• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,889 Views, 132 Comments

6 Months, Several Eternities - TheRainbowEffect

Rainbow Dash's wings are broken, and she holds residence with the Apple family.

  • ...


The party was a merry one. All of the ponies were happy, especially Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie sure knew how to throw a party. Pinkie even brought Gummy. Gummy was the life of the party, that's for sure..

Rarity had been conversing with Applejack and Rainbow Dash about their upcoming dresses.

"Just make it cool."

"You said that last time. What color would you like?"

"I don't care, just make it look cool."

"What are your ideas for the shape, then?"

"I don't really care, just make it cool!" Rainbow Dash paused. "Buuut…It needs to be about 20% cooler than the last one."

Rarity sighed in exasperation, and then turned to Applejack.

"Any ideas?"

"Um, ah don't know, just make it.... cool," Applejack joked.

"Well, in that case, you two are taking the dresses you're getting," Rarity joked back.

"Sounds good to me," Rainbow Dash remarked.

The party ended soon thereafter, and the four guest ponies went back to their respective homes. Big Mac walked into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. Applejack smiled at Rainbow and vice versa. It was a success; everypony was acceptant of their new romance. Granted, the rest of Ponyville might deliver unto them scornful looks and unhappy mumbling, but it was really just the group that mattered.

Soon enough, dinner was ready. They all convened at the table and took to eating.

“Big Mac, how do you get so good at cooking?’

“Ah do it all the time.”

“Well, it pays off. Your cooking is awesome!”

“Thank you, kindly.”

They ate in silence until dinner was over and then cleared their plates. By that time, it was about time to go to bed, and Rainbow was tired. She went to her bed, and wasn’t expecting Applejack to come in behind her.

“Wait, you sleep on the couch, remember?”

“Well, yeah, but ah was thinkin’ maybe ah could get mah bed back.”

“And have me sleep on the couch?”

“Nope. Rainbow Dash, ah want to be in your company as much as ah can. Ah think that would be a rule in the “couples’ handbook” if they had one, I reckun.”


Rainbow pressed her mouth hard against Applejack’s, taking her by surprise. However, Applejack soon gained her senses and kissed back. They didn’t do anything further with it, they just kissed. That was, until Big Mac walked in.

“Woah, howdy there, you two.”

They quickly broke apart.

“Hey, Big Mac, what’re you doin’ here?” Rainbow asked, an intense blush appearing on her face.

“Ah was just checkin’ to see if mah sister was in here. You weren’t on the couch, so ah came to see.”

“Well, ah’m here,” said Applejack, the same red appearing on her freckled face. To Rainbow Dash it was cute.

“Well, uh, ah’m gonna go now…”

“You do that,” Applejack replied.

Big Mac walked out of the room, his blush hidden by the color of his coat, thank Celestia.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned toward each other, both wearing the same embarrassed, sheepish grin.

“Well, that was something,” remarked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, ah suppose,” Applejack replied.

“You look cute like that.”

“Well, thanks Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash took the moment to lightly kiss the abashed-looking Applejack.

“Now, I’m tired. Let’s go to bed.”

Rainbow hopped into bed and held the sheets open for Applejack to come in. Applejack obliged, getting into bed next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow put the covers around them and wrapped her hooves around Applejack.

“You’re beautiful, Applejack.”

She said no words, but replied with a soft kiss.

“Good night, Applejack.”

“Good night, Rainbow Dash.”

They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

* * *

Rainbow woke up to Applejack’s mouth against hers.

“Mornin’ sleepyhead,” said Applejack softly.

“Mornin,” Rainbow replied.

They got up from bed and walked to the table, where breakfast was already being served. They grabbed a plateful of food and sat down.

“Why didn’t y’all wake us?” Applejack inquired.

“Well, ah was gonna, but I opened the door and you two looked peaceful, happy,” replied Big Macintosh.

“Oh, well thanks, we appreciate it,” Applejack stated.

“Yeah, that’s pretty awesome that you did that,” Rainbow Dash added.

They ate their food, Big Mac, Granny Smith and Applebloom already finished.

Applebloom took that moment to pose a question.

“So, Rainbow, have ya told yer parents yet?”

Rainbow Dash choked on her food, coughing until Applejack lifted a hoof and smacked her on the back, the food projecting onto her plate.

“No, I haven’t.”

“When are ya going to?”

“I’m not.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a long story, kiddo.”

“Rainbow, they’re yer parents, you need to tell them.”

“Applebloom, my parents sucked.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say about yer parents!”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s nice. It matters that it’s true.”

“It’s not true! Yer parents raised you and loved you to be what you are now!”

“That’s crap. You didn’t know my parents. They had no contributing factors in who I am now. They tried to make me be the opposite of who I am now.”

“Ah don’t care, you should still tell them.”

“How am I even supposed to get to Cloudsdale? I have no wings!”

“Ah don’t know, you just need to tell yer parents.”

Rainbow Dash shut up and continued eating, realizing that although she wouldn’t change her mind, neither would Applebloom.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash finished eating shortly afterward and they all cleared the table.

The two were sitting on the couch next to each other after, when Applejack raised a point.

“Ya know, Rainbow, maybe ya should tell yer parents. Ah mean, they are yer parents.”

“Well, how am I supposed to get up to Cloudsdale?”

“Maybe ya could get Twilight to ask Celestia for one of them fancy balloons she flew in on.”

“Even then, I can’t use my wings and can’t walk on clouds properly. You couldn’t, either.”

“Well, we all went up there that one time for the Best Young Fliers competition and Twilight put some kinda spell on us or somethin’.”

“Maybe you’re right, but why should my parents know? They’ve probably forgotten about me at this point!”

“If they gave as much effort into tryin’ to make you a businesspony as you say they did, they probably think about ya more than ya know.”

Rainbow sighed. “Maybe you’re right. They’re probably still living in the same ho-hum house, too.”

“Well, in that case, we should go see Twilight.”

“Ugh, I suppose so.”

They left for Twilight’s house side by side. Rainbow’s feeling of anticipation grew more and more as she thought about her parents and what they would think. Of course, she didn’t need her parents’ acceptance. Their parents didn’t accept who she wanted to be as a filly, they probably wouldn’t accept who she was now.

Soon enough, they were knocking on Twilight’s door.

“Hey, you two, what brings you here?” Twilight asked when she opened the door.

“Well, we need to get to Cloudsdale.”

“Why are you going there?”

“Well, I need to tell my parents…About this. We were thinking that maybe you could ask Princess Celestia for one of those balloons you came into Ponyville on. And maybe you could put that cloudwalking spell on us, because obviously my wings aren’t working properly.”

“I think I can make that happen. But Rainbow, I’ve never seen or even heard a word about your parents.”

“Well, it’s a long story.”

“I can send a letter via postal service to the Princess—because Spike is gone—and you can tell me while we’re waiting for the balloon.”

“I suppose. First, write that letter.”

Twilight grabbed a quill and some parchment and started to write. Rainbow looked at Applejack nervously, apprehensive as to the entire “telling her parents” thing.

“And… there,” said Twilight when she was done writing the letter. “I can go down to the post office to deliver this, and you can stay here if you’d like.”

“Yeah, ah guess we’ll stay here, if ya don’t mind us in yer place while yer away and all.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back!”

Twilight walked out, magically closing the door behind her. Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash and smiled.

“Rainbow, even if yer parents don’t like ya bein’ with me, ya don’t have to take what they say personally. If what ya said is true, yer parents probably won’t like it. But Rainbow, ah’m bein’ honest when ah say ah want ta be with ya. Ya knew goin’ into this that many ponies wouldn’t like it. “

“I suppose you’re right, but they’re my parents.”

“Rainbow, if ya ran from home, why are ya worryin’ about it now?”

“I don’t know what I’m nervous about, really. I should stop worrying about it.”

“That’s the spirit.”

* * *

Twilight reached the post office shortly after she left, watching the pegasus ponies fly in and out of the building. She walked in and was immediately greeted by a certain bumbling, muffin-loving mailpony

“Hiya, Twilight!”

“Hey there, Derpy. Listen, I need you to deliver a special letter to the Princess.”

“The Princess? That sounds exciting!”

“It is, Derpy, and I trust you to bring it to her.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you, Twilight!”

“No problem,” Twilight said, giving the letter to Derpy. “Right to the Princess, okay, Derpy?”

“Okay, Twilight!”

Derpy put the letter in her bag and flew clumsily out the door, hitting a wall once on her way. Derpy may be clumsy, but she could be counted on when it came to mail.

Soon enough, Twilight walked out of the post office. She was once more on her way back to the library.

She reached the library and opened the door. Her jaw dropped in surprise.

Rainbow had Applejack backed against the wall and they were kissing.

She cleared her throat and the two broke off and their heads snapped towards Twilight, both faces turning a brilliant shade of Big Mac red. They moved apart and put their forelegs on the floor, abashedly looking at the floor.

“Well, anyway, I sent the letter to the Princess…”

“That’s cool.”

“Now, Rainbow,” said Twilight, trying to ease the tension, “what about your parents?”

“Well, you see, the thing is…”

* * *

“…And that’s how I came to live in Ponyville.”

“Wow, Rainbow, that’s quite a story.”

“Well, it’s true. And that’s why my parents won’t know until I get up to Cloudsdale.”

Just then, there was a harsh rapping on the door.

Twilight walked to the door and opened it to see the Princess’ guards at the door.

“We have come to pick up your friends as you have so requested, Ms. Sparkle.”

Twilight stood back up and motioned for her friends. Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked out the door to see a hot air balloon waiting for them.

“Wait, what about the cloudwalker spell?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that.”

Twilight closed her eyes and focused. Soon enough, her horn was covered in an ethereal purple light, and then encased Applejack and Rainbow. Soon enough, the light vanished, and the spell was complete. The two then proceeded to step into the balloon and head to Cloudsdale.

* * *

They touched down in Cloudsdale not long after. It made Rainbow Dash happy to be in Cloudsdale again, but she couldn’t stay. The cloudwalker spell didn’t last forever. But even if it did, she would be content to stay with Applejack.

“So, Rainbow, where’s yer parents’ house?”

“Right now, I just want to walk around Cloudsdale. It’s been a while.”

“Alrighty, so where do ya want ta go first?”

“I don’t know. Let’s just walk around.”

They walked about Cloudsdale for not long until a white colt with a mane of alternating cyan and black walked up to them.

“Hey, Dash?! I haven’t seen you in a while!”

It was Rainbow’s old friend from Flight School, Midnight Whisper.

“Hey, Midnight, what’s up?”

“Oh, not much, just normal stuff I guess. So, what’s up with the cast?”

“Oh, I broke my wings a couple weeks ago. It really sucks, because now I still have over 5 months until I can fly. Totally lame.”

“You’re right, that does kinda suck. So, um, who’s your friend?”

“Oh, this is Applejack,” said Rainbow Dash, Applejack tipping her hat. “She’s my, uh, well, she’s my…” Rainbow dropped her voice. “She’s my marefriend.”

“Oh, um, hi, I guess, um, it’s nice to meet you…”

Applejack held out her hoof for Midnight to shake, and Midnight took it sheepishly. Applejack started shaking vigorously, shaking Midnight’s entire self up and down.


“Oh, yeah, pardon me.”

She let go and Midnight took a moment to get oriented before replying.

“It’s alright. I guess.But yeah, it’s just kind of a shock, because, and I don’t know if you knew this, Rainbow, but in Flight School I had the biggest crush on you…”

Midnight said this shyly, because Rainbow knew that Midnight was a shy pony around ponies he didn’t know, although he was fine once you got to know him.

“Yeah, I think I was catching on to that. Anyway, how’d you know I’m called Rainbow Dash now? And that I have different hair?”

“Gilda told me after you left. When I saw you, I had to double check to see if it was really you. Plus, you made quite a splash at the Best Young Fliers Competition.”

“Hehe, yeah, I suppose I did.”

“Anyway, I don’t wanna sound pompous, but I guess I’ve moved on from my little… crush on you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… don’t tell anypony, but I’ve got this massive crush on that upcoming DJ P0N-3, you know, Vinyl Scratch.”

“Awesome. She’s a great musician.”

“Yeah, the best! Maybe sometime I could go to a concert, maybe even getting backstage passes to meet her.”

You could tell he was getting excited talking about Vinyl when he started to blush just thinking about it.

“Ha, well, good luck with that. Right now I have to go find my parents.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later, Dash.”

They walked off to go find the house. Rainbow Dash knew exactly where to go. They soon reached the house.

Rainbow reached a hoof and knocked.

The door opened.

“Dew Drop?”