
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

I need help. · 7:30pm Jul 10th, 2021

There's a user who keeps putting my stories in the "Absolutely Disgusting" and "Overly Stupid Fanfiction" groups and won't tell me why. I'm not going to say their names, since I don't want to get anyone in trouble or become a snitch, but it's still bothering me.

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Steven Universe fan attempts to commit suicide because of harassment from SJW fans · 11:02pm Oct 29th, 2015


Hands: Shepherd Jobs 3 · 3:52pm Dec 2nd, 2019

At Town Hall, Shepherd is typing away at a typewriter. Mayor Mare trots up to him.

Mayor Mare: "Shepherd, you really are a wonder! We're all caught up on our paperwork and you found a few things we missed!"

Shepherd: "Just doing my job, Mayor. It's a lot less strenuous than being a handy man."

Mayor Mare: "Well, this level of civil dedication should be rewarded!"

Shepherd: "Well thank you Mayor, but I already got a bonus in my last paycheck-"

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The Brony Community · 3:25am Jan 23rd, 2017

I officially despise the brony community. The tales of "love and tolerance" is a myth. If you dare speak you'll be called retarded and autistic while be attacking. Fuck the bronies.


Past Every Light, Darkness · 5:37am Jan 4th, 2018

Horizon has a blog post discussing an incident of date rape drugs at BronyCon.

I was not present for this event. I did not get harassed myself in my limited time there, thankfully, but it can happen to anyone. Even when attending something as fun and friendly as a convention for MLP fans, keep your wits about you, and try to always go places with a friend (especially if it's out drinking.)

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You don't want to go to war with me. · 5:41pm Mar 16th, 2017

:ajbemused: Seriously. Bringing up old drama in an attempt to shame people on an unrelated topic is wrong. The fact that people think it's okay and support it is disgusting, frankly. Grow up and learn how to take criticism rather than write essays about how bad of a person I am.

Because A. I'm not going to read it anyway and B. You're wasting your precious time on some idiot on the Internet, why the fuck do you care what I think of a story.

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Drama *sighs* · 7:16pm Feb 20th, 2018

Hi everyone.

Last year, you may remember someone commenting on my story 'Apeejack' harassing me, demanding that I take it down because it was "against [their] privacies" and because it was a disgusting story that had no right to be on here? And then she started arguing with a moderator trying to get them to delete it because it had gotten a load of downvotes and again was "against her privacies".

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Just so you know... · 4:25am Aug 6th, 2019

There's a person on here who has been creating alts and harassing me. I keep getting posts like "why have you stopped talking to me? Tell me what I did. I need closure." I'm also getting PMs along the order of "yo, why are you ignoring X? I thought you were friends."

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This need’s to stop… · 4:03am Jul 19th, 2021

As a mediocre writer I constantly feel an impending sense of doom/the thought of ruining a story my fans like hurts.

So that is why I want to ask everyone who is PM’ing me for the next chapter of one of my stories to stop I have revived 3 over the last month.

And you know who you are but i puts strain on me as a writer and makes my work less then it usually is so I would prefer not to have PM’s.
Comments on the stories are fine but I’m against the PM’s Bugging me


Follow-up on that stalker thing · 6:30am Aug 23rd, 2019

He seems to have gone quiet for now. I'm assuming the admins managed to smack down all of those alts. I haven't seen any new material on Tumblr or DeviantArt, either.

Speaking of DeviantArt, here's the reply I got from them:

Thanks for getting in touch!

A member of the DeviantArt staff has reviewed this situation, and we have taken appropriate steps to resolve the problem.

In the future we could use a little more information so that we can properly review this.

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Random Ramblings CCCXCII · 3:40am Feb 7th, 2020

I promised myself I wouldn't write a blogpost until I had something to show for it. I failed. Have an oldie.

Lowell George died just over 40 years ago. His songs make as much sense now as they did then. Click to Read More

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I need some help... · 10:04am Nov 11th, 2018

So, I've been receiving loads of harassment from Audiowave Dasher (a.k.a. Ben Jackson) for about 2 years now, and I'm finally at the point where I'm not sure I can take much more. If anyone could help by perhaps reporting him or shooting him a message or just something to make it stop, I'd really appreciate it. If you decide to do any of these, please keep in mind that he is quite toxic, and does not tolerate anyone trying to help him out unless you want to sing his songs for him (his music

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How to begin · 4:21am Dec 17th, 2020

Aside from a single post on a single story, and my page header, this will be the first thing that I write, for FIMFiction. So where to begin...

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Establishing some rules · 9:20am Dec 27th, 2021

Over the last little while I have seen some disturbing behaviors especially in my PM’s and I want to set some ground rules.

1. Don’t ask personal questions. Unless I tell you who I am or other things about me don’t ask all you need to know is I am a born and bred American dude who loves MLP and other cartoons/tv shows. Anymore info then that will have to be given to you by me when and if I feel like it.

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This is important, read it. · 3:21am Jan 1st, 2018

This happened. The fact that this happened is not okay. The person who made the blog post requested it be spread about. As such, spread it about. Sexual harassment is a disgusting deed, and hopefully, if everybody's looking out for each other with the common knowledge that they need to, it'll be much less likely to happen.
Respect to the guy for speaking up about it.

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Revising a story & User Harassment. · 3:59pm Nov 10th, 2023

Twin Moon collides is being revised and reposted later. I have other things to work on at the moment.

I had a few on the story that did't have the ability to see the source of image, despite it being very clear when you go over the source. Got annoyed with the constant whining, blocked them. Dont waste my time with your foul mouth and mighter than thou remarks.

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Considering Upload Times · 5:10am Mar 19th, 2018

Howdy everypony. Yes, I already DID release a Blog introducing myself, but I felt as if I wasn't really clear about my upload times. So I'll get that out of the way and use this Blog to inform every reader about how my upload times vary.

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Shudderbones, Steampunk, and more · 1:20am Aug 18th, 2015

Steampunk holds the prize as my first OC. Or, rather, a draft of him.

Steampunk was originally named "Gear Head", I had made him to impress this Pegasister I had a crush on. Gear Head was grey, with a blue "mad scientist" sort of mane and no tail. His front left hoof was replaced by a robot leg. I, of course, had no previous experience with MLP and in fact was not even a Brony at the time. I kept Gearhead in mind though, until years later. When I first watched the show.

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Where's ToonKritic Now? · 10:59am Jul 25th, 2022

If you happened to be late in the game about who ToonKritic is (like me),
here's what you need to know: he's a pedophile.
He was called out for his horrific acts back in 2018,
and had not been seen since... until about two years ago in 2020.

Patchwork Heart, one of the ToonKritic's more well-known victims,
released a video exposing the pedophile's new profile.

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ToonKritic the Pedophile · 5:56pm Jul 2nd, 2022

⚠️ If you were a victim of ToonKritic's pedophilia, especially if it's triggering for you, I encourage that you not comb through this information, least it bring up traumatic experiences. You deserve all the time you need to recover from his behavior, regardless of how many years ago it's been.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results