
Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results

I'm Sorry · 4:04am Mar 11th, 2016

“So riddle me this, builder changelings are smaller than you, right? So you can’t be a building changeling. Infiltrating ponies have a slim body build, and you’re kinda fat. Assassin changelings have noticeable muscle definition even through their chitin. You’re not small, slim, or strong, so what are you?”

Quick Wit’s aloof and jovial mood quickly died.

“... Who are you?” She asked quietly.

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Candy...? · 11:38pm Jan 24th, 2016

Should I change the name of Candy? It's just that I've been thinking lately, and... well, the title doesn't exactly have much to do with the story, does it?

If you think I should, just drop me a suggestion.

Report TheOnlyOneWhoCared · 490 views · #Sleep #is #for #the #weak

Only one of two possibilities here. · 5:16am Jul 12th, 2021

1. At no point in this animation process, did anyone ask "You think this might be taken out of context at all?"

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Being a Better Writer: Characters with Weaknesses · 12:57am Nov 8th, 2016

Welcome back! And welcome newcomers! I've been getting a lot of hits from Reddit's r/writing, so those of you that are new, welcome to Unusual Things!

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Tired · 10:18am Dec 20th, 2017

I’m really tired of reading about weak human protagonists where are the humans that are confident with their decision and don’t b-!?h every second I understand that no one is perfect that’s just basic logic but they care about the most dumb things like killing when it’s obvious that they have no other option or they’ve killed before and now they want to stop and end up killing them in the end but only after they lose a loved one. Their is more but for the life of me I can’t remember what 😑

Report Betsuni · 204 views · #Human #weakness #Tired

On Why It Isn't Haters, and Why Comments are Important · 1:11am May 31st, 2016

Something that's bugged me for literally forever is the assessment by a lot of people that 'it's just haters'. I can count thousands of instances where I've seen authors or artists (or my sister) say that the only reason their story isn't getting a positive reception is because people hate them or their work, regardless of their quality. Well, time for me to tackle why that isn't the case as often as people claim. In fact, I'd wager that it isn't even a .1% occurrence

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Uproar at school. · 5:47pm Dec 15th, 2017

Why, might you ask?


Therapy dogs are visiting since it's finals week.

I am so tired from adoring doggies.

Anyway, see ya.


My first therapy session went well · 8:40am Mar 25th, 2021

The therapist asked questions about my life, family, gender identity, sexual orientation, me being a furry, interests, and anger problems. Mostly the things that I answered to the person who did the intake interview a couple of weeks ago except the furry part.

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Moment of weakness · 5:21am Nov 21st, 2016

The title says it all, people. After some time reading things somewhere that made me look inward to confront some unpleasant facts about myself, (Even reading about Bojack Horseman on Tvtropes alone is enough to illicit this) I just need to vent for a bit. Please bear with me.

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Defeating An Overpowered Pony · 6:11pm Dec 10th, 2017

What do think of my stories where a normal human defeats an overpowered pony by rubbing their belly or giving them a pet?

I love to do it. I think they need some weakness, even if they are overpowered ponies.


Pointless Pony Tips #864 · 4:48pm Sep 1st, 2019


Fan of Home is for the Weak? · 6:24pm May 11th, 2016

It is because it's not really about anything specifically besides two horses in a cardboard box?

Do you like seeing Celestia in a more casual manner?

It is because it's two characters having unusual conversations with no general purpose?

Well if any of those reasons is the reason you like Home is for the Weak, take a look at this one.

I enjoyed this fic, and I have a feeling a lot of you would too.


Sleepy Brain Wakey Wakey Plz · 3:33am Jan 17th, 2016

Guh. I had to wait all day to work my story, but now that I'm finally home and kiddo is tucked into bed, all I can do is stare blearily at my computer screen. My thighs even ache for some reason.

I know why I'm tired. I had like 3-4 hours of sleep last night. But I can't friggin go to sleep now. It's too early. I just can't focus on writing anything decent either. This is maximum suckage. The suck is over 9000. This is suck in space.

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I hate it when depressions immobilize me so much that I can't do anything..... · 5:57pm Aug 27th, 2019

Fuck everything. I want to write. But I can't, not right now. This is going on for a week and four days now. I feel weak. I feel nearly constantly exhausted. Nothing else but pure and 100% relaxation can give me at least a tiny shred of happiness. The moment I touch something that can be described as "work" in one way or another, I feel how my brain starts to twist and knot itself. I get ill and feel sick. I have the desire to write, to write for Lemon Crumble and Cozy Glow and Kettle Corn and

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I Apologize. · 5:45am Dec 23rd, 2021

For being so absent.

I've been dealing with inner demons as of late.

I'm not sure I've shared this openly or not. But I suffer from Bipolar Manic Depression, I have most of my life.

It's this black tar in my life which in many ways, has stunted my growth as a person.

I'm not as open with others as I wish I could be, I'm very introverted to a limit , I just seem to sink into nothingness.

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Feeling Better · 10:34am Aug 28th, 2019

I feel better. I think I can be productive again today. I'm going to take care of some things that have piled up now, then see about getting some writing done. I'll be at a con all weekend, so I have to write a complete chapter of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" for Sunday.


Just saw the new EQD movie · 1:58am Sep 27th, 2015

Was pretty excited. My internet cut off for about 10 minutes during the middle.

Overall, I thought it was "Okay, but not great." I was a bit turned off that at the end the magic just seemed to do what was convenient for the plot.

This was the first EQD movie that I watched from beginning to end (Still only seen clips and learned about the other two from hear-say). For the most part, meh. I don't think I'd ever watch this again. I'd still check out the next one if they made it.


An update on my therapy journey · 2:21am Mar 3rd, 2021

The psychiatric service sent me 4 intake forms via email. I filled out all of it and sent those to them. I scheduled my intake interview to take place next week. Wish me luck!


Being a Better Writer: Finding Your Strengths—and Weaknesses · 9:00pm Jan 8th, 2018

Welcome back readers! It's a new year! 2018!

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My first therapy session starts tomorrow · 2:32pm Mar 24th, 2021

I'm a bit nervous, but I know that I got this. I wholeheartedly hope that there will be no interruption or cutoff of internet connection. 🙏🏻

Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results