• Published 9th May 2013
  • 346 Views, 1 Comments

When neighboring worlds collide - AbstractBR0NY

The colorful world of Equestrea is spliced with its dark apocalyptic counterpart. The elements of harmony must work with the defenders of safe-haven in order to keep the peace in these troubling times.

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Chapter 2: Ponyville Hospital

[bWell I’m back. I’d like to thank BloomBoy06 for his feedback on chapter 1. I apologies for the spelling errors in the previous chapter but my word program isn’t all that good. I ran this chapter through Google to try to catch errors that I missed. I hope you enjoy chapter 2
P.S. 'This means that sompony is thinking.' just so theirs no confusion.

Chapter 2: Ponyville Hospital

Room 105

Abstract began to stir on his bed, the memory of the dream he had the night before still fresh in his mind. He wasn't looking forward to work today. ‘Perhaps ill just sleep in tonight,' he thought to himself. He turned onto his side, his bed felt extremely cozy today. As he tried to fall back asleep he noticed a steady beeping. The beeping seemed to get louder and more annoying the longer he thought about it. The beeping went on for a full twenty seconds’ before Abstract got fed up and opened his eyes to pulverize whatever was disturbing his much needed rest.

His eyes were greeted by a bright light like nothing he had seen before. He through his hooves up to protect his eyes, but even that didn’t protect him; all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut to defend his sensitive eyes.
The beeping sound began to go faster and faster. And after a moment he heard the sound of hooves on stone. A door somewhere in front of him opened.

“What’s wrong? Is it the sun? I bet it’s the Sun.” an unrecognized female voice said.

“What sun? What are you talking about? Who are you?” Abstract asked. Who was this strange mare in his home? And what was the bright light? And what was that horrible beeping sound?

There were the sounds of curtains being closed and the clicking of something near the door. The voice returned “Alright, you can open your eyes now.”

Abstract slowly did as he was told, and what he saw was almost enough to make him pass out. He was in an off white room filled with strange machines smooth, shiny stone flour, and a White mare with a pink mane and a red cross on her flank.

“My name is Redheart, I’m a nurse here at Ponyville Hospital,” The mare said simply.

“Where did you say this was?” Abstract asked with a fearful expression.

“Ponyville Hospital,” Redheart said with a smile “we found you with four other ponies, but don’t worry their fine.”
Abstract and Redheart stared at each other in silence, the smile on her face slowly disappeared as the silence continued with nothing but constant beeping disrupting it. Abstract turned angrily to the device that was making the noise and smashed his hoof down on it, causing the screen to crack and the noise to stop.

Redheart backed away towards the door and looked at Abstract with a face of terror as he slowly stepped off his bed. Abstract stood on all four hooves and looked towards the window. He opened the curtains, allowing the light to blind him until his eyes got used to it. His eyes were met with an astonishing site, blue skies with only a few fluffy White clouds, the ground was covered with green, But the strangest part was the town. He saw the rundown buildings of Safehavion, but they seemed to be surrounded by nice clean homes and businesses. He thought back to the dream he had last night, it WAS a dream...Right?

He turned to Redheart “tell me what happened here,” he demanded.
By now she was at the door and had it half open. With ought answering she ran out of the room.
“Wait! Tell me what happened!” Abstract yelled after her before giving chase. As he ran out the room he slipped and fell face first into a wall. “BUCK!”

Room 116

Dawn was lying on her bed looking out the window of her room; she had a cast on her left leg. “Where am I?” she asked herself “What’s going on?”

The door opened and closed quickly, she turned to see a White mare with a pink mane with a look of fear on her face. The mare waited until the sound of running hooves went by the door before heaving a sigh of relief.

Dawn looked at the mare “Are you alright? What’s going on?”

The mare looked at Dawn, “I need to hide here for a bit, I’m being chased by a crazy stallion.” She said obviously still afraid.

“Alright then, will you tell me what’s happening outside?”

“You don’t know? The buildings appeared out of nowhere yesterday, many ponies were hurt in their appearance, and a lot of strange ponies started showing up.”

“This may be a silly question but… could you tell me where I am?”

“Ponyville Hospital,” The mare said. Dawn looked back out the window, the severity of her situation finally hitting her. “Are you ok?” the mare asked, seeing the distressed face dawn was making.

“No, I’m not.” Dawn said.

“What’s your name?” the mare asked.

“My name is Dawn Shadow,” said dawn only half paying attention.

“Nice to meet you Dawn, my name is Redheart,” Redheart said wale sitting in a chair next to Dawns bed” why don’t you tell me what’s wrong,” Dawn explained about where she was from, the ponies there, and that she didn’t know how she got there. Red heart listened intently, she was just as confused as Dawn, but she still gave her thoughts when she could. Together they came to the conclusion that something made there universes merge together, resulting in what happened the day before.

Outside room 117

Abstract continued to look for nurse Redheart. He was pretty angry that she ran away without answering his questions. He stopped after hearing a familiar voice one door down. He peeked into the room to see Redheart talking to…Dawn? Abstract entered the room and cleared his throat to get the attention of the two mares.
Dawn looked over at her friend and smiled “Hey their Abstract,” at the same time, Redheart leaped out of her chair and screamed, surprising Dawn “What’s the matter Redheart? It’s just Abstract,”

“That’s the stallion that was chasing me earlier.” Redheart said.

“Is that true Abstract?” Dawn asked in a stern voice.
Abstract looked at the ground “Yes,” he said sadly before looking at them again “But I only chased her because I wanted answers about where I am”

“He also broke an expensive piece of equipment,” Redheart said.
Dawn looked at Abstract “You know you’ll have to pay for that right?” Abstract just kicked the ground. Dawn began to explain her theory of where they were to Abstract.

“Well…Buck…What are we going do?” Abstract asked.

“First things first will be to get the DOS in one place, and then we can make a real plan.” Dawn told him.

“How are we going to find them?”

“You mean how are YOU going to find them? Dawn can’t walk on that leg, However if there still in the Hospital I’ll be able to find them,” Redheart said.

Well theirs chapter two. I hope you enjoyed it. Give love and feedback. AbstractBR0NY out.

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