• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,889 Views, 132 Comments

6 Months, Several Eternities - TheRainbowEffect

Rainbow Dash's wings are broken, and she holds residence with the Apple family.

  • ...


They had talked to each other. They had talked about various things and they wondered what people would think about them. Other ponies might scowl distastefully. This was Ponyville after all, and this was a town of tradition. They probably weren’t the keenest about two mares dating one another. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had agreed to do the best they could to ignore other ponies mumbling with distaste about their relationship.

They had then lain down to talk to each other and look at the sky. The two lay there, looking at the clouds in the sky. Applejack had been thinking. She had remembered her mental note to ask Rainbow Dash about her mane.

“Hey Rainbow Dash?”


“Ah’ve never seen a pony with a mane of such color as yours. Were ya just born with that? With them fancy genetics ah mean.”

“Well, it’s kinda a long story.”

“Ah got time, sugarcube.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, really.”

“You just said it was a long story.”

“Well… the thing is…”

“Jus’ tell me. No secrets.”

“It really is a long story.”

“Ah don’t mind.”

Rainbow Dash gave a sigh, realizing that she should probably tell Applejack. She was, after all, finally going out with her, and she deserved to know her origins.

“Well, here goes nothin. I was born normal. I was born under boring ponies, and when I was young, I had always dreamed of being a Wonderbolt, of standing out. My parents didn’t think so. They wanted me to be a boring old businesspony and I didn’t want to be one. You know me. I’m no businesspony. I wanted to be a Wonderbolt. I still do. I glorified those ponies so much. My parents were lame. They were totally UNCOOL. So I left. I left my house in the middle of the night. I flew right out of my bedroom window. One thing you should know is that I wasn’t born with this color mane. My mane had been white. You heard me, white. I was bland, and I wanted to stick out. One of the first things I did was I went over to the rainbow vats where they make rainbows. What would stick out more than a pony with a rainbow mane? I stood there for a while looking into the rainbow goop, apprehensive as to what I was about to do. Then I did it. I jumped in. The first thing that came to mind was that I was going to burn to death. You know how Pinkie tried tasting the rainbow once and found it was way too spicy? Rainbows don’t feel as pretty as they look in the sky, the rainbow workers have to be very careful up there. I scrambled out of the vat as quickly as possible, but I still burned. When I washed myself off in the cloud water, my mane remained rainbow. My body was still burned pretty badly though. It hurt for the next couple of days. I decided then that I needed to change my name. My name had been Dew Drop. DEW DROP! That didn’t fit me. It wasn’t a Wonderbolt worthy name. So I changed it to Rainbow Dash. That was a fast sounding name.

That’s why my mane is Rainbow colored.”

Applejack lay there, astonished. Dash had originally not had her trademark mane; as a matter of fact, she was originally not even “Dash”! That was astounding.

“So, uh, what happened next?”

“The guys that had always made fun of me found it hilarious. I then challenged them to a race. That was the race that made us all get our cutie marks. After the race, I just left the Flight Academy. I had confided all this in Gilda. She wasn’t the jerk that you had seen. I don’t know what had gotten into her. I couldn’t go back home. My parents would kill me. So I did the only thing I could do, I left for the first town I could find. That town was Ponyville. Instantly I came across Pinkie Pie. Well, I should say she came across me. I was walking along, and BAM there’s Pinkie, right in front of me. She gave me the whole “you’re new” spiel and introduced me to her. I was quick to ask if I could stay with her. She let me stay with her and the Cakes until I was old enough to become a weatherpony. Then I started making my own money and was soon able to get my own house. Then, as you very well know, one day Pinkie introduced me to you.
And that’s how it all happened.”

Applejack tried to take in all that info. Rainbow Dash had left her parents, gotten burned dying her hair, changed her name, caused the cutie marks, left the academy and come to live with Pinkie until she got back on her feet? Somehow the dye had permanently stayed in her hair too? It must have been some of the magic in the rainbow. She knew there was magic in Rainbow Dash. But this was absolutely mind blowing. This was something that she hadn’t ever bothered to tell any of her best friends. Evidently she was the only other pony that knew the full story. Well, Pinkie might have figured out in the course of Rainbow Dash living there, but how had Rainbow never told anypony?

“Rainbow Dash, how come ye’ve never told anypony ‘bout this?”

“I was embarrassed. Then everypony would know that I’m not really the one and only Rainbow Dash. I’m a white maned Dew Drop.”

“Rainbow, you’re not Dew Drop anymore. You’re truly Rainbow Dash inside. You aren’t meant to be a business pony named Dew Drop. You’re a Wonderbolt named Rainbow Dash. It’s what you do that makes ya who ya are, not some name and your fancy-pancy parents’ plan. If it’s any matter, ah like ya as what ye’ve made yerself to be. You’re the one and only Rainbow Dash. You’re MAH one and only Rainbow Dash.”

“You think so? I mean, I suppose you’re right. I can forget that pony Dew Drop. I’m Rainbow Dash, and nothing can change that.”

Rainbow Dash smiled a triumphant smile.

“It’s been something that’s been killing me. I’ve drove myself nuts sometimes wondering who I am. I wondered if I should have become a businesspony named Dew Drop. Thanks, Applejack. You’ve put that to rest.”

“No problem. Now, ah suppose we should get back to the orchard for lunch.”

“Yeah, but what are we going to tell Big Mac, Granny Smith and Applebloom?”

“Ah suppose we’ll have to tell them at some point. We can’t keep that kind of thing hushed among family. It jus’ don’t work.”

“When do ya wanna tell ‘em?”

“Ah don’t believe in keepin’ secrets, you know that.”

“Yep. You’re the Element of Honesty.”

“Ah think we should tell them when we get home.”

“You’re right. Your family should know.”

They got up and headed toward the orchard. As they walked, they kept their bodies close together, occasionally leaning their heads in to briefly nuzzle each other as they walked. Soon enough, the apple trees were in view; they were nearing the house. Rainbow Dash smiled at Applejack.

“You ready?”

“Ah was born ready, pardner.”

They walked to the house and opened the door. They entered, side by side. This was it.

“Big Mac! Granny Smith! Applebloom! We want an audience with y’all!”

Big Mac appeared from the kitchen, lunch in progress, and Granny Smith soon followed. Applebloom walked in from behind them. They all sat on the couch, across from where Applejack and Rainbow Dash were standing. Applejack and Rainbow Dash steeled themselves.

“Big Mac, Granny Smith, Applebloom, we have somethin’ to say to ya.”

"Well, what is it?" Granny Smith asked.

"Yeah, tell us," said Applebloom.

"Eeyup," contributed Big Mac.

"Well, we don't want ya t'freak out, ya hear? Whatever we tell ya, promise us ya won't freak out."

"Jus' tell us already," said Applebloom.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash for some support. Support came, but not the way she had expected. What she expected was a comforting smile, perhaps a nod. What she got was Rainbow Dash quickly leaning in and kissing her, leaving no doubt as to what the news was. With their eyes closed they heard an audible gasp coming from Applebloom, but Big Mac and Granny Smith stayed silent. They soon broke apart and faced the spectators on the couch.

"Yeah, uh, Rainbow Dash and ah are, uh well, marefriend and marefriend now."

"Yep," said Rainbow Dash, biting back the "and there's not much you can do about it" remark she wanted to make. She had to be respectful of Applejack's family.

Granny Smith smiled. "It's about time you understood my rollercoaster story."

"It took me a bit, but ah got it. So ah take it you're alright with it?"

"Of course."

"How about you, Big Mac? You alright with it?"

"Eeyup. Ah'm happy as long as mah little sister is happy."

"Well, thank ya, Big Mac. How about you, Applebloom?"

"Ah had actually thought about you once or twice on Hearts and Hooves day, but we were too focused on gettin' Miss Cheerilee a special somepony, and keepin' her away from that special somepony, that we didn't really think about you. Ah mean, you goin' out with Rainbow Dash is a little unexpected, but ah think ah like it."

"Awesome! Now when's lunch?"

They all laughed, too well knowing Rainbow Dash's big stomach and its tendency to take over.

"Are you gettin' lunch ready, Big Mac?"


They all got up from the couch and went to what they had been doing before. Big Mac and Granny Smith went back to the kitchen and Applebloom went back to reading about cutie marks. Rainbow Dash smiled triumphantly at Applejack. Mission: Tell the Family was a success. They shared a kiss, and then got ready for lunch. Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat close to each other at the table, occasionally nuzzling each other.

For lunch they had some apple pancakes, something of which Rainbow Dash didn’t need to learn the name. She had had pancakes many times in her life; it wasn’t something alien when apples were added. The pancakes were delicious. How Big Mac managed to make such awesome food, she would never know. Big Mac cooked better than anypony she had ever met.

During lunch, there had fortunately been no awkward moments, as the Apple family was a fine and accepting family.
After lunch, they all cleared the table together. Applejack and Rainbow Dash started talking to each other.

“Twilight already knows that we’re going out, so we don’t need to tell her.”

“You’re right. Pinkie knew that I was going to tell you, but she doesn’t know how it’s ended up. Rarity knows I was telling somepony that I loved them, but she doesn’t know it was you. Fluttershy doesn’t know anything. I haven’t bothered to tell her. Sooooo we should probably go solve all of those friend related problems soon.”

“We do have a lot of time left in the day, we could go and tell ‘em all right now, ah suppose.”

“Hmm, maybe we should. I don’t really like keeping a whole lot of secrets from my friends either.”

“Ya think we should go?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

They both got up from the couch on which they had been sitting, and got ready to go out and tell their friends.

They were ready.