
Viewing 81 - 100 of 117 results

New Story is Up! · 1:13pm Jun 7th, 2018

Hello and good morning to all my readers (unless you're in a really different time zone, in which case it would be afternoon or evening... nevermind).

That new story I mentioned before is finally up to read! Only the first chapter so far though, just for a little start. So in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this little summer surprise, and say hello to my new Celestia and Sunset Shimmer fic... Swimming Lessons


._. · 4:38pm Sep 13th, 2016

Today was ok. Seniors now have pretty shirts for the school uniform. I couldn't stop crying this morning over stupid shit, so my teacher let me go for a walk during class. It was nice to go outside. Because I got ahead in AP Psych, I got to eat lunch with my friends. My thesis for my English paper got approved, so that's one less thing to worry about. I can't wait to go home and stew in my angst. :pinkiehappy:


Scene Analysis #5: Opening Scene of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom · 10:48pm Feb 4th, 2023

Scene Rating Scale:

9/9: Flawless! Outstanding scene!
8/9: Great scene! Totally Rewatchable!
7/9: Pretty good. Not as perfect as I expected though.
6/9: Decent. Doesn’t ruin the movie/episode.
5/9: Mid.
4/9: Pretty bad. One of the weakest scenes of the movie/episode.

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So, I just finished Valkyrie Drive and... · 4:34am Mar 9th, 2016

Just finished watching Valkyrie Drive - Mermaid. All 12 episodes. And....I'm struck by the thought that Valkyrie Drive is what Steven Universe would be like if it actually was produced in Japan. It has nearly everything SU has: Fusions, lesbians, awesome battle scenes, and a great theme song.

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F/F/T3K15 6/1: End of an era. · 4:24am Jun 2nd, 2017

The Multipart Blitz is officially concluded after ten weeks of blasting through stories in that sweet spot between "too long for one-shots" and "too short for multiple parts". Congrats.

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Swimming Lessons Chapter 2 is out! · 1:47pm Jun 8th, 2018

Hello all my readers. Sorry that it's late than yesterday, had some issues to deal with. But Swimming Lessons chapter 2 is now published! I did say it might have been today, didn't I? XD


WTFIWWY-The Spybot Who Loved me · 9:02pm March 10th

Lessons we learned this week:

-If you're in the military or are working for the military and using a dating app, and they start asking for classified information, maybe alert your superiors.
-Having high school kids lick peanut butter off of your toes is a sex crime, not a fund raising activity. Also, WTF Oklahoma?!
-If you set your apartment on fire, they will arrest you.

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WTFIWWY-Let Them Fight · 7:02am April 8th

This week the life lessons we learned:
-Don't be in a troupe of monkeys in Thailand and get into a fight with another troupe of monkeys. Apparently the police will arrest you. Which just begs the questions: Is there monkey jail? Are there monkey lawyers? Are there monkey courts and judges?

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Summer Ends: The Finale of Gravity Falls · 3:47am Feb 16th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

Every once in a while I get to stand an applaud as the credits roll to a television show. Futile, of course, as I'm the only one there to hear it, but I do it because it deserves to be applauded.

This evening was one of those nights.

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F/F/T3K15 5/22: Multipart Blitz finale! · 4:26pm May 23rd, 2017

Sorry for not posting last night, work was HELL. Fortunately, Ring had me covered on the group side, so I just need the blog:

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WTFIWWY-Hinder Surprise · 5:21pm February 11th

Lessons on what not to d we learned this week:
-If you really like being in jail, give it a day or 2 after getting out before you crime again and make the cops work for their paycheck
-Don't print phony checks, but apparently the Porsche dealership doesn't run any sort of fraud tests
-Nothing on Netflix is worth going to jail over
-You can be going out in public and suddenly a naked rampage can happen in you vicinity

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WTFIWWY-Total Eclipse of Uranus · 5:45pm April 21st

Surprisingly this week there are no Florida man stories.

The life lessons we learned this week:

-When using a picture on a news broadcast, maybe do a quick last second double check. I'm not sure how the standards and practices are for Mexican networks, but if they're anything like how they are in the U. S., someone is getting fired super hard.

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WTFIWWY-Why Did It Have To Be SNAKES · 7:28pm April 28th

This week the life lessons we learned:

-If you're bitten by a venomous snake, maybe don't bring it with you to the ER, just leave the snake alone and vacate the area immediately. The ER people have tests they can perform to determine if you need antivenom and what kind.

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WTFIWWY-Die Historic on the McNugget Road · 7:37pm June 9th

This week's life lessons learned:

-Don't use your cell phone while driving. Especially don't do so while on a zoom call to the court room where there is a criminal case going on for you driving with a suspended license, that is what lawyers call self-incrimination.

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WTFIWWY-Law & Order: Legoland · 1:38pm Sunday

This week the life lessons we learned are:

-Don't threaten to bomb the FBI headquarters, they really don't like that. Also, Unabomb isn't a verb.

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Send In Your Skeletons; Sing As Their Bones Go Marching In Again · 6:35pm Jun 10th, 2023

In what might be the most hilariously on-brand move on my part, I am currently facing a lot of hardships because I was too stupid to be stupid. I was too good at studying, and now I'm in deep shit. Classic Aragón, let me tell you.

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"Legends of Equestria" is slowing down my writing a little..... But more will come! + Hiatus Explanation (IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!) · 3:28pm Dec 9th, 2016

As many of you probably know, "Legends of Equestria" is starting its Limited Access Release (aka closed beta test) on Monday. This will lead to my output being a little slower than you're used to.
I won't fall into another unannounced hiatus, don't worry! This is why I'm writing this blog entry, to inform you what's going on. It won't be much slower either, just a little.

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An Innocent Edutainment Horror Game That Teaches Life Lessons - Angel Hare's Learning Adventure · 7:21pm Nov 23rd, 2023


New Story is released: "A Big Sister for Hearth's Warming" · 1:13am Jan 1st, 2022

Well, I did it again..... Writing on the holidays to save my goal. Which cannot be completely saved anymore now, I am falling short by one story for my December and end-of-the-year writing goal that was supposed to get released today at the latest, as it is a dedicated New Year's Eve story. One that I already wanted to write and release last year, but I focused too much on the dumb virus and that somehow messed with my writing plans for the entire year of 2020.

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The T-V Distinction, or how the French caused the Quakers to be attacked six hundred years after they conquered England · 11:00am Nov 11th, 2014

My most recent story, Dawn, talks a great deal about the implications of politeness held by the words you and thou. While the story teaches about the distinction between the words, and talks about how thou is insulting, if one was a linguistic nerd, one might wonder: why did the pronoun thou exist in the first place? Indeed, why is it that people see thou as being a formal word, if it was, in fact, so

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 117 results