alcatraz is dead, there couldn't be any way he could've survived something like that." Tara bluntly states to Gould

“Couldn’t survived?” That doesn’t make any sense! Colonel Barclay ordered me to vaporize the suit in 24 hours if Alcatraz didn’t respond to us if he made it out alive from the spire. I pushed the damn button and coming from the data in my computer, the suit sure as hell didn’t vaporize!”

“You can’t rely on the data when you got the reality facing you. We’ve been searching for Alcatraz for the past week and by the looks of it. We won’t be finding your friend.”

“I know that this isn’t going so well but be patient. If we lose Alcatraz, we might as well turn ourselves in to the Ceph because without him, we don’t stand a chance.” Gould argued

“I know” Tara quickly added, starting to sound annoyed “But we have a better shot fighting the Ceph now without Alcatraz than wasting our time finding a dead man.”

“He’s not dead” Gould angrily declares “And do you honestly think we have a shot at the moment, even if we fight now? You know our soldiers don’t stand a fair chance against the Ceph. Hargreave went fucking mad and self-destructed the Prism, destroying any chance to recover any research to produce a new suit; we don’t have the time or resources to make a new Nanosuit. If you would just give me more time, I can locate Alca..”

“I’m sorry Gould” Tara cutting of Gould

“Were calling it off, I don’t mean to upset you but it’s the best for all of us, I need to report back to duty soon. If it helps to make you feel better, just find him yourself.” Tara said harshly yet in a moderate tone

Nathan. Seemingly looking as if all will or energy he had within him, was gone. He places his left hand on his forehead while he walked towards his chair and slumped on it.

“”Look at my window Tara” asked Gould, now seemingly more calm

“I don’t see what this has to do wi..”

“Just look” Gould instructs her

Tara starts to walk slowly towards Gould’s large window. As she comes closer to the window, she stops to see the night and below her was destroyed Skyscrapers, and crumbled streets but some buildings remained intact, darkness covers most of her view but it rather looked soothing with the little shining light the moon had. There was no sound of a gun firing, no sound of any aircraft, not even a ground vehicle could she find or hear.

All there was to hear and see was peaceful silence and a let’s just say, an extreme remodeling of New York.

“I choose this apartment as my new haven. The view outside reminds me, that if Alcatraz wasn’t here for us, this city would be nothing but rubble.” Gould frirmly but respectfully told to Tara

“You know this doesn’t mean much to me as it does to you, it’s nothing more than a lone gone city”. Sara coldly responded

“Maybe in your view. But out there, families can come out now, no longer hiding like sewer rats. People’s lives that’ve never turned out too well, have a second chance in life to do better for the survivors and themselves. Gould explained

“All because of one random Marine.” Gould ensured to Tara

“Don’t tell me that you were involved in the war just to get payback against CELL.” Gould furthermore added

“I only helped Alcatraz for my own benefit, nothing more or less. I’ll be leaving soon. ” Tara coldly stated as she stopped looking at the view

“If you insist. Then just leave now, I’ll locate him, with help or not.” Gould feeling rather disappointed.

“Then Goodbye.” Tara stated as she left, closing Gould’s apartment door.

Now with no one left to help him. Gould feels deserted. Prophet is dead, the search for Alcatraz called off, the Ceph starting to wake up from their slumber. All of these thoughts went in Gould’s mind, draining much of his hope to see humanity prevail, yet he still has a sensation that Alcatraz is out there, Alive.

“Might as well track Alcatraz’s signal one more time for today before I sleep.” Gould thought as he scooted his wheelie chair towards his computer. As he powered on his computer, he didn’t feel in any way eager to do this since for the past day, he has achieved nothing but seeing that disappointing “unable to locate” text continually.

As the computer finally was booted and Gould typed his password to log in, he was grateful to see that the computer, had all commands set to find Alcatraz’s signal, which normally would take half an hour to program. Thankfully, he managed to keep a copy of the commands in a disk before CELL shot his old apartment to shreds, when Alcatraz and Gould first met.

“At least I can get this over quickly tonight” Gould assumed as he moved his mouse to click the track button icon.

As the computer started to search for any sign of Alcatraz, Gould felt discouraged, arrogantly believing that this was just a small waste of time, which could be for his sleep right now. The scan seem to take forever, the online connection for Gould’s computer seemed rather sluggish, which slightly started to rile up Gould. When the scan was 100% completed, something displayed in his monitor shocked Gould’s eyes, and it was not a “waste of time” as Gould thought.

The computer displayed Alcatraz’s signal active.

To even leading Gould into further shocked, Alcatraz couldn’t be located anywhere at New York, or even Earth for that matter. It seemed like Alcatraz was in a completely different dimension. How the signal works now? Gould has no clue.

“This new monitor must be malfunctioning. How could Alcatraz be out of the radar?!” Gould said bewildered.

Despite what seemed to be outrageous in Gould’s mind, he didn’t allow an opportunity like this to pass by. Gould quickly took the old intercom lying next to the computer hardware, on top of stacks of collected cell information, and switched it on.

“Alcatraz. I don’t know where you are or what’s happened to you. But if you can hear me, find a way back to New York. I’ll give you the coordinates to where to meet me once you're here”. Gould then waited for a response for a minute or two. There was nothing.

Gould then set aside the intercom and left his chair with the computer still turned on with a yawn. He then proceeded to walk towards his bed which just consisted of a single mattress with a blue quilt. He drifts to sleep, hopeful tomorrow will shed some good news.

“SYSTEM RECOVERY. ACTIVATE DEFIBRILLATOR.” Alcatraz initiated the defibrillator, when the suit’s voice concluded its command.

While the suit was re-routing itself, Alcatraz noticed a purple looking figure slowly moving backwards to a brown, square looking figure which appears to be a door.

It then began opening the door in a slow manner, leaving the small room but not before closing the door.

“Twilight!” Something happened that you need to see!” Spike shouted to Twilight, who was reading a book on creatures from other dimensions.

“What is it Spike?” Twilight asked his frightened friend, worried, setting aside her studying.

“I… don’t know! It said recover and activate something, but you need to see this!”

As Twilight races to her room, along with Spike, too scared to stay put downstairs. She then stops on the side of her door, hearing the sound of movement.


“That’s the voice!” Spike expressed in a silent, frighten voice

With a bold look, Twilight quietly opens her door and to her shock. The “creature” begins to stand in a rather awkward position that no pony has done”.

“Do something Twilight! Put a sleeping spell, time reverse, anything to stop this!”

“I can’t. I don’t know what the effects with magic are on a creature like this. Send a message to Celestia, tell her to come right now.” Twilight says hastily but somewhat in a calm tone.

As the “creature” finally stands well, it turns to look at Twilight.

For a moment there was no word from both. Twilight, then tries something quite simple yet absurd to avoid unnecessary conflict.

“Ummmmm. Hello?” Twilight says in a nervous smile

The creature did not respond to her, it instead turned its back while pressing two of its fingers against what she assumed, was the side of its head. Almost as if it were to power something on, like in those spy stories.

“Gould. If you’re still awake or here, you got me as to where the fuck I am.”

Comments ( 76 )

Now this is interesting! I'm happy that you chose to rewrite the chapter. It runs quite smoothly.

Much better, I see you chose a good type of personality, this looks like its gonna be fun !!

i thought you said that Alcatraz would be the mute badass. Being all like, "Fuck yea, nigga. I'ma fuck you up." kinda thing

231701 I'm not sure how's that going to work out. I will say that I broke the silence because I couldn't find anyway for that to work, that and it just makes Alcatraz into a lifeless husk; unlike Nomad. In the meantime, I can't say how'll this will turn out. Sorry if I disappointed you

I had to do this Please watch, and please wait for better version.:pinkiesad2::pinkiehappy::twilightblush::trollestia:Prophet in ponyville

Why the empty space at the end?

256365 I don't know. Its been like that for some reason.

:trixieshiftleft: prophetd vocal cords are completely destroyed :trixieshiftright: at the end of the game when he says "they call me prophet" that was a subroutine in the suit called S.E.CO.N.D. if you listen closely, it's actually a replay of the speech prophet made at the beginning at the game, and no pony should be able to hear the in suit voice Alcatraz has, or else the CELL would have a lot easier time finding him while cloaked. read the book. it really good.

311214 Considering that the Ceph in Crysis 2 are completely different from the Ceph in the first Crysis with no given explanation (according to my knowledge), I don't see any trouble with giving Alcatraz a voice (whether in his mind or as he speaks). Just to clear any misconception I may have, do you mean the book Crysis Legion? If so, wasn't Alcatraz speaking in Crysis Legion for the majority of the time during interrogation? As for the suit being audible, that issue will be quickly fixed in the beginning of the next chapter.

looks good so far. please continues this.:twilightsmile: though i wouldnt mind myself if Alcatraz had a bit of dialogue. It would work best if it was like how The Master Chief is from Halo, how he's pretty much mute in game though he still had lines in certain cutscenes when it was necessary.:scootangel:

335472 Thank you and as a friendly heads up, I can't be 100% percent consistent with releasing chapters soon, so if this takes forever, I'm sorry. Aside from that, I actually just randomly thought of the idea and maybe in the distant future, I'll do another crossover that would be the last thing anyone would expect.:derpytongue2:

On Hiatus... On Hiatus? ON HIATUS!!!:flutterrage:

On hiatus... Tracked anyway.

557930 Disappointing isn't it? I actually am working on a new crossover fanfic that allows me to have more freedom on how I can set up the events, that and I'm more familiar with this particular work. I might start working with "My Little Crysis" again but I'm having a hard time figuring out a decent idea to make the story not a blatant "go guns blazing 24/7" idea, or the over-used "Lets get to know each other and become quick friends" scenario. Don't believe the story is dead, I just want to try something different in the mean time.

I understand how a crossover is restrictive in terms of story and character development. It mixes up two (or more) completely different universes, and making them cohabit in a single story while respecting both lores can be quite a tricky stunt to pull off. In my opinion however as long as the story and characters are consistent, some liberties can be allowed with both universes, in order to make the plot coherent. Also the author should have an idea about how to finish the story even before beginning the writing.
I don't think it's dead, I've seen other stories start over after a longer pause. At least you do specify it's on hiatus instead of leaving it "incomplete". Hoping for more (soon). :raritywink:

[edit]: how do I make my quote point to the name of the person I'm repliying to instead of these rubbish numbers?
[edit 2]: Nevermind. I'm dumb and I won't hide it.

559546 Not so much at all, a person who actually is dumb is the one who acts like it but doesn't admit it since their ego is twice the size of Earth. :pinkiehappy: Guess that you just figured out that there was a reply icon in every comment.

I actually thought about doing the first Crysis or writing the story in the style of the novel "Crysis Legion". Problem with my story is trying to make Alcatraz sound like foul mouth but hilarious marine during the events of the story unfolding at him isn't my forte, it just comes off feeling forced than natural. For the mean time, I'll see whether or not my second story will fair better for me.

I thank you for being understanding of the current situation :twilightsmile:

um have you played crysis before prophet is dead and i am pissed about them saying prophet is alive in crysis 3

624495 Of course I've played Crysis and Crysis 2 (sorry no Warhead). I am completely aware of that in Crysis 2, Prophet commits suicide and Alcatraz takes on the Nanosuit 2. I just took a page from Crysis:Legion, it stating that Alcatraz now wants to be referred as Prophet.

No reason to be pissed of in Crysis 3, they didn't violate the universe at all (unless the alien's new look, lack of characters from both Warhead and Crysis counts).

update this story.... NOW!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

962284 I would be working on this story (along with another that I actually have taken the time to write and type). Problem is the computer isn't working (or should I say bugged up its rectum) at the moment. I'm using the PS3 to access the internet, while I read and comment stories every now and then but hell. I'm starting to think I should start from scratch to fix the rushed pacing, add more immersive details, and make Alky resemble a bit more like his character in the novel "Crysis Legion" (minus the excessive swearing and expert talk on Nano technology, Hargreave's history, and most scientific talk that seemed more forced than necessary).

This ain't a false promise and I have ceiling cat as my witness to testify that this is the truth. So apologies if I'm taking way too much time doing anything, my luck has been lately going down to the bottom of the drain.:fluttershysad:

very intresting story u got going here.

Why this is a very nice story you have going on here :moustache::eeyup:

Interesting concept, I must say, I hope you take this off haitus and continue it soon. A Crysis-MLP crossover is a rather interesting idea.

I too made a crysis / mlpfim crossover video called FiM is Dead The idea is that if mlp fim had to die, it had to be done right.

1799062 I actually regret writing this half-assed POS. Nothing more but a generic crossover with hardly an inch of professional writing thrown in it.

With all due respect, your video did not impress me at all (and no, I never followed the whole "love and tolerate" concept that never was even said on the show). Try harder next time around.


yeah i know it sucks.... all i have is moviemaker so...yeah...video editing isn't really fantastic. in my defense though, it's probably the best video i've made......which really isn't saying much.......so....yeah


2014067 Procrastination my good sir/madam. I'm actually thinking of starting from scratch (considering I've improved over time) in maybe one day where I feel like it.

i do like where you are going with the story tho, i was just wondering where you wer cuz it seamed like you werent on for a long time, i do hope you continue this story soon :pinkiehappy:


2222817 Care to be more specific on what you mean my good sir/madam? (that's some FANTASTIC Russian by the way) :moustache:

it was a quote one of the greatest movies,"Green Elephant"

2228633 I remember seeing something similar called 'A Serbian Film". Sheer gore and massive amounts of cussing puts me to sleep if there's no substance behind it.

2559661 Oh boy. Another sub-par troll to grace the internet with its arsenal of overused memes. Word of advice, if you're going to have your standards be this low, at least don't have comments in your profile that state the obvious. :ajbemused:

2561463 https://encyclopediadramatica.se/File:Trollface.png

So according to your logic. You claim not giving a fuck but you took your time writing a broken meme (spelling "FAGGOT" wrong while you're at it), and then post a link to someone else's meme that contradicts what you just did. Take a look at the top link (make that a second time for the message to pass trough your 6ft thick skull), unless you want to keep looking like an idiot.

But if you REALLY must. Then give me another reason to laugh at you (minus that cheesy bio you have).

2561463 After all. You're the Jester trying to entertain the audience with small gags. They worked at first but eventually, they want something different.

I shall wait to see if you can muster up anything that is truly witty. If not, then run along and find a victim that actually is helpless against your underdeveloped skills and ignorance.

2563183 How are you and a blank dictionary similar? You're at a loss of words.

Have fun!

you know that on my userpage i am the closest thing to god right? your comment has been deleted.

2564552 A butthurt kid with a sense of unwarranted self-importance. I REALLY should admire someone such as the likes you. Let us cheer to our graceful, and illiterate god with such an arrogant attitude.

LONG LIVE OUR GOD!!! :pinkiegasp:

I'm starting to wonder whether to laugh my ass off, or cry myself out of laughing so hard at your attitude. I digress, go ahead and comment with that overdone 60s Spiderman meme, as if that's going to prove anything. That also goes to your imaginary status, that no one cares about except you.

And this is why I will always be better than you.

2566195 Such an IMPRESSIVE comeback! You want a medal or two kiddi vinki?:pinkiehappy:

я найдете ваш отсутствием причине беспокоящий

2567768 I find the pure irony of your statement amusing, to say the least. :twilightsmile:

Oh, look. A flying f*ck I don't give.

2568065 That being the case of the false ninja, it's best for you to run along, and read cat memes on Cheezburger.com

(By the way, you don't have to be afraid to drop an occasional F-bomb. After all, you do claim to bring wrath to your oppressors :trollestia:).

Fuck you, I'm uberdeathninja. now burn in hell, homo.

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