
Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results

Why is it that I get emotionally attached to things so easily? · 7:24am Mar 13th, 2018

Why does it always feel like I'm losing a part of myself even when I'm losing something as simple as a flash drive?

I have no idea. It could be that the aforementioned flash drive contains two quarters worth of work from two classes before it was stolen, or it has the exact same weird emotional attachment as that one time when I lost a mechanical pencil I had managed to not lose for two years.

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Confused Night Blogging: The Weight of History · 12:29am Jul 8th, 2018

This night the temperature is almost perfect. A clear sky in which I can see the stars, as the lights of the small city where I live don't drown them out, and a thin breeze that plays with pipe smoke make it ideal for some musings.

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Confused Night Blogging: Magic Isn't Science · 10:27pm Jun 4th, 2018

This post was, against better judgment, written when I really should go to bed. It is mostly unedited with the exception of error corrected by suspiciously smart software which I will probably drive on a path of self-loathing and substance abuse. Consider it my contribution to stem the rise of smart machines. Or one of the causes that will them to conclude that humanity would be more useful as fuel for bio-gas reactors.

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What're y'alls opinions on cross-story cameos? · 6:41am Oct 19th, 2018

I plan on having a few characters from previous stories cameo in the current set of active stories, as well as characters in said active stories appearing in other active stories.

Here's a list of characters I currently have in mind for cameos.

Lisa and Samantha - (Pony-Me)
Zoey/Gadget, Ranell, and/or Delmar - (Lab Horse series)
Rusty and Jewel - (Remnants of Glory, The Day the World Exploded)

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HOLY CRAP · 7:34am Mar 18th, 2018

Just realized at like, 1:30 am that...


I should probably sleep.


Random middle-of-the-night deep thought · 6:00am May 9th, 2018

What are your theories on the feasibility of Equestria's existence according to the show's lore?

Would the historical events portrayed in the show really manage to snowball into what would later become Equestria, or is it just a pile of creative license?


Imagine what a Pong-MLP crossover would be like? · 5:16am Apr 25th, 2018

Would it just be ponified vertical boxes doomed to forever bounce a ball to each other?
Would it just be the average game of (table) tennis?
Would it be in intricately-woven adventure diving deep into the technical aspects and history of the video game industry?



This is what happens when my homework overflows into my bedtime.


A musing on original story publishing · 8:00am Jun 25th, 2018

I certainly want to keep all rights to my own story, which means that I'll practically be ruling out every major publishing house there is.

I guess I'll self-publish, then. I can handle writing and editing myself, I can join some reviewing groups to get the thing proofread, maybe stir up some hype with Kickstarter and some marketing muscle, and partner up with a printing company to get the thing rolling into stores.

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So then. · 7:02am Oct 26th, 2018

I'm still awake at 1 AM. I was bored, so I searched up the city I used to live in on wikipedia.

I used to live just a bit down the road from an IM Flash Technologies factory.

Turns out that same factory makes about 1 in every 14 flash memory chips in the world.

Also, the entirety of Utah's population is centered around Lehi, which I know from personal experience has been nicknamed "Silicon Slopes" to compete against California's Silicon Valley.

So yeah.

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Meerkats. · 6:50am Dec 6th, 2017

Just kidding. This blogs just about me talking about how I've now got a new habit of listening to music on my Bluetooth headphones for about an hour before actually sleeping every night because I lost my earbuds and so I listen to all my music at once.

Also, I still have no idea when and where I picked up the habit of randomly saying/shouting "meerkats".


Night blogging (14): Yes, I'm alive, updates, and concerns. · 7:59am Jul 12th, 2016

Yes guys, I'm still alive and doing what comes to mind. Writing, apparently, wasn't on it (or at least it's been on and off) for the past couple weeks. You may have seen my newest story, "The One Who Is Always There," that's become a WAY outdated Mother's Day special short story. It started out as a way to take a break from my few other main stories I've been updating, perhaps gain some new ideas to how I progress them, and get what I thought was an interesting story out in the open. Now, I've

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Progress Report (3) and Night Blogging (14): Some ranting and stuff on life with the side of random. · 8:07am Sep 2nd, 2015

Let's start off with the progress report:

Unleash the Magic:
Chapter 3 ~ Currently proofread and editing.
Chapter 4 ~ 5% draft completed.

The Model's Secretary:
Current BC ~ 45% completed.
Chapter 41 ~ 5% completed.

Dear Miss Cheerilee:

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[FMP] Thoughts On: Crossover vs. Adaptation · 11:03am Mar 6th, 2016

I.....think the writing is good. However, my preferences for crossovers do not lend themselves into putting characters in the shoes of another...I am not a huge fan of having Twilight take Edward's job.

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Because I Want To, THAT'S WHY! · 8:19am Nov 3rd, 2015 the answer to the question I know you're having right at this moment, which is "Why is Leo blogging at two in the morning on a weekday?".

Also because I've been reading a lot of horsewords while I'm at my parent's house doing laundry because I failed to reload my charge card before my apartment's office closed and work tomorrow will require fresh duds.

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Confused Night Blogging: The Sea is Dark and Deep · 9:59pm Apr 17th, 2018

This post, for the joy of absolutely nobody, is mostly unedited, except for the electronic demons pointing out grammar errors and the barely coherent corrections your's truly managed to sneak in, and is an exercise in writing more spontaneously and trying to throw out ideas.

Aside from an old short story of mine at the end. That was written a couple of years ago.

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Late Night Blog Post #4 · 5:32am Feb 1st, 2019

Haven't done one of these in a hot minute. Good to be back.

I've got this annoying as feeling where I've pretty much planned the whole story in my head, but I can't get the words to paper. It's less writer's block and more that I'm not satisfied with literally anything I've written. I get a few paragraphs in with some dialogue, a solid start to the chapter, but then I look at it and hate it all and in a fit of rage...

Ctrl+A, Backspace

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Next Pony-Me chapter coming soon! · 8:25am Jan 16th, 2018

It's another dream sequence, but this time riddled with foreshadowing for what's to come.

It won't go up just yet though. I've found myself in the habit of doing the bulk of the writing late at night (Between 12: and 1:30 AM), and then doing the editing after school later on.

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Because I (Still) Want To, THAT'S WHY! · 9:02am Nov 8th, 2015

As a continuation of my last piece of dirty laundry, I figured I'd go into a little detail about my actual rating system. What I look for, what I don't like, and pretty much anything else you pretty, pretty people would need in order to cater to my whimsy. That's why you're here, right? To please me?

Whatever, sit back and take my words.

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Late Night Blog Post #3 · 3:15am Jan 12th, 2019

I'm sorry, guys. I lied to all of you. It is absolutely inexcusable, and I understand that now. It was a moment of poor foresight and irrational decision making. This breach of trust will take a long time to patch, with much efforts on either side. I will do everything in my power, with the help of some trusted appointed individuals, to bridge this gap that has been formed between us. There is nothing I'd like to do more than help you all in however you may need to reconcile with my mistakes. I

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Viewing 1 - 19 of 19 results