• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2018


Just a guy that does whatever comes to mind. Giving the D, trolling, cockblocking, and laughing maniacally may apply.

More Blog Posts120

  • 339 weeks
    Reporting in with bad news.

    *Peeks into the fandom awkwardly* Hi~, how's it going? 😅

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    16 comments · 3,168 views
  • 359 weeks
    Checking in while still alive.

    Hey guys, just checking out the site since I was last on, and wow, looks like there have been a lot of changes. :derpyderp2:

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    9 comments · 1,014 views
  • 367 weeks
    What's happening recently.

    So for those of you who've read the epilogue to TOWAT, thank you for reading it to the end. If you haven't gotten into it yet, go and take a look, but there's mother/son incest involved, otherwise, avoid it like the plague if that isn't your cup of tea.

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    5 comments · 659 views
  • 378 weeks

    Let's get some worries out of the way:

    1) I'm not dead. I still come on here to read the fics while I'm at work during break and lunch.
    2) I'm not quitting TMS. I vowed I'd get the series done before the end of this year (which is especially special since this is my chinese new year, the rooster, though I'm not sure if that's a good motivator).

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    17 comments · 828 views
  • 387 weeks
    Sucky Holiday Updates, a.k.a. Vent Blog.

    So yeah ... Christmas kind of blew for me this year, specifically with work. Seriously, fuck retail during the holidays, and I thought working at a grocery store during this time was bad.

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    8 comments · 500 views

Night blogging (14): Yes, I'm alive, updates, and concerns. · 7:59am Jul 12th, 2016

Yes guys, I'm still alive and doing what comes to mind. Writing, apparently, wasn't on it (or at least it's been on and off) for the past couple weeks. You may have seen my newest story, "The One Who Is Always There," that's become a WAY outdated Mother's Day special short story. It started out as a way to take a break from my few other main stories I've been updating, perhaps gain some new ideas to how I progress them, and get what I thought was an interesting story out in the open. Now, I've just been occupied with a lot of other stuff and have hardly thought about writing, and when I did feel like it, it was just touching up some stories I came up with that I might not even publish on this site for various reasons.

The main thing that has me occupied was work, specifically the stress I've dealt with I might not have experienced since my last job, and it's gotten me a bit ragged every time I get back home to where I'd rather not do much else or play some video games if I was up for it. I've hardly made contact with the handful of friends I have on and offline because I was exhausted from dealing with people everywhere else, mainly at work. You can already see from this that I'm pretty much an introvert. I'm lucky I've even been able to express those struggles and other personal businesses with my counselor at least once a month, I'm not even sure if I could bring it up to everyone else for various reasons. Besides what's in this paragraph, I'm kind of tempted to bring it out here, but I'm not sure if you guys would want to read my rants. I'll just change topics before I'm tempted even further.

On the bright side, I got promoted recently along with an increase in wages. Starting next week, I'll be starting training to be a Pharmacy Technician before I have to take an exam for a certificate. What this means is that not only will I be focusing on my job, but I'll also be studying material after it as well. It may take about at least a month and a half for the training, not sure about the exam after that, but I'm working out a bit of a system for how I could manage my time while getting at least some writing done. The biggest thing is the motivation to do it.

I really do want to finish "The Model's Secretary," I'm not sure if I want to do a sequel of it now, but I want to at least end it on a good note and not just rush it all to a close. I read a story on here a while back that did that when I thought the story was doing really good, and it just killed me right there along with leaving unanswered questions that would never be brought up again. I think I gave my very first thumbs down on that story in this site because of that, and I wouldn't want my story to get that far of a turnaround with any of you guys, especially since I apparently reached 1300 likes. My god, I still can't believe how far this story has gone especially when I don't think I even put that much effort on it from the very beginning at first. I think at some point keeping these stories updated has become like a second job instead of a hobby, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I think I'm going to challenge myself on something though. Maybe if I put up some kind of timer I can get things done quicker. For instance, I'm going to try to get TMS done by the end of this year, giving me less than 6 months to have it finished. It may not be a lot of time depending on how you look at it, but if I could get it done, then I could really finally lay back and say I actually accomplished something big. Finishing college may have been my biggest accomplishment so far, but I think if I could get this done, I might feel a little prouder of myself with it along with how far I've gone in my life. I want to make changes to myself for the better, and I think this along with getting that certificate would be good stepping stones for it. I know I might be repeating myself and probably have annoyed you a little, but I hope you guys will stick with me on this story until the very end, since you're part of the reason why I want to keep going to begin with. Thanks again for liking my work, following it, getting eager for the next update, and just finding it as something worth your time. I couldn't have made it this far in the story without you guys, and you'll be what's pushing me to the finish line.

I can't say when I'll have the next chapter posted, but I have about ... 15-20% of the draft finished since I last touched it, so I think that's a good start. I'm almost done with the Mother's Day story too, I just need to figure out how to end it and have the last two chapters proofread and edited. If you haven't given it a look, I've gotten some good comments on it so far, so I think it could be worth a little skim. Again, thank you guys for sticking by me, thank you for reading my rant of a blog, and I hope you'll join me in continuing this long journey together until the very end. Until next time,

This is Dudeler, signing off.

P.S. Any of you guys played Zero Time Dilemma? Man, I can't fathom the number of times my mind was fucked, but what a game that was.

Comments ( 6 )

Also, just thought I put this out there, I still get on here pretty much daily for whatever fic that seems interesting to read during my breaks and lunches at work. It's something to keep my sanity in check at least, ironically enough since it involves ponies, but who am I to complain?

You should consider the next two months at a minimum to be a break from writing, your going to burn out if you keep trying when your not in the best of shapes to do anything in.

first of all congratulations on the new job, moving up is good
real life comes first, ponies second... while i do love to read and pre-read the fics (low on that due to my own life) study hard to get that certificate, then... MOAR PONIES

For most, it's good that you plan to finish TMS within this year but I recommend you not to. Why? You could end up rushing the story and screwing everything up! Take your time, but please don't abandon your masterpiece.

4085993 So do you really think you can finish The Model's Secretary by the end of the year? Because that would be great.

Sad to hear that TMS might only get a single story, but I'm glad to hear it will get finished at least. Probably one of the best damn HiE fics on this site.

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