• Published 18th May 2013
  • 305 Views, 2 Comments

Soup's "Tales of Merriment" - Boner_Soup_007

The fics of a psychopath soup who lives in a universe of ponies, and documents their adventures.

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Breaking Dawn Part 4 "The Dawn Breaketh"

It was a windy morning in Ponyville and the young colt Dawnmew was just waking up. Dawnmew yawned and got out of bed, tired, and a bit depressed. Dawnmew had a big day today, there was a technical problem at the town hall and he was hired to fix it. Dawnmew knew it would take all day, and he really didn't want to do it. Dawnmew got dressed and ready, skipping breakfast since he had to arrive as early as possible. He headed out the door, with his tool bag.

Dawnmew walked through Ponyville, and an odd silence ran all throughout. Dawnmew felt a suspicious air during his walk to town hall. He turned the corner to the plaza, and there were three colts in masks, waiting for him. They were laughing sinisterly, each with clubs in their hooves. "What's up old man?" said one of the colts, "What do you have in the bag?" Dawnmew was stunned, and he replied "Look, if you guys want bits, just take them, I don't want any trouble." "Of course you don't want any trouble," said the other colt "none of us do. Now, just put the bag down." Dawnmew put the bag down and stepped back, but the colt behind him struck him with his club. "Agh!" screamed Dawnmew in pain. One of the colts walked in front of him, grabbed his bag, and struck him with his club. Dawnmew passed out.

Dawnmew awoke, he was at the Apple family's barn. "Is he okay?" said Applejack whilst rotating her head 720 degrees, "Eeeeyup." replied Big Mac. "Ow…" said Dawnmew "How long have I been out?" "About 5 hours." replied Applejack, whilst grabbing Dawnmew's bag with one of her 6 legs. "We saved you from those thugs, we scared them off and got your bag for you." "Thanks you two." replied Dawnmew, and as he said that a pony with a red coat walked into the barn. Dawnmew dropped his jaw, she was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen. "Did that colt wake up?" said the pony "Oh, I see he did." "Oh Dawnmew!" said Applejack "This is Macy, Big Mac's twin sister, she's visiting Ponyville with Babs and we've just been introducing her to everypony." "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Dawnmew!" said Big Macy "I'm Big Macy, but everypony usually just calls me Macy." and she shook Dawnmew's hoof warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you too." replied Dawnmew "Well Dawnmew," said Applejack "I'm guessing you have to go, you seemed like you were in a hurry before those thugs attacked you, you better get going." to which Dawnmew replied, "Oh yeah! I have to go! Thanks for everything!" and he left to the Town Hall.

When Dawnmew arrived, his boss was there, standing in front of the hall. "Sir!" said Dawnmew "You're fired." replied his boss interrupting. Dawnmew was stunned, mouth open. Dawnmew spoke "Bu-" "No buts! You're fired! hand over your bag!" Dawnmew wanted to tell his boss what had happened, but he was so choked up he couldn't. Dawnmew handed the bag over, and his boss left. Dawnmew stood there for 10 minutes, in complete silence. He had lost his job, and had his whole day was ruined. Dawnmew turned around, and started to walk home. On his way back he didn't speak to anypony, not even saying hello. He got home, and went straight to his bed. He lied down, and didn't sleep until midnight, just, thinking.
Dawnmew woke up, feeling even more tired than yesterday, he looked outside, it was cloudy. "Great," he thought "Another 'beautiful' day…." Dawnmew got up, and ate breakfast for the first time in 6 months. After he ate, he went outside and decided to walk to the park. Dawnmew got to the park, and sat down on a bench. He was just watching ponies go by, when he felt somepony sit down next to him. Dawnmew looked over, it was Macy! "Oh hey!" said Macy "You're Dawnmew right? You remember me, right?" "Yeah!" replied Dawnmew "You're Macy! What are you up to?" "Oh nothing much," replied Macy "I was just touring the park I guess, I really like Ponyville, it's so much more quaint than Manehatten." "Yeah, this place is pretty great," said Dawnmew "I lived in Los Pegasus for a while, and the city life just wasn't for me, I like it here." "Well, are you doing anything later?" replied Macy. Dawnmew's heart skipped a beat, was she asking him on a date? He calmed himself and said "No, why do you ask?" to which Macy replied "We could like, hang out for the day, if you'd like." Dawnmew widened his eyes, he couldn't believe it…He was in love….

Dawnmew spent the rest of the day with Big Macy, they talked about their lives, their hopes, their dreams. Dawnmew felt like the day lasted an eternity, he and Big Macy had an amazing time together. They walked in the park, got ice cream, watched a movie together. Dawnmew felt it was the best day of his life, and for once in a very long time, he was happy. That evening, Dawnmew and Macy laid down next to each other underneath a tree, they were talking and laughing. "Macy…" said Dawnmew "can I ask you something?" "What is it?" replied Macy "Macy, I know we've only known each other for two days, but, today was the best day of my life. I feel like I've known you my whole life, and I know that I want to spend the rest of it, with you…" Macy gasped, and started to cry in joy. "Macy…" asked Dawnmew "Will you marry me?" "YES YES YES!!! Dawnmew I love you!" Macy broke into tears, and they kissed. The rest of that night, they watched the stars, and they each went home much later.

The next day was gorgeous! The sun was shining, making for a great day to be outside, make some art, or heck, even have some toast! But Dawnmew wasn't going to be doing any of that. He was going to go plan his wedding! Dawnmew got ready, and head out the door to go see Ponyville's best wedding planner Pha B. Yerus. Dawnmew made it to Pha's house and knocked on his door. "Herro, hao mei ah herp yu?" said Pha as he answered the door, to which Dawnmew replied "I'm getting married, and I need you to plan the wedding." "Oh das so gud!" said Pha "I just have two ponies cancer their wedding, you can have your wedding tonight! I'rr set it arr up for yu!" "Tonight!?" said Dawnmew in shock. "Of course tonight big boy! Go over der to my assistant Lei Po Ni, he wirr fit you for a suit for da wedding!". Dawnmew spent the rest of the morning getting his wedding ready, he told Macy and the Apples, and everypony in Ponyville he knew. The wedding was ready, and he was ready, He was at the reception, getting himself suited up.

The time had come, and everypony in Ponyville started to flood the wedding. Dawnmew was a bit nervous, so many ponies, here, at his wedding! Yesterday, Dawnmew thought it was the best day of his life, but today, he was sure, everyday after this wedding, could only get better. Dawnmew was ready, ready to be married. There he was, walking to the altar, Pha waiting for him in his priest robe. The organ pony began playing. There she was, Macy, walking to the altar, Big Mac walking her there. Big Mac let her go, and Dawnmew looked at Big Mac and said "I'll take good care of her." Big Mac looked back, smiled, and teared up saying "Eeeeyup." Macy got in front of Dawnmew, and they went through with the reception. After the vows, Pha said "Then by da powah invested in me, I now pronounce yu Colt, and Wife. You may kiss the bride. Dawnmew leaned forward to kiss, and suddenly, all the power in Ponyville went out! there was silence, and suddenly the cracking of wood was heard, and the entire altar collapsed! The power came back on, and everypony looked at the altar
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………It was broken, but everypony stepped out of the way in time. ( ;3 umad? ) The couple kissed, and they celebrated.
When it was over, everypony went home. On their way to Dawnmew's house, Dawnmew, and Big Macy met up with Breezy, Apple Bloom, Babs, and Colgate. They all looked at each other. Breezy's entire body was lubricated, and Babs, Colgate, and Apple Bloom had Toothpaste all over them. "Well," said Dawnmew, "Looks like we all had pretty interesting days." They all laughed, and parted ways.

Dawnmew and Macy got home, and went to Dawnmew's bedroom. "Macy, you know, we're married now." said Dawnmew to which Macy replied "Yup, and you know what couples do when they get home from their wedding…" and as she said that, she took off her dress, and Dawnmew took off his suit. Dawnmew got his body ready, he never wanted anything in his life more than this. Dawnmew pulled it out, rock hard, and very hot……………. He put it in, slowly, and when he was done, all of his depression melted away. He pulled it out from inside………..and spread the…….white……………………………gooey………………and warm icing on his pan of muffins. He baked blueberry muffins in the oven, as is tradition to do so after a wedding in Ponyville. Dawnmew and Macy lived happily ever after.
~The End.

Author's Note:

Soup's Notes: I poured my pasta and juice into this fic, all of it... Still not spaghetti

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