• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen May 24th


Remember that one story I wrote? Me neither.

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I Apologize. · 5:45am Dec 23rd, 2021

For being so absent.

I've been dealing with inner demons as of late.

I'm not sure I've shared this openly or not. But I suffer from Bipolar Manic Depression, I have most of my life.

It's this black tar in my life which in many ways, has stunted my growth as a person.

I'm not as open with others as I wish I could be, I'm very introverted to a limit , I just seem to sink into nothingness.

Lately I've been dealing with a massive block of depression, some episodes are fleeting others...not so much.

Migraines, insomnia, even a bit of psychosis...God I must sound like a freak. :fluttershyouch:

When I'm in this haze of depression, I get angry or hostile.

I wouldn't want to attack those I love here, so I just leave.

It's my way of dealing with my problems.

Besides if I was on, I wouldn't be making much sense anyways.

Not sure if I am now?

The last few days, I've been able to sleep.

Eat better and even try to be more proactive.

Maybe I'm feeling better again.

Like I said I'm so sorry for just vanishing.

I just feel more comfortable here with a smile, I never want to hurt or bring others around me down.

The future can tell right?

Love you all...I always do.

Comments ( 17 )

It's ok. I hope whatever demons you face you can get past it.

I hope that you can get past your depression.

Hey, it's okay! No need to apologize, if you're not feeling up to coming on then you don't need to. This site's supposed to be a safe space, and if you need to wait for it to be that safe space again, then that's perfectly okay, we understand

Don't ever apologize for how you feel or the way that you are. I 100% understand what you're going through, as I too live with depression and have to used medication in order to properly function. I promise that you are not alone. I sincerely believe that you can conquer whatever demons are tormenting you and I wish you the best of luck. :heart:

I thought you were gone forever, I was conflicted on what to do with myself.

Need a friend? 🥺

You should've came to me, but I hope you find happiness soon. That those with you up there are keeping you company.

I'm sorry you've felt this way... you're absence was hurtful but noble, as... as sadly, many noble things are. Like Maggiemorg said, it was a sacrifice all of us understand.

I know you haven't heard from me in a while, but... I'm glad you're better. Whether it shall last, or not... I'm glad you are for now. You helped me in a very critical moment of my life, whether you know it or not, and I'd hate to see you suffer :pinkiesad2:

Even though real life sucks, it should always come first, because it's more important than being online. One of the more important things about real life, along with your physical health, is your mental health & one can easily affect the other, for good or for bad. Without either, or both being the way they should be, it's impossible to function. So if you need a longer amount of time to take care of that before you come back, please do. Everyone on this website will still be here when you return.

*Boops your snoot*

I hope you're seeking treatment. I suffer from treatment-resistant depression and it has taken a lot of work to manage things. You have to persist until you find something that works, and it can take time. It's also challenging to advocate for yourself when you feel depressed.

Medication has the best chance of success because there are many kinds to try, though most take a couple weeks before anything happens so it's best to start as soon as possible. Talk therapy can also help.

Please be well. :pinkiesad2:

You listen to me and you listen good: NEVER EVER apologize for something like this. It's clearly something you can't help, but something you can overcome over time.

We love you, and we'll be waiting patiently for your next move, Forgetful.

Prayers and Huggies!

It’ll be okay, we’re all here for you, and we’re NOT going to judge you for things beyond your control, you just take some time to yourself and try to relax for a while, let these emotions calm down for now. My PM box is always open if you wish to talk, okay?


I will, I might just still take time off if I feel lost more.

Thank you so much, such words touch my heart and calm my soul.

Oh yes, I'm always seeking a treatment of some kind it seems.

My latest regimen of medicines seemed to help, but when my mania hit again.

It really hit me hard, I needed to see my doctor all over again.

5622352 Okay, do you what you have to, and I’m more than happy to listen to any problems you have

Maybe soon, you're a good friend.

I cherish your kindness.

5622357 *hugs*

You’re pretty awesome yourself :twilightsmile:

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