• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,281 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...

When They Run And They Come

“Fluttershy!” I yell shaking her awake and waking Twilight in the process.

“Rainbow its still dark out go back to sleep,” Twilight grumbles. I glare at her then go back to waking Fluttershy.

“Twilight wake up! Fluttershy how heavy are a sleeper are you?” I ask while scratching my head.

“I would like to stay asleep. Thank you very much,” Twilight yawns out, I chuck a pillow at her.

“I agree with Twilight here Rainbow, sleep!” Fluttershy says shooing me away lightly.

“This is important and has to do with the other girls we met at separation!” I say catching their attention. Twilight sits up while Fluttershy just rolls over.

“Go on!” They say in unison.

“Did you two get letters too?” They nod and pull out the said letters.

“Why?” Twilight asks.

“What did your say?”


Dear Fluttershy,

I do believe Applejack and Pinkie are sending ones of their own but this is my letter to you holding not so important infomation. First, I miss you and it was nice to talk with you as long as I could. Applejack doesn’t know this yet, or maybe she does all I know is it isn’t in her letter, but a few other girls will be joining us. Applejack said three but its more like nine or ten. Oh, I’m sorry, we are going to escape and come join you at the Bad Coy School with information. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s life or death important. I wish I could see you sooner and hope we all get there in one piece. Wish us luck.

Forever and Always,



Dear Twilight,

How you been? Never mind, don’t answer that. Blah blah, to the important stuff. Me, Rarity, and Applejack will be walking from here to your school. Coming along with us are a couple other girls, Alli, Aia, Lyra, Derpy, Roseluck, Vinyl, Cat, and Gracy! A lot I know! They’re all really nice and Gracy and Lyra are really funny. Lyra and Vinyl both have somebody important to them in the Bad Coy School so we hope to help them. Wish us luck because we’ll need it. Applejack said Cat gave her some crazy info but won’t tell us what it is. Everybody with us is important and I hope you like them because you’ll be stuck with them. Oh and we each have a secret coy that we didn’t show at separation that would get us placed in bad coy! Weird I know! Anyway, I hope Dashie learns to fly with those knew wings of her because we’ll need them! Wish us luck!

Smiles and Kisses

Pinkie Pie


“Three things!” I yell with a uncomfortable edge to my voice, “How did Pinkie know about my wings? I figured it out! And, Dashie! Seriously?”

“I think she was serious!” Twilight says raising an eyebrow. “About your wings I only have one straight answer for you, Nobody knows!”

“Um, if you don’t mind me asking...” Fluttershy had sat up and now is twiddling with her thumbs, “what did you figure out?”

“I don’t Fluttershy, I don’t mind at all!” I say super dramatically just because. “Look each of our letters have a bunch of things in common. That stuff is super important!”

“Wish us luck!” Twilight says. “Both mine and Fluttershy’s end like that!”

“So what about mine?” I ask them only getting a shrug in return.

“Its time to investigate!” Twilight says setting the three letters in front of her. “Both Rarity and Pinkie say that Applejack knows something!”

“So your export plan is find everything the other two letters have in common about AJ?” I ask sitting down next to her.

“Basically!” She says joyfully before turning back to the letters.

“It might work,” Fluttershy says taking a seat on the other side of Twilight.

“Great now Fluttershy you look over our two letters with me. Rainbow you look through yours for something important,” Fluttershy and I salute her and get to work.

“Night is day and day is day!” I shout!

“What?” Twilight asks raising an eyebrow.

“Think about it! Here, day is night and night is night!” I say throwing my hands up overdramatically.

“Yeah, so?” Twilight crosses her arms and turns to face me as Fluttershy looks up.

“This is huge! Something she hid away carefully yet randomly in the letter!” I say while my eyes grow.

“Get to the point Rainbow!” Twilight yells while Fluttershy just nods in agreement.

“The great myth of the Coy Sisters! One had the power to raise and set the sun. The other, the little sister, had the power to raise the moon! They had the most powerful coys in existence! The younger sister had the power to look in on your dreams, was incharge of the night. The older sister was in charge of the day,” I sigh the ending to this story is always sad.

“What happened to them?” Fluttershy asks.

“One day the normals came to the sisters castle and-and kidnapped them under government orders. They rounded up all of the coyable people and locked them up. Then they created the schools. The coyable people were split up and no one has seen the princesses since. All of the people in the bad coy school were trained to go into the army and fight but in every war there isn’t a single coyable person in the ranks. Good coyable people are tested and train for who knows what. The principals are just figureheads and the vise principals are the ones in change,” I don’t want to finish. This is a horrible thing and whatever Applejack discovered is definitely going to bring us to tears.

“Rainbow is there something you're not telling us?” Fluttershy asks rubbing my back as my cheeks are assaulted by tears.

“Yes! The good coyable people are trained, if they believe their coy is to dangerous they kill them. If it isn’t then their brought to the government for who knows what. Nobody knows what happens to the bad coyable people. Nobody knows where the sisters went!” I look straight at Twilight, “the sisters names were Celestia and Luna!”

“W-what?” Twilight gasps, “you’re saying that the principals are the sisters?”

“Yes, I’m also saying that there is a reason the they’re here!” I grab Fluttershys hand and she grabs Twilights as we stand. “Its time to have a serious conversation with Ms. Luna!”


“Go on,” I say and so Twilight hesitantly knocks on the door.

“Come in!” Calls Ms. Luna’s voices from the other side of the door.

“Ms. Luna can we talk to you?” I ask sternly as we walk in.

“What about?” She asks looking up from the papers on her desk.

“What should we call you, Ms. Luna or Princess Luna of the night!?” I smirk as she tenses up.

“Close the door!” She orders and we do. She directs us to the bench and we sit, she pulls a chair up, “what do you know?”

“I do believe the real question should be, what have you done?” Twilight points out. Luna sighs.

“As the story goes the Normals kidnapped me and my sister and rounded up all the coyable people,” we nod and she continues, “thats not what really happened!”


I look out the window and gasp at the sight. The river bank on the other side of the river dividing our castle and the great forest was covered in normals. They held torches and nets. They looked angry, it was scary but we knew they would come.

“They’re here, aren’t they?” My sister asks with a small sigh as I nod.

“He is leading them!” I say with both worry and hatred dripping from my words, “we can’t beat him nor hurt them!”

“I understand sister!” Celestia barks, “but we can escape. They will come across and we will have to fight them. We do not have any kind of battle coy sister and we cannot fight them. They still are our people but they have forgotten that,” her head hangs. I run up to her a offer a hug, she happily accepts.

“What shall we do if not defend ourselves and our lives?” Celestia shrugs and I can feel the tears wetting my back.

“We shall not run sister that would show weakness, we shall not fight as that shows we have lost our way along with them, we shall only come out and surrender. Someday we will win back our world from him but today is not that day. Can you wait sister?”

“I can Tia! I will wait till the day they come to my door and ask of the truth,” I say releasing her from her from the hug.

“Do you remember what I have taught you Luna?” Celestia asks.

“The power of friendship is strong but-” my last words were drowned out by the shouts and threats of the mob outside.

“When they run and they come!” Tia says offering me her hand.

“When they run and they come!” I say taking it and we walk out into the chaos.


“Now leave! The information that your friend holds is both the start and the end of this story! When they run and they come!” Ms. Luna pushes us out the door to decipher this new information.

The very second we reach the room me and Twilight start talking, “I got it!” We yell in unison.

“You go first,” I offer not totally one hundred percent sure about my guess.

“Thank you!” She says with a smile. “In Ms. Lunas story her sister Celestia asked her if remembered what she was taught. Lunas answer wasn’t anything you’d learn in school but a very old saying. The power of friendship is strong!” I look at her confused.

“How is that important?” I ask a little ruder than I expected.

“She was saying that to us not only as part of the story, she didn’t get to finish the saying though. At the end she said ‘but’ but theres nothing more to the saying! The end to that saying must be important!” She finishes with a proud grin that soon fades to a glare when she realizes were laughing, “What is so funny?”

“I’m sorry Twilight, you said but twice...in a row!” Fluttershy murmurs in between giggles.

“Rainbow just tell me what you figured out!” Twilight growns.

“Hehe, ok ok just give me a second!” I wait a little for my giggles to settle before continuing with my information that is obviously important. “When they run and they come!”

“How is that important?” Twilight asks raising an eyebrow and sitting on the bed.

“Both her and her sister said it at the end of the story and it was the last thing she told us before we left!” Twilights brain wheels seem to be turning until she comes to a conclusion that makes her eyes almost come out of her head.

“How did I miss that?” She yells taking out her blue book and flipping to another seemingly random page. “Read this!”

The Royal Princesses Students:

Princess Luna of the Night and Princess Celestia of the Day were the most powerful coyable people of their time! Princess Celestia use to take in coyable people that she believed to have the potential to have a very powerful coy. She would teach them to use them almost to the top of their ability then send them off to learn the rest on their own. The last person they taught was a young boy named Orlando Corridor!

“Twilight how is this important?” I asks in confusion, “they helped out young coyabled people with their coys how is that important?” Twilight grabs the book and turns to a different page.

“Read this one,” she sighs.

Orlando Corridor:

Orlando Corridor had a troubled childhood. His mother, Sally ‘Macher’ Corridor, died from giving birth to him and his twin sister, Violet Corridor. Throughout their childhood Orlando blamed his sister for their mothers death. Jollop Corridor, the father, blamed both of them. Orlando would come to school with black eyes and bruises while his sister would have broken limbs from both her brother and father. Violet didn’t come home one night, Orlando was both relieved and worried. His father paid it no mind.

Violet came home weeks later and received a lifetime of beating ending in her fathers death. She told her brother that she had a coy too. Her brother lashed out at her burning half her face, a fire coy. He yelled at her and yelled at her. When she finally told him her coy he was taken aback. She also had a fire battle coy. For the first time in the history of coys two people had the same coy. This just enraged him more.

Blaming her for their mothers death and knowing she killed their father he despised her. The princesses came month after the father's death and offered to take them in. They took her offer.

Now living with the Princesses the two Corridor orphans learned the truth about their mother and Violet was protected from her brother. Her safety did not last. Her brother started to hate coyable people, being one himself, he burnt one hand leaving a horrible scar.

He turned against the Princesses. Ran away taking his sister with him. One night he came back and told the Princesses that he saw his sister run away in the night but couldn’t catch her. They believed him. This was not the truth. He attracted the Princesses castle killing the other students and taking them captive. He rounded up all of the coyable people old or young and put them in cages until the schools were done then separated them.

His sister hasn’t been seen since. He married a young women at twenty nine and they had three children. The mother died at birth of the third child, a baby girl. He sent the three kids to a old woman named Smith Apple. The oldest, a boy, had no coy but the younger two, girls, did. Ms. Smith died recently and the oldest daughter was brought to the good coy school. She is planned to be executed at the end of the year, much to Orlandos delight.

“So what does that have to do with ‘when they run and they come’?” I ask in a muddy voice.

“He ran with his sister, and then came back to betray the Princess!” Twilight says in a disturbingly happy voice.

“No, I don’t think thats it,” I say warily.

“Why not?” she asks deflating like a balloon.

“In Ms. Luna’s story she said she’d wait until they came and knocked on her door asking for the truth. In her story they both said before going out to surrender,” I take a deep breath and prepare to say the now famous line floating around in our heads, “when they run and they come!”

“So?” Twilight asks obviously annoyed at how much I’m jumping right to the point.

“They knew that Applejack would run and that they would come here! They knew we would run to them and that they would come willingly towards us. They know what we are running at and that these targets will put up a fight and that we will come at them ready. They knew we would run and we will come!”

“I agree with Rainbow!” Fluttershy says. “If you say that last part in Ms. Lunas point of view it is when they run and they come! in future tense and all!” She says with a new kind of energy and bravery.

“Rainbow Dash! Ms. Luna said to tell you when the runaway girls got here! They are at the hospital now!” Comes a familiar voice through the door. Our eyes go wide and a worried smile crosses our faces.

“Thanks Spike! If I were you I’d move,” I hear his feet shuffle back and I burst through the door full speed to the hospital.


“Where am Ah?” comes a familiar voice from the bed I’m sitting next to.

“Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” She looks up at me and smiles.

“Rainbow!” I smile down at her and offer her a hug.

“Pinkie told me about your trip. It was filled with a bunch of weirdness but everyone else was out cold so she was the only person I could ask. What happened out there?” Six minutes and a weird story later...

“Then Ah woke up to see that face!” She laughs pointing at me.

“Out of all the faces to wake up and see this must be a prize!” I say pointing at it then looking at her smile with my never fading on, “but this prize could never beat my prize.”

“Oh and what's that now?” I smirk at her and she understands my message, “fine!” she barks and I happily receive my prize.

“Their so cute!” came a chorus of voices behind me. I jumped out of my seat, my wings flaring.

“Who? What? Wha? Huh?” I sputter out. The response I got was a group of laughs and giggles.

“Applejack! You never told us Rainbow had wings, or that she was that hot!” Comes an unfamiliar voice behind me and my face seriously can’t decide if it should drain of color or become redder the the red in my hair.

“Thanks?” I say turning to see a large group of girls I don’t know. “Who are you guys? Who said that?”

“She didn’t!” says a random girl stepping forward to shake my hand. “My name’s Gracy! Nice to meet you Rainbow!”

“Gracy! Ah never knew ‘bout them wings. She didn’t have ‘em when we last met! Rainbow where'd those wings come from?” My face has decided, it decided to go freakishly red.

“I don’t exactly know,” I mutter shyly. Why am I acting like this? Gosh dammit Applejack, this is your fault!

“How do ya not know how ya got another two limbs?” I shrug thinking about the question.

“I don’t know how I got them but I know who gave them to me!” Applejack seems to think on that for a second.

“Was it Fluttershy? Tha girl and all ‘er animals Ah’m sure she could give ya wings!” I shake my head no with a small laugh.

“No she didn’t. I gave myself wings!” I laugh a little hard at her face.

“How in hell did ya give yourself dam wings?” she yells both worried and angrily making me flinch.

“Theres two other things too,” I say cautiously.

She takes a deep breath before responding, “Ah’m talkin’ to y’all later! All of y’all!” She barks, “Ok, what is it Rainbow?”

“Scratch that! Three things,” I say rethinking all the stuff I should tell her.

“Go on!” They all say.

“Thing one, Ms. Luna and Ms. Celestia are the long lost Princesses. Thing two, I learned to control my coy! Thing three! This will probably be the most important thing of them all. The very person who created the schools, made normals and the government hate coyable people, the very person who kidnapped the Princesses in the first place, this man has three children!”

“Yes, the oldest is a boy, the other two are girls. The two girls both have coys and the person they were sent to live with since the youngests birth has recently died! And the oldest girl was recently sent to the Good Coy School!” Twilight says happily, “the women that died’s name is Smith Apple.”

The room is silent for about a minute before Pinkie and Rarity say one word in unison, “Applejack?”

“Ah’m sorry!” Applejack cries before bolting from the room blocking the door with plants.

“We have to go after her!” I’m about to go up to the plants when pretty much everyone who came here with AJ yelled at me,

“Rainbow don’t!”

“Why not?” I ask stopping at whatever it is that I planned to do to get through the plants.

“Hurt the plants you will hurt Applejack!” I glare at the plants.

“When she told me the story of you guys getting here she seemingly left that part out!” Now I’m mad. I don’t understand why though. I’m just mad and I need AJ to stop running.

“H-how do we get out?” Fluttershy whispers.

“Oh, don’t worry Fluttershy we will get out!” I let out a evil laugh and offer a swift kick to the plants before I blow a hole in the wall.

“I’m going to find Applejack you guys do the rest!” I fly right out the hole in the wall to the top floor of a five story high school and go to look.


“How’s your back?” I ask before grabbing her arms and lifting her into the air.

“Feels fine. Thank ya very much! Only feels like somebody kicked it,” she glares at me.

“You knew?” I ask my worry slipping through my angry mask.

“Applebloom was to young ta remember and they thought they erased mah memory but they only got ta Big Mac! I remember everything! Mah mom and how much that horrible man loved her. She had a bruise on her belly the day of the birth of mah lil’ sis’ He didn’t love none of us.” A tear falls.

“He took out his anger on mah mom instead of us! When she had Applebloom in her he took some of it out on me and Mac! Mac could take it so it wasn’t any fun ta hurt ‘im so Ah got most of it!” More fall.

“Yall were probably plannin’ ta use his kids against ‘im weren’t ya? Use mah family against ‘im? Against that monster!” I look dumb founded towards her.

“AJ I wasn’t planning to do that at all! I wanted to meet them. To see if they knew anything we could use! I want to bring him down. I never wanted to use you or your family!” I say hugging her tightly and bringing us back to the ground.

“Shes still alive,” AJ whispers into my shoulder.


“Violet. But not for long,” she whispers. Her sobs are soon drowned out by rain. I give her a sweet kiss on the head and sit to enjoy the rain.“Rain! Ah love rain. Ya know what Ah love more?”

“What?” I asks rocking her lightly.

“What comes after ‘em. Ah love Rainbow!” She smiles up at me with red puffy eyes and gives me a light kiss that I happily return.