• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,284 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...

Apologies and Regrets

The hospital door swung open and we ran in. I almost fell to my knees seeing her laying there still, empty, lifeless. She was just sleeping but it was close enough.

“Ms. Rainbow?” Came a small voice with Applejacks accent. I turned to see a little girl about Scootaloo's age with red hair and I big pink bow. Her eye were sorry and her face was curious.

“Applebloom?” she nods at hearing her name, “can you tell me what happened?”

“I am so sorry Miss I didn’t mean to! I was just humming a little tune I had heard on the radio and I still don’t know when my coy goes off! She got super angry and started yelling at me calling me Rainbow Dash and blaming me for something and ran out into a car!” says the little girl with pink and purple hair.

“What's your coy?” I think a little bit, “and your name?”

“My name is Sweetie Belle! I’m Rarity’s little sister! My coy is control over emotions when I sing. I’m sorry about your sister,” she says sweetly.

“Rainbow?” comes a weak voice scaring the hell out of me.

“Scoot’s I’m-”

“Don’t! I don’t want to hear it. You’ve said it millions of times before! You can’t change the past Dash were going to have to live with it. I said it once and I will say it again, I may see you again and I may love you but I sure as hell won’t forgive you! Goodbye Rainbow Dash!” She glares at my waiting for to leave so my reaction took her by surprize.

“Tell me once! Tell me twice! If you didn’t forgive me then why the hell did you come all the way out here looking for me! You could never have seen me again! You're gonna have to move on at some point Scoots because I won’t wait forever! By doing what I did I saved both of us! Truth is I’m kinda glad I did what I did so learn to appreciate it!” I storm out wings wide and Scootaloo sputtering to say something.

“Rainbow!” Applejack calls running after me.

“Applejack, now you get to see how much she loves me!” AJ smiles at me and I know its a honest smile.

“She loves ya so much sugarcube! You just don’t know it. She misses her family and has every right ta blame you!”

“Thanks knowing that really lifts my spirits.” I say deadpan. She laughs at me.

“Lets show her yall can be loved!” I brighten at the idea.

“What’s the plan?” she whispers in my ear and I nod in agreement with a little laugh.


The door to the hospital slams open and I walk in with AJ in tow. “Alright Scoots! You are gonna be sharing a room with me and AJ till you're better than you’ll move to Sweetie Belle’s and Applebloom’s room!” Scoots doesn’t even get to say a word till we're bringing her through the doors.

“Who’s idea was this?” she asks the second our door closes to our room closes.

“Applejacks!” I say, “now this is the plan, you are going to sit there and heal while me and AJ do what we usually do! Got it?”

“I think it depends on ‘what you usually do’ is!” Scoots says raising an eyebrow.

“Well then you're in for a treat!” I sit down on the bed and AJ next to me. We smirk at each other, “I’m starting to like this idea more and more!” I whisper before my eyes flicker closed and my lips are met with pure awesomeness.

“Oh, please stop!” I hear her cry out but ignore her and just enjoy the moment while it lasts, “Rainbow! I got it gosh, I don’t know what he did to you but I forgive you already!” She shouts.

“What?!” I yell flying myself into the ceiling and knocking me out cold. I might have been overreacting.


I let out a quiet moan and rub my head, a nice lump, “Great!” I mutter sitting up.

“Good you're awake! Applejack doesn’t know and neither Fluttershy or Twilight will tell me, where did you get wings?” I turn to see Scootaloo with her usual angry expression but she looks concerned, “that and I want you to answer all and any of my questions!”

“Fine,” I murmur still rubbing the lump on my head. “Twilight had brought us to the practise room to show us her coy,” ten minutes and a story later, “and Ms. Luna said I would be fine. I’ve been a natural at flying ever since.”

“Wow! I have never heard of anyone doing that before! So can you teach me to fly?” I stare at her dumbfounded.

“You have had wings your entire life yet you never learned to fly?” She glares at me.

“I never had a reason to learn! Now will you or will you not teach me?” I sigh and nod.

“After you heal up!” She smirks.

“Fluttershy already healed me,” I look at her confused, “you didn’t know? She has a healing coy.”

“I didn’t. Any other questions?” I lay back down I a happy sigh of relief to my throbbing head.

“Applejacks cute! How did a person like you get somebody like her?” I literally choke on air.

“What?” my eye grew to the size of dinner plates and my voice cracked as I jolted back up.

“How did you get Applejack?”

“She kinda picked me,” I murmur not wanting to have this conversation with Scoots. I’m going from confused to shy in three seconds, its a new record!

“Really? Why?” I glare at her.

“Yes really! I don’t know why ask her!!” I shout.

“Well you're clueless, at least she’s cute,” I hear her murmur.

“What that expose to mean?” I say crossing my arms she just laughs awkwardly,

“you weren't expose to hear that,” she says sitting down, “anyway... I have something I need to tell you.”

“What's that?” I ask turning towards her while raising an eyebrow.

“I need you to teach me to control that coy,” her voice fades to almost a whisper. My eyebrows almost come out of my head as I kinda understand what shes getting at but not really.

“Do you have another coy?” she nodes shyly, “electricity?”

“Please help me sis? I’m so scared and confused. I didn’t figure out I had it like you did, it was much worse. Thats why I came to find you, I need you to teach me. Now you can teach me to fly too!” Scootaloo begs me. Never in her entire life has she begged anyone for anything. Never in my life has somebody begged me to teach them something. Hey, theres a first for anything right?

“I will, Scoots! I will teach you ok?” she runs up to me with the biggest smile on her face. Her greatest nightmare was always my coy. Now she has my coy and has apparently done something much worse than kill her own father in cold blood. Oh, the things she doesn’t know.


“Everyone here?” the girl AJ called Cat asks. I series of yeses and nodes go around our group.

“We would like to know what we’re doing here?” calls out a girl from the group, “oh, and who are they?” She points to the other side of the large table to where all the good coyable’s are sitting.

“Octavia! Their from the good coy school, they came here with important information,” Twilight says calmly smiling at Candy who was a few people away. Me and AJ sit at separate ends of the table staring back and forth between Octavia and Twilight.

“I know that! Did you think I was an idiot? I want to know their names and coys, than we will tell them ours. After we know a little about each other we could learn what we're doing here really!” she points out shooting a evil look at Twilight.

“Thats a good idea!” I yell breaking the tension, “Applejack how about you guys start?”

AJ nodes and turns to look at Octavia,”Applejack, Plant and Block! Ah just wanted to say that you seem really nice,” AJ hisses that last word making Octavia really shut up.

“I can already tell this will be fun!” Pinkie and another girl call out in unison.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! You can just call me Pinkie though, or Pinks, or Pie, or whatever,” Aj and I facepalm, “my coys are Fun and Ghost!” murmurs go around and my jaw hangs, I had no idea Pinkie had a Ghost coy! Thats awesome.

“Hi!” burst the other girl making everyone jump while her and Pinkie fall over laughing. When they recover she finishes, “I’m Gracy! I have an Air coy!”

“Hi, I’m Lyra! I have a music coy, I can make anyone do anything I want,” everyone flinches back when she pulls out a harp, AJ laughs a little, “what, I don’t bite! Much.”

“Anyway, I’m Aia. I have a water coy and a-” she goes quiet for a moment before whispering something.

“What was that?” I asks her.

“I might have a blood coy?” she murmurs under her breath making all of our faces drain till they’re pale.

“Oh, well thats somethin’ isn’t it? Ah had no idea sugarcube,” Applejack says breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“What's a blood coy?” asks the girl sitting next to Aia.

“It means she can control the blood in somethings veins and control anything against its will,” Twilight answers making Aia flinch.

“Oh,” a awkward silence falls over the room. This was not how it was planned to go! “Well I’m Alli, I have Builder and Earth coy!” we all sigh in relief at the subject change.

“Can ya teach me a lil’ ‘bout usin’ a Builders coy?” Applebloom asks for her spot near AJ.

“Sure!” Alli answers with a wide smile before turning to look at Cat.

“I’m Cat, I have a Music coy and a Timewalker coy. Any questions?” she states flatly.

“What kind of music coy?” Junebug asks.

“I can put someone to sleep by singing,” Cat says deadpan. Its obvious something is getting to her that she isn’t letting on but if shes going to mention it she’ll mention it before we all walk out of here.

“Neat!” Junebug cheeps oblivious to the awkwardness we’re all still sitting in for no apparent reason.

“Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch. I have Music and Multiplication coys,” she does what Cat did and just got to the point but with a more chipper attitude.

“I am Rarity, Diamond and Cloth coy. Don’t underestimate me because I don’t always control what's a diamond or not,” she says with a wink sending obvious shivers down our spins at the threat. It wasn’t very threatening though but that’s what made it freaky.

“Don’t underestimate any o’ us. Weh may of come here from good coy but weh are all bad coy material. Weh came ‘ere with no food, no water, and only Cat ta lead tha way. She was tha first ta collapse! It took us two weeks ta get ‘ere but weh did! Weh have some stuff that weh need to tell y’all, now... who are you and what do you got to offer?!” Applejack says getting nodes od agreement and some smiles from her team.

“I, Rainbow Dash, present my team of newbie outcasts! I came here not knowing how to control my coy, a Electricity coy, and ended up not only getting wings and learning to control it but I awesome group of coyable people with some powerful coys! So now I have three coys and eleven people who are willing to help,” I turn to my group, “if any of you don’t want to do this leave now!”

Nobody budges. Not even blink until Octavia stands up along with everyone else, “Octavia, Music and Battle coy! You can count me in.” Octavia smiles kindly and sits.

“Airus, Flight and Invisibility. First coyable person to ever have a flight coy without wings! You can count me in, I just hope we get to kick some serious ass!” she flashes me a cocky grin and sits, I happily return her grin, maybe less cocky and more happy!

“Junebug! Teleportation, you can count me in!” she high fives Airus and sits.

“BonBon, Candy and Battle coy. You can count me in!” She says dropping to her chair.

“Vanilla, Earth. You can count me in as long as I’m breathing!” deep! She sits with a pleased look on her face.

“Hail, I can’t control it to well but I have a Storm coy. Oh, and I have a Word Carrier coy! I nailed that one,” he then says something that none of us hear except Cat making her blush. “You can count me in!” he sits down and whispers something with Vanilla.

“Candy, Facetaker and Size Changer coy,” she smiles tapping on Hail’s shoulder. He looks up into light grey eyes. He jumps when he realizes that those eyes are connected to a very familiar face.

“Damit Candy!” He yells as she fades back to her normal face laughing along with the rest of us.

“You can count me in,” Candy says between laughs. When the laugh subdue into just giggles the last, and surely not least, person goes. She wasn’t laughing, this may be the first time I’ve ever heard her speak.

“Oh, um... My name is I-Iya. I have a L-Life and C-Coy coy,” you can barely hear her but her words are unmistakable.

“What’s that kind of coy?” Sweetie Belle asks not caring that a silence had fallen over the room just thinking of how she learned she had her coy.

“A Life coy means she can take a life or give a life at will. Its the same with a Coy coy just to do with coys,” you can hear Rarity whisper to the three girls who had come over to learn a little something. Applebloom gasps, Sweetie just stares at Rarity, but Scootaloos reaction is personally the worst.

“I’m sorry. Who was it?” She doesn’t seem apologetic at all though. She seems angry and sad.

“Scootaloo!” Rarity shrieks.

“What! My sister figured out hers by killing our father! I found mine by burning down the orphanage. Why can’t I learn hers?” Eyes. Yes, eyes. Everyone in the rooms eyes. They flick between me, Scoots, and Iya. Iya sinks back slightly in her chair, Scoots tries to choose between looking at me or her, I just burst!

“Her deserved it!” I yell at Scoots before storming out with Applejack close behind, “do you follow me everywhere?” I growl at her.

“Only when ya need meh. Ya seem ta be needin’ me a lot lately,” she points out calmly. She comes up to me offering a hug that I accept gratefully.

“I just yelled that at her, in front of everyone else, didn’t I?” I whisper. She nods her head slowly, “and she had just forgiven me too.”

“I know this is probably the wrong time but, we came ‘ere for a reason. Me and Cat got some important stuff ta tell. Ah know y'all got some family problems but it needs to wait, ok?” she whispers in my ear, I just nod as she leads us back to the room. Before the door opens I stop her.

“Promise me?” I ask, she knows what I mean but I just have to hear it out loud.

“Ah promise. Ah will stick with ya till the end. At this rate though that will be plenty soon!” she jokes walking back in with me in tow. “Now everyone we got some important things ta talk ‘bout ‘ere, so listen up...”