• Published 18th May 2013
  • 306 Views, 2 Comments

Soup's "Tales of Merriment" - Boner_Soup_007

The fics of a psychopath soup who lives in a universe of ponies, and documents their adventures.

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Breaking Dawn Part 1 "A Hoofle of Hollas"

It was a gorgeous day in Ponyville, and the sun was shining, making for a great day to be outside. The young Colt Breezy was just shooting some B-Ball outside of the school, and he was really relaxed, drinking his juice box, and having a good time. Breezy was enjoying this day, it was so nice to have a day like this, it almost seemed too uneventful, and Breezy was surprised that nothing was happening. Breezy was about to head home, when suddenly the little filly Apple Bloom bumped into him, and tripped him. "Sorry!" said Apple Bloom "I'm in a hurry!" and she left. Breezy got up, and brushed himself off, he got his stuff, and got ready to go home for the afternoon.

On his way home, Breezy was humming a tune, he was completely in a relaxed bliss, nothing could ruin his day. Breezy walked, and when he got to the town square, he bumped into a pony, and instantly snapped out of his little daydream. "I'm so sorry!" said Breezy "Oh it's quite alright…" replied the pony, and when she said that, Breezy looked at her, jaw dropped, his mouth was wide enough to fit an entire cucumber in it, why a cucumber? Because, that's why, now hush up, and keep reading. Breezy was stunned, frozen in place, he had never seen a pony so stunning in all his life. "Um, are you okay?" asked the pony, and Breezy was unable to speak. "Hello?" the pony said, waving her hands in front of his face, Breezy opened his mouth "Yeah, sorry, um….uh…. Hi…um…My name is Breezy…what's yours?" The other pony then replied "Hoofle, it's a pleasure to meet you Breezy!", Hoofle smiled. "This might be a little direct, but, are you doing anyone….er….anything later Hoofle?" asked Breezy with a nervous smile on his face "No, would you like to go to the event with me this evening?" Breezy was shocked! She asked him to go with her, and saved him the trouble, Breezy's heart melted, but first he asked "What event?" to which Hoofle replied "The big party that they're having for that colt Dawnmew and Big Macy, they're getting married! Isn't that so romantic?" "Yeah, let's go! I'll pick you up later!" said Breezy, "Sure! see you then" replied Hoofle.

Breezy walked home, and put on a suit, as he had to look as good as possible for his big date "You can do this Breezy!" said Breezy, talking in a mirror "She asked you out, so she must like you…right? Argh…this is going to be hard….but I can't mess this up! I better prepare myself before I go… Breezy pulled it out, he had to give himself some confidence, and if he did this now, rather than later, it could really help him…..So he grabbed his big, long, and hard cologne bottle, and sprayed some on himself before leaving, he was ready.
Breezy picked Hoofle up, and they started walking to the reception. "Breezy, you smell really nice" said Hoofle, winking, with a smile on her face "I really love the cologne you're wearing." to which Breezy replied "Thank you for noticing, I thought it would do good to look my best since we are going to a wedding." Hoofle and him made it to the reception. "Wow, everyone in Ponyville is here…" said Breezy he saw Colgate, she looked like she was hiding or something. Breezy walked over to her and asked "You okay Colgate?" to which she replied "Yeah…um….oh, is that your date? She's pretty, never seen her around, but hey, can you like, leave me alone, I'm a little busy…" "Sure, whatever, sorry" replied Breezy, and he went back over to Hoofle.

The reception started, and almost immediately Hoofle asked Breezy "Hey, do you want to get out of here? I'm not feeling good…" to which Breezy replied "Um, you sure you don't want to stay?" "Yes I'm sure." said Hoofle, and they left before the couple even came out. Breezy took Hoofle home, and when he got to her door he asked her "Do you want me to come inside?" to which Hoofle replied "Yes, please." They went inside, and Breezy took Hoofle to her bed. "So should I just go?" asked Breezy "No….Breezy, I need you to something for me…." replied Hoofle as she got him on the bed. Breezy knew what was about to happen, and he got himself ready. "Oh Breezy" said Hoofle "You are so nice…do it…." and Breezy began. He slapped it on her lower back a couple of times, and started, he was going fast, and very hard, it was so warm, and then he stopped, it was very oily, and he had to clean it up before starting again. Breezy cleaned up, and came back Hoofle's bed, "Thank you Breezy, I really needed that back massage, was the lotion hard to clean?" said Hoofle "Not at all," replied Breezy "Glad I could help, I'm heading home, bye Hoofle!" and Breezy went home.

Author's Note:

Soup's Notes: Oh, sorry I wasn't paying attention to this one... I was asleep when I wrote it. Yes, I write these in my sleep ;3