> Wish > by Coco-loco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Children of the Coy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah so you might think a lot of people want to have a 'special ability' but no, actually, they don't. I didn't want mine when it was discovered I had one. My family was devastated, I was too. I already knew I had it but kept it hidden, till I was 15 and something happened. Then the next year the time of the test came and I tested positive for 'coy activity' or whatever it is they call it. I was sent away to separation to be separated into either good or bad. That's where I am now, waiting to be judged, tested, on my coy. "Now we are going in alphabetical order so now for who's first." I hear a gulp next to me. I look to see a blonde with green eyes and a cowboy hat that is seriously freaking out. "Applejack," she stands up and walks over to the testing area with a small sigh. The area is a simple patch of dirt. She sighs again then opens her eyes wide and slowly raises her hands above her head. As she does so plants shoot out of the ground and surround her. It's impressive, there's flowers on some and buds on others. After the plants are almost reaching for the sky, if they could see it, she pops out the top and they create a flower shape around her feet, and is showered in petals. Beautiful! "Thank you," he makes a mark on his clipboard then checks with the judges to make sure they're ready, they are. "Next up is... Fluttershy," a very shy girl with pink hair and pale skin stands up meekly and looks at the dirt before stirring over. She whistles. A stampede of animals come from every corner to her feet, she changes her tune and they do different things. It's awesome to see animals go from jousting, to slow dancing, to sleeping in a matter of how she whistles. "Thank you," he repeats. "Next up... Pinkie Pie," a very hyper girl starts jumping up and down till shes at the spot, her bubble gum hair bouncing along on her head and her bright blue eyes glistening as she starts her routine. First she puts her hands up and one foot behind her as she leans forward. Then in one swift motion she bolts her hands down, kicks her foot forward, and jumps at least 10 feet in the air. Streamers, glitter, balloons, sprinkles, a bunch of random party supplies explode away from her. She does a flip then another and another and more random stuff flies everywhere. It's hilarious! "Thank you," he repeats in his deadpan tone. "Next up is, Rarity," a over make-upped girl huffs up to the dirt. She then snaps her fingers and points ahead of her. needles and cloth fly from behind her. She spins, it moves with her, weaving intricate designs and patterns into itself while she does weird twists and turns in a strange dance. When she's done a crazy dress is weaved from the mess of strings and needles. The shining dress lands in a heap on the floor as she huffs again while going to sit down. "Thank you," I barely suppress a giggle. He's so boring. Ha, it hilarious how little emotion he has. "Rainbow Dash, you're up." I freeze up, my small giggles catching in my throat. First off my coy is dangerous, second off I can't control it, and third off I already know I'm going into bad coy and don’t feel like risking their lives for simple entertainment. I don't want to and probably shouldn't but I have to. I stand up and walk over to the area. Facing a wall away from everyone, I quickly glance at the cowgirl, she gets it and so I begin. I put both hands stretched out to my sides and lower them slightly like they’re wings, I leave the ground. Oh please don't flip out on me. I lower them more and go higher, it repeats like this and in about ten seconds I'm floating ten feet off the ground. I reopen them and spinning once, twice, three times, then spread one hand in front of me and the other holding onto its shoulder. I raise my fingers as if I’m faking a gun and can feel the power surging up in them. Out of my control now, I turn 90 degrees and fire. The cowgirls plants move just like I told her to, they block it from hitting mister emotionless as I topple to the ground unconscious. ------------------------------------- "Are ya’ alright sugarcube? That coy o' yours really knocked it outta ya." I open my eyes slowly to see emeralds staring at me. "Ahh!" I jump back when I notice those emeralds are connected to a certain cowgirl. She smiles at me and I know everything is alright so I jump on her in a huge hug. "Thank you so much! If it wasn't for you I could have killed someone and I wouldn't be able to live with that. I'm so sorry I asked you to do that I just never learned to control it. Oh, by the way which did you get into? Which did I? I thought it might be bad because my coy is lightning gun, so yeah. By the way..." I let go of her "your coy is awesome. Control of plants! Oh, I wish I could do that, mine is deadly and yours is helpful. By the way my name's Rainbow Dash what's yours? I'm rambling aren't I?" "Yeah ya kinda are and yeah ya did get inta bad, Ah'm in good so Ah guess this’ll be tha last time ta see each other. Ah wanted ta thank ya for warnin’ me ‘bout that. Ah'm really glad ta help. Ah'm Applejack! Your coy ain't all that bad. Ah mean learn, ta control it and Ah bet you'd love it. Ah didn't like mine till Ah learned ta control it. Just imagine walkin’ down tha street with plants growin’ random everywhere. Not good at all." I laugh at her and she just smiles more. "I hope I can see you again. This system isn't even fair,” our smiles fade slightly at that. "No, it's really not." We both go into mild depression for a second. I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." I whisper before standing up to walk out. I get about four steps before, "Wait!" I turn around to find her kissing me straight on the lips. "Thank you!" Then she walks off with a wink. I'm left in a very cheesy daze. She is an AMAZING kisser. "Wait, which side did those other get into? What about the others that were there?" I shout desperately trying to make her stop, she just keeps walking. "Ask Pinkie." She doesn't stop. I see a small tear hit the ground before she turns the corner and is gone. > New home. New world. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I don't get is why Fluttershy was put into bad. She is the kindest, most understanding, fearful, others first, caring person I've ever met. Her coy is control over animals, how is that in anyway evil. I mean Pinkies coy was scarier, I mean funny but scary. I don't know anything about this other girl, Twilight. I mean I was out and missed what her coy was, she won't tell me either. But here we are entering the gates of, in any words, hell! Fluttershy is freaking out under the seat, Twi is spacing out, and I'm going between staring at this creepy school and trying to get Fluttershy out from under the seat. I'm not very successful though. She doesn't budge, just mumbles something along the lines of 'where am I and when did I fall asleep into this nightmare?' I’m starting to agree. "Everyone out!" Barks a very small man that doesn't fit his deep loud voice. Fluttershy is still scared of him though. We get out, "this a school for destructive or dangerous coyable people, like you. You will be taught to control and use your coys for the Army," now I'm freaking out, completely, I go from dizzy to crying on my knees,not really. I can't join the army! "You will learn to use your coys to the advantages that the General needs. You will train to join and fight in upcoming wars. Any questions?" "Um, sir?" "Yes miss..." He checks his clipboard. "Fluttershy?" "Do we have to kill people? Or anything for that matter? You know if you don’t mind me asking." "During training instead of killing people you will be practicing on animals." She faints, I react in time to catch her and glare at new Mr. Emotionless. "Any other questions?" he growls. "How soon are we going to learn to be using our coys? Is there going to be a test to see how well you can control it?" asks the only boy from the crowd. "Yes there will be a test, you will learn after we know your level." "How protected are the judges going to be from our coys?" I ask, hopefully they have any type of emotion and care about their judges lives! "They won't be." I almost drop Shy at that one. "WHAT! YOU CAN'T PUT ME IN A ROOM WHERE I MIGHT POSSIBLY KILL SOMEONE! I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH MYSELF!" I shriek resiting the urge to throw the limp Fluttershy at him. "Calm down Miss..." Checks his clipboard for my name. "Dash. If you kill one, so what, you are now in training for the army, you kill people all the time. Judges can be replaced," my turn, I faint. I don’t know what kind of messed person would say that and I don’t want to listen. Me and Shy hit the ground hard! ------------------------------------------ "Yeah I know my special talent is animals but why would I kill one if I can tell it to leave whoever it is alone? I mean I'm a vegetarian," I hear Fluttershy say quietly. "I know but you’ll have to. Hey, maybe you could tell all the animals to run away or something. You know, before they can be killed," comes Twilight's voice. "Good morning." I say while stretching and opening my eyes. When I look out the window and it's midnight, "or good night?" "If you didn't notice we came in and it was night. It's always night." Twi says in a know-it-all voice. "This is like living in a nightmare!“ Fluttershy adds. "This building is actually very interesting. It's over 30 years old with a even more interesting history. Wars, and significant learner have all been inside of here. Even some people who sneak in from good or out from bad like a Romeo and Juliet tale." Blah blah blah. If I'd known you were smart I would have stopped listening. One thing she says does catch my attention. "So how exactly did they sneak out? Or in?" She sighs. "Only half of them got out the other half was cut off on the inside. You can only get in from the good. If you're good its possible for you to get in but there's no chance of a bad getting out. Sorry Romeo," Romeo? Oh she's calling me Romeo, duh! "Could we contact someone on the outside." "One month." "One month?" "In one month you will be allowed to send mail out. Now we have our exams in the morning-” she pauses, “I would like to study or practice," she stands up and walks out with me and Shy following her. "So can either of you tell me what Twilights coy is?" She looks at me with raised eyebrows and learns I’m not lying. "I'll show you. I warn you to stand back though when we get to the training area." I nod in agreement so does Shy. She giggles lightly. ---------------------------------- It's huge. I'm serious the training ground is huge. Pillars and hills rise up out of the ground and different weapons and items are scattered around. But what I really notice is that everything is in one big open space! Yes, I’m still on that! “Ok sit over there!” Twilight points us to a bench so we can watch. Twilight stands in front of us, takes a deep breath, and spreads her hands out so they’re closer near the elbows. She starts waving her hands in front of her face and tapping her feet in some kind of dance. Inside a sparkly purple glow, tiny stars start surrounding her. Almost like ribbons they form around her body and she floats up, hands near her sides pointing down, legs spread a little, and one knee up. They completely consume her body and turn her into a Twilight shaped glow. She comes back down on one knee and her hands swept behind her back. She stands up and her hands come forward holding a sword like object. Her outfit is a white frilly bottomed dress that goes down to her thighs with a brown belt that has a gold star on it. She has a short sleeve purple coat that has white on the end of the sleeves and the collar. Clipping her coat together was a star, the same as on her belt, with little strings with stars at the tip coming out the bottom. “Now Rainbow if you really want know what my coy is I need you to use yours,” she smirks making my eyes go wide and my hands frantically shake no. “W-what!?!” she grins knowingly. “Go on, use it! I already know more about your coy then you do! I think I could beat you,” she mocks. “Know more about my coy? What do you know?” She sits down on the bench and I sit in front of her. “Your coy isn’t lightning gun!” My eyes go wide, how is it not? “Its control of all and any electricity.” “What!?” If I were to name any place I would hate and get more surprises than in this place, well, I couldn’t. “Your coy is control of all and any electricity,” she repeats oblivious to my confusion. “How do you even know if that is true?” “Because its part of my coy!” Out of nowhere she pulls a blue book and turns it to a seemingly random page. She hands me the book and the page is titled ‘Rainbow Dash’ “You r-read this?” I ask looking at the page and what it said. It had from my biggest mistake to my greatest memory, my hand absentmindedly touches my lips. “Can I borrow this?” “Um, no! I didn’t read anything other than about your coy, the one I’ve seen.” she says calmly. “I promise to give it back tomorrow and I will only look at six people!” I smiled innocently and gave Twilight puppy dog eyes. Holding the book close to my chest with a sniffle I say as cute as possible, “Pwease!” “Eh oh, fine but only those six people!” My face erupted with a smile and I jump into the air yelling, “Yes!!!” I was about to run out to go look at until I remembered something. “Fine, but if you can’t stop it in time... you better not put a death on my hands!” Twilight uncrossed her arms and smiled at me. “Great!” She pulled her sword out of the same place she pulled the book, nowhere. “Ready?” I hand the book to Fluttershy, “ready!” When I’m at my ten feet in the air mark I start thinking about what Twilight told me, electricity? So instead of faking a gun with one hand I use two. The power I feel is unbelieveable. Its truly exhilarating! I connect my hands, point them down, and jump! I do a back flipping and pointing my hands right at Twilight and fire! My veins glow as the electricity rushes through them and the rooms seems to go dark as it fires. At firsts theres nothing in the darkness and I think it didn’t work, then theres a lightning bolt is flying straight towards Twilight. It seems like, at first, she won’t react fast enough. Her sword swings turning into a bat and hits it back to me right on time. The lights flicker back on and the moment they do I form a ball. Floating up in the air is tinyme ball. The lights start flickering and my veins start glowing again. I burst out grab the lightning right as its about to hit me. It absorbs into my skin and I can feel the energy moving around. I start running. I go so fast Twilight loses sight of me the second I move. I twist in the air and kick Twilight right in the back. She goes flying into a face plant on the ground. Now it may seem like I finally figured out how to control my coy but truth is I’m not in control at all. I’m probably going to kill Twilight and have no control whatsoever over it. The lights start flickering faster and faster until they go out and a thin stream of sky blue light flows out of them towards me. It felt like two thick knives in my back, piercing and connecting with the burning hot energy in my veins. The pain was almost unbearable. I start fall six feet towards the ground, my back in extreme pain and my veins burning. When I say my veins I mean all of them and it hurts. I hit the ground and suddenly it all stops. I get up aching and stretch, I reached and touched the bottom of my back checking for blood, none there. Also my shirt seemed to have been torn off. I pick it up and look at it, torn from the inside out on the back side. “Oh my god! Rainbow Dash! What did you do?!” I hear Fluttershy yell. “Rainbow Dash?!” Twilight stood up and stretched, not facing me yet. “How did you do tha-” The second she looks at me she stops talking and stares in awe. I’m pretty sure her jaw was on the floor and elephant ears would be jealous of the size of her eyes. “Hehe!” It started out as little giggles then went into a full blown laughter. “F-Fluttershy stop pl-please!” I say between fits as she tickles me. I couldn’t put my figure on it but she wasn’t tickling anywhere I had felt before. Then it felt like something had swat her hand and I felt something on the back of my legs, wind? “Ow, Rainbow that hurt!” She whimpers behind me. “I’m sorry!” I say turning around to see her when something moving with me catches my eye. “What was that?” “You can’t feel them?” “Feel who? Twilight what are you talking about?” I turn to face Twilight and there it was again. “Rainbow Dash I think you might have given yourself a pain of... blue...” “Spit it out Twilight!!!” I yell starting to feel like I’m chasing my tail. “You gave your self wings!” > Not As Good As It's Made Out To Be > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gates opened letting the noisy cart in. Coming to an abrupt stop the doors opened allowing us to get out. A chubby man in a purple suit holding a clipboard greeted us, “Welcome! You are the lucky few who didn’t get sent to bad coy facility! Now I will read off your names and answer any questions you have before directing you to your rooms. Applejack?” “Ah’m here!” he glared at me shaking his head. “No. Its I’m here. Learn to lose to accent girly. Do you have any questions?” “Yes Ah-” he shot me a glare that I gladly returned getting his point. “Yes I do! Can ya tell us ‘bout tha bad coy place?” “Tis tis. You will learn to lose that horrible accent over time my darling. About the bad coy’s? Well, at that pig dump-” the look on my face stopped his words like he ran into a wall. A sly smile curled onto his lips as some kind of realization hit him. “Does the cowgirl have somebody at the bad coy facility? Isn’t that adorable, is it a family member?” “It ain’t none o’ y’all’s business!” he looked at his clipboard. “Oh, a lover! Lets see...” scanning down what was written on the page. “Ah! This Rainbow Dash is it? You stopped the poor girl from killing a man. Well, I do believe that what happens at the bad coy place is not what you would want. Not caring about death, they pretty much enforce it. Killing of animals for practice and when they’re done with their training there they’re sent to the army. Does that answer your questions, peasant?” I’m pretty sure the was no stopping what happened next. I was just so angry at this guy for being so rude. I am not a peasant and that can’t happen to Rainbow. She couldn’t kill if her life depended on it. With all this anger boiling up inside me well I had just as much control over my coy as Rainbow did. The plants growing around the school started growing at a rapid rate. vines and grasses started shooting around creating a canopy of green. Completely surrounded and locked in the clipboard jerk didn’t even flinch. “Oh, Miss Apple I wouldn’t do that!” “Why not?” I grumbled grabbing one of his ankles with a vine. “Because this school wouldn’t have coyless teachers. That just wouldn’t be safe.” both hands and the other leg were intertwined with green and he was lifted into the air. “Oh, that ain’t mean this school ain’t filled with wimps!” “Get her!” he yelled and the two bodyguards started advancing on me. Before I could even react one of them started turning purple as their clothes started shrinking on his body and needles pinned him to the back wall. “Now darlings I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” Rarity yelled as Pinkie put the other one inside a giant balloon. “Thanks!” I mutter over my shoulder still staring at clipboard jerk. “Oh, you're very welcome!” “Yep! That was fun!” Pinkie added jumping up and down excitedly. Miss Apple? Came a voice that neither Pinkie or Rarity seemed to hear. “What!” they looked at me totally taken aback by my outburst. Oh, your friends can’t hear me. Just like I said earlier the administration do have coys as well. “Get out of my head you dimwitted jerk!” the other two I came here with seemed to start picking up on what was going on. I could tell they still hadn’t pieced it together though. Shush now let me show you a little something! Do you remember when they came to give you the test for your coy? “Ah do,” I answer hesitantly with a eyebrow raised. “What ‘bout it?” You and your whole family already knew you had a coy. Your brother, what was his name? Oh yes, Macintosh. He wasn’t even there for it. He saw them coming and went out into the orchard so he didn’t have to watch his peasant sister get taken. He didn’t have a coy but you did so he just had to sit by and watch and he did want to. “Ah’m not no peasant! He failed the test the day Ah was born! He called me his gift for not havin’ one! But Ah did, Ah had one. It hurt him so much to know! He knew Ah was gonna leave and wanted to do his cryin’ in peace!” I yell my eye starting to well up with tears. And your Granny Smith! She died that day, didn’t she. She tried to stop them from taken you and got her poor old head bashed in! “Mah Granny had every right not to want me from being taken! She had just woken up from a nap because of mah sis’ came down to them draggin’ me out that door. Didn’t know nuttin’ ‘bout mah coy! She tried to stop ‘em. Get some reason they were taken me and they hit her in the head! They killed her! No reason! They ain’t got no reason for ‘er to be dead!” Tears start streaming down my face at the memory. What about your sister. Applebloom? The young one. She was born what six years after you. Poor little girl. She had to watch her Granny die and her sister get dragged away for the same reason she would. She g- “My sister is strong! She will pull through she has Big Mac. Yes in six years they’re gonna take her too but her coy is amazing. She got herself a builders coy! Just by think ‘bout something she can make it happen. Build the barn and rebuilt tha house! She don’t deserve to come to this place or tha bad coy place. She got a innocent heart!” I couldn’t say anything else. My yelling died down into mear sobs. I haven’t cried since the night we left. She tried to defend you. The second they entered the door you proved them you had a coy before they could even do the test. You got so scared that you had to leave your family that the whole house was turned into a plant. Killed one of them before they gave you some medicine so your coy couldn’t work. You went limp but could still see everything. Your sister made a wooden sword. It was still plenty sharp wasn’t it. Those men have some pretty bad scars on them from her. Then they sprayed the same stuff one her after one lost an arm. Your sister made a giant hammer right before they sprayed her. Thats what woke your Granny. “That man deserved to die! He had no reason ta take meh from mah family! No reason to touch mah sister. Oh, the one who lost an arm deserved it too. Mah sis took his arm clean off! Then he bashed our Granny Smith heads in! Broke her arm to when that hammer fell on it! She’s got an eye for the good stuff always top profit stuff she could make. That sword was no different!” The anger in my veins was overwhelming and clipboard jerks hands started turning purple as his suit as the blood flow was cut. “Applejack stop!!” Rarity yelled grabbing my shoulder as blood started dripping from his hanging limbs. I fell into her arms crying. The two bodyguards were released and the purple suit guy left my head. “I hope you enjoyed our little run on memory lane. Rarity, may I see you in my office after you get settled?” he switches from threatening to kind in literally two seconds. I open a hole in the wall so they can leave. Pinkie comes over and rubs my back. I can tell she understood everything and is concerned for Rarity. “Good luck Rares,” I mutter before standing up and walking towards the school with Pinkie behind me. “And thank you.” ------------------------------ We walked Rarity over to his office and discovered with a cringe that he was the vice principal. Mr. Mindwalker, funny, haha! We stood off to the side as she entered with a little knock. “Um, you said you wanted to talk to me?” she asked with a edge of worry to her voice that was filled with hatred. The door closed behind her, Pinkie and I walked over to listen to what he was saying. “Look!” Pinkie said in an excited whisper. She waved her hand over the door and in went clear. We could see and hear everything. “What if they see us? Or hear us?” I whisper worried about being caught. “If we whisper they can’t hear us. The only way they would be able to see us would be if we touch the clear spot!” She said jumping with brightly! “Yes, thank you!” we heard Rarity say as she sat. “I think he offered her a seat?” Pinkie whispered. “Quiet! We don’t wanna miss nothin’” Pinkie nodded as we sat still looking through the door. “Rarity, I would like to talk about your coy!” Rarity cringes up. “What about it?” He pulls three stacks of paper out of his desk. “I do believe it falls under the category of a bad coy, along with Applejacks. What you show’d at the separation was not your coys full power. You show’d you could simply make dress. Today when generously reveal its true power to help your friend you show’d that making dresses is one of the less simple things it was capable of,” she winced. “Am I going to be moved?” She asked with both hope and fear in her voice. “No. You have already been placed into good coy I can not move you now. With a coy as powerful as control of metal and cloth we will just have to keep a tight eye on you.” “Is this all? Not to be rude but I would like to go and help my friends!” he smirked. “How generous! Giving up your time even trying to get to being watch sooner just to help out. You have a gentle heart girl. A beautiful heart!” He said standing up and walking towards a file drawer. “Was it just me or did that sound creepy?” Pinkie whispers in my ear. “It was very creepy!” I mutter not taking my eyes off Mr. Mindwalker. Opening the top drawer he pulled out a simple paper and handed it to Rarity. With lingering eyes he dismissed her. She thanked him and walked towards the door. Pinkie and I jumped and her hand rid the the door of clearness as we ran to around the corn. Rarity rounded it saying one thing, “That perv of a vice principal would like us to go to the school gym for a assembly!” she walked off handing us the map. When we entered the door leading to the backstage we were greeted by a teacher, “I am Ms. Catopia I teach coy control class. I take you are the new kids?” “Yes ma'am!!” Rarity says converting back to her polite self. “May I learn your names?” she said ever smiling. “I’m Rarity, this is Pinkie Pie and Applejack!” she said pointing to us. “Oh, you three were the troublemakers at the front gate? Applejack?” She says unhappily before turning to me. “Yes ma’am?” “Can you control your coy child?” the worry in her voice was comforting and welcoming. I think she may be a kind teacher after all. “Yes ma’am! Ah just got a little angry with Mr. Mindwalker insultin’ me and mah family like that. Ah don’t to kindly to people talkin’ ‘bout mah family after killin’ one of ‘em,” I state flatly. She seems a little shocked. “I’m sure he didn’t know one was killed. Would you like to go to the counselor child?” I shake my head no and smile reassuring at her before walking over to the other knew kids. “What's your name?” asked another teacher with a clipboard. “Applejack!” I say proudly. “Here,” he hands me a pot of dirt before instructing me where to stand. Then he moved onto Pinkie. We were gestured onto the stage by a very colorful women. She had flowing hair of green, purple, and pink! She looked kind and forgiving almost motherly. “Welcome! I am Principle Celestia! Its nice to see all of your faces again! I hope you had a nice a visit from your family. We have a couple knew comers this year! Please demonstrate your coy when I call your name! If somebody in the audience has a similar coy please stand up and stand behind the one demonstrating their coy.” The audience agrees and Ms. Celestia looks down at her list. There are about ten of us and only two people in front of me. “Aia!” Ms. Celestia called in a cheery voice. Aia had beautiful wavy pink and blue hair pulled to one side hanging down one shoulder tied with a turquoise band and yellow eyes. Aia took a step forward and set the cup of water she was holding on the floor and held one hand over it. The water started rippling until it shot out of the cup flinging it into the air. It circled around the cup keeping it afloat until a small funnel was formed leading to the floor. The water then came up into a ball leaving the cup on the floor. It started forming different shapes until it drizzled back into the cup. She bowed and took a step back leaving the cup. “Thank you! That was impressive Aia. Now, Alli!” The girl standing right next to me had orange, red, and yellow hair that went to her shoulders and dark blue eyes. She was holding a block of wood. She put one hand on the bottom and one hand on top and pushed them together. The block seemed to just move with her hands, when they met the block was completely gone. She brought them apart and the block had a shape with it. She made it look like a... a rainbow! Next was a heart, then it was an apple! She set down the apple bowed and took a step back. “Thank you, Alli! That was some amazing craftsmanship! Next is, Applejack!” I took a step forward and set down my pot of dirt. How about Ah wow this here crowd?! I think as I do just that! First nothing happens then the small pot explodes as a octopus shaped plant erupts from the pot picking me up. I move my arms and shift my weight moving the plants around creating different animals and soon I’m just doing acrobatics on top of them enjoying myself. Soon my turn is over and I pack up my plant in the shape of a apple and set on the ground. I bow and take a step back to look up at a wowed crowd making me blush. “Thank you, Applejack! That was incredible! Thank you! Ok, Cat!” The girl next to meet took a step forward. She had deep red hair with peach highlights and white eyes. She held a microphone. She started singing into it and I noticed all of the boys started falling asleep. She changed her tune and everyone started getting sleepy, even Ms. Celestia. Just not me. She ran up and whispered in my ear, “Give her one month! You can see Rainbow Dash in one month, just give her one month!” then she put me to sleep. When we all woke up she bowed and took a step back. “Thats one coy Cat! Thank you for the nap!” Mr. Celestia said with a yawn. “Next up is, Gracy!” Gracy had white and black hair and grey eyes. She was holding, well, nothing. She started spinning and a tornado formed around her then she stopped and pointed towards the audience. Thats exactly where it went, she snapped her fingers and it disappeared. “Well isn’t that something? Thank you Gracy! Alright, Maybelle!” If you have seen a green person before then they wouldn’t stand a chance against Maybelle. She had bright lime green hair, lime green eyes, and a cup with a lime in it. She dropped the cup with a snap. The cup was covered by the lime right as it was about to hit the floor. Nothing happened, it never even hit. It shot back up into her hand and the lime skin fell to the floor and what was left was a unharmed cup full of limeade. “Maybelle?” Ms. Celestia asked eyeing the cup “Yes Ms. Celestia?” she said turning to the principle. “May I drink that?” She licked her lips. “Yes!” She walked over and and handed it to her. “May I ask you something?” she said after downing the drink with a happy look on her face. “Yes.” Maybelle walked back to her spot and smiled at Ms. Celestia. “Can you do this with anything?” “Only if it has water in it!” a thought crossed my mind and I raise my hand. “Yes Applejack?” I step forward and look at Maybelle. “Not ta be rude or nothin’ but does that mean you can do it ta people?” Maybelle smiled an evil smile. “Even your little plants!” My face flushes and I step back basically afraid of Maybelle. “Well... Thank you for the drink Maybelle! It was delicious.! Next is, Lyra!” A bubbly girl with blue and white striped hair and orangish yellow eyes steps forward holding a harp. She strummed it putting us into a kind of trance. “Jump!” She said and for some reason we all do. “Turn around!” Every command she gives we do. She does command after command and we do exactly what she says each time. “Thank you Lyra for making us do that!” She smiles and bows before stepping back looking towards the next person. “Nate, you’re up!” A boy with sleek black hair and bright pink eyes steps forward. It just doesn’t work. He is holding nothing, just stands there for about ten seconds before a eagle replaces him. He flies around the room before letting out a bird call and turning into a bat and hiding in the shadows. He becomes flying animal after flying animal then turns back into a human, bowing, and stepping back. “Shapeshifting? Interesting! Thank you Nate. Now, Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie jumps forward and does the same routine she did at separation. Near the end she changes it, twisting through the air at the last second she starts forming cupcakes everywhere that disappear right out of reach. She then lands in a bow dramatically and takes a jump back smiling. “Taunting Pinkie Pie! Ok, next up is, Rarity!” Rarity steps forward holding a sword. “Apparently Mr. Mindwalker would like you to show me the other side of my coy!” She says hate dripping from her words. The sword duplicates and she does a spinning swing and needles fly into the back wall the five seconds after the hit they turn into blue diamonds. She does this only once before she turns the swords into diamonds and does her separation routine. “Here you go. School donation!” She hands the swords over to Ms. Celestia who is just baffled. “May you please explain how you have two sides to your coy?” Rarity nodes. “Part of my coy is the ability to make dress and duplicate. The other part is the ability to turn anything to diamond.” Rarity bows and takes a step back. “Last but not least, Vinyl Scratch!” Vinyl took a step forward. She had light blue and dark blue striped hair and purple glasses. She snapped her fingers and a DJ table appeared in front of her. She started spinning records and making amazing music and sounds and nobody could stop dancing. That is before she bowed, taking her glasses off to reveal bright red eyes. “Thank you Vinyl!!!” She smiled. “Welcome newcomers and now if you're coy is similar to one of theirs please come up now!” Ten people stand up. Ten people get a partner. One person is left standing on the stage and one in the audience. “I’m glad I get to be your partner Applejack!” > Secrets and Confidence! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three rushed worried knocks were pounded into the door. I guess from the initial shock of it I had to be rushed to the first person that came to mind, the principal. This is not how I planned my first visit to the principal's office to be but at least its not for a prize because it killed a judge in the most brutal way possible. “Come in!” Came a loud yet kind voice. I was dragged into the door and laid down on a bench near the wall. “Ms. we need your help! Her coy went all crazy! She can’t control, she kind of did something terrible!” Twilight yelled while Fluttershy sat near me hyperventilating. “What happened? What's her coy?” Said the principal. When she came into my view she gasped. I just sat up stretching my new wings as if nothing was wrong. “Oh what did you do? Is her coy shapeshifting? Something to do with birds?” “No! Its con-” “My coy is control of electricity! Now what did I do?!” I ask anger filling my body. A spark went through my wings and I yelped out in pain. “Electricity? What happened girls?” Twilight explained everything from the separation to them bring me here. “Nothings wrong!” The principal finally said. “What!?!” Me and Twilight yelled confused. “You created wings. Thats all I can say. She used her coy to absentmindedly create wings. Other than the shock and amounts of electricity going around her right now I can’t say anythings wrong,” She says kindly while standing up. “So I’m stuck with wings?” I asked while flexing them a little. “Yes. I can teach you to use them as I have a pair myself. Other than that theres nothing I can do for you child!” She smiled sweetly at me and spread her great black wings. Thats when I really look at her. She had long blue hair, it was strange though. It seemed to have sparkles in it. She was wearing dress the went to her knees. It was blue in the front and had black feathers in the back, to help her wings blend in. The top of her dress went up to her neck and the sleeves hung limp. In a corner, if dresses even had corners, was a big crescent moon. “My name is Rainbow Dash and could you really teach me?” she nodded. “Thank you Ms...” I stumble over my words as I realize we don’t even know her name. “Luna. Call me Ms. Luna!” we bow to Ms. Luna as we leave. I start walking backwards with a big smile on my face. “I can fly!” I say right before I run right into a boy carrying letters. “Watch it!” He yells gathering the papers. “Sorry!” I mumble before I look at him and do a double take. “Aren’t you a little young?” He eyed me for a second before coming to some mental conclusion. Its when he looks behind me that he smiles though. He has green hair and eyes, funny ears, and s green shirt. His short sleeve coat, shoes, socks, and shorts are all purple though. “Twilight!” then he jumps right over me and into Twilights arms. “Do you know him?” Twilight nodes. “Before I was picked up to go into separation I worked in a library,” she starts. “Why am I not surprised by that?” I mutter standing up. She glares at me. “He used to work there with me.” She says setting the little boy down. “So what's his name?” I ask. “Hello? I’m right here! You don’t have to ignore me!” he yelled waving his hands around. “Sorry!” Twilight says ruffling his hair. “My name is Spike nice to meet you! You're wondering why I’m here aren’t you?” We all nod. “When Twilight was taken I just knew she would be put into bad coy. So I came here and asked Ms. Luna if I could work for her. She said that only coyable people could be in a coy school so I showed her my coy and she let me in!” Twilight's face grew a never fading smile. “You figured out how to control your coy?” “Yep! Now I can change whenever I want and still control it when I’ve transformed. I can even send messages wherever I want even when I haven't changed!” He says smiling, chin high, and hands on his hips. “Thats amazing Spike!” “Just amazing,” I mutter before I keep walking. “What's her problem?” I hear him say, my wings are wide open and flapping me right into his face. “Your a showoff thats what! Don’t go being all high and mighty because you can control your stupid coy! Don’t go being all happy that you're in the bad coy school! And don’t go around telling us your glad that you're here! Got it? This system isn’t even fair! Just because the only thing I knew how to do with my coy was a lightning gun! Just because I can’t control my coy! Just because hers has a less chance of killing somebody I can’t ever see her again doesn’t give you the right to go bragging you can control yours or that you got to pick or that you get to-get to...” Any other words I was going to say were drowned in tears. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy says falling to her knees to comfort me. ”It’s going to be ok! Ok? You’ll get to see her again! All of them again! You’ll learn to control it and you’ll be one of the most powerful coyable people alive! Look to the bright side-” “What bright side Fluttershy?! I lost control, I almost killed her! I almost killed Twilight! I almost killed that guy at separation! I killed someone Fluttershy! I lost control and I killed someone! I promised myself to never use my coy again! Then the next two times I use it I almost kill two people! Now give me a bright side?” Fluttershy is speechless. The whole school seems to go quite, the only sound are my tears. “You can fly!” Fluttershy mutters. “You can see Applejack again. Right after we left Ms. Luna’s office she gave me this,” she hands me a paper with a sun on it. “She said it was from the good coy school for us three. Theres the letters one for the each of us. You can fly and learn to control your coy. And you almost killed them, you didn’t kill them. That person you killed, they’re gone. You can’t do anything about it, you can’t change the past Rainbow.” I look up at her kind face and hug her tight. “Thank you Fluttershy! I wish I hadn’t killed him. It was my greatest mistake. If I hadn’t we wouldn’t have gone into the foster system and she wouldn’t be alone now. So, what you said is true, you can’t change the past. That means it happened and now I have to live with it forever dwelling over my head effecting more than just mine and his life,” I get up and walk away. “Twilight? I think she killed her father!” Spike whispers. “I do too! I wonder who the second life she mentioned was!” Twilight ponders. “Her mother?” Fluttershy asks. “No, she said killing him put her and someone else into the foster system. Her mom was already dead.” “Oh on,” Fluttershy says when she finally understood. ------------------------------------ I don’t open up the letter just yet. I don’t want to. If I’m in a bad mood and it says something bad or I don’t want to hear then I might write her something I will regret. So instead I shove the letter under my pillow and go outside to practice flying. I get out into the courtyard and see that nobody's there. At first nobody wants to be outside then I stop mid flap as it hits me. “I got to go to the testy thing!” And I fly right through the school and past the principal. “She’s just a natural!” I hear her say which just makes me happy. Then something else hits me. I enter the gym and stand in line where they lead me. Other people have things to help them with their coys, I don’t get handed anything. I can see Ms. Luna on the stage and for the first time ever using my coy I feel confident! “Welcome everybody!! We have quite a bunch of newbies this year so I hope you can enjoy the show!” The cheers and shouts were deafening. It took me a minute to realize something else, I’m doing a lot of that today! The judges are the older students. “If you kill one so what you are now in the army, you kill people all the time. Judges will be replaced.” The knew Mr. Emotionless words sank in. If a judge dies today the killer is the replacement! “First up we have an announcement from the Good Coy School! It says- Dear Sister, Three of my students have gone missing. Their names are Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack! I do believe they are heading to your school. I do not understand why or when but they’re on their way. Good luck these three have very powerful coys. If anyone has any information for me about them it could be very helpful. Also three young girls showed up at my school the day they left. I believe their names are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They say the- “Scootaloo!” I literally jump at Ms. Luna for the note. “Let me see that!?!” They say they're looking for their sisters. Scootaloo is in the hospital! “Scootaloo's? Shes in the hospital? But how did she even get out of the system?!” Ms. Luna grabs my shoulder and whispers in my ear, “Ms. Celestia is bring them here. Their looking for their sisters Scootaloo's sister is already here, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle’s are on the way! When those three runaway girls get here we will let them in. I promise!” I give her a quick hug, say thank you, and go back to the line. “What was that about?” Twilight asks. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it!” I say smiling at her. “First up, Airus!” A girl with white hair and blue eyes stepped onto the stage. She held nothing, just like me! She then jumped off the stage, did one flip, then spread her arms wide. The second she spread them she disappeared. She reappeared on the stage bowing. Clapping filled the room. “Thank you,” She whispered before running off the other side of the stage. “Thank you Airus that was amazing! Now, BonBon!” The name seemed unrealistically familiar, until I saw who it was. She had pink and blue curly hair and turquoise eyes. I knew her coy before she even used it, she lived at orphanage with me, my sister, and her girl friend Lyra. They moved to Vancouver and I haven’t seen them since. Her coy was not evil, unless she could do...what she just did. She jumped into the air and practically bombed the audience with candies. After she did the she flew around the room on a giant one. It was a mix of awesome and freaky. “Thank you BonBon! This candy is delicious! Next up, Candy Mane!” She looks to the audience thats is picking candy out of their hair, “Ironic!” The girl to walk out next was laughing at Ms. Lunas joke. She was holding a little white bunny. “I want you to figure out which is me and which is Angel here! Oh, just call me Candy!” She then shrank down into a tiny white bunny. Then both bunnies shifted into the size that Candy use to be. They looked exactly the same. “Well I can’t tell the difference!” Ms. Luna said raising an eyebrow. Both bunnies hopped over to her and one turned into her then back into Candy. “I thought your coy was shape change?” “Nope! I’m a face taker! I can take any things face and change the size of both me and them!” Candy said proudly! “Well thats amazing! Thank you Candy!” Candy bowed and went off the stage with Angel. “Alright, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. She froze, didn’t move, didn’t blink, just stood there! “Fluttershy are you ok child?” “T-to many e-eyes!!!” She let out a loud whistle and everyone heard the stampede! First it was Angel that came to her feet, then some rats and mice, bats, then the doors and windows burst open and every animal within the distance of hearing her whistle was on the stage. “Oop’s!” She whistled again and they all ran away, except for Angel. “You can have him!” Candy yelled to her. “He likes you!” Fluttershy picked him up and walked off the stage. “Thank you Fluttershy for ridding our school of the rats! Next up, Hail Storm!” The boy truly lives up to his name in appearance. He has blueish white hair and light grey eyes. His coy is similar to mine though. He mumbles something that nobody could hear but me! “Help me! I can’t control it!” exactly what I said at separation. I walk over so the only reason no one could see me was the edge of the curtain. He take a deep breath and ran. He ran right at the crowd and jumps, one, two, three back flips. I could just tell that the second he jumped it was out of his control. He started falling and spinning down towards the crowd creating a thick ball of light around himself. Now a probably dangerous ball of light was hurtling towards the crowd. I couldn’t stop myself, I flew right out over the crowd and absorbed the light. It ended up being energy, it was similar to electricity, so it didn’t hurt to much and I brought him back to the stage. “Thank you!” He whispers and I smile at him walking back backstage! The crowd erupts into cheering and clapping. Finally I saved a life! “Thank you! Hail Storm that is a powerful coy learn to control it. Rainbow Dash thank you for putting those wings to good use. Now, next is Iya!” Iya had thin golden hair and red eyes. She was calm walking onto the stage, she went right up to Ms. Luna and told her something. “Next up is, Junebug!” A hand shot up in the crowd ready to ask the exact question on everyone's mind, “What is Ms. Iya’s coy?” “To take a life at will. Now please come forward Junebug!” Junebug had orange and yellow hair and green eyes. She didn’t move a step, just vanished! She reappeared on the stage. She did this a couple times vanishing and reappearing. Until she was on the stage bowing. “Thank you Junebug! Next up is, Octavia!” Octavia had dark grey hair and purple eyes and was holding a cello. “This is not only a music related coy!” she shouts before getting up on one foot, spinning her cello, and stomping down the ground. In a bright flash her cello turns into a sword with strings. She plays a certain note and her outfit changes. “A battle and music coy!” I hear Twilight mutter happily next to me. “Alright who wants to face me? Preferably another person with a battle coy!” Twilight almost knocks me over as she runs onto the stage. “I will!” She yells transforming. Holding almost a numb of what the sword will be, her and Octavia take battle stances. Octavia makes the first move, swinging her sword around over her head causing a wave of energy to surge towards Twilight. I can see her hands switch and out she pulls the book to a random page absorbing the energy. “A knowledge battle coy!” Octavia sends Twilight a different blow to the side, she just jumps over it. “Never seen that one before!” “Learn it!” Twilight puts away her book into her mystery place and pulls out the sword. Spinning it over her head and slamming it into the ground, confusing Octavia, she uses this confusion to her advantage. She jumps over the sword pulling it out ground at the last second and send a blow right at the open Octavia! She is sent flying through the air, when she finally hit the wall I could tell it hurt. “Play it like that as you will, learn what you can for now, do not underestimate my ability to beat you!” Octavia says as she takes off running faster than humanly possible. Jerking to the side as Twilight takes her swing, catching her opponent off guard, Twilight is sent flying into the back wall. “Oh but Octavia, you do not know the secrets a knowledge coy can gane! So you don’t know the weaknesses I can learn!” It takes Octavia less than a second to figure the riddle out, when she does she jumps just in time to get out of the way of Twilights attack, right into a different one. Twilight then starts spinning her sword in front of her sending a wave towards Octavia flinging her into the crowd. “I do believe Twilight wins! Thank you that completes it for both of you! Next up is, Rainbow Dash!” Confidence! Thats all you need, thats what I didn’t have before. Now I do, now I’m ready! With a deep breath I step out onto the stage and start. When I step out and spread my wings, even though they had seen them once before, the crowd gasps. For some mysterious reason I feel like I can control my coy better now that I have my wings. So I fly up about nine feet, with another deep breath just hoping this will work, I fall! When the ground is mere centimeters away I lift one arm into a fist, it conects with the floor sending a shockwave of electricity through the room. I can feel the energy surging through me and I like it! I guess the first thing I needed to learn was I needed to forgive and forget, I may never forgive myself for what I did and I will never forget! I will move on and become greater and more powerful, more in control, less lives will be lost this way, and less time will be wasted. With one powerful flap of my wings I’m into the air and preparing to fire. At the last minute as the energy is at its peak in my fingertips I do a flip and fire it through my feet. I have never seen a more powerful blast in my life, I have never had more control! Landing back on the stage with a bow, “Thank you Rainbow! Last but not least is, Vanilla Bean!” Vanilla Bean had peach hair and brown eyes and was holding a rock. She walked onto the stage with a disappointed look on her face. “Ms. I don’t think I can show my coy with one silly rock!” she points out with a grin. “Can you get more?” Ms. Luna asks almost sarcastically. “Oh, I was waiting for you to ask!” she bends her knees and lifts with her hands from the floor. At first it was a low rumbling then the floor split and she was lifted into the air by a giant rock she was controlling. “Impressive! A earth coy,” she says smiling at Vanilla Bean. She turns to the crowd again, “These powerful and impressive toys that you have seen today are the new additions to our school! Now without further ado, lunch!” Out of all the things she said ‘lunch’ I’m sure she said the happiest! Instead of going to lunch, I wasn’t even hungry as it is, I went to our room and pulled the paper out from under my pillow. Unrolling it I started to read. It said, Dear Rainbow, I truly do miss you sugarcube and hope I can see you soon. During the showing of our coys a girl told me that I would be able to see you in a month. She came to my room the next night and told me to pack, that she was getting us out tonight. We should be leaving soon but I warn you, night is day and day is day! There is no night here only everlasting day! I hope you have learned to control your coy a little better. Also, when we met we expected to never meet again, I kissed you! I loved every second it lasted and wish to do it again, I also wish that I could tell you what I discovered but I don’t want to risk the chance of somebody else learning it. Rarity, Pinkie, and I are on our way to you now with three other girls that the school shouldn’t know left. I hope I can get to know you better when we meet again and that you can understand everything I tell you because its big. Keep yourself safe and away from the Vice Principal. Thats all I can tell you for now. Love You, Applejack > On The Road Coy Practice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mentor, partner thing, Roseluck, is nice, she mysterious though and has a wild imagination. I talked to Cat again yesterday and what she had to say surprised me. She said that her coy not only allows her to put people to sleep but to learn stuff about them that hasn’t even happened yet. She told me she has a plan. That the few of us can escape but she also said that she saw something the nobody wants to see. She wouldn’t tell me what though. It has been a week since the coy showing, I guess thats what I’ll call it. Tonight we're going to be escaping. To go get Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight. Maybe even their friends, too. I wrote Rainbow a note warning her about the vice principal, Cat told me something about him too. Derpy, Pinkies partner is coming with us as well as some of the people from coy showing. We’re almost ready. A quiet knock sounded on my door. When I opened it everyone that was coming was on the other side. “Applejack are you ready?” Lyra asks. “Yeah, lets get out o’ this here hell hole!” I say while high fiving her. “Girls, I think we should get a move on,” Aia points out with Alli nodding in agreement. “They’re right! Come on we should go, Pinkie are you ready?” Gracy asks. “Lets do this thing!” Pinkie shouted somehow quietly putting her hand in the middle. “Definitely!” I say, my hand joining hers. Aia and Alli nod and put theirs on top, too. Soon the whole group had their hands in the middle and we come to a mental agreement. “To Freedom!” We shout throwing our hands up and running to the stairs. When we reach the back wall our little plan is put into action. “Ready Cat?” Cat nodes confidently then starts singing. We’re not affected, just the guards, she winks at us showing to move to the next step. Pinkie waves her hand over the wall and orders us through. First Rarity goes through while pulling a diamond sword in case something goes wrong. Aia and Alli are next, then Vinyl, Gracy, and I. Cat goes through ad Pinkie closes it, we wait for her to come over for about twenty seconds until she drops onto Rarity. “Pinkie!” Pinkie jumps up quickly and helps Rarity up with a nervous grin. “Hehe, sorry!” Rarity shakes her head then, along with the rest of us, turns to Cat with the next step of the plan. “It’s a three week walk but we can do it,” then she starts off walking in some seemingly random direction. With a shrug we follow her not know the dangers that are to come. ------------------- “Ok who packed food?” Alli asks after her stomach growls for the eleventh time. Everyone just looks around expecting somebody else to have. “We forgot food didn’t we?” “Maybe,” Pinkie says pulling out a cupcake. “Pinkie, darling, we can’t survive on cupcakes. We need really food that grows on trees,” then the ever unforgetting idea hits her, and everybody else, but me. They turn to look at me with greedy eyes. “Do not look at meh!” I say throwing my hands up, “Ah don’t know how ta make food!” “You can do all those crazy acrobatics, grow octoplants, but you can’t make food?” Roseluck yells. “Ah can make some apples?” I ask. They seem a mix between calling me an idiot and hugging me to death. “Go on!” Gracy says. With a grown I start my weird rutin to make us some apples. Soon we have two apple trees full of perfectly ripe apples sitting next to each other. “Apples!!!” The trees are empty in seconds in a simple gust of wind. Rarity lays down a cloth and we sit down to eat in the shade of my trees. "I have an idea!" Pinkie yells. We all look at her confused but she seems completely oblivious to that fact. "Let's have a coy battle!" "Ok," I shrug. "I'm fine with that!" Rose says, "I've always wanted to battle AJ!" "Well there we go! Plant coy against plant coy! Gracy you ready?" "Aye aye captain!" Moving the dirt with the air she created a graph showing who is fighting who. Me vs Rose, Alli vs Aia, Gracy vs Cat, Lyra vs Derpy, and Pinkie vs Rarity! "Applejack could you make something similar to the thing you made when we first got to the school? Just without a roof and has a door on either side?" Pinkie asks hopefully. "Sure!" I do just as she asks. It's practically a stadium. Out of nowhere Pinkie pulled a microphone, "Welcome to the on the road coy practice stadium! First up is plant coy against plant coy, Applejack vs RoseLuck! Places," we got into our places on either side of the stadium. "Get your weapons ready!" RoseLuck pulled a giant rose thorn out of mid air and I got my octoplant ready. "And... Fight!" The thorn was headed my way and soon duplicated into several smaller thorns. My octo arms weaved together creating a shield around me. I maneuvered around till I was in the very back of my shield then used the arms to surf my way over to Rose dodging her thorns. I wrapped her and myself up in the plants a carried us back to my side. "Pinkie how do we win?" I ask. "Pin her down with your feet!" She yelled back. I grab Roses limbs with vines and pull her towards the ground. The second she touches the ground a spark runs through my body and a orange shield encases my body. Nobody seems to notice it though. RoseLuck uses one of her roses to cut the vine holding her hand and I scream out in pain, the shield disappears. She cuts two more and the pain is horrible, like one of my limbs is being sawed off. "Applejack!" Rose screams cutting through the last of the vines putting me in unbearable pain. I'm still wrapped up in the arms, which is why I haven't fallen to the ground. The others notice my pain and come over to help me. First they're sawing at the vines with whatever they can, which ends up being their coys, which just puts me in more pain. "Stop!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs while tears of pain streaming down my face. I do something I had never done before, that same orange shield surrounds me and this time they see it. "Stop hurting us," I say fixing the broken vines. "Us? Applejack what is this?" They ask touching the shield. It's practically a ball of plastic, their hands just rests on it. "Ah don't know what Ah did just stop hurting us!" The orange the fades into my skin and is like a orange body suit, covering everything but my head. I release the plants and fall to the ground landing on my feet. "Applejack!?! Who's us?" Cat yells. "Me! Me and the plants!" Rose starts mumbling something as if piecing stuff together. "Oh," she sighs. "What?" We all ask her in unison. "I've only seen this once before. It happens to the higher level coyable people with two totally different types of coys," the suit fades, much to Rarity's dismay, but no one really takes notice, "they have one coy that is super powerful and one that is recently unlocked. Their stronger coy becomes attached to the coyable person and they feel the pain inflicted onto their coy." "So y'all are sayin' tha' mah coy became attached to me because I got another coy?" I ask trying to simplify. "Basically," she says calmly. "Ok, then answer me one lil' question?" I ask sitting down. "What's that?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "What is this here other coy?" “I have no idea, care to find out?” ----------------------------------- “Round two! Aia vs Alli!!” they took their stances and prepared for countdown. “Three. Two. One!” the very second she hit one Aia was inside a cage of earth. Smirking she pulled water from the grass and broke one cage wall. Moving quickly she spun it around her body ramming it into Alli into a wall and freezes it. Pulling more water from the grass she defreezes Alli but doesn't move fast enough before Alli jerks the ground below Aia’s feet making her fall to the ground face first. Slamming her hands into the ground she freezes the grass and around Aia’s feet. Moving the ground under her feet up Alli jumps into the air, flips, and lands sending a ripple through the ground. Aia’s eyes catch something, “Sorry Applejack!” She yells before sucking the water out of the trees and slamming into Alli one side at a time until she fell to the ground. I’m pretty sure that was a feeling I never want to feel again. I feel like the air was sucked out of my lungs and I haven't had any water in years. Aia is about to pin Alli down with her foot when Alli grabs her feet in rock and jerks them back tipping Aia. Aia falls while Alli jumps up and pushes her towards the ground with her foot and releases her coy. “Alli is the winner!” Pinkie says running over to Alli and thrusting her hand in the air. “Now lets have a rematch between Applejack and Roseluck!” The rematch begins. It’s different this time though. Rose has a different type of flower and I have a different plant. She flings her flowers at me like frisbees. My plants, flytraps, jerk at her flower frisbees and eat them. A simple yet evil idea comes to me and I create plants behind her that end up shooting pollen at her. This is a bad idea on my part because she sniffs it up and sneezes it out, I could have used her sneeze to my advantage but instead I just felt like I was sniffed out. Its not a pleasant feeling. I recover just in time to dodge her attack and offer one of my own. Soon we have flower petals, pollen, and dirt covering us and we’re gasping for air. This is one minute later. I think of something that happened earlier, what I did to make it happen, maybe some benefits it could give me. I start glowing orange with a ball around me, Rose stares, it fades into my skin and I’m now wearing a orange body suit. Rose throws a couple thorns at me and I flinch but they go right through me. She chucks some flower frisbees at me but, just like before, they go right throw like I wasn’t even there. She growns and I take a step forward feeling unbeatable. She picks up a rock and throws with all her might, it hits me in the gut, hard! I knock her down with a couple vines while more of her tries seem useless, unless she doesn’t use her coy. She doesn’t realize that though. holding her down with vines she doesn’t want to cut I place my foot on her back and drop my coy. Pinkie runs up to me and pulls my hand above our heads smiling, “Applejack is the winner!” the suit fades but we keep smiling uncaringly. Pinkie drops my hand and I help Rose up so the next group can start. “Round Three! Gracy vs Cat!” “Wait!” Gracy yells! “What?” Pinkie asks tilting her head. “She can just beat me by singing, how am I expose to beat that?” Cat smirks while Gracy over her head dramatically. “You can beat her!” We all sing, including Pinkie as she skips to the edge to watch with us. Gracy lets out a grown but gets into her starts position while Cat does the same. They start! Cat pulls out her microphone and starts singing, Gracy sends a huge gust of wind her way blocking her words and sending Cat flying into the back wall. Gracy cringes as Cat hits the wall and topples to the ground. She runs up to Cat but doesn’t reach her soon enough to not hear her singing. She stumbles but keeps going. She jumps as high as she can in her sleepy state, thrusts her hands through the air slamming Cat into the ground and landing with her foot on Cats back! “Gracy wins! Great job Grace we told you that you could beat her!” Pinkie says high fiving Gracy and pulling her hand in the air signaling her win. Cat stands smiling about Gracys win and congratulated her. “Who goes next?” Rarity asks. “Round Four! Lyra vs Derpy!” Pinkie says while they take their place. “Three. Two. One!” She runs off the battlefield before getting hit by flying muffins. Lyra pulls her harp and starts playing. “I don’t want to listen to your music right now!” Derpy yells before forming a bubble around herself and Lyra. Lyras harp falls to the ground before he is slowly brought to the ground where Derpy is waiting. The bubble pops and she is dropped a muffin connects with her face and she spins through the air, grabbing her harp in the process. She lands on her back and plays while she slides. “Hey Derpy! Lie down,” but Derpy doesn’t hear her because of the bubbles jammed in her ears. She slams into Lyra sending the into the back wall. A couple growns and grunts come from the dust ball before Derpy’s bubble clears it and Lyra is laying under her inside a muffin. “Derpy you have to take her out of the muffin to win!” Pinkie shouts from the wall where we’re watching from. “Fine!” Derpy then punches the muffin making it explode under her so she fall victorious with Lyra under her. Pinkie runs over to them and helps Lyra up. She then grabs Derpy's arm and declares her victorious once and for all, “Derpy is the winner!!” ‘Round Five! Pinkie Pie vs Rarity!” Cat says into her microphone. Pinkie and Rarity take their places and wait for the count down. “Three, two, one. Go!” Pinkie jumps into the air as diamonds fly through the location that use to be her face. Pinkie throws candles at Rarity as she runs only missing her by a inch. She lands on the ground and starts chucking cakes and mustache glasses at Rarity. Every single one hits her but doesn’t affect her. Rarity pulls her diamond sword out and starts running at PInkie. Pikie gasps and pulls a golden horn and blows with all her might sending a shock wave towards Rarity. Rarity stands after bein hit and sees Pinkie laying in a heap on the ground. Curious she walks over to her only to find a very uncomfortable sight. Pinkie is laying on her back eyes wide open and arms spread. Her body is pale and her eyes are all white. “What?” “Hey Rarity?” cals Pinkie. Rarity looks down at the corps of Pinkie only to find it wasn’t the source of Pinkies call. “Turn around!” “What?” Rarity turns around to find Pinkie Pie standing there with almost clear white skin, bright color (almost to bright) eyes, and hammers for hands. Rarity turns around to see Pinkie is still lying there but looks back to see Pinkie running at her. “Pinkie what did you do?” “I have a ghost coy!” The hammer connects with Rarity's face slamming into the ground. Ghost Pinkie jumps into her body then the body stands up to put a foot on Rarity's back. “Pinkie Pie wins!” Cat sings as she swings Pinkies hand in the air. Rarity gets up, dusts off her outfit and sakes Pinkies hand. “I thought you had a fun coy?” She asks as they break their hand shake. We all nod in agreement. “I do!” we tilt our heads in confusion. “Can you say that again darling?” Rarity asks while shaking her head. “I do have a fun coy,” Pinkie says as if the answer is obvious, “Oh, I have a fun coy and a ghost coy!” Then she takes out her microphone. “Next Round!” “But we already did everyone?” Lyra points out. “I know that silly billy! Now its winners against winners!” she tells Lyra smiley as ever. She turns to Cat, “Can you be the announcer?” “Yep! Round Six-” Pinkie whispers something in her ear and she nodes in agreement, “Winners vs Winners!” “What?” we all ask except Pinkie who is hopping over to the battlefield. “Everyone for themselves!” She says waving us off.When we’re all in our places Cat starts the countdown, “Three. Two. One. Go!” Chaos. That’s the only way to describe it. ‘Go!” was just a signal to start it. We’re all fighting to be victorious so, basically, we’re all fighting. The very first thing I do is put on that special body suit and get ready for a fight. A muffin hits my nose and I’m sure muffins aren’t hard enough to hurt that much. Derpy floats out of the battle in a bubble. She tries to put one around me but it just won’t happen. I swat her down like a fly and put my foot on her back signaling her lose and move onto another person. “Hey Applejack!” I hear Pinkie yell, I turn around to find her ghost form. Ghost coys are very rare and virtually unbeatable. Virtually, you can beat them by harming their body, when faced with a ghost coy you will try to beat it but you can’t. Any tactic you try will fail because its not actually them. So, the only way to beat Pinkie now would be to find her body. Basically, I turn and run! I run right into Gracy whos ready for a fight. She sends a gust of wind at me but it does nothing. I get up and grab her ankle and chuck her at Ghost Pinkie. “Now to get through this dust and find that body!” with dust filled air thanks to Gracy, who still needs to be defeated if Ghost Pinkie hadn't done it already, it was really hard to see. Soon, though, I go and trip on a very pale hand! “Hey Pinkie? I got your body!” I flip it over a place my foot on its back. Ghost Pinkie flickers to life in front of me. “If I can defeat Alli and Gracy, I can defeat you!” I smirk at her and her hands fade into hammers. “Oh but Pinkie, Ah have already won!” I grab her body as she starts running at me, catch Ghost Pinkie inside, and set her face first on the ground declaring myself victorious. A strong gust comes through clearing the grounds of dust and shows the winner. “Applejack wins! Now you have to defeat a special opponent before going to the final round! Places!” Pinkie clears off the battlegrounds smiling at a new source of entertainment! My knew opponent enters the field, Vinyl! “Three... Two.. One. GO!” I start to hear music trail into my ears and react before my body can uncontrollably dance. I hear Vinyls record player smash and something zip through the air. Without even thinking I grow a giant tree around me lifting myself into the air. Something zips through the tree tipping it over just under my feet. Shooting myself out the top like a cannonball I land to have Vinyl throw more extremely share records towards my face. With the nagging feeling in my gut that something is missing I start running towards Vinyl. Plants smash her records before they could make contact with my skin. “Give it up cowgirl! You may have a powerful plant coy but you can’t beat me! You may have a rare coy but you can’t beat me!” then a record table appears at my feet, expecting to hit it I flinch but I go right through it. “No I can’t beat you! But I sure as hell ain’t gonna let ya win!” my foot collides with her gut and she fly into the ground! She wobbles as she stands but she can manage. She flashes slightly but only for a moment. “Hey Applejack!” her voice comes from everywhere. I look behind me to find several Vinyls then to look back at ‘Vinyl’ to find several more. “What is this?” she’s smirk. “I’ve got to hand it to you cowgirl, two amazing coys! But you don’t know what mine are! I know what yours are though! You win this round and, if you make it, the next round I will tell you. Now your first test figure out which is the real me!” they all say grinning ear to ear. “Bring it!” My plants grab each of them by the ankle and lift them into the air. “I know a little something about multiplication coys!” “Oh, and what's that?” they ask. “Only the original you can use you coy! So go on Vinyl, cut yourself down!” I smirk, that nagging feeling is still there but I put it to the back of my mind for now. “Oh, so you do know about me!” Vinyl falls to the grounds and accepts defeat. I place my foot on her back then helps her up. We walk back to the group to see that they aren’t even watching. “What's goin’ on ‘ere?” I ask as we approach the circle. “You did this to her! Now fix her!” Aia says bursting from the circle and poking me in the chest, hard! I push through everyone to get to Pinkie laying in a heap on the ground in pain. “The naggin’” I mutter as if it were obvious. “Huh?” Alli asks. “The whole time Ah was fightin’ Vinyl Ah had this lil’ naggin’ feeling. That is the naggin’” I say pointing to Pinkie, “Ah wasn’t feelin’ no pain when she was hurtin’ mah plants!” “So you're saying that she is feeling the pain for your plants instead of you?” Rose clarifies. “Basically!” I think a little harder, “well?” “Well what?” Rose asks raising an eyebrow. “Yall tha expert on them coys! How did Ah give ‘er mah pain?” “I have no idea how you did it,” she says flatly. I look at Vinyl. “Fine! You outsmarted her! All you have to do is outsmart her and boom!” I glare at her, “now what?” “Ah need something easier to do. Now!” I yell. “Reach in and take it from her,” my jaw hits the grass. “Reach in where exactly?” Vinyl points to her chest right where her heart was. I grown at the spot but I go along with it anyway. I spread Pinkie out like how she is when shes in ghost form, take a deep breath, and reach. At first I just rested my hand on her frilly shirt. Hesitantly I overcame my nervousness and applied pressure. My hand went inside. I could see inside Pinkie Pie. I could see her bones and organs, her heart, and the two glowing pink balls that were her coy, each representing a different coy. Next to her coy balls was a tiny black ball, the pain! I grab it, wrapping my whole fist around it and I take it. Pulling my hand out the black rams into me and puts me into loads of pain, the pain Pinkie was feeling. “Applejack!” I hear her cry but all I can do is open my mouth wide hoping the screams that won’t come would. All I can do is jerk slightly and hold my chest. All I can do is hope that this pain doesn’t touch my heart or coy, all I can do is hope and hurt! ------------------------- Three weeks of walking suck! I’m in charge of food but using my coy so much just knocks it out of me. All I can make are apples too, we can not live off apples! Gracy collapsed yesterday and Cat the week before. Aia is in charge of water but will soon collapse herself. Vinyl’s have been in charge of carrying the sick, Gracy and Cat, but her numbers are starting to fall. We entered the night area last week and its noticeably colder with the lack of sunlight. We don’t know where we’re going because Cat was leading and never told us. She’s just to weak to walk can bearably tell us which way to go. I stumble but catch myself. Right now we’re walking through a forest, its dark, damp, and creepy. “There!” Pinkie calls out much to our ears dismay. Her finger is pointing to the first sign of light we have seen in weeks. She tosses me a cupcake and takes of running. When she goes into the light we all think shes dead, gone, walked into the light. She runs back though happier than we’ve seen her in days. Her hair is puffy, her smile is glowing, and shes hopping again. “We’re here!” “Come on everybody! Help a Vinyl, somebody keep AJ and Aia standing! Come on we’re almost there! Lyra Derpy how you two holding?” Rarity’s asks. “We’ll hold up!” they look to their cargo, “Rose won’t.” “We can make it! Applejack can you get Rose another apple?” A tree spouts and an apple falls. “Thanks,” she picks it up and brings it to Rose. Me and Aia lean against each other while wobbling towards the light. Six feet, five feet, four feet, three feet, two feet, blinded! The light is beautiful! We wobble over to the front gate and wait for the rest of the group. Rarity is helping one set of Vinyls while Pinkie the other. They come over and stand behind us then Derpy, Lyra, and Rose break through the light and join. The gates open and we walk in. “Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” Rarity mutters. “Yeah!” I say in response but I can’t hold up. My knees buckle, the world spins, and dirt tastes gross! My eyes flutter open to a white room. I let out a yawn and sit up. “Where am Ah?” “Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” comes a familiar voice. I turn to see a rainbow haired jock sitting near me. “Rainbow!” ------------------------ Dear Ms. Celestia, If you are reading this then we have already left. Pinkie, Rarity, and I are now on our way to the Bad Coy School. I hope you can send a letter to the principal there so she knows we’re coming. It’s a long and dangerous trek but we can make it. I promise you we will make it. We might end up practicing along the way but who knows. Anyway wish us luck because we sure as hell will need it. I hope that this year is as exciting as I plan for it to be. I also hope that you can and will help us in my future plans for this year. I hope we can make it because we are the only ones who know what is to come. Good luck this year Ms. Celestia. You’ll need it! Wish us luck, Applejack > When They Run And They Come > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Fluttershy!” I yell shaking her awake and waking Twilight in the process. “Rainbow its still dark out go back to sleep,” Twilight grumbles. I glare at her then go back to waking Fluttershy. “Twilight wake up! Fluttershy how heavy are a sleeper are you?” I ask while scratching my head. “I would like to stay asleep. Thank you very much,” Twilight yawns out, I chuck a pillow at her. “I agree with Twilight here Rainbow, sleep!” Fluttershy says shooing me away lightly. “This is important and has to do with the other girls we met at separation!” I say catching their attention. Twilight sits up while Fluttershy just rolls over. “Go on!” They say in unison. “Did you two get letters too?” They nod and pull out the said letters. “Why?” Twilight asks. “What did your say?” ------------------------------- Dear Fluttershy, I do believe Applejack and Pinkie are sending ones of their own but this is my letter to you holding not so important infomation. First, I miss you and it was nice to talk with you as long as I could. Applejack doesn’t know this yet, or maybe she does all I know is it isn’t in her letter, but a few other girls will be joining us. Applejack said three but its more like nine or ten. Oh, I’m sorry, we are going to escape and come join you at the Bad Coy School with information. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s life or death important. I wish I could see you sooner and hope we all get there in one piece. Wish us luck. Forever and Always, Rarity --------------------------------- Dear Twilight, How you been? Never mind, don’t answer that. Blah blah, to the important stuff. Me, Rarity, and Applejack will be walking from here to your school. Coming along with us are a couple other girls, Alli, Aia, Lyra, Derpy, Roseluck, Vinyl, Cat, and Gracy! A lot I know! They’re all really nice and Gracy and Lyra are really funny. Lyra and Vinyl both have somebody important to them in the Bad Coy School so we hope to help them. Wish us luck because we’ll need it. Applejack said Cat gave her some crazy info but won’t tell us what it is. Everybody with us is important and I hope you like them because you’ll be stuck with them. Oh and we each have a secret coy that we didn’t show at separation that would get us placed in bad coy! Weird I know! Anyway, I hope Dashie learns to fly with those knew wings of her because we’ll need them! Wish us luck! Smiles and Kisses Pinkie Pie -------------------------- “Three things!” I yell with a uncomfortable edge to my voice, “How did Pinkie know about my wings? I figured it out! And, Dashie! Seriously?” “I think she was serious!” Twilight says raising an eyebrow. “About your wings I only have one straight answer for you, Nobody knows!” “Um, if you don’t mind me asking...” Fluttershy had sat up and now is twiddling with her thumbs, “what did you figure out?” “I don’t Fluttershy, I don’t mind at all!” I say super dramatically just because. “Look each of our letters have a bunch of things in common. That stuff is super important!” “Wish us luck!” Twilight says. “Both mine and Fluttershy’s end like that!” “So what about mine?” I ask them only getting a shrug in return. “Its time to investigate!” Twilight says setting the three letters in front of her. “Both Rarity and Pinkie say that Applejack knows something!” “So your export plan is find everything the other two letters have in common about AJ?” I ask sitting down next to her. “Basically!” She says joyfully before turning back to the letters. “It might work,” Fluttershy says taking a seat on the other side of Twilight. “Great now Fluttershy you look over our two letters with me. Rainbow you look through yours for something important,” Fluttershy and I salute her and get to work. “Night is day and day is day!” I shout! “What?” Twilight asks raising an eyebrow. “Think about it! Here, day is night and night is night!” I say throwing my hands up overdramatically. “Yeah, so?” Twilight crosses her arms and turns to face me as Fluttershy looks up. “This is huge! Something she hid away carefully yet randomly in the letter!” I say while my eyes grow. “Get to the point Rainbow!” Twilight yells while Fluttershy just nods in agreement. “The great myth of the Coy Sisters! One had the power to raise and set the sun. The other, the little sister, had the power to raise the moon! They had the most powerful coys in existence! The younger sister had the power to look in on your dreams, was incharge of the night. The older sister was in charge of the day,” I sigh the ending to this story is always sad. “What happened to them?” Fluttershy asks. “One day the normals came to the sisters castle and-and kidnapped them under government orders. They rounded up all of the coyable people and locked them up. Then they created the schools. The coyable people were split up and no one has seen the princesses since. All of the people in the bad coy school were trained to go into the army and fight but in every war there isn’t a single coyable person in the ranks. Good coyable people are tested and train for who knows what. The principals are just figureheads and the vise principals are the ones in change,” I don’t want to finish. This is a horrible thing and whatever Applejack discovered is definitely going to bring us to tears. “Rainbow is there something you're not telling us?” Fluttershy asks rubbing my back as my cheeks are assaulted by tears. “Yes! The good coyable people are trained, if they believe their coy is to dangerous they kill them. If it isn’t then their brought to the government for who knows what. Nobody knows what happens to the bad coyable people. Nobody knows where the sisters went!” I look straight at Twilight, “the sisters names were Celestia and Luna!” “W-what?” Twilight gasps, “you’re saying that the principals are the sisters?” “Yes, I’m also saying that there is a reason the they’re here!” I grab Fluttershys hand and she grabs Twilights as we stand. “Its time to have a serious conversation with Ms. Luna!” --------------------------- “Go on,” I say and so Twilight hesitantly knocks on the door. “Come in!” Calls Ms. Luna’s voices from the other side of the door. “Ms. Luna can we talk to you?” I ask sternly as we walk in. “What about?” She asks looking up from the papers on her desk. “What should we call you, Ms. Luna or Princess Luna of the night!?” I smirk as she tenses up. “Close the door!” She orders and we do. She directs us to the bench and we sit, she pulls a chair up, “what do you know?” “I do believe the real question should be, what have you done?” Twilight points out. Luna sighs. “As the story goes the Normals kidnapped me and my sister and rounded up all the coyable people,” we nod and she continues, “thats not what really happened!” ---------------------------------- I look out the window and gasp at the sight. The river bank on the other side of the river dividing our castle and the great forest was covered in normals. They held torches and nets. They looked angry, it was scary but we knew they would come. “They’re here, aren’t they?” My sister asks with a small sigh as I nod. “He is leading them!” I say with both worry and hatred dripping from my words, “we can’t beat him nor hurt them!” “I understand sister!” Celestia barks, “but we can escape. They will come across and we will have to fight them. We do not have any kind of battle coy sister and we cannot fight them. They still are our people but they have forgotten that,” her head hangs. I run up to her a offer a hug, she happily accepts. “What shall we do if not defend ourselves and our lives?” Celestia shrugs and I can feel the tears wetting my back. “We shall not run sister that would show weakness, we shall not fight as that shows we have lost our way along with them, we shall only come out and surrender. Someday we will win back our world from him but today is not that day. Can you wait sister?” “I can Tia! I will wait till the day they come to my door and ask of the truth,” I say releasing her from her from the hug. “Do you remember what I have taught you Luna?” Celestia asks. “The power of friendship is strong but-” my last words were drowned out by the shouts and threats of the mob outside. “When they run and they come!” Tia says offering me her hand. “When they run and they come!” I say taking it and we walk out into the chaos. ------------------------- “Now leave! The information that your friend holds is both the start and the end of this story! When they run and they come!” Ms. Luna pushes us out the door to decipher this new information. The very second we reach the room me and Twilight start talking, “I got it!” We yell in unison. “You go first,” I offer not totally one hundred percent sure about my guess. “Thank you!” She says with a smile. “In Ms. Lunas story her sister Celestia asked her if remembered what she was taught. Lunas answer wasn’t anything you’d learn in school but a very old saying. The power of friendship is strong!” I look at her confused. “How is that important?” I ask a little ruder than I expected. “She was saying that to us not only as part of the story, she didn’t get to finish the saying though. At the end she said ‘but’ but theres nothing more to the saying! The end to that saying must be important!” She finishes with a proud grin that soon fades to a glare when she realizes were laughing, “What is so funny?” “I’m sorry Twilight, you said but twice...in a row!” Fluttershy murmurs in between giggles. “Rainbow just tell me what you figured out!” Twilight growns. “Hehe, ok ok just give me a second!” I wait a little for my giggles to settle before continuing with my information that is obviously important. “When they run and they come!” “How is that important?” Twilight asks raising an eyebrow and sitting on the bed. “Both her and her sister said it at the end of the story and it was the last thing she told us before we left!” Twilights brain wheels seem to be turning until she comes to a conclusion that makes her eyes almost come out of her head. “How did I miss that?” She yells taking out her blue book and flipping to another seemingly random page. “Read this!” The Royal Princesses Students: Princess Luna of the Night and Princess Celestia of the Day were the most powerful coyable people of their time! Princess Celestia use to take in coyable people that she believed to have the potential to have a very powerful coy. She would teach them to use them almost to the top of their ability then send them off to learn the rest on their own. The last person they taught was a young boy named Orlando Corridor! “Twilight how is this important?” I asks in confusion, “they helped out young coyabled people with their coys how is that important?” Twilight grabs the book and turns to a different page. “Read this one,” she sighs. Orlando Corridor: Orlando Corridor had a troubled childhood. His mother, Sally ‘Macher’ Corridor, died from giving birth to him and his twin sister, Violet Corridor. Throughout their childhood Orlando blamed his sister for their mothers death. Jollop Corridor, the father, blamed both of them. Orlando would come to school with black eyes and bruises while his sister would have broken limbs from both her brother and father. Violet didn’t come home one night, Orlando was both relieved and worried. His father paid it no mind. Violet came home weeks later and received a lifetime of beating ending in her fathers death. She told her brother that she had a coy too. Her brother lashed out at her burning half her face, a fire coy. He yelled at her and yelled at her. When she finally told him her coy he was taken aback. She also had a fire battle coy. For the first time in the history of coys two people had the same coy. This just enraged him more. Blaming her for their mothers death and knowing she killed their father he despised her. The princesses came month after the father's death and offered to take them in. They took her offer. Now living with the Princesses the two Corridor orphans learned the truth about their mother and Violet was protected from her brother. Her safety did not last. Her brother started to hate coyable people, being one himself, he burnt one hand leaving a horrible scar. He turned against the Princesses. Ran away taking his sister with him. One night he came back and told the Princesses that he saw his sister run away in the night but couldn’t catch her. They believed him. This was not the truth. He attracted the Princesses castle killing the other students and taking them captive. He rounded up all of the coyable people old or young and put them in cages until the schools were done then separated them. His sister hasn’t been seen since. He married a young women at twenty nine and they had three children. The mother died at birth of the third child, a baby girl. He sent the three kids to a old woman named Smith Apple. The oldest, a boy, had no coy but the younger two, girls, did. Ms. Smith died recently and the oldest daughter was brought to the good coy school. She is planned to be executed at the end of the year, much to Orlandos delight. “So what does that have to do with ‘when they run and they come’?” I ask in a muddy voice. “He ran with his sister, and then came back to betray the Princess!” Twilight says in a disturbingly happy voice. “No, I don’t think thats it,” I say warily. “Why not?” she asks deflating like a balloon. “In Ms. Luna’s story she said she’d wait until they came and knocked on her door asking for the truth. In her story they both said before going out to surrender,” I take a deep breath and prepare to say the now famous line floating around in our heads, “when they run and they come!” “So?” Twilight asks obviously annoyed at how much I’m jumping right to the point. “They knew that Applejack would run and that they would come here! They knew we would run to them and that they would come willingly towards us. They know what we are running at and that these targets will put up a fight and that we will come at them ready. They knew we would run and we will come!” “I agree with Rainbow!” Fluttershy says. “If you say that last part in Ms. Lunas point of view it is when they run and they come! in future tense and all!” She says with a new kind of energy and bravery. “Rainbow Dash! Ms. Luna said to tell you when the runaway girls got here! They are at the hospital now!” Comes a familiar voice through the door. Our eyes go wide and a worried smile crosses our faces. “Thanks Spike! If I were you I’d move,” I hear his feet shuffle back and I burst through the door full speed to the hospital. -------------------------- “Where am Ah?” comes a familiar voice from the bed I’m sitting next to. “Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” She looks up at me and smiles. “Rainbow!” I smile down at her and offer her a hug. “Pinkie told me about your trip. It was filled with a bunch of weirdness but everyone else was out cold so she was the only person I could ask. What happened out there?” Six minutes and a weird story later... “Then Ah woke up to see that face!” She laughs pointing at me. “Out of all the faces to wake up and see this must be a prize!” I say pointing at it then looking at her smile with my never fading on, “but this prize could never beat my prize.” “Oh and what's that now?” I smirk at her and she understands my message, “fine!” she barks and I happily receive my prize. “Their so cute!” came a chorus of voices behind me. I jumped out of my seat, my wings flaring. “Who? What? Wha? Huh?” I sputter out. The response I got was a group of laughs and giggles. “Applejack! You never told us Rainbow had wings, or that she was that hot!” Comes an unfamiliar voice behind me and my face seriously can’t decide if it should drain of color or become redder the the red in my hair. “Thanks?” I say turning to see a large group of girls I don’t know. “Who are you guys? Who said that?” “She didn’t!” says a random girl stepping forward to shake my hand. “My name’s Gracy! Nice to meet you Rainbow!” “Gracy! Ah never knew ‘bout them wings. She didn’t have ‘em when we last met! Rainbow where'd those wings come from?” My face has decided, it decided to go freakishly red. “I don’t exactly know,” I mutter shyly. Why am I acting like this? Gosh dammit Applejack, this is your fault! “How do ya not know how ya got another two limbs?” I shrug thinking about the question. “I don’t know how I got them but I know who gave them to me!” Applejack seems to think on that for a second. “Was it Fluttershy? Tha girl and all ‘er animals Ah’m sure she could give ya wings!” I shake my head no with a small laugh. “No she didn’t. I gave myself wings!” I laugh a little hard at her face. “How in hell did ya give yourself dam wings?” she yells both worried and angrily making me flinch. “Theres two other things too,” I say cautiously. She takes a deep breath before responding, “Ah’m talkin’ to y’all later! All of y’all!” She barks, “Ok, what is it Rainbow?” “Scratch that! Three things,” I say rethinking all the stuff I should tell her. “Go on!” They all say. “Thing one, Ms. Luna and Ms. Celestia are the long lost Princesses. Thing two, I learned to control my coy! Thing three! This will probably be the most important thing of them all. The very person who created the schools, made normals and the government hate coyable people, the very person who kidnapped the Princesses in the first place, this man has three children!” “Yes, the oldest is a boy, the other two are girls. The two girls both have coys and the person they were sent to live with since the youngests birth has recently died! And the oldest girl was recently sent to the Good Coy School!” Twilight says happily, “the women that died’s name is Smith Apple.” The room is silent for about a minute before Pinkie and Rarity say one word in unison, “Applejack?” “Ah’m sorry!” Applejack cries before bolting from the room blocking the door with plants. “We have to go after her!” I’m about to go up to the plants when pretty much everyone who came here with AJ yelled at me, “Rainbow don’t!” “Why not?” I ask stopping at whatever it is that I planned to do to get through the plants. “Hurt the plants you will hurt Applejack!” I glare at the plants. “When she told me the story of you guys getting here she seemingly left that part out!” Now I’m mad. I don’t understand why though. I’m just mad and I need AJ to stop running. “H-how do we get out?” Fluttershy whispers. “Oh, don’t worry Fluttershy we will get out!” I let out a evil laugh and offer a swift kick to the plants before I blow a hole in the wall. “I’m going to find Applejack you guys do the rest!” I fly right out the hole in the wall to the top floor of a five story high school and go to look. --------------------- “How’s your back?” I ask before grabbing her arms and lifting her into the air. “Feels fine. Thank ya very much! Only feels like somebody kicked it,” she glares at me. “You knew?” I ask my worry slipping through my angry mask. “Applebloom was to young ta remember and they thought they erased mah memory but they only got ta Big Mac! I remember everything! Mah mom and how much that horrible man loved her. She had a bruise on her belly the day of the birth of mah lil’ sis’ He didn’t love none of us.” A tear falls. “He took out his anger on mah mom instead of us! When she had Applebloom in her he took some of it out on me and Mac! Mac could take it so it wasn’t any fun ta hurt ‘im so Ah got most of it!” More fall. “Yall were probably plannin’ ta use his kids against ‘im weren’t ya? Use mah family against ‘im? Against that monster!” I look dumb founded towards her. “AJ I wasn’t planning to do that at all! I wanted to meet them. To see if they knew anything we could use! I want to bring him down. I never wanted to use you or your family!” I say hugging her tightly and bringing us back to the ground. “Shes still alive,” AJ whispers into my shoulder. “Who?” “Violet. But not for long,” she whispers. Her sobs are soon drowned out by rain. I give her a sweet kiss on the head and sit to enjoy the rain.“Rain! Ah love rain. Ya know what Ah love more?” “What?” I asks rocking her lightly. “What comes after ‘em. Ah love Rainbow!” She smiles up at me with red puffy eyes and gives me a light kiss that I happily return. > Together We Will Bring The World To Its Knees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everybody has a big secret. Its either one you know, one that is no longer a secret, or one you're yet to discover. Mine just happens to no longer be a secret. I’m pretty sure mine is big and I’m not talking selfishly here. “Applejack? Are you awake?” comes a less than grumpy voice that I turn over to see with a smile. “Yeah, did Ah wake ya?” she shakes her head. “If not moving and staring off into space could wake me I think I would have woken sooner,” she points out, “the real question is why are you awake?” “Ah can’t sleep,” I sigh. “Thinking?” she asks. “Maybe!” I say while attempting to roll back over, she grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer. “Can you tell me something?” she asks kissing my cheek. “Anythin’ sugarcube,” I say quietly kissing her back. Her eyes fall, “Are you embarrassed?” she asks taking me aback. “‘bout what?” I lift her chin and see her cheek shimmer in the darkness. “A couple things. Your parents, your coy... me?” Hers are shining in the darkness and her cheeks are dancing with every moment of her face. “Ah ain’t embarrassed ‘bout mah family. Ah love mah bro’ and sis’ and my mom was kind. She was to afraid to make him stop what he did, sometimes she even looked glad that he moved to me instead of her. I would have been to except he made me watch and didn't make her. Ah ain’t embarrassed ‘bout mah coy either! When Ah first learned Ah had it the very first thing Ah did was learn to control it so Ah could fight back. Ah’m proud Ah have it and glad Ah ever got it. And you sugarcube,” I stop as I see the blanket shimmer then darken. “What about me?” she asks between hidden sobs. “Ah ain’t proud none ‘bout mah parents, Ah wish Ah never had no reason ta need mah coy, and you...” I lift her chin and stare into the soft pools of pink in darkness, “Ah sure as hell am proud ta even meet ya. Ah’m even prouder ta love ya and Ah’m proudest ta have ya love meh back!” “I will go through hell a second time to be able to be here with you!” I smile and kiss her before even thinking about what she said. One thing really stood out, “A second time?” “Its a long story!” she murmurs. “Ah’ve got plenty of time!” I say petting her. “It was the day I figured out I had a coy,” she takes a deep breath before continuing, “My sister had come running into my room...” ------------------------ “Wake up! Wake up you jerk! You promised to wake me up now I’m waking you!” She yelled bounding into my room and jumping onto my bed. “I remember saying if I woke up first!” I say jumping her, she won anyway pinning me down and her tiny wings fluttering with delight. “Say it!” She ordered. “Fine,” I barked back playfully, “Happy birthday Scoots!” “Thanks sis’” she says happily while giving my a big hug. My sister, like most, was born with a flight coy. She has tiny wings compared to others her age but she doesn’t seem to mind. “Come on you have a breakfast to eat and presents to hunt for!” I say dropping her on the floor before getting up myself. Her face drops, “you hid the presents again?” “Yep! This year you have to try nine times harder!” I smile and walk out of my room proudly. When we reach the kitchen my dad already has breakfast ready. When he sees my smiling face and Scootaloo's sad one he laughs. “You hid the presents again didn’t you?” “Yep! Hows the weather because some might be outside?” I say flinching as his face falls. “Nasty lightning storm right now. Those presents are long gone!” Scootaloo’s little nine year old brain fries and tears fall down her face. “You lost me presents to a storm! Rainbow Dash how could you?” She punches my leg and runs out of the room. My fifteen year old brain can only think one thing. “I’ll go find them!” and before my dad could stop me the door slams shut. The wind howled in the night and the rain poured down. I could barely see my hands in front of my face and it was almost noon. I kinda slept in. My only source of light was the lightning shooting across the sky. It was more than just a flash flood storm, it was tornado weather. Out of all the things I was expecting to happen, getting hit in the face so hard it bleeds by a flying present box was not on that list. I grabbed the box and ran at the house. I threw it inside and closed the door so fast they didn’t even have time to question the gash on my cheek. The wind whipping my face and cut hurt more then the water bullets hitting my bear, wet skin. “Rainbow Dash! Please come inside! I don’t hate you, I would hate you if you hurt yourself any more for me,” the voice echoed through the rain carried to my ears by the screaming wind. It was quiet, almost unnoticeable but I heard it, it terrified me. “I promised! I’m not breaking two promises in one day! I’m definitely not breaking two on your birthday,” I yell but my word were probably lost to the storm. “I would forgive you if you did,” the voice was softer and definitely closer. When she touched my arm I flinched. “I won’t,” I say pushing her away, barely fast enough for the next thing to happen. The sky lit up with the brightest biggest longest lasting lightning bolt in history from my point of view. It was also the most painless. I lit up with this lightning bolt, it struck me and it struck hard. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo yelled ad was about to run and pull me out of the light when out father grabbed her and held her against his chest so she didn’t have to watch. Not a single one of us expected me not to fry. No instead I started absorbing it. I was lifted off the ground and up till I was a ways away from the ground. I smirked. I didn’t cry or smile or anything other than smirk. I could feel the energy coursing throughout my body and veins. I looked right into my dads eyes and he knew exactly what was to come next. He set down Scootaloo and tried to shoo her away so she didn’t have to watch but she just backed up. My smirk coiled into a petty smile as I held my hands up to the lightning before pointing my palms at my dad and frying him. My sister ran to him... -------------------------------- “I can still see her face as her father fell into her arms. He was dead, fried to the bone. She looked at me with eyes of pure hate. I collapsed onto the ground out cold. I woke the next morning to be told that I was being moved to the orphanage with my sister. It took her six months before she even spoke to me. Then the next year they didn’t hesitate to drag me away from her,” she takes a deep breath in a failed attempted to drown her sobs. “They took from me. You want to know what happened that day. They looked at us with hearts of disgust. A little girl who killed their mother and whose older sister killed their father. Scootaloo’s last words to me were simple and true. I may see you again and I may love you but I sure as hell will never forgive you! I hope you die like the rest of the people with horrible coys! Goodbye Rainbow Dash. You were once the most loyal person I knew and now you leave me after killing our last parent!” The room was filled with muffled sobs as she buried her face in my chest. I stroked her head and cooed softly to her. “It wasn’t your fault sugarcube. Ya h-” “That was both the first and last time, until now, that I ever had control over my coys!” She yells before storming out into the raging storm outside. “Coys?” I mutter before running after her. “Rainbow Dash don’t you dare walk away from me! Ah know what its like ta kill!” I say grabbing her shoulder before she flew into the clouds above. “How would you?!” She says landing in front of me. Her face was teary and red along with her eyes which were full of grief and anger. “Ah killed a man! The day they took me, they hurt mah sister, killed mah Granny, took me from my family, and Ah killed somebody! Ah don’t regret a moment that Ah did it. Everythin’ happens for a good reason ya hear me. It may not seem like it at first but it happens for a good reason,” she looks at me with empty eyes. “Me having to choose between my sister and my father. Having to choose which to kill, you tell me the good reason there?!” I smile lightly at her. “If you had choose your sis’ your dad could have done to you what mine had to me and mah family. You would never had met me or the others. We wouldn’t be here now with info that could bring the world to its knees. You choose you dad for a reason, what was that reason?” she sinks to her knees. “Because I was selfish! I chose him for the same reason your dad would beat his sister in the story. The only difference was I didn’t blame him I knew he did that!” she looks at me with those eyes. Eyes of a innocent faced with a decision that was the difference between life and death. “What did he do? What were ya so afraid of?” I ask grabbing her hand and smiling understandably at her. She never answered the first question but the look in her eyes said enough, “I was afraid he’d do the same thing to Scootaloo that he did to me,” she slipped, “Scoots never knew, she will never know! I will never tell! He’s dead nothing I can do now!” “Oh.” Simple. Just one word to end her suffering. She broke down even more than I had ever seen someone break in my entire life. Tears fell from my eyes too. Together we cried, we cried because we were glad our horrible pasts were over. They may have ended with a simple death but they are over. Out in the rain, out all alone with only each other, in only one night, both of our greatest secret were reviled. “I love you! I love you with all my heart! If everything happens for a reason than mine is simple. I needed to meet you, I needed to finally tell somebody my greatest secret, and together we will bring the world to its knees!” And there in the mud we cried. Tears of sadness and joy. Together we will learn to love and learn to live. Horrible pasts have put us on our knees but together we will stand up tall and bring it down. The dams have been broken its time to let it flow. To let in the light, to let in the future. The walls are high and more need to be brought down but together with the help of our friends we can do it. Together we can bring down our enemies and make new friends. And it wouldn’t hurt to share a little kiss in between! > Apologies and Regrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hospital door swung open and we ran in. I almost fell to my knees seeing her laying there still, empty, lifeless. She was just sleeping but it was close enough. “Ms. Rainbow?” Came a small voice with Applejacks accent. I turned to see a little girl about Scootaloo's age with red hair and I big pink bow. Her eye were sorry and her face was curious. “Applebloom?” she nods at hearing her name, “can you tell me what happened?” “I am so sorry Miss I didn’t mean to! I was just humming a little tune I had heard on the radio and I still don’t know when my coy goes off! She got super angry and started yelling at me calling me Rainbow Dash and blaming me for something and ran out into a car!” says the little girl with pink and purple hair. “What's your coy?” I think a little bit, “and your name?” “My name is Sweetie Belle! I’m Rarity’s little sister! My coy is control over emotions when I sing. I’m sorry about your sister,” she says sweetly. “Rainbow?” comes a weak voice scaring the hell out of me. “Scoot’s I’m-” “Don’t! I don’t want to hear it. You’ve said it millions of times before! You can’t change the past Dash were going to have to live with it. I said it once and I will say it again, I may see you again and I may love you but I sure as hell won’t forgive you! Goodbye Rainbow Dash!” She glares at my waiting for to leave so my reaction took her by surprize. “Tell me once! Tell me twice! If you didn’t forgive me then why the hell did you come all the way out here looking for me! You could never have seen me again! You're gonna have to move on at some point Scoots because I won’t wait forever! By doing what I did I saved both of us! Truth is I’m kinda glad I did what I did so learn to appreciate it!” I storm out wings wide and Scootaloo sputtering to say something. “Rainbow!” Applejack calls running after me. “Applejack, now you get to see how much she loves me!” AJ smiles at me and I know its a honest smile. “She loves ya so much sugarcube! You just don’t know it. She misses her family and has every right ta blame you!” “Thanks knowing that really lifts my spirits.” I say deadpan. She laughs at me. “Lets show her yall can be loved!” I brighten at the idea. “What’s the plan?” she whispers in my ear and I nod in agreement with a little laugh. ---------------------------- The door to the hospital slams open and I walk in with AJ in tow. “Alright Scoots! You are gonna be sharing a room with me and AJ till you're better than you’ll move to Sweetie Belle’s and Applebloom’s room!” Scoots doesn’t even get to say a word till we're bringing her through the doors. “Who’s idea was this?” she asks the second our door closes to our room closes. “Applejacks!” I say, “now this is the plan, you are going to sit there and heal while me and AJ do what we usually do! Got it?” “I think it depends on ‘what you usually do’ is!” Scoots says raising an eyebrow. “Well then you're in for a treat!” I sit down on the bed and AJ next to me. We smirk at each other, “I’m starting to like this idea more and more!” I whisper before my eyes flicker closed and my lips are met with pure awesomeness. “Oh, please stop!” I hear her cry out but ignore her and just enjoy the moment while it lasts, “Rainbow! I got it gosh, I don’t know what he did to you but I forgive you already!” She shouts. “What?!” I yell flying myself into the ceiling and knocking me out cold. I might have been overreacting. -------------------------------------- I let out a quiet moan and rub my head, a nice lump, “Great!” I mutter sitting up. “Good you're awake! Applejack doesn’t know and neither Fluttershy or Twilight will tell me, where did you get wings?” I turn to see Scootaloo with her usual angry expression but she looks concerned, “that and I want you to answer all and any of my questions!” “Fine,” I murmur still rubbing the lump on my head. “Twilight had brought us to the practise room to show us her coy,” ten minutes and a story later, “and Ms. Luna said I would be fine. I’ve been a natural at flying ever since.” “Wow! I have never heard of anyone doing that before! So can you teach me to fly?” I stare at her dumbfounded. “You have had wings your entire life yet you never learned to fly?” She glares at me. “I never had a reason to learn! Now will you or will you not teach me?” I sigh and nod. “After you heal up!” She smirks. “Fluttershy already healed me,” I look at her confused, “you didn’t know? She has a healing coy.” “I didn’t. Any other questions?” I lay back down I a happy sigh of relief to my throbbing head. “Applejacks cute! How did a person like you get somebody like her?” I literally choke on air. “What?” my eye grew to the size of dinner plates and my voice cracked as I jolted back up. “How did you get Applejack?” “She kinda picked me,” I murmur not wanting to have this conversation with Scoots. I’m going from confused to shy in three seconds, its a new record! “Really? Why?” I glare at her. “Yes really! I don’t know why ask her!!” I shout. “Well you're clueless, at least she’s cute,” I hear her murmur. “What that expose to mean?” I say crossing my arms she just laughs awkwardly, “you weren't expose to hear that,” she says sitting down, “anyway... I have something I need to tell you.” “What's that?” I ask turning towards her while raising an eyebrow. “I need you to teach me to control that coy,” her voice fades to almost a whisper. My eyebrows almost come out of my head as I kinda understand what shes getting at but not really. “Do you have another coy?” she nodes shyly, “electricity?” “Please help me sis? I’m so scared and confused. I didn’t figure out I had it like you did, it was much worse. Thats why I came to find you, I need you to teach me. Now you can teach me to fly too!” Scootaloo begs me. Never in her entire life has she begged anyone for anything. Never in my life has somebody begged me to teach them something. Hey, theres a first for anything right? “I will, Scoots! I will teach you ok?” she runs up to me with the biggest smile on her face. Her greatest nightmare was always my coy. Now she has my coy and has apparently done something much worse than kill her own father in cold blood. Oh, the things she doesn’t know. ----------------------------------- “Everyone here?” the girl AJ called Cat asks. I series of yeses and nodes go around our group. “We would like to know what we’re doing here?” calls out a girl from the group, “oh, and who are they?” She points to the other side of the large table to where all the good coyable’s are sitting. “Octavia! Their from the good coy school, they came here with important information,” Twilight says calmly smiling at Candy who was a few people away. Me and AJ sit at separate ends of the table staring back and forth between Octavia and Twilight. “I know that! Did you think I was an idiot? I want to know their names and coys, than we will tell them ours. After we know a little about each other we could learn what we're doing here really!” she points out shooting a evil look at Twilight. “Thats a good idea!” I yell breaking the tension, “Applejack how about you guys start?” AJ nodes and turns to look at Octavia,”Applejack, Plant and Block! Ah just wanted to say that you seem really nice,” AJ hisses that last word making Octavia really shut up. “I can already tell this will be fun!” Pinkie and another girl call out in unison. “I’m Pinkie Pie! You can just call me Pinkie though, or Pinks, or Pie, or whatever,” Aj and I facepalm, “my coys are Fun and Ghost!” murmurs go around and my jaw hangs, I had no idea Pinkie had a Ghost coy! Thats awesome. “Hi!” burst the other girl making everyone jump while her and Pinkie fall over laughing. When they recover she finishes, “I’m Gracy! I have an Air coy!” “Hi, I’m Lyra! I have a music coy, I can make anyone do anything I want,” everyone flinches back when she pulls out a harp, AJ laughs a little, “what, I don’t bite! Much.” “Anyway, I’m Aia. I have a water coy and a-” she goes quiet for a moment before whispering something. “What was that?” I asks her. “I might have a blood coy?” she murmurs under her breath making all of our faces drain till they’re pale. “Oh, well thats somethin’ isn’t it? Ah had no idea sugarcube,” Applejack says breaking the uncomfortable silence. “What's a blood coy?” asks the girl sitting next to Aia. “It means she can control the blood in somethings veins and control anything against its will,” Twilight answers making Aia flinch. “Oh,” a awkward silence falls over the room. This was not how it was planned to go! “Well I’m Alli, I have Builder and Earth coy!” we all sigh in relief at the subject change. “Can ya teach me a lil’ ‘bout usin’ a Builders coy?” Applebloom asks for her spot near AJ. “Sure!” Alli answers with a wide smile before turning to look at Cat. “I’m Cat, I have a Music coy and a Timewalker coy. Any questions?” she states flatly. “What kind of music coy?” Junebug asks. “I can put someone to sleep by singing,” Cat says deadpan. Its obvious something is getting to her that she isn’t letting on but if shes going to mention it she’ll mention it before we all walk out of here. “Neat!” Junebug cheeps oblivious to the awkwardness we’re all still sitting in for no apparent reason. “Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch. I have Music and Multiplication coys,” she does what Cat did and just got to the point but with a more chipper attitude. “I am Rarity, Diamond and Cloth coy. Don’t underestimate me because I don’t always control what's a diamond or not,” she says with a wink sending obvious shivers down our spins at the threat. It wasn’t very threatening though but that’s what made it freaky. “Don’t underestimate any o’ us. Weh may of come here from good coy but weh are all bad coy material. Weh came ‘ere with no food, no water, and only Cat ta lead tha way. She was tha first ta collapse! It took us two weeks ta get ‘ere but weh did! Weh have some stuff that weh need to tell y’all, now... who are you and what do you got to offer?!” Applejack says getting nodes od agreement and some smiles from her team. “I, Rainbow Dash, present my team of newbie outcasts! I came here not knowing how to control my coy, a Electricity coy, and ended up not only getting wings and learning to control it but I awesome group of coyable people with some powerful coys! So now I have three coys and eleven people who are willing to help,” I turn to my group, “if any of you don’t want to do this leave now!” Nobody budges. Not even blink until Octavia stands up along with everyone else, “Octavia, Music and Battle coy! You can count me in.” Octavia smiles kindly and sits. “Airus, Flight and Invisibility. First coyable person to ever have a flight coy without wings! You can count me in, I just hope we get to kick some serious ass!” she flashes me a cocky grin and sits, I happily return her grin, maybe less cocky and more happy! “Junebug! Teleportation, you can count me in!” she high fives Airus and sits. “BonBon, Candy and Battle coy. You can count me in!” She says dropping to her chair. “Vanilla, Earth. You can count me in as long as I’m breathing!” deep! She sits with a pleased look on her face. “Hail, I can’t control it to well but I have a Storm coy. Oh, and I have a Word Carrier coy! I nailed that one,” he then says something that none of us hear except Cat making her blush. “You can count me in!” he sits down and whispers something with Vanilla. “Candy, Facetaker and Size Changer coy,” she smiles tapping on Hail’s shoulder. He looks up into light grey eyes. He jumps when he realizes that those eyes are connected to a very familiar face. “Damit Candy!” He yells as she fades back to her normal face laughing along with the rest of us. “You can count me in,” Candy says between laughs. When the laugh subdue into just giggles the last, and surely not least, person goes. She wasn’t laughing, this may be the first time I’ve ever heard her speak. “Oh, um... My name is I-Iya. I have a L-Life and C-Coy coy,” you can barely hear her but her words are unmistakable. “What’s that kind of coy?” Sweetie Belle asks not caring that a silence had fallen over the room just thinking of how she learned she had her coy. “A Life coy means she can take a life or give a life at will. Its the same with a Coy coy just to do with coys,” you can hear Rarity whisper to the three girls who had come over to learn a little something. Applebloom gasps, Sweetie just stares at Rarity, but Scootaloos reaction is personally the worst. “I’m sorry. Who was it?” She doesn’t seem apologetic at all though. She seems angry and sad. “Scootaloo!” Rarity shrieks. “What! My sister figured out hers by killing our father! I found mine by burning down the orphanage. Why can’t I learn hers?” Eyes. Yes, eyes. Everyone in the rooms eyes. They flick between me, Scoots, and Iya. Iya sinks back slightly in her chair, Scoots tries to choose between looking at me or her, I just burst! “Her deserved it!” I yell at Scoots before storming out with Applejack close behind, “do you follow me everywhere?” I growl at her. “Only when ya need meh. Ya seem ta be needin’ me a lot lately,” she points out calmly. She comes up to me offering a hug that I accept gratefully. “I just yelled that at her, in front of everyone else, didn’t I?” I whisper. She nods her head slowly, “and she had just forgiven me too.” “I know this is probably the wrong time but, we came ‘ere for a reason. Me and Cat got some important stuff ta tell. Ah know y'all got some family problems but it needs to wait, ok?” she whispers in my ear, I just nod as she leads us back to the room. Before the door opens I stop her. “Promise me?” I ask, she knows what I mean but I just have to hear it out loud. “Ah promise. Ah will stick with ya till the end. At this rate though that will be plenty soon!” she jokes walking back in with me in tow. “Now everyone we got some important things ta talk ‘bout ‘ere, so listen up...” > Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A long time ago General Corridor captured the Princesses and rounded up all of the coyable people, except for himself and his sister. He built two schools. Separating up the coyable princess and sending them to either the good coyable school or bad coyable school, Princess Luna of the night was in charge of the bad coy school and Princess Celestia of the sun was in charge of the good coy school. Or so they thought. One coyable person each, that General Corridor knew personally, were sent with them. These people rule over the schools secretly, commanding and controlling, the sisters are just figure titles for the schools.” “These two people took control with the title of vise principal. They chose what to do with each of the students of the schools. Each year a new group of kids were sent to separation and separated by the government standards. These standards are a lot simpler than you’d think. Bad coy students are coyable people with a coy that has the potential to become powerful enough to overthrow General Corridor. Good coyable people are just useless coys and will be executed anyway if they turn out to be more powerful than they thought.” “The good coyable people with potentially useless coys are sent to General Corridor himself for who knows what. Most of the bad coy students are just executed but there are the occasional few. Those with unbelievably powerful coys. Even multiple coys are kept at the school, brought up to full power, than they are sent to the Coy Leagues. There they fight for others entertainment to the death.” Cat finishes her story to scan the table of our jaw dropped faces till she lands on Applejack and gives her a quick nod. “Together we have the ability to stop this. Mah dad has done this for long enough and together we have tha power to bring ‘im down. He got a powerful coy but Ah got a good feelin’ ‘bout this ‘ere team. We have to beat ‘im and bring down his empire. We need to free those good coyable people and mah Auntie,” she takes a deep breath, “each year when Ah was lil’ a bus load of coyable people would show up at our doorstep. It was my job ta go get them and bring them to the cellar where they would live. After watchin’ their friends die they were sent off to the very man who made them die. When they would show up his lil’ girl would come greet them at the door with a bruised face a bloody knuckles and lead them to a cellar. One girl asked me tha question that was on everyones minds once. She asked what was going to happen to them. You want to know mah answer? Ah told her somethin’ simple and sad. Ah said ‘mah daddy ain’t a very nice guy. Mah mom is carryin’ mah lil’ sis’ so he can’t hurt ‘er no more. Mah big bro’ ain’t no fun either cause he don’t show his pain. So he hurts me, he can’t always hurt me though. He needs somebody else ta hurt so he don’t kill meh. He calls meh fun so he don’t want meh dead. Thats why you're here.” Applejack finishes with a small sniffle. “Years ago the government created a formula. They tried it out on a six year old girl and did a serise of tests on her. They ended up killing her in the process learning one thing, whatever it is that they created needs to be given to somebody still developing more than she was. They found a two year old and tested it out on him. The scent killed him. They learned they need to grow into it through that test. They found a twenty year olf girl who was in the early stages of pregnancy. They gave it to her and when the baby was born she was beautiful. Bright blue eyes, the bluest anyone had ever seen. She had pale skin and wings. The mother asked the government men what they had given her child and their answer was simple, Catastrophic Optimistic Yestildoghu, or COY! Yestildoghu is the governments own creation that was a mutated bird gean. This girl grew up to have wings and something else. Not only did she have the strangest hair anyone had ever seen she also had the ability to control or create any or all electricity. This girl had rainbow hair and bright red wings. Her family is the original coyable people and each generation had one with distinct rainbow hair who had the most powerful set of coys alive. A real life superhero. Only this family had the possibility of having a electricity coy.” Cat finished turning only to stare between me and AJ. The room was silent. If it wasn’t for her fathers love for hurting her pretty much everyone in good coy would be dead by the end. He hurt her so much that he could have killed her, to give her time to heal he would hurt some random kid. Not only that but coys were created and grown by the government and my family was the first to have coys. Applejack opens her mouth a few times before finally saying what she wanted to say, “Ah gave that girl one piece of advice, the pain is more than you could imagine so don’t show no pain. Showin’ it will make you a fun target. You don’t want to be a fun target,” I can hear some small cries coming from near Rarity where she is cooing softly to a pink bow. “Oh no!” I gulp running over to where Applebloom lays in a ball sobbing her eyes out. “W-why didn’t you or M-mac tell m-meh?” she stutters out between sobs. “Mac couldn’t. He don’t remember it. Ah didn’t want to tell you because then you’d find a way ta blame your self and it ain’t your fault none,” Applejack whispered softly to her sister as AB climbed into her arms. “Then what's the truth ‘bout your back?” Applebloom asks making all of our eyes go to AJ’s back. “What about your back?” I ask raising an eyebrow. “Lets just say Ah ain’t no fan of fire,” Applejack says still holding her sister. “You just said he beat you!” I yell not realizing until now exactly what he did to her, “he used his coy on you too?” “Not only his coy!” She yells at me pulling off her shirt to show a burnt and scarred up back, “we will take down that horrible person and stop this! Now, Cat tell them the rest!” Cat flinched slightly but nods her head. “In his eyes and his armies mind we are the biggest threat to his empire and he will soon come to take us down. We have about six months to practise, train, and prepare before he is on our shores killing our friends! Now who here is going to help us revenge Applejack, stop this bastard from killing more people, and give true freedom to the coyable people?” “Lets do this thing!” I yell grabbing Applejacks hand in one of mine and Octavias in the other. Applejack grabbed Applebloom's and Applebloom grabbed Scootaloo. Connecting hands together with angry looks of content on our face our joined hands burst into the air, “For revenge! For Freedom! To finally take down General Corridor!” We shouted at the top of our lounges our coys erupting in the small room. --------------------------------- “You never told me about this,” I say softly running my hand down AJ’s scarred back, “why?” “‘Cause, I only can talk about mah past so much and Ah didn’t want to use it up telling you privately when you’d learn the same thin’ with everyone else,” she answers shakily. “The gashes?” I see her flinch as my hand hits a certain spot on her back, still healing, “this ones new?” “The good coys weren't only for him to hit. He finds it fun when they hurt me instead of him,” her head sinks, I spin her around and hold her close cooing softly, “the other one was mah sixteenth birthday present.” “You didn’t get away did you, just a different home. How often did he visit you?” she looks over at me before burying her face in my hair. “Every break he got he would come over during he night. That way no one ever knew,” she mumbled quietly. “I’m sorry,” i whisper back. I can’t think of anything else really to say. That is, except this, “if you can’t do it than I will kill him myself. I will keep myself as the ‘father killer of the century’ just to keep you safe. You understand that?” “Ah won’t be able to. Ah’d be glad if you did sugarcube, just remember you're doin’ it for more than just me,” she says kissing my cheek. I gave her a light kiss on the top of the head and drifted into a nightmare filled sleep. ------------------------------------------- My dreams were interrupted by a earthquake, “Rainbow? Rainbow wake up, please wake up!” a earthquake with a accent and knows my name? My eyes flicker open to see something I haven’t seen in...well...ever! “What happened?” I ask her looking around. The wall behind the bed, leading outside, was blown back by angry plants. Applejack sweaty, scared, was waking me with her said plants. Her entire side of the bed is broken away and she is hanging out of the hole in the wall. “Ah might have had a nightmare,” she says blushing. I laugh at the sight and bring her back inside. “Now we have half a bed,” I point out feeling a little sorry for the embarrassed girl. “Cold?” “A lil’” she says proving that with a shiver. I giggle and pull her closer. She snuggles into my wings, which we both love, and hugs me. I shift us so we're laying down and pull the blankets over us. “Hey?” I ask half lid mimicking the movies. “Hey!” She says playing along. “Ya know thats not gonna happen, right?” “What's not gonna happen?” I ask now acting clueless. “This,” she leans in just close enough I can feel her lips brushing mine before pulling back, “is not gonna happen.” “Talk about ruining the moment!” I grumble only to be quickly shut up by a pair of awesome lips. “I thought you said it isn’t gonna happen?” “Now it is!” she leaned down and... “Ahhhh!” I jolt up sweaty and wanting to find Applejack twitching and sweaty next to me trapped in a nightmare. “Applejack wake up, come on wake up. Its just a nightmare AJ wake up!” She zips up almost headbutting me in the process. She was panting and looking around searching for something. I put my hand and smiled gently at her as she slowly turned to look at me. “Its you,” she mutters before pinning me down in a killer hug. “Please don’t let him get me!” At first when she just said ‘its you’ my first thought was ‘who else?’ now I really have to think about her situation with her family to heart. Its way worse than I thought. “Shhhh, its ok he can’t get you. Not as long as I’m here he can. I promise you I will stay by your side, forever and always!” she nods and holds me closer crying softly into my chest. “Applejack?” “W-what?” she asks raising her head to look at me. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks tear stained. Her lips are quivering and her hands are shaking. Life has definitely taken a toll for the worse on her, I need to help her. No! Matter! What! “Do you want to hear a story?” I dig through my brain looking for the perfect story while she thinks. “Yeah,” she whispers turning to look out the giant hole. “This is a story my mother told me and I told my sister.” I smile down at her before continuing, “generations ago a girl named Lula Grandish discovered she had a Ice coy. Her best friend Natalie Jacobs had a fire coy. They weren’t allowed to be together because of their coy differences. Lula grew up to marry a prince and move to the fire coy capital of the world. This was no coincidence though. Lula had worked together a plan to see Natalie again. One day Natalie came to visit Lula and was caught kissing her. She was charged with death and was to have her head chopped off the next morning. Lula couldn't have that and ran away into the night with Natalie. Lula gave up her home, her family, her throne, just to be with Natalie for the little time they may have had together before they would be found. Natalie made a plan though, so with one last kiss they stood in a waterfall and Lula froze them over. They were never found. Some people believe that the ice with melt and they will come out young and beautiful. Nobody knows for sure but one thing, love can out weigh anything. Lula and Natalie loved each other and together gave everything up for just one night that is now lost in history,” I finish my story with a small yawn and a less dreamlandy kiss from AJ before drifting off into a romance filled sleep. ------------------------------------------------ “Rainbow ya know you’ll have ta get out of bed at some point right?” AJ said after yet another failed attempt to get out of my wing hold, I just watch her struggle. “Oh, come on AJ!” She shoots me a small glare before going back to work with no avail. “Not happening Rainbow! Now let me go we have another meeting to go to! We have to plan for when the dick Ah call mah father shows up!” she failed yet again to get out before rolling over to face me with a sigh, “if Ah will ya let me go?” “Yep! Though I don’t get what the rush is to get out?” she just rolls her eyes and gives me another perfect kiss. “Another!” I demand. “How many do Ah need ta give ya?” I look at her with puppy dog eyes. “You don’t like it?” I do a little sniffle making her roll her eyes, again. “Ah do, but I have somewhere where we both need to be,” than she gives me a couple little kisses and I release her. “Do we have to?” she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “We kinda are the most important people ta be there. Me Ms. Evil duds daughter and you Ms. Original coy and most powerful electricity coy girl! Now get your sorry butt out of that bed and put on some real clothes!” right as she said that a knock sounded on the door and I got up to get it as she threw a shirt on. “Oh, hi Rarity! What do you need?” I ask tilting my head slightly as she pushes past me with a pleased smile on her face. “I have now finished your war outfits,” my eyebrow raises. “Outfits?” Me and AJ ask in unison. “Yes, I have made you armor. Not only is it made of diamonds but the strongest fabric you have ever seen and its actually stylish!” she giggles like a schoolgirl getting asked out for the first time. With a sigh and roll of my eyes I ask a very unforgiving question, “lets see them.” AJ facepalms and Rarity squeals like a pig. “Yay!” than she waltzes the rest of the way in and sets two ‘outfits’ down on the bed. I have no idea where she pulled them out of but what I do know is that we’re going to have to try on some clothes for Rarity. “Rainbow this one is yours, Applejack yours is the other! Would you like me to leave so you can try them on?” “Now?” I ask while raising a wary eyebrow. “Yes now!” she says pushing me towards the bed. “What ‘bout tha meeting?” Applejack asks scooting towards the door desperately. I really don’t think she wants to try on any clothes. The door is soon blocked out by Applejacks outfit making her sigh, “fine!” “The meeting can wait. Everybody else is putting theirs on now!” than in a quick flash Rarity’s outfit changes into a thin white dress. Frillys at the bottom and a white bow right below the end of the collar. In the center of the bow is a blue diamond matching the one inside her necklace. “Fine,” we both grumble retaking off our shirts. Soon we’re in Rarity’s gifts and they fit perfectly. Mine is a black half shirt with a light blue vest thats just a little longer than the shirt. The vest has white puffy stuff on the collar and lining the bottom pined together with a lightning shaped gold pin. The short short are also blue and have a tan belt. On this belt is a white cloud like shape that also has the lightning bolt. Tall light blue boots that go up to my thighs and have the same white puff as the coat. All in all, I’m colorful and blue. AJ on the other hand has a white half shirt with a red collar. She still has on her hat but thats about the only thing she didn’t change. The shirt ties at the bottom and she has on a vest too. Its tan and has white linings. Around her neck and left arm is tied a red ribbon. She has blue jean short shorts that are torn up at the bottom. Her belt has a big red apple on top of the pale fabric. Her normal boots are replaced with white shoes that have a brown cover on the top with a lace crossing up the back and around the top of the shoe. Coming out of the shoes are white knee socks pulled all the way up. She has on light brown gloves, made of the same fabric as her hat, that have a darker brown band going around the wrist with a little apple on each. “Hot,” we both mutter under our breath making Rarity giggle. “Do you like them?” she asks in an all to knowing town. “Yep,” we say in unison before jetting out of the room. When we get to the meeting room Rarity somehow beat us and everyone is already there. “Lets see how Rarity did?” I yell and everyone stands. Each outfit is personalized to their personality and coy perfectly. “You definitely have a talent Rares!” “Thank you!” She smiled widely a blushed wildly while everyone applauded her and thanked her. “What do you two think of ours?” Pinkie and Gracy ask coming over to show off the outfits. Pinkies was a frilly over shirt with a darker pink undershirt. Her frilly shirt had two heart buttons and pink diamonds on the sleeves. She had on poofy blue shorts with pink frills at the bottom. Going up each leg, front and back, were straps. Connecting these straps is a yellow fabric similar to the blue one at the top of her shorts. Her hair is pulled off to the side with a blue and yellow beaded band. Yellow and pink beads are at the bottom of her pants and blue, yellow, and green on her bracelet. She also has a pink flower ring and a golden choker on. She has pink heeled shoes with a yellow bow and yellow and blue striped knee socks. Her whole outfit is a crazy mess of colors yet it somehow works. Gracy had a white scarf and a black dress. The dress had a more purplish bottom than the rest of the dress. The top was lined with a flower pattern same as the bottom before leading to the purple. She had on a black choker and one braid in her long hair. It was tight and simple but cute and airy, just like Gracy. “I think they suit you two perfectly!” AJ nods in agreement. Than Aia and Alli run up in almost matching outfits. Their dresses were simple. Tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Aia’s is pink and Alli’s is red. Their shoes matched the others dress. “Same. Rarity is the mastermind of clothes.” I say smiling to all of them. I didn’t realize that they all would come up and show off their new clothes. Iya came up and it couldn’t look more perfect on her. Her long hair is braided down her shoulders and her outfit is simple yet beautiful. She had on a beige dress with black seams. It went down to about her knees with buttons going down the back. She had the same black as ribbons tying her hair and her blush, which would probably never go away, helped make her bright eyes blend in. Her outfit was loose and colorful. Vanilla smiled as we scanned her over. She had on a beige hat with a blue lining on the bottom and two blue plaid bows, one bigger than the other, and golden pins in the center. She had a white undershirt with the same blue at the ends of the sleeves. She had on a blue plaid vest and a golden chain connecting the two sides but none of the gold buttons are buttoned. She has on a red tie that is loose and white shorts that go to her knees with the same blue and gold for the belt. Than Fluttershy walked up and we both gasped. She had on a soft yellow dress and naturey shoes. The dress was simple and kinda stripy. She had an overcoat that was a darker yellow and was a thicker fabric. It covered her shoulders and fell down around her back. She had two metal butterflies in her hair and a gold and black metal bracelet. Her shoes were yellow flats and yellow, green, and brown leg warmers. They were mainly yellow but have brown going up and around with a green leaf at the top. “Rarity?” AJ asks as BonBon walks up. “Yes, darling?” Rarity asks stepping forward slightly. “These just look like fancy clothes?” she says deadpan taking Rarity aback. “Excuse me! First off all of these are bullet proof and fireproof. Each is designed to be able to withstand each of our coys and work with them. Rainbows can be electrocuted billions of times before it even has a scorch mark and has wing holes. Candys moves with her body and changes to fit around whatever form or size still protecting her!” Rarity huffs while Applejack just stares in awe at her small outburst. I barely suppress a giggle. “Somethin’ funny?” AJ asks putting her hands on her hips and glaring at me. “Nothing nothing,” I regain my composure, “don’t we have something to talk about?” “Yeah!” Pinkie yells taking her seat with Gracy. Everyone else soon follows. “Battle strategies!” Me and AJ yell in unison. --------------------------------- “Step one is practise,” “Alright everyone, we’re going to have a little coy practise today!” Twilight yells, “For each step we are going to have somebody running it, Twilight you’re in charge of step one!” “So be prepared for anything,” she said shifting into her coy. "Yes sir!" We yell saluting her. "Now you better remember that any past or future relations you have with someone during these trainings cannot and will not come in the way of your training!!" She screeches pulling a list out of her mystery spot, “now I have paired you each up with someone who I think will put up the a fight. So who I have should be one of the hardest to beat out of the...twenty six of us! Any questions?” “When did you count us? Thats kinda creepy!” Gracy says warily. “First meeting,” Twilight says calmly not exactly realizing how creepy she actually sounds. “Who’s with who?” A familiar voice asks. “Spike?” I ask. His presence is obviously as confusing to the others as it is to me. “Hi! Who do you think the twenty sixth person is?” he asks raising an eyebrow as I count on my fingers. “Twilight there would be twenty six of us if you counted yourself and Spike,” I point out holding out the two fingers repusenting Twilight and Spike but end up dropping them to my side raising an eyebrow instead, “what's so funny?” “B-because... I-I’m practising and s-so is S-Spike!” Twilight says between laughs as my mouth forms a slow growing ‘O’ “So, who’s with who?” Scoots asks. “Applejack Vs Rainbow Dash!” Twilight says sidestepping to show us the battlefield. “Your on!” We yell in unison getting a small giggle from the group. “This is going to take a while isn’t it?” Sweetie Belle asks getting knowing nods from some and admitting a small sigh in agreement from others. “Great.” “Go!” Twilight's voice echos inside my head and my first instinct is to go up then shoot down. By doing this I barely avoided AJ’s attacks. I just dodge for a little before offering my first attack not understanding the orange suit on her body. My attack does nothing. “What the heck?!” I yell dodging some more shooting vines. “Block coy sugarcube,” I hear her say with a devious smirk. “I thought we might both have a trick up our sleeves!” I say mimicking her smirk. My comment caught everyone off guard before AJ pieces it together, a moment to late. “Storm coy!” She yells as rain blocks out all to most light. She couldn't see anything, I could, she stumbled around a little before getting her bearings to finally come up with a useful plan. Giggles and cheers came from the crowd as they watched me maneuver the clouds only over AJ. I thought I had her until plants shot up from under my cloud wall of dragged me into the storm. “Gotcha,” came a evil voice from behind me. Spinning around I Matrixed some fly petals and zaped her in the face with lightning. It may not harm her but it did hit her, unlike my other blow which is weird, sending her flying out of the small storm. “Twilight?” I call over the rain and cheers. “What?” I hear her voice echo around the room before slowly fading away. “How do we win?” Applejack stands up with the same confused look on her face. Raging storm behind us and a thinking egghead in front it was like a nightmare come true. “Um,” she taps her chin before smiling widely and snapping her fingers at a idea. “Knock them to the ground and pin them there!” Twilight says with a sly smile on her face. “Fine!” We yell then go back to fighting... “Hehe,” evil laugh ‘wahahaha’ I won. Applebloom won against Scoots and Sweetie against Spike. Twilight had a rematch with Octavia and got her butt kicked. And surprisingly Fluttershy won against Pinkie. We have a lot of practising to do before AJ’s father arrives in his attempt to kill us but we can make. Tomorrow is step two, tonight is sweet dreams and a new bed! ----------------------------------------------------------- “You did good out there sugarcube!” AJ says walking into the room smiling. “Not as good as you!” I point out coming over to give her a wing hug, she loves them! “Yall beat me,” she says flatly as we start waddling towards the bed. “I beat you because you were going easy on me,” I yawn making her roll her eyes. “Easy or not, when did ya git a weather coy?” She asks probing and poking my wings. “Years, I know you know when I first learned to control it. I saw it on your face,” I say softly petting her head when we finally laid down. “Yeah,” she mutters and I can feel a shiver run down her spine. “Shhh, no need for that. I rarely regret it ok, no need,” I whisper softly as I hear small muffled cries. “A-Ah wish Ah could have killed my father when Ah had the chance but I couldn’t,” she sighs knowing exactly what I was thinking, “do you remember me telling y’all ‘bout that girl that asked ‘bout what happened to ‘em?” “Yeah, why?” I raise an eyebrow as she borrows closer. “Well that was when Ah was nine years old. She was a fighter. Her coy helped her, or didn’t depends how you're lookin’ at it. She had a healin’ coy. She healed the others to stop their pain and healed fast herself. Ah was never around to much for when he hurt anyone else but one day he thought he’d bring me with him. He brought me to where we kept them, tears streaming down my face. It was expose to be my day not theirs and Ah didn’t want them hurtin’ if Ah could feel it for ‘em. It was mah family after all! He brought me to her cage an smirked. He never opened the cage door though. The back of his hand met mah face and I hit the cold floor hard...” -------------------------------------------- “Don’t think of her as your friend!” He yelled out to the quivering kids all around me. I struggled to my feet and looked at him with pure fear, “she enjoys it when I hurt you instead!” He laughed as his fist connected with the side of my head slamming me into the cold stone wall. “Stop!” I screamed. For the first time in my life I actually told him to stop. He just snickered at me. I staggered to my feet a ducked the next blow. The pointy toe of his boot connected with my gut and I went flying down the aisle. “Shut up girl!” he yelled before grinning evilly. I knew exactly what he was going to do. His hand started heating up but it didn’t point towards me, nope. He pointed it to the cage next to him, with the girl in it. Pure fear and hatred clouded my vision along with blood and tears. Before I could even stop my self the ground started rumbling. “Don’t!” I order as cracks start to form in the stone floor. “What do you think you're doing girl?” He asked with no fear in his voice but a powered down coy. “Hurt her and you're dead,” I say deadpan but my eyes spoke truth, I had no idea what I was doing. “How?” his whole body heating up dramatically along with his anger at me speaking out. “Like this!” and before he can even react he’s being held to a wall by vines connected to his neck. His face starts turning purple and no matter how hard he tries the vines would break... ---------------------------------------- “Everyone was cheering ‘er meh. Telling meh ta finish ‘im off so ‘e can’t hurt us no more. His body goes limp, mah coy starts fadin’ ta a less controlled form but Ah know Ah can keep it up long enough for his life ta drain side bah side with his draining consciousness. Ah can’t do it though. Ah let him go and back up staring at mah hands with pure horror. He stands up grinnin’ his ever evil grin and says one thin’ ‘fore burnin’ that girl ta death, ‘weakness, an enemy of both good and bad. You will never excel past it, I will always be here and not even you can be rid of me.’ the room lit up for ‘bout ten seconds ‘fore ‘er cries o’ pain faded with ‘er life. He dragged meh away ta punish meh. Ah could have stopped ‘im, Ah could have saved ‘er, Ah could have not of given ‘im tha idea ta use his coy against meh.” “Oh, Applejack. Your father was a horrible horrible man but no matter killing in cold blood will not solve your problems but ignite them,” I hug her tight as she cries until her eternal pain is meer wipers. “Do ya want ta know ‘er name?” she asks quietly. “Sure,” I whisper so only she could hear. “Redheart. She told meh once when Ah went ta visit ‘er that she use ta work in a hospital as a nurse. Said that she was called Nurse Redheart so much that she practically forgot her first name. Ah called ‘er Red and she was mah only friend till Ah was brought ‘ere,” AJ sighs, “so Ah guess Ah did kill someone, may someone’s.” “No, you didn’t! Your dad did. Yes, you could have stopped him but that would make you a murder and believe me its not fun! Now with all the evidence and blah blah blah stacked against him his death won’t be murder but justice,” she smiles at me with red eyes and plants a kiss on my nose before fading to sleep. ------------------------------------------- “Rainbow wake up! Help Rainbow help!” Her words echo inside my dreams making me jolt up to get a quick glance at Applejack getting wrapped in hands of fire and dragged out the hole in the wall before something hits my head and everything goes black. > Daydreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My eyes racked my brain trying figure out what happened while adjusting to the dim lighting. My arms were almost drained of blood and my head hurt from a blow. A blow? What happened and why can’t I remember anything after... My dream! I woke up because I had a bad dream, than what? Something to do with Rainbow? No, I was calling for Rainbow to help me. Oh no, he took me didn’t he?! “A-Applejack?” comes a scratchy voice from next to me. I turn my head to see a young woman with bright green eyes and red hair, just like my father. She had a huge burn on one side of her face and a hopeful smile. “How d-do ya know mah name?” I asks as her smile widens. “I’ve always wanted to meet you. My name is Violet, Violet Corridor!” I gasp. My face grows from confused to happy and her smile fades as the door slams open. “Do you like your aunt Applejack?” I’ve never heard the voice before but Violet seems to have because her smile fades to pure hatred. “Don’t even think about touching her!” She yells. “I wasn’t planning on it,” Violets face shrinkings back as the lights turn on. “Ready Applejack, this is always the fun part!” he fades into a weapons battle coy and pulls out a knife. “Don’t!” I murmur through clenched teeth he looks at me with a happy smile. “I promise I won’t hurt you, General Corridor is saving you for himself!” he says laughing. A laugh that chills my bones and boils my blood. “I promise yall won’t ‘urt ‘er!” the orange suit covers my body and he raises an eyebrow. Me and Violet are close enough that our tied hands can reach each other. I grab her hand and think as hard as I can on her. Her hand starts glowing orange and the glow starts climbing down her body until she is completely covered. My head is throbbing and my suit is flickering just to hold up my coy on her. He runs his knife over her face in a way that she should have a cut going across her scar but since the knife is part of his coy, it does nothing. He looks over to me and sees my straint. “You think you can hold that up. I was told you got a second coy but she wouldn’t tell me what it was, or that you could give it to someone else to borrow. Seems its a Protection coy,” he laughs again before jamming the knife towards her gut, I’m sure I won’t be able to hold it off as it was hard enough to hold off the other try towards pain. So I use my plant coy. “Ah don’t need mah stupid hands to use mah coy, as long as Ah’m alive she ain’t feelin’ no more pain!” The knife is knocked right out of his hand. He wipes around his flax eyes filled with anger and his sleek black hair wiping my face. “You can’t stop me forever!” he yells spitting on my cheek. “No Ah can’t,” I say with a bold tone before smirking, “but Ah try for pretty damn close!” “Fighter, isn’t she?” comes a voice from the staircase as a door is slammed close. Both me and Violet flinch and the suit flickers out on both of us. “What do you want with me?” disgust doesn't only cover my face. “A couple of reasons,” he says calmly, “Celadon leave!” “Yes sir,” Celadon says with a bow before scurrying out. “Now, Applejack. What I want with you, eh?” he taps his chin as if thinking. “Oh yes, that girl we took you from! What was her name, Rainbow Dash?” “Don’t expect me to tell you anything!” I shout but my eyes give me away, fear. “Oh I do, just not just yet!” the room lights up and our screams of pains soon fill it. That and his everlasting laughs of triumph. -------------------------------------------- “Applejack?” with the bright flames all around me I can’t find her anywhere. “Applejack? Where are you?” she doesn’t seem worried though. “Ah’m here! Please find me!” I call into the colors just hoping to see hers. A flash of blue goes by in the distance, “Rainbow!” “Applejack?” her hair and blue shows up in the colors and she smiles angrily at me. “There you are!” “Ya found meh. Ah missed yall so much!” I say as she flies closer. My smile grows as hers fades. A paper appears in her hand. “How could you?” she asks flinging it in my face. It read, WAR WON BY GENERAL CORRIDOR AND HIS ARMY!!! LEADER OF THE ATTACK, RAINBOW DASH, TAKEN IN FOR QUESTIONING!! SECRETS REVEALED! Thanks to the daughter of General Corridor, Applejack ‘Apple’ Corridor, they knew the battle strategies and coys of the traders. The rag tag team was easily destroyed and almost all died. The leader of the traders, Rainbow Dash, was captured by General Corridors battle men and brought in. Applejack was put undercover in the traders group and learned their names, coys, and personalities. When she went onto the battlefield they thought she escaped her fathers capture and trusted her. She overthrew them from the inside and helped bring Ms. Dash in. Ms. Dash trusted her on higher levels than the others. The two were in a relationship, it was Applejacks idea to get under her skin and weaken her before the battle. When she disappeared in the night Ms. Dash thought she was captured and sent three of her team including herself to go rescue her. One of the was captured and the other two killed. Ms. Dash tried to rescue both her love and captured teammate but ended up almost killing herself in the process. I couldn’t read on, this couldn’t be true. I love Rainbow it wasn’t a fake, a lie! “How could you? We trusted you, to save you you got Lyra and Pinkie killed! Iya was captured and was torched. How could you?” she yells pushing me over with anger in her eyes. “B-but? Ah didn’t! This is a lie, its not true! A-Ah promise,” I cry struggling under her hold. “Lier! You killed Cat and Twilight personally. You helped them capture me! I was there, I watched you!” A tear hits my face seconds before her hand does. ------------------------------------------- “Its a lie--” my mind falls back in reality right as his hand connects with my face again. “Tell me! What is so special about that Rainbow Dash!” His knee connects with my gut and when I topple to the ground is when I realize the I’m no longer tied up, when did that happen? “Ya want to know? She special because she will come here and kick your sorry ass!” the metal tip of his shoe connects with my gut and my back hits the wall. “What is so special about her?” He grabs my hair lifting me off the ground and pinning me to the wall. “She will beat you! You will fall on the ground and your life will fall with you! You and your power will fall!” I yell before spitting on his face, he just wiped it away slowly shaking his head in disappointment. Dropping me to the ground he walks out a the room. I run up to the door and listen, “has she cracked?” “No but she is bending, at some point she will break.” “What is so important about this Rainbow girl?” I can hear his hand connect with their face. “If the rumors are true and she is the Rainbow Girl of this generation than she is more powerful than even she knows. But that is only the bad news.” I can hear his laugh through the door and it sends a shiver down my back. “What the good news?” they ask. I start hearing footsteps as they walk away. “My daughter is her lover, and she is here with us!” his voice fades and I don’t hear what he says next but I know it can’t be good. I slump back into the room and look around. I cringe at it, my old room. The same bed, the same blood stains on the carpet, same photo of me and Red, same burn marks on the walls, new note! Note? I walk over to it and it says one short sentence, Now she can feel just as much pain as I’d like her to, so can you! “Damn it!” I stand in the mirror and look myself over. My shirt is burned away along with some of my skin, a large bruise in on my gut, and theres a handprint on my face! “No way?” ----------------------------------------- Pink, yellow, red, and blue. The globes of colors glistened in the fire light of the torches in the dark night. One by one the globes climbed the stairs. They reached a door and it went clear revealing these globes were connected to four girls. First went the red eyed girl, soon followed by the yellow, than the blue. The pink eyed girl closed up the clear spot and waited for the door to open. In a few soft clicks she was let in and it closed just as softly behind her. The blue eyed girl went over to the small bed and shook awake its occupant, “wake up and don’t scream!” she murmured as green eyes joined the other four. “W-what are y’all doin’ ‘ere? Its a trap, git out!” Yelled the green eyed girl. “Not with out you,” said the yellow eyes and pink eyes in unison. “Go away!” Yelled the green eyes so loud the guards could hear. Footsteps could be heard outside the door and quiet voices. “Don’t you want to leave?” she asked stroking green eyes cheek gently only for her hand to come away wet, “what the-” “Git out!” she yelled right as the door slammed open. The red eyed girl was to afraid to use her coy and was caught. “Lyra!” Yelled the pink eyed girl to the yellow eyed one signaling her to use her coy. Music filled the room but the guards weren’t affected. “Pinkie! We need to save Iya!” She yelled to the pink eyed one. “Got it,” she said with a wink before covering them with streamers. Her body collapsed to the ground right as Lyra was shot in the head. Her blood covered the pink eyed one. “No!” Lightning cracked outside and her veins started glowing showing all of them her rainbow hair. “Grab her! Thats the one General wants,” a guard ordered. They swept around her ending in a knife in Pinkies chest. Ghost Pinkie had just rescued Iya when she faded away with a pained scream. Iya ran over to where the pink eyed girl was being surrounded and started taking lives so she could escape. The second the pink eyed girl was far enough away Iya dropped her coy and was killed. “Iya!” Iyas eyes flashed open, “I’ll be fine! Get out of here Dash!” she yelled before being dragged away. “No,” Dash yelled before blowing a hole in one side of the building and flying away. She gave one look to the girl on the bed who was pulling a knife out of her leg for trying to save her before turning and not looking back. ------------------------------------------------- “Dash! Come ba-” I shot up sweaty and bloody. I fling the blankets away to see a cut from having a knife stabbed into my leg. Tears fall on my cut and sobs fill the room“What is happenin’ ta meh?” > Simple Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I can’t help myself what makes any of them think I could help her? They do though, knocking and banging on my door, screaming and begging for me to come out, I don’t even flinch. They didn’t see what I saw, feel what I felt, hear what heard, read what I read. I’m still reading it too, I can’t get my eyes off of it. A simple piece of paper with eight simple words; She will burn, rainbows can and will fade. Why did they take her? Why not me? Why now? Why ever? What is it about us that makes us different? What is so important in these eight little words I just can’t see? “Please?” comes Scoots little voice from behind the door. Of course, just like the other times they called, I don’t answer. I turn my head and look out the hole at the rainy sky outside hoping against useless hopes that the rain would fade away. I’m the only reason its even there so it won’t fade. “It has been two weeks, you need food, you need sleep!” Twilight's voice comes through the door. I can hear murmurs of agreement. “Pinkie, Iya, and Applejack,” she says with a small sigh, “ Pinkie saw it happen, heard AJ’s screams and when she ran outside he burned her arm. They took Iya too. Now tell me, you have something important and doing this to yourself and all of us won’t help any of us. It’s our problem too Rainbow, and you need to let us help!” I’ve have never heard her sound so demanding. It’s almost like Fluttershy hides her bravery, impressive! “None of you,” I say. The first words I’ve spoken in weeks and I can barely hear them, probably Hail though. “None of you will understand!” “Understand what?” Gracys defaulted voice comes through the door. I’m surprised she's not at Pinkies bed side, they’re almost attached at the hip. “She will burn, rainbows can and will fade!” I can feel my rage at that sentence boil up in my veins. “Rainbow, let us in I think we can help!” Twilight says making me sigh. “None of you will understand,” this is all I will tell them. I don’t want to get mad and hurt them more than I’ve hurt myself. ---------------------------------- “Rainbow wake up! Help Rainbow help!” Her words echo inside my head make my blood boil. I was there, she called for me to help her and I just laid there and watched them take her. They grabbed her up in they’re not very metaphorical hand of fire and took her away. Just like that. “No one will understand before you do!” comes a hissing voice inside my head. They hit me and they hit me hard. Whatever they hit me with didn’t only knock me out, boom KO, but implanted something into my head. “Go away,” I whisper under my breath. “You finally admit I’m here. We are getting somewhere!” They sing before continuing, “now that you admit that I would like to show you something else we can do...” just as he said that it cut to a video. ------------------------------------ “I heard you love her?” He asks flinging her into a room but she doesn’t fall, she seems to be spacing out. “Its a lie--” she cries out as his fist connects with the right side of her head bring her back to reality. Somehow, since he looked less likely to slap, she had a handprint on her face. I place my hand on her cheek and it fits perfectly. “Tell me! What is so special about that Rainbow Dash!” His knee connects with her gut and she topples to the ground surprised. “Ya want to know? She special because she will come here and kick your sorry ass!” she yells at him before his metal tipped shoe connects with her gut sending her sprawling into a wall. “What is so special about her?” He grabs her hair, lifting her off the ground, and pinning her to that very wall. “She will beat you! You will fall on the ground and your life will fall with you! You and your power will fall!” She yells at him before spitting on his face making me laugh a little. He wiped it away slowly shaking his head in disappointment. ------------------------------------- “Stop! I don’t want to watch that!” I yell and its almost like I can hear all of their eyebrows raise on the other side of the door. “Huh?” I hear them say. “Soon, Rainbow, soon she will give up hope. It will be all her fault too,” laughing fills my head, I kind of laugh that chills my bones and boils my blood. “Shut up!” I yell before jumping out the hole holding my head in agonizing pain. ------------------------------------- “Do you think she’ll be okay?” comes Candys voice. “If Shy knows what shes doing then yes!” Cat says before I slip back into my self contious. --------------------------------------- “Ready everyone?” I hear my own voice. “Aye aye captain!” comes Pinkie and Lyras voices. “Yes,” Iya says. “Then lets go!” running off into the darkness the only thing you can see are four eyes. Pink, yellow, blue, and red. Soon they reach a door locked from the inside. Not really knowing why but they know its the one they’ve come for. Pinkie waves her hand and soon we’re all inside the next room which was locked from the outside. The other me goes over to the bed and shakes it occupant whispering something to it. Soom a fifth set of eyes join the other four, green. “AJ!” I whisper but no one seems to hear me. “What are y’all doin’ ‘ere? It’s a trap, git out!” Yells AJ making the other four flinch back slightly. “Not without you!” Pinkie and Lyra say in unison. “Go away!” Applejack yelled so loud that in a matter of moments guards are at the door ready to kill its unwanted occupants. The door bursts open and Iya is caught easily. “No!” I cry out but I go right through them as I try to help Iya. “Lyra!” other me yells signaling her to use her coy. Her music fills the room but when she gives her command nothing happens. Other me soon gives up on Lyra as she is starting to back up in fear, “Pinkie, we need to save Iya!” other me orders. “Got it!” Pinkie says in a sing song voice before showering the guards in streamers distracting them as her body falls to the floor and Ghost Pinkie goes after Iya. Lyra was shot in the head right as Pinkies body hits the floor. “No!” Other my cries out pain dripping from her every feature and word. Her veins light up and lightning cracks outside. Her hair was revealed making the guards gasp in delight. “Grab her! Thats the one General wants,” one orders. They start surrounding her ending with a knife in Pinkies skull and Applejacks leg as she tries to pull them back just as Iya was freed. Iya runs at them and they start dropping at her touch and other me gets out. The second other me reaches the door Iya stops killing them and smiles at her. A bullet tore through her chest and she fell in a heap on the floor. “Iya!” both me and other me yell in unison. Iyas body stirs and her eyes open. “I’ll be fine! Get out of here Dash!” She calls out as they shoot her again and start running at other me. “No!” Me yells and she blows a hole in the side of the building before fleeing, tears streaming down her face. She steals one glance at Applejack who was pulling the knife out before never looking back. ----------------------------------- “No!” I scream at the top of my lungs jolting up in bed. The second I moved I regretted the decision. My throbbing head and bandaged back and wings were tell tale signs why. “You're awake,” comes a less than the usual happy voice of Pinkie. “You're alive,” I whisper letting some more stray tears fall onto my tear stained face. “Why wouldn’t I be?” she asks her smile not coming. Her usual poofy hair deflated and her eyes empty. “What happened to you Pinkie?” One whole side of her head was bandaged completely, both her arms and her chest had obvious burns, and one leg was in a cast. “I did what you didn’t!” she shrieks making me jump back. “None of you understand!” I yell back making her madder. “I saw her!” She murmurs through clenched teeth. “What are you talking about?” I ask calming down a little. “I took Iya with me...” ----------------------------------- “Pinkie are you sure about this?” she asks meekly. I turn to her with a confident smile. “No, but we sure as hell ain’t turning back now!” I says mimicking AJ’s accent. “But you're hurt,” she says pointing to my wrapped arm. “I can work around it,” I say a little less confident, “heres the plan. I go into Ghost Pinkie form, we beat up some bad guys, rescue Applejack, bring her back to the school, save Rainbow from herself!” “Right. Good plan! I really hope this works, not only for Rainbows or AJ’s sake but ours,” I nod in agreement before we move in. General Corridor may be a useless, people beating, bastard but he sure is rich! His house is a castle! A castle covered in torches and surrounded by guards. We let out a small sigh before continuing forward. Iya move fast and silently, barely touching a guard before they topple to the ground dead than moving to the next. Before any of them could react they were all dead and we were moving on. “Which room is she in?” Iya asks making me stop in my tracks. “I have no idea,” I answer making her facepalm. She turns to face me with a slightly red forehead. “I think it might be one locked from the outside,” she offers. I just shrug. “Probably, they’d want to keep her in!” Then we hear a sobs and a voice from inside a nearby room. We walk up to the door and just as we thought it might be, its locked from the outside. We click the lock easily and open the door. “What do ya wa-” her words catch in her throat as she turns to see who’s at the door. Face tear stained, eyes puffy and red, bloody leg, burned chest, and worst of all she was far from happy to see us. “Applejack, we need your help!” I say quietly. “No, it’s just another one of those dreams! Git out! Go, Ah don’t wanna watch ya die again!” She yells, just not loud enough for anyone else to hear. “Again? I’ve never died,” I say rubbing my chin trying to piece it together. “I’ve only died once,” Iya says turning to Applejack, “and that was years ago.” “Git out, now!” Applejack whispers turning away. “We need your help AJ! Rainbow is going to die. She’s blaming herself. I saw it happen and I know it wasn’t. We need you to come with us before more guards come!” I see a tear land on her leg. “Lier,” she mutters before more fall. She’s broken. “Dream or not. You should come. Wouldn’t you rather dream of getting out than giving up your only chance?” Iya asks taking a step towards her. “Ah would rather not dream ‘bout what isn’t goin’ ta happen, thank y’all very much,” Applejack says shooting a glare our way. “This isn’t a dream AJ. Please believe us?” I cry out. “Please?” Iya whispers. “Ah can’t leave,” she says before more tears fall. Her face scrunches up and she grabs her head. “Are you ok?” Iya and I ask in unison. She lets out a pained moan and tries to get to a shelf near her bed but couldn’t reach it before she fell to the ground crying out loudly. Loud footsteps outside the door could be heard, “Applejack, what was that noise girl?” comes a deep voice making AJ cring up. “A-Ah’m f-fine,” she murmurs, the pain is obvious through her voice. “I’m coming in girl!” he says making her look at us in fear. The door swings open and in comes a very large man. “A-Ah’m f-fine!” She shouts as her eyes go wide as pain shoots through her head. He grabs a median shot off the shelf and injects it into her arm making her have instant relief. “There there, stop hiding it girl!” he growls, “when was the last time you had a shot?” “Mah sixteenth birthday,” she mutters. Her eyes keep flicking to us telling us to leave but we’re frozen in place. “I know you're back there!” He says in a mocking tone. “What are your names?” “Pi-Pinkie,” I stutter out but Iya doesn’t move. He turns to look at us, “what about you?” he asks walking towards us. “I-I...” she gulps, “I-Iya.” “Did you two come here for my daughter?” he asks knowingly rubbing a finger under Iya’s chin making a tear run down her face. She could have killed him, taken his life or his coy but she was way to scared. “Yes S-sir!” I answer ending with a punch in the face. “I didn’t asks you girl!” he shouts at me as I fall. “W-we did. We n-need her t-to help our f-friend,” she whispers looking down. He jerks her chin up and pushes her up against the wall. “Oh let me guess, Rainbow Dash!” Iya’s eyes go wide but she doesn’t answer. He grabs her neck and lifts her off the ground but she doesn’t fight him, “answer me girl.” “What do you care?” she asks with a unusual spark of confidence. His hand starts turning red and a sizzling sound can be heard as she cries out. “Do not question me girl, I can have you killed!” Iya smirks but you can tell she is extremely afraid. ‘Go!’ she mouths to me, “why not?” she asks earning a metal shoe tip right next to my left eye. My vision is soon clouded red and my head is throbbing. “Stop!” Applejack yelled making him turn towards her with a evil smile. “Ok, your turn!” her face goes from fearless to fearful as Iya is thrusted at her. “Go on!” he orders picking me up. “No,” Applejack says in pure fear. “Hurt her, or I will hurt this one!” he says in a way that just tells me that I’m in for pain thats going to be doubled if Applejack doesn’t inflict any on Iya. “It’s ok, I understand,” Iya says calmly. “I’m trying to save you, not hurt you,” Applejack says standing up. His hand turned red as he slid it up and down my arm, the skin was boiling at his touch. Tear streamed down my face and my cries filled the room. Along with Applejacks and Iyas cries for him to stop. His laughs of joy filled the room as he kicked in my leg dropping me to the ground. Applejack was knocked out as he threw her into the wall and Iya was picked up, “go back to your leader and tell her what happened tonight. I want it to be a message.” Than he carried Iya away and left me to get back to the school. --------------------------------------- “Rainbow he’s hur-” her words caught in her throat as she started gasping for breath. “Pinkie? Pinkie Pie?” I ask her as her breaths become more and more hollow, “HELP!! Somebody help, she’s dying! Help!” > Authors Note > --------------------------------------------------------------------------