
Viewing 121 - 140 of 437 results

Life Story and Final Pleas/Words · 6:21am Jan 28th, 2018

You know what, I've been thinking of this for a long while, and here's my conclusion - Sod it.

In the most serious form I can offer this blog's purpose, I have to say that I've had constant dreams in my life where I'm featured as dead. Worst yet, I keep having strange feelings that something will happen soon, yet I'm not sure what, when or why.

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Post #18 · 2:54am Feb 14th, 2019

Hey everyone. Some of you might have noticed by now that my story has been placed on hiatus. I just wanted to talk briefly about that.

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Random Hadith 19# - Greed and Memoirs for Me 1# · 9:54am Aug 24th, 2017

Jabir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If the son of Adam had a valley of date palms, he would wish for another like it, then another and another, until he wished to have many valleys. Nothing will fill his belly but the dust of the grave.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 14255

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The wait is over! · 6:49am Jan 13th, 2016

I have finally finished the next chapter!:pinkiehappy: I am just waiting for my editor to give it a once over and I will have it up and ready to go! "ABOUT TIME" *Flinch* Yeah sorry it took so long but between life and my muse's utter hate for me at times it took far longer than I had hoped to get this out.:facehoof:


Homecoming · 7:14am May 11th, 2019

The hardest battle a soldier fights is often the one he faces at home.

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FoE: ASofH Status · 4:48pm Apr 6th, 2018

Hey everypony,

I'm talking with you once again because I wanted to let you all know what is in the works for the story (non-spoiler wise), and let you know what I'm planning on doing.

So, as you probably know, I finally finished the rewrites of the first two chapters! Yay! But, you may also know that there hasn't been much progress since I finished; and it's for good reason.

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As Promised, Another Story · 4:15pm Sep 4th, 2018

I did it. Another story for you all. I actually surprised myself by hitting my self imposed deadline. Kids being in school full time really does wonders for my writing.

So, this one’s another Cake story and I hope that’s okay. I know minor characters don’t garner as much love or interest. Nothing wrong with that. I totally get it. Most of the fan fiction I read and write centers around main characters. Main characters are great!

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URBC Seven Tribes Spin-off! · 2:43am Jun 9th, 2019

Welp, I said I was working on this months ago, and now it's finally here! The spin-off of Undead Robot Bug Crusaders about the ancheint seven tribes of ponykind I've been giving hint about as far back as the prologue of the first story!


But to be honest, I'm not sure if it's fit to publish.

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I am completely re-writing the first chapter. · 6:53am Aug 16th, 2021

I really should have put the damn thing on hiatus, I haven't had any time to work on the stupid thing until now. but yeah as the title of the post reads I'm completely redoing the first chapter to add a bit more context as to what the hell is going on. I am really sorry, honest to God.


ayyyy no school · 2:35am Dec 14th, 2019

i'm off for winter break, so now that finals are done and i'm back home, expect some new chapters from me c:

i literally have no other responsibilities so i'm eager to knock out some words for Family Tree, Once Upon a Harvest Moon, maybe even a Dreamweaver sequel if i can get around to it. also got a few one-shots in the bank i might take a whack at

hope y'all hear from me real soon!


Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #1 · 12:57pm Nov 17th, 2023

So... I know this is a bit of a random post... but I've been thinking that maybe my blog needs a bit more from time to time that isn’t just stuff about my life or sharing previews of fics that may be years in the future.

So, I've decided to try to start sharing ponified versions of jokes that I know (as in, versions of the jokes where the characters are ponies) on Fridays.

I can’t promise I'll do this every Friday, but I'll try to at least make this a semi-regular thing.

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Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #3 · 10:30pm January 26th

So... it seems I'm not the best at delivering these on a regular basis... which I suppose is to be sadly expected, considering I'm far from the best at keeping a consistent update schedule with my actual stories.

That said, as with my actual stories, I haven't forgotten these. As such, here is yet another one, which I hope you enjoy.

But more than that, I hope all is well with all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read this. :)

Take care, all of you.

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Once More, With Feeling · 3:37am April 24th

From The Ashes
Fall 2024

Report Kuyashii · 15 views · #pgmh #ponies #give #me #hope #sequel

New Story! · 5:31pm Aug 24th, 2016

So I've finally come up with something new for a story last night,(at 1:30 in the morning:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:), that I think you'll enjoy! I'm not going to give anything away but it is kind of like a part in Love or Power, but it is not a copy! I'm carefully going to figure out the characters and see who fits who and am also adding extras so I can have most of the main canon cast. Already started on it last night (2:30 in the morning :ajsleepy::facehoof:) and am

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I am sad. I am so very very sad. · 9:54pm Nov 2nd, 2016

For two reasons:
A YouTube personality I really respect and appreciate, DYWTBA_Universe, is struggling with depression and is considering retiring from YouTube for good. Here's his potential final video:

A few years ago, a group called RobotUnderdog2 released a pilot episode for a fan film series called Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope.

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On My Absence · 12:46am Nov 17th, 2015

You've probably noticed that I haven't been on these past few days. And even before that, you probably noticed that I wasn't answering PMs or comments like I usually do. All of this, as I'm sure you know, is highly unusual for me, and I would like to apologize and explain the reasons for my absence. Before I go any further, I would also like to apologize in advance if this starts to sound like an "Oh, woe is me!" type blog. That is not my intent at all. Rather, I feel that I owe all of you this

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Undertale Fever · 4:20am Nov 21st, 2015

Greetings, my loyal knights of the SacredGuard and other viewers. Tis I, the one and only Von Dragonblade, coming to you with a quick update.

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For the love of life! · 3:08pm Jan 7th, 2016

PLEASE don't kill yourself, whoever is thinking of doing that!

I've had TOO MANY friends who considered suicide, and I, for one, am tired of convincing them NOT to! I even wrote a freaking SONG for one of them! (You know who you are, so don't pretend you don't...)

For those who have ever considered suicide...
This links to someone else's poem...

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I really should thank Applelight88 · 6:20am Jun 20th, 2016

I'm not exactly sure how much of the story is available online, but thanks to Applelight88's redirection magic, and the corruption thread, I can now read another handful of IDW comics online. Previous to this my otherwise limited exposure to the motion comic version of MLP:FIM were the madefire samples on DeviantART put in my mailbox. The first story arc, in my opinion, was pretty much by the numbers and I was able to follow the story reading the samples alone. I, for one, liked canned meat as

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In case anyone who follows me is a Danganronpa fan · 6:15pm Sep 5th, 2016

*deep breath in*
*loud screaming and crying* :flutterrage::raritydespair::raritycry::fluttershbad:
Sorry for taking up space in your feed for this. I just had to say something about the new Danganronpa 3 episode. :ajsleepy:

Viewing 121 - 140 of 437 results