
Viewing 81 - 99 of 99 results

People Who Married Inanimate Objects · 3:09am Jun 12th, 2017

People Who Married Inanimate Objects

There have been many people who have married inanimate objects over the years either for cultural/ religious reasons or because they genuinely felt an attraction to them. These are just a few of many people who have tied the knot with some very unusual romantic partners.

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Watch Out For Them Scorpion Flies · 4:41pm Jul 30th, 2017

Yes. Scorpion Flies are a thing. That is a scorpion fly in the image above.

They are very common in all parts of the world.

So if you think you are safe just because you live in the northern part of the globe...well...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they exist in the northern hemisphere too.

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Oddworld Lore: Gloktigi · 10:35am May 17th


Every Little Thing She Does, various thoughts · 5:43pm Sep 24th, 2016

Well, this was an interesting one. I'm glad the writers remembered Starlight is supposed to be one of the focal girls, now, at least. I feel like the episode was a bit late for the kind of conflict it had, but I feel there are some stuff worth noting. With that, unto my thoughts~

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Oh YouTube, You Card You · 12:17am Aug 2nd, 2017

Now YouTube has just decided to delete YouTube channels and Google accounts that are 'controversial'. Their definition of 'controversial' is pretty broad; comedy, news, anything that goes against what mainstream media says, and more!

Isn't the future looking grand? :')

P.S. Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other social media sites have pretty much taken the same stance.

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Arizona Life · 6:12pm Aug 4th, 2017

I live in Arizona where it is so hot most days of the year that your butt literally glues itself to any surface you are unfortunate enough to be leaning against or sitting on.

It is so hot here that you can cook food just by leaving it outside. I’m not even joking. I have literally cooked eggs, sausage, etc. just by leaving them on a pan sitting on top of the asphalt for a few hours. Oh, and I've baked muffins, cookies, etc. just by leaving them in my car for an hour or so. :I

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North Pole Facts · 3:32pm Jul 13th, 2017

There is no landmass covered in ice at the north pole. There is just ocean with drifting ice pieces on the surface. It has been this way since its discovery in the early 1500s.

People on a mass scale, however, seem to remember the north pole being a solid landmass with ice on top (similar to Antarctica). Some even seem to recall being taught this as they were going through school.

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Even when you keep dropping the ball... · 6:15pm Dec 23rd, 2021


Two Random Food Items That Are Selling For A Large Sum · 4:31pm Feb 19th, 2017

Here are some articles about some random food items that have fetched a pretty big sum on the online marketplace for simply being an odd shape or else shaped like something people can recognize.

There's A Crisp That Looks Just Like Harambe – And It's Selling For A Staggering Sum

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So, the MLP movie trailer just dropped... · 12:46am Jun 29th, 2017

Okay, I'm very much psyched about how impressive the movie looks based on the trailer. Having said that, there's something I have to say after the break. (Mild spoilers for MLP movie trailer and the story if you haven't caught up yet ahead...)

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Weird Animal News Stories · 5:09pm Feb 20th, 2017

Here are some weird animal news stories that I found that I thought I would pass along.

Family's Worst Nightmare When RATTLESNAKE Slithers Into Toilet As 24 Terrifying Reptiles Invade Home

The shocking discovery was made in Texas and dozens of snakes were found living in the cellar and foundations of the house.

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POTTERY · 2:50pm Mar 18th, 2016

I was bored one day and decided to watch four episodes of the Pokemon anime where this character appears:

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oddworld - caddicarus · 2:04pm Sep 24th, 2017


A Real Comment I Found On The MLP Movie 2017 Trailer · 1:38pm Jul 1st, 2017

A Real Comment I Found On The MLP Movie 2017 Trailer

So I was scrolling through the MLP Movie 2017 comment section and I stumbled upon this gem.

"I can't wait to go masturbate while I watch this in a crowded public theater." - Some crazy internet person, 2017

What the heck, internet?? Seriously.

Here's the proof.

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Fighting For Internet Freedom · 1:09pm Aug 2nd, 2017

There is a site called Battle For The Net which has a lot of resources on how to contact your local representatives through social media, e-mail, and even over the phone to let them know you want a free and open internet.

If you have some time, look to the left side of the site where there is a box that says 'send a letter' and either type your own letter or send the pre-written one in the box to your local representatives.

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another stop on the train of thought · 12:48am Oct 14th, 2016

so what if we are actually all those classic 'you cant comprehend its true form' kind of extradimensional beings, but we dont know it because our senses only give us information about the first 3 dimensions. or what if a ton of alien species have tried to contact us, but we just couldn't percieve them so they left without anyone noticing they were there. Or better yet, what if we eventually achieve some kind of cool future sci fi technological advancement... and nothing bad happens at

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2018 plans!! · 11:36pm Jan 2nd, 2018


New Story! · 10:01pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Hey, I actually put out a new story. Some art tempted me to write a bit and I ended up with a fluffy little one shot. I've tagged So Maybe because the two stories are related. Anyway, the story is embedded below so go check it out while you're not-so-regularly scheduled Enemy of Mine update remains in progress.

ESweet Sleepy Sunshine
Small secretary stumbles across sight of sleeping sun goddess!
Ice Star · 1.3k words  ·  125  5 · 2.1k views

All of this chaos makes perfect sense · 11:21am Nov 5th, 2014

When I was young, I moved to Eugene, Oregon. I was always a smart kid, and I already knew how to read and write (and had for possibly several years even at that point). Now, Eugene is kind of an odd town, and it had some charter schools there, namely language immersion schools - schools where you spend half the day speaking (and learning) a second language. At the time, they had a Japanese, a Spanish, and a French immersion school. I was somewhat torn between the Japanese and French schools,

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Viewing 81 - 99 of 99 results