
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Going to plan to start writing tomorrow · 11:28pm May 30th, 2017

Family stuff pretty much done.

Forgot Memorial Day was a thing and that my family plans more for a few days of family celebration and random invites of people to the house rather than I dunno something more qusiet.

But I am pretty introverted and the people my mom invites are rather super stuck in their ways about many different topics so its never super fun with that.

Sorry for the radio silence real life got super in the way


AppleDash Contest #4 - Extra Extension! · 4:08pm Dec 8th, 2015

Hi guys!

We had a bit of a ponder and realized that the deadline for the AppleDash Contest being so close to both Xmas and New years would be a strain, since people would be celebrating regardless. So on top of the 24 hour extension we already gave, we're adding an extra two weeks.

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Around two weeks until I can write again · 4:32am Aug 11th, 2017

That's around the time this free childcare stops happening.

This probably won't happen anymore. I mean my mom said that we won't do this next year.

Also I always forget how easily it is to debate people and make them angry- seems to be a daily occurrence with my brother in law but I win. I mean its harsh but there's two kids I care about as an uncle and right now they seem to be the the middle of a marriage close to divorce so maybe I'm a bit testy about that.

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What's Going on This Spring Quarter? · 4:45am Mar 24th, 2016

Hey anybody who's reading this! So last time I talked about what's going on in my life, I mentioned how I had Finals for my classes and that in Spring Quarter I'll be taking a break from the education constraints due to monetary reasons. Well right now it's my 5th Day into Spring break and only 3 more months to go before I go back to the grind!

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What the fandom did for me · 3:10pm Feb 21st, 2016

Before I started writing fanfics, I was a fan of the show largely for the the fan projects that came out. I enjoyed acting and singing, and animation (though I couldn't do it myself), and was frequently involved in theatrical events in high school. When I went away for college, I found that nobody really believed in my abilities and I started to doubt myself as well. It didn't help that other freshmen were being cast in lead roles, while I was being neglected. There are few things more painful

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First story of 2023 · 9:09pm Jan 17th, 2023

Which marks ten consecutive years of writing at least one fic a year, I guess. Thus, we'll celebrate with a feast and crimefighting.

TPipp Petals, The Mukbang Detective
Pipp and Zipp eat some delicious food and fight crime.
Samey90 · 2.9k words  ·  33  11 · 831 views

Going to have a lot of time to write for the next week · 5:23am Jun 1st, 2019

Have most of the rest of my work week off once Saturday is fini- so that means I will have multiple days to most likely finish (or get close enough so that I would be able to finish when I'm off of work the next week) Wanted to keep this this monthly due to it being very helpful on organizing my free time around but sometimes that's difficult. To make up for that, I seem to write longer chapters.

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About that job. · 5:13pm Aug 31st, 2022

Well, I actually fucking got it. Been working for the past three weeks at my first proper job in years, and I have even better news than that.

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If I'm ever going to write a Marvel fanfic- it'd have to focus on Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel · 8:40am Aug 30th, 2017


This chapter is going to take a while so here's a Thanksgiving recipe I found and then made a bit better · 4:08am Nov 22nd, 2017

100 words in so that's good, the first push on a chapter takes the longest but I also have been helping my mom with Thanksgiving so that has taken up a lot of my time recently.

To make up that unfortunate circumstance here's my recipe for pumpkin cheesecake. And general notes on how to make it cause why do I write Pinkie really well on baking stuff?

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Buggo Buggo, Get That Huggo 2: Electric Buggolo · 9:00am Mar 4th, 2020

(Art by szafir87 and t72b).

I heard y'all like buggos from, lets say, some author's previous work. Let's just say, and this comes as a surprise from me too, said author is gonna release another fic featuring said buggo in the morning pacific time.

With love.

~ Not Enough Coffee


Proof · 5:13pm Feb 12th, 2018

600 words in 5 years.

I'm horribly slow at writing.


JINGLEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS 2021!!! · 8:12pm Oct 28th, 2021

Yeah, I know, I'm like a week late with this announcement. I'm aware that I've been getting more and more scarce on here, but that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in some Fimfic events from time to time - and this is certainly, certainly no exception.

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Stop All this Weeping, Swallow Your Pride; You Will Not Die, It's Not Poison (Bronycon) · 8:20pm Jun 22nd, 2019

God, my friends are gonna be angry at me for this one.

But don’t worry! They’ll be angry, like. In a sexy way.

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SNLKKLASNDSDAS · 9:12pm Jan 12th, 2018

I was too lazy to bother with a title, but this is my return blog. I'm fully back from my hiatus. Hurrah! I'm also constantly tired in 2018, hooray! This however, hasn't stopped me from writing. Consider this the update blog and the future of my writing blog that most people have posted in the first days of 2018, since that is what this will contain.

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Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results