• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,883 Views, 132 Comments

6 Months, Several Eternities - TheRainbowEffect

Rainbow Dash's wings are broken, and she holds residence with the Apple family.

  • ...


The night started off better than the last Gala they went to. For one, they didn’t split off the moment they got inside. Then again, that wouldn’t really be a date, now, would it? Plus, they had just come to the Gala together, the two of them, so they had the time to spend together, all to themselves. Of course, they needed to talk to Celestia and try and pick up some current bit of gossip in Canterlot, but that was alright.

They walked around for a short time before Spitfire had spotted them and walked up to them. She looked different. She wasn’t wearing her Wonderbolt uniform, for one, and she was all dressed up, something that not many ponies saw.

“Hey, you’re Rainbow Dash, right?”

“The one and only.”

“Cool! I’ve been interested in getting to know you a bit better. I felt bad about the last time because I totally hung ya out to dry, and I know that sucks.”

“Yeah, it was pretty uncool, but I’m over it.”

“Anyway, who’s your friend here?”

“Well, she’s, uh, she’s my marefriend. Her name’s Applejack.”

“Wow, really? Not something I expected of the one and only Rainbow Dash.” Spitfire teased

“Well, it happened, and I couldn’t be happier, honestly.”

“Well, that’s pretty awesome that you have the guts to do that. And come to the Gala on a date with her. A lot of these ponies are some pretty snooty, high-class ponies.”

“Yeah, I noticed. We flew in here on a balloon, and you should have seen the reactions when we landed and I kissed her. The thing is, ya just gotta say ‘Haters gonna hate’ and move on.”

“Well, the good thing is that with the news tonight, you won’t be the only dating gossip at this Gala,” Spitfire casually said, unaware that they didn’t know.

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t hear?” Spitfire asked incredulously.

“Well, no, we just got here and the only pony we’ve talked to so far is you,” Rainbow admitted.

“Oh, well, listen to this! Princess Luna has a date to the Gala! Everypony’s talking about it; it’s not every day that a Princess gets a date,” Spitfire explained.

“Really? Do you know anything else?” Rainbow inquired interestedly.

“Well, his name’s Innate Joy. That’s all I’ve really heard, to tell you the truth,” Spitfire said.

“Wow, that’s surprising. Well, you’re right. Ponies will be talking about more than just this awesome couple,” Rainbow affirmed.
Rainbow smiled and nuzzled Applejack, who returned the gesture.

“You know, you being with a mare is unexpected, but I think it’s pretty cool. You couldn’t find two ponies that would make a more awesome couple,” remarked Spitfire.

“Well, thank ya kindly,” Applejack said.

“By the way, Rainbow, you seemed a lot more fangirly about talking to the Wonderbolts last year than you are right now. I mean now you’re actually maintaining a conversation. What’s up with that?” Spitfire commented.

“Oh, I dunno. Last year you guys were the only things I ever thought about, and you guys filled my head and it made me all excited and stuff. This year, I guess since I have Applejack, the impact of talking to you isn’t as big, you know?”

“Yeah, I get what you mean.”

“Because as much as I love the idea of talking to the most awesome flier s in the world, I guess that I love Applejack more.”

Applejack’s face started showing a slight red shade of blush, and it made Applejack look cute.

“Rainbow, ya don’t have ta say that.”

“Hey, it’s true, Applejack. I know you’re the Element of Honesty, but I’m not a huge liar either.”

‘No, I don’t suppose you are,” Spitfire agreed. “Anyway, Dash, what’s up with your wings? They’re all wrapped up and stuff, what’s up with that?’

“Oh, I broke them.”

“You broke ‘em?!”

“Yeah. I was flying, and in a complete Derpy moment, I crashed right into the side of a barn at the top end of it. Then, my wings decided to not work. As I fell…to the ground. And to top it all off, I landed right on my back. That managed to absolutely shatter my wings! It hurt really badly, not gonna lie. So, I’m stuck in this completely lame cast and cannot fly for the next 5 and a half months. Totally uncool.”

“You’re right, that does kinda suck. Correction: That does sucks.”

“You got that right. But I feel like it might have happened for a reason. If I hadn’t broken my wings, I might have never fallen for Applejack. And Applejack is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me.”

“Rainbow, really, ya don’t have ta say that. Ah’m as much in love with you as you are with me.”

“I’m just saying that I love you too. You don’t have to go into completely modest mode.”

“Well, ah’ll be darned. My Rainbow Dash actually does know the word ‘modest’.”

“Well, I just, well, I, it’s just that...” Rainbow Dash started hotly.

“Rainbow, ah’m jus’ kiddin’. You should know that,” Applejack assured Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, yeah, uh, I knew that,” she said, face flushing.

Applejack gave Rainbow a quick peck on the lips and Rainbow relaxed.

“Anyway, I suppose we should go scope out the Princess before it’s too late. She said she wanted to talk to us.”

“Yeah, ah guess we have ta go now.”

“See ya later, Rainbow Dash. It was awesome to meet up with you,” Spitfire said, smiling.

“Yeah, it was pretty awesome talking to you too,” Rainbow reciprocated.

“It was a pleasure ta talk to ya,” Applejack said.

“You too,” Spitfire said back.

Rainbow and Applejack took off, looking for the Princess.

They found her just where they thought they’d find her. She was up greeting guests where she pretty much always is.

“Hey, Princess Celestia, we’re here to talk to you. Twilight said you wanted to talk to us.”

“Well, she was right. I’m very interested in discussing with you about what’s happened lately,” the Princess admitted. She turned to the next person in line. “Go get some refreshments and I’ll be back soon.”

The other ponies in line to greet the Princess all walked off to go do something.

“Come with me, I want to talk to you privately.”

They followed the Princess out to the gardens, and to their luck, nopony was there. It’s not like ponies were normally there, anyway.

“So, Princess, what do ya want ta talk ta us about?”

“Well, just tell me what happened.”

“What do you mean, Princess?”

“Tell me the story. I’d like to hear it from you two in person.”

“The entire thing?”

“If you’d care to retell it, yes.”

“Well, here’s the thing. I was bored one day, a couple weeks ago. You know, sittin’ on a cloud all bored and all. I decided to go visit my friends. Cuz, you know, my friends are pretty cool. I flew over to Applejack’s. It was Applebuckin’ season at the time. Applejack was bucking apples. I dropped down and said hey, before flying off to go see my other friends. When I wasn’t looking, I crashed into a barn. For some reason, this crash was particularly bad. I fell. My wings stopped working. I dunno, I musta hit something that made my wings tense up. I fell on my back. On my wings. They nearly shattered. The doctor showed me the X-rays when I got to the Pony Care Unit. My wings had a bunch of fractures and stuff. To top it off, I threw up. A lot. I now hate the smell of antiseptic. Anyway, since my house is in Cloudsdale, I had to find somewhere to stay. I ended up in Applejack’s house. You know, I wasn’t really attracted to her right away. Then I started crying one time in bed. Applejack rushed in from bucking apples not ten seconds later. She comforted me. She stayed with me, nuzzling and all, until I stopped crying. Then, I had a nightmare the night after. I woke up scared out of my mind. I had had a dream about a couple of doctors cutting my wings off with a hacksaw. I called for Applejack and she came running. She comforted me, and started to leave, but the nightmare wouldn’t leave me alone unless she was there. She, honest to Celestia, ahem, I mean you, climbed right in my bed and fell asleep with me. For some reason, at that point, I wrapped my hooves around Applejack. It made me happy. Applejack woke up and didn’t really think anything of it. I then, slowly but surely, started falling for Applejack. I told Zecora about it, actually.”

“Rainbow, ya didn’t tell me that.” Applejack interjected.

“I’m sorry about that. Anyway, I decided I needed to tell Applejack that was in love with her. But how to do it? I went and asked Rarity. I didn’t tell her it was Applejack, or even a mare, of course. But Rarity gave me an idea. She gave me the idea that I should just get her alone and just kiss her, a big surprise. That’s what I did. I went to a secret meadow that only I knew of up to that point. I kissed her, and told her how I felt. She told me that she’d consider. I walked into town, and she walked to the house. That night, I got caught in the rain. It was really, really cold rain. Applejack found me and brought me back. She slept with me again to make sure I didn’t catch hypothermia or something. Then, in my sleep, I kissed her. While I was dreaming, I kissed her. No joke. Anyway, the day after that, she told me she wanted to go out with me. You can’t even imagine how happy I was. Later, we decided we needed to tell her family. Her family took it alright. Anyway, then we decided it was about time to tell all of the ponies. You know, the holders of the Elements, our friends. Applejack seemed apprehensive. While I was looking away, she ran. She bolted and I couldn’t find her. None of us could find her. Until it hit me. I brought all the ponies to the one place she could be. The meadow where I first kissed her. She wasn’t scared, she wanted to do something special.”

“Ah wanted to show the connection between us.”

“Yeah, after that, we told my parents. I suppose Twilight’s already mailed you with that little tidbit of my life.”

“She is very efficient, so yes.”

“Yeah. My parents ended up taking it OK, I guess, and you won’t even believe it. We got your guards heads to turn. We kissed each other in front of the guards and their heads turned. It was an amazing achievement. It really was. And then, we decided to go on a date and here we are.” Rainbow finished having to catch her breath after rambling off the entire story.

The Princess waited a moment before responding.

“That’s quite the story.”

“Yeah, it’s quite something.”

“Tell me, Applejack, what were you thinking during your ‘consideration’ period?”

“Well, to be honest, ah was interested in the prospect of goin’ out with Dash, it’s just that Dash is a mare and that threw me off. Ah finally decided after thinkin’ about what Granny Smith told me.”

“And what was that?”

“Well, Ah can quote Granny Smith. Those words are in my head forever. She said this:

When ah was young, your grandpa took me on one of them rollercoasters. Up, down, up, down, oh, what a ride. Ah always wanted to go again. Ye know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. It just goes around and around. Nothing. Ah prefer the rollercoaster. You get more out of it.”

“That’s very insightful. I always knew your grandmother was a smart pony.”

“Yeah, it took me a while to get, but when I got it, ah realized that ah really wanted to be with Dash more than ah was scared to do that.”

“I suppose it is a frightening thought that ponies might look down on you for being with a mare. I congratulate you for making the choice that you did.”

“Well, thank ya, Princess.”

“And Rainbow, what do you think made you fall in love?”

“Well, I don’t know, I just did, I suppose.”

“Hm, that’s interesting. For now, I must get back to my subjects. I’ll expect letters, alright?”

“Yes, ma’am, Princess.”

“Thank you for finding me. I’ve had a lovely time chatting with you.”

The princess walked back into the castle to continue greeting everypony, and Rainbow and Applejack took a stroll about the garden.

“You know, I’m glad we came on this date. I’m having fun.”

“Ah am too, sugarcube. We just have our own time together.”

“Yeah. It makes me happy. More happy than you can imagine.”

“Ah can imagine, sugarcube, cuz ah’m also that happy.”

The two stopped at a secluded place in the garden and looked around. It was beautiful.

Rainbow softly gave Applejack a kiss, and Applejack returned it.

This date was going wonderfully.