
Viewing 101 - 120 of 377 results

Behind The Story: Neon Moon · 4:06pm Jun 5th, 2020

6 of you read this story? Well, I consider it one of my best works. As I've said, how proud I am of something I wrote seems to inversely correlate with how many people actually read the thing. I appear to have hit an all-time low.

Alright, so this story actually had the storyline planned out beforehand. It was like two sentences, but it was a plot synopsis.

This story obviously came from Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn. The way I found that song is a bit unusual, however.

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Dashie’s (Very Important) Waifu Tier List · 10:54pm Feb 26th, 2022

This contains spoilers for Fallout Equestria: Commonwealth, Ace Attorney: Justice for All, and Fallout 4. You have been warned.

A waifu is a term that’s often used to describe fictional girls who you’d want to be in a relationship with. Now, I’ve been getting awfully attached to a lot of fictional characters as of late, so I figured that even though TRG Colosseum is today, what’s a better usage of my time than ranking all my waifus in a tier list?

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On "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" · 7:25pm Oct 18th, 2015


I'm not spoiler-tagging because everyone and their grandmother ALSO called it. If anyone's aware of toyline stuff, you probably saw this coming the moment the synopsis mentioned Cadance and secrets. She's pregnant. You're not surprised. Princess Skyla (EDIT: season-6 material names her Flurry Heart) will be canon eventually.

But enough about the "twist." You wanna know what I think about the episode. Presumably.

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Can- Can They Do This? · 12:01am Aug 14th, 2015

Just recently something very... Interesting happened. So in New York they had a slideshow type thing play on the Empire State Building. The slideshow showed pictures of endangered animals. OK, I'm fine with that. Yes, people should be more aware of this serious problem, but then they show this on the iconic building.

... What? WHAT?

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YEEEEHAAAW!! Applejack's Arc is Next! · 3:15am Jan 29th, 2016

Wow. I really expected folks to go with shipping, but I am pleasantly surprised to see that so many of you love Applejack just as much as I do!

No, not that kind! ...Although yeah, I do like that kind of Applejack too. I might just have to make me a Jack Collins to celebrate here. :ajsmug:

But no, I mean this kind!

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Somebody Forgot to Say Something on Time and Now We Are Left with This · 10:53pm Feb 29th, 2016

So, I had another birthday, as some of you might still remember. It was a pretty fun day, and the days that followed it were even better. Friends were really nice and I had a great time.

Then somebody had a bright idea.

Wait, let me try say that properly again.

Then somebody had a "bright" idea.

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New Story Incoming! · 1:53am Nov 18th, 2016

It's a work in progress, but I hope to get it done soon! :D

My apologies to those waiting on White Lie. I've been super busy this semester, and need to release a little bit of extra creativity before I can get back to him. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my other works!


fuk u zootopia · 7:15am May 9th, 2016 was actually a good movie.

Like, really good. I was genuinely surprised.

I'm officially a filthy furry shipper now. ;_;

These two.

These two right here.

Best ship.

Best ship.

May it sail forever into eternity. ;_;





Norry's Bi-weekly Fic Review Thingy, Issue #1 · 3:08am Aug 30th, 2017

Norry's Bi-weekly Fic Review Thingy, Issue #1

Heya folks, happy Tuesday night to you all. Doin' something different tonight.

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Signal Boosts and Shout-Outs · 10:15pm Nov 30th, 2017

Writing can be hard sometimes. It’s solitary, it’s repetitive, it can be exhausting and feel unrewarding. It serves as an outlet for creativity, but it doesn’t yield immediate results. Halfway through a project, you can just sit there staring at the words you’ve written trying to plan out where the story’s going to go, fighting the feeling of being overwhelmed as you think about how much more you have to do. You try not to fret about how these hours upon hours of effort are going to be received

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May the pony be with you · 3:19am Jan 11th, 2016

Oh man... Saw Star Wars, again. And it is still AMAZING!!!!! Seriously. Go watch it. The down side is that I decided to leave my window open and the temp dropped by like 30°F and it decided to start raining/snowing. So needless to say, my flat is a bit on the chilly side. Which is why I'm snuggled here in fuzzy pants, a long sleeve shirt and super warm cow blanket.

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Editing...yay? · 6:11am Aug 11th, 2015

Chapter's done. It's been done for a while.

Editing is not fun.

That is all.


Feeling a bit better and a question for all · 1:54am Mar 9th, 2020

Okay, so, I'm not coughing up as much blood as before, and as such, I do plan on getting back to writing. It turned out to be my allergies double-teaming me with their good old friend the Flu. Got to love allergies, right? At least now know the blood loss is not from my throat, as all this phlegm has resulted in a bit of dehydration that's caused some nosebleeds. Well anyway, now that I've managed to get into a better state medically, even if I'm still hacking, my silly little brain came up

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How have I not seen this?! · 1:23am Apr 18th, 2019

There's an animated version of Terry Prattchett's Soul Music. Seems Pratchett was doing crossovers of Discworld with MLP before it was cool. (Also, holy crap, that's Christopher Lee as Death!) (Also, for reference, Binky is the name of Death's horse in the Discworld.)


Signal Boost: Exodd's "Lost in Sidequests!" · 10:02pm Jun 5th, 2021

Hey folks! My Anthology "Scenes From A Hat" is coming out tomorrow, and one of the entries is actually a sequel/expansion to a gem of a comedy one-shot by Exodd called "Lost in Sidequests!" Check it out at the link below and give it some love!

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My 1-year anniversary of being a brony... · 1:27pm Jun 29th, 2019

...Was yesterday! I can’t even keep my interest uploading to be consistent!

Anyways, my 1-year brony anniversary was yesterday. I can’t believe it’s only been a year, I’ve found so many stories that I really enjoyed reading, Tangled Up in Blues, Pegasus Device, Fallout: Equestria, and the whole lot. I’ve found so many great musicians, and good people, but more so great friends.

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I've Come to Make an Announcement: · 8:39pm March 20th


"Marble's Horizon" is Up! · 10:50pm Mar 6th, 2016

Hey everyone! Just letting you know, if you hadn't seen my blog post earlier, that my new story's up and ready for viewing. It's a one-shot, and a short one for me, at just 4500 or so words. I'm rather proud of it and it's a bit more serious than my more recent, much sillier one-shot, but it's still a calm, peaceful tale of growing up and branching out. I really hope you'll all give it a shot. :twilightsmile:

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An Experimental Excerpt - The Pink Pioneer · 9:19am Oct 24th, 2016

Sometimes I write. I promise. The process usually involves a huuuge ton of time thinking of how awesome an idea of mine would be... without nailing down many specifics or getting on with the damn thing. That said, once I do get writing, I can achieve a decent length in a short amount of time. I suppose that fits my personality; long bouts of distraction coupled with short, intense bursts of work.

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Sequel is out! · 11:13pm Jun 12th, 2016

Not related, but kawaii as fuck

The sequel for my Sunlight gayness from February is out! Get it here with way more Sunlight gayness :heart:

Viewing 101 - 120 of 377 results