• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 5,170 Views, 156 Comments

Mare Magnet - Revenant Wings

Rumble finds himself in some trouble when it's discovered he has an innate magic not normally found in pegasi.

  • ...

XIII - Silver and Gold

The next day, Rumble left the schoolhouse with Pipsqueak, Featherweight, and Archer. Today they had turned in their hypothesis for the science project and since Archer didn’t have to go to Diamond Tiara’s to work, decided to go to one of the local ice cream joints run by Berry Gelato.

“What are you guys doing for your science project?” Archer asked.

“We’re seeing if mice can see and use a colored line to navigate a maze faster,” Pipsqueak said. “What about you?”

“Oh, Diamond is doing this stupid thing about whether plants grow faster if exposed to sound. Trust me when I say your idea sounds way better.”

“I kind of like it,” Rumble said. “You could see if it likes Countess Coloratura or Sapphire Shores music better.”

“Oh, please,” Archer said. “Coloratura is way better than Sapphire Shores.”

“Are you kidding me?” Pipsqueak said. “She’s called ‘The Pony of Pop’ for a reason.”

“And what is that reason?”

Rumble and Pipsqueak both let out a long, drawn-out “Uh...”

Archer giggled. “I think I’ve won this one, colts.”

Rumble smiled. “Hey, so what’s it like having to work with Diamond Tiara?”

“Well, apparently Diamond Tiara had a note sent home with her. So her dad, Filthy Rich, has been supervising us the last two times we’ve met.”

“How many times do you have to meet with them?”

“Twice a week for at least an hour, and I have to have a notable contribution.”

“And what exactly defines a ‘notable contribution’?” Pipsqueak asked.

“Well, the plants are going to be at Diamond Tiara’s house. I get to select a choice of music and have it play. Then I get to measure and take down the measurements. Diamond Tiara has a control group plant and a classical, Silver Spoon is using Sapphire Shores, and I get to have hard rock group Revenant Wings.”

“Wasn’t that one started by a former guard?” Pipsqueak asked.

Featherweight pulled out a photo from his saddle bags and gave it to Rumble. “Hey, cool! Look at this; Featherweight actually went to one of their concerts.”

“Ooh... what was it like?” Archer asked. “I’ve always wanted to go.”

Featherweight stuck a hoof in his ear and cleaned it with a grimace.

“That loud, huh?” Pipsqueak replied.

“Yeah, remember when he came in one day deaf?” Rumble asked. “Day after their concert in Canterlot. They’re actually supposed to stop in at Los Pegasus soon; I’m trying to get Thunderlane to take me to see ‘em.”

“Sweet!” Archer said, pronking excitedly for a moment. “Scootaloo would totally be interested in that. Too bad this whole project thing is going to be wrapping up around then. Dad’ll probably say it’s too much work.”

“Well, that sucks. Anyway, how much input did you have in the science project so far?”

“Eh...” Archer said. “It’s been there, but who knows what will happen later. Filthy Rich has been able to keep them in line, but I’m not liked there with the exception of him. You thought Diamond was bad... whoo boy, her mother is worse.”

“Isn’t her mother the school counselor or something?” Pipsqueak asked.

“Yep.” Archer said with an affirmative, disgusted nod. “School counselor for Ponyville, and one of Ponyville’s two main therapists and psychologists.”

“You’d think Diamond Tiara would be better off if her dad is disciplined in business and her mother is a psychologist,” Rumble said. “Like they’d know how to correct her behavior or teach her how to manage her time and interactions with others.”

“I know, right?” Archer said. She looked over to Featherweight. “I mean, she wasn’t very good at the Foal Free Press, was she?”

Featherweight frowned and shook his head.

“Well, that’s why they made him editor,” Pipsqueak said. “He knows how to run a good paper.”

“Yeah,” Rumble said. “Wouldn’t be surprised if you went for a photography or journalism slant once we hit secondary school.”

Featherweight took out his camera and petted it slightly.

“What about photojournalism?” Pipsqueak asked. “Combine both in one.”

Featherweight’s ears perked up and he seemed to consider it.

By this time, they’d reached the ice cream shop. The four headed up and got their ice creams in small bowls with spoons and began wandering around looking for a place to sit.

“Hey, my sister’s over there with her friends!” Archer said. “How about we sit by them?”

“Sure,” Rumble said. “I don’t mind.”

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were all gathered around a table. When they heard the four approaching, they immediately scooted together and made room for them. Once everyone was settled in and had finished comparing ice cream, Apple Bloom turned to Rumble excitedly.

“Hey!” she said. “What did you guys end up choosing for the project?”

“If mice run a maze faster with a colored line guiding them to the end.”

Apple Bloom turned to her partners. “How come we didn’t think of something like that?”

“I don’t know,” Scootaloo said. “I mean, I thought seeing how fast we could run across different terrain would be interesting.”

“Oh, like which makes you faster?” Archer said. “That does sound cool.”

“Yeah, but we have to work for it,” Sweetie Belle said with a shrug. “I mean, I’m not as bad as my sister when it comes to that, but that means each of us running the same hundred-meter stretch three times a day. Blegh.”

“Too bad Noi is working on something else,” Rumble said. “I’m sure Pipsqueak and she would like to participate instead of you guys.”

“What are you volunteering me for?” Pipsqueak asked, as Rumble and Archer laughed.

Featherweight looked at the time and pointed to his camera.

“You have to go?” Rumble said. “What is it, Foal Free Press management?”

Featherweight nodded apologetically.

“It’s alright. We can try and do this again sometime.”

Featherweight nodded again and waved goodbye before leaving the ice cream shop.

“Hey, I should get going, too,” Archer said getting up from the table. “I have a lesson with Silverspeed today for archery and I left my bow at home.”

“Aw... well, we’ll see you at school tomorrow. And good luck with Diamond Tiara.”

“Thanks. I’ll need all of it.” Archer picked up her saddlebags and ran out the door.

Scootaloo regarded the scene with a vague interest.

“So, what were you guys going to do later?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I don’t know. I was going to head home after a while,” Rumble said.

“Same here,” Pipsqueak agreed. “I probably need to get started on the history assignment.”

“Hey, want to head over to our clubhouse?” Sweetie Belle said. “We could have something like a study group.”

“Oh, you mean like all of us working on the assignment together?” Rumble said. “Yeah, that sounds good. You up for that Pipsqueak?”

“I didn’t know you guys had a clubhouse,” Pipsqueak said. “Yeah, that sounds cool. I’d like to see it.”

“Hey, why don’t y’all come over, then?” Apple Bloom said. “And maybe you could help us with some of the other assignments, Rumble; you always seem to do pretty well in class.”

“Sure. I mean, I don’t know about my skill as a tutor, but I’d be willing to give it a try.”

So, when the five had finished, they threw their ice cream bowls and spoons away in the recycle and headed along the road that led out of town towards Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle launched into an explanation of it being Applejack’s old clubhouse and how they all had fixed it up, which Rumble found neat that the three fillies did all by themselves.

“You notice something?” Pipsqueak whispered at one point to Rumble when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were in the middle of an argument of who’s idea it was to color the place beige with pink trim.

“What is it?”

“You had some magic thing you got dispelled, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. What about it?”

“Ever note they’ve become a heck of a lot more civil since then?”

“Yeah. They’re actually not that bad when it comes down to it.”

It was then that Rumble noticed that Scootaloo seemed to have something to say to him. She kept looking over in his direction and looking away whenever he turned to look at her in return. And what times she was looking at him it was almost like she had something bubbling up at the edge of her tongue but she kept swallowing it and couldn’t get it out.

“Well... most of them,” Rumble said.

Pipsqueak nodded. “You think she actually, you know, likes you?”

“Doesn’t seem like it,” Rumble replied. “Too... I don’t know, nervous? Worried?”

“Agitated, I’d say. Come to think of it, she’s been that way since we left Gelato’s.”

Rumble would have been distracted about it if it wasn’t for the fact that they had arrived at the clubhouse. Nestled in a small but sturdy oak tree, Rumble kind of envied the construction. It reminded him of the cottages down in Ponyville, but there was something extra in the fact that it seemed hidden away; Ponyville could be see through the trees, but otherwise it was almost as though it was closed off from the rest.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle proudly led the way up the ramp into the clubhouse, Rumble and Pipsqueak following behind and Scootaloo bringing up the rear. The five entered and were invited to set down their bags on a small, well-worn but still soft rug. Light came in through the windows, and a ladder led up to a small observation deck above the door. Rumble set his bag down and flittered about.

“Wow... and you guys did this all yourself?” he asked, impressed.

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle said. “Well, we built it from what was left of Applejack’s, but we did do the refurbishing.”

“That actually is really cool,” Pipsqueak said. “Certainly beats the pillow and blanket fort.”

“Oh, we still make those from time to time,” Apple Bloom said. “But we hang out here, mostly.”

“Hey, why don’t we see if AJ has any cider available?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah. And maybe one of her pies! You guys want some?” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, sure, if you don’t mind,” Rumble said.

“Alright. We’ll go and get them real quick. Why don’t you guys start and we’ll catch up to you later?” And before much of an argument could be made, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran off.

“What’s up with them?” Pipsqueak asked.

“They’re always hyper,” Scootaloo said. “Anyways, we should get started.”

Pipsqueak began shuffling around his bags, but before Rumble could get over to his own, he felt a tapping on his shoulder and turned around to see Scootaloo not too far away from him. She was red in the face and seemed quite flustered.

“I... I like your flying,” she said. “Who taught you?”

Rumble began to get worried. Was the magic coming back? Was Scootaloo suddenly interested in him? Rumble gulped. “M-My brother,” he said.

“Cool. Um... can I ask you a question?”

“Uh... yeah?”

“Okay. Uh, how well do you know Archer?”

“Well, we’ve been friends for two years now. Kind of right before you met up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah... um, admittedly Archer didn’t see much in you at first.”

“What... what do you mean?”

“Well, she thought you were kind of dorky. And then, a few days later, she kind of liked you. A few days later, and she started hanging out with you, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak.”

Now Rumble was more worried than if Scootaloo liked him. “Where are you going with this?”

“Well... well, first let me just say Archer still likes you. Says you’re still kind of dorky, but that you’re nice and friendly and you have a few similar interests that make you cool. But... she didn’t forget her bow this morning. She had it with her all along.”

Rumble was frozen for a moment, trying to process it, Scootaloo looking on in trepidation.

When he finally figured out the implications... “Oh... oh no...” Rumble said.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said. “I... figured that’d be your reaction.”

Author's Note:

"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold." - nursery rhyme