
Viewing 81 - 100 of 148 results

Letter to those who are hurt and have left the faith (link in post below) · 3:27am Sep 21st, 2016


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Concerning the Bible's use of the word "fool"... · 9:00pm Apr 3rd, 2016

Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 both begin the same way; "The fool says in his heart, 'there is no God'." Some mistakenly take this to mean that it is only stupid people who doubt the existence of God. The Hebrew word, however, that was originally used refers to impious people. Many atheists and agnostics are very intelligent; they know about their particular fields of science and utilize that knowledge.

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Forgiveness · 9:16pm May 20th, 2016

(Modernized version of the Unforgiving Servant parable. Disclaimer; I had no part in making this video, I only intended to use it here for the purposes of this blog.)

Forgiveness. It was something Jesus chose to focus on, as whether or not one forgives others shows whether one contains love or hate in their hearts.

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What sets off your compassion alarm? · 2:34am Jul 3rd, 2017

More precisely, regarding the suffering people around the world, what most calls you to take a stand? The homeless beggar with a tin cup outside the theater? A deaf, mute, lame, blind, or paralyzed person? How about child slavery and abuse? Where do you stand on those suffering with AIDS, cancer, diabetes, MS, shingles, and other terrible maladies? What about poverty in foreign countries? What would you do if you encountered someone with an awful skin disease, or who is starving? In short, who

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Christian Louboutin Shoes Sale Brim Boater · 12:33pm Mar 15th, 2016

Okay, now that we've gotten the obligatory Fifty Shades of Grey pun out of the way, let's get to the more-important matter at hand. Namely, the strikingly sweet, black-and-white outfit Dakota Johnson wore to the annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic on Saturday. Can we all agree that any sporting event that involves sipping bubbly Christian Louboutin Shoes in a boater hat and pretty DVF sundress is something we want in on? At the very least,

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Dealing with anger · 5:30am Mar 22nd, 2016

Unfortunately, our emotions have a strong hold over a lot of people, me included. If left unchecked, this can cause trouble, and allow the devil and his minions access, giving them a chance to tempt us when our defenses are down and when we're ripe for temptation, particularly the temptation to either do others violence or, as in my case, to lose our tempers.

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tomorrow's sunday! not on Fim on sundays. sorry · 2:49am Mar 27th, 2016

im a born again baptist christian! and so im not on tomorrow, monday i will return!

any other born again christians out there?

sincerely The Authority Cop


Prayers for a buddy · 3:10am Jan 12th, 2018

His name is HopeForTheFew. Currently having to go through a funeral. He asked us to spread this around. Please do pray for him and his family.

May God go with you all.

Edit; didn't realized I'd spelled Funeral as wedding until it was pointed out to me today :facehoof:


Take heart (John 16:33) · 1:11am Jan 5th, 2018

It's easy to feel that we have disappointed God. It is all too easy to feel as if we have asked His forgiveness one (or more) times too many and we are now locked out of heaven.

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Christian Louboutin Shoes the brights · 3:43pm Mar 21st, 2016

We know you've been glued to our Fashion Week coverage, but it turns out we weren't the only ones hanging out at the tents and checking out all the amazing shows. Christian Louboutin Shoes Some of our must-read local bloggers made the pilgrimage to the Big Apple, and they've got amazing behind-the-scenes info and tons of covet-worthy pics. We pulled together our three favorite posts, straight from Lincoln Center, so you can get straight to

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Christian Louboutin Shoes was walky- · 3:40pm Mar 21st, 2016

Maybe there is a lesser-known German word for this poison thing I do, which is to semi-consciously attempt to make other women feel bad for wanting different things than I do. I\u2019ve been doing this since about forever ago, and I do it often enough, which is too much. When I encounter women who participate in a stratum of the girl experience that I think is below all of us \u2014 blithely excusing fuck-man behavior, but sparring with women in ways that are

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Thoughts About Thoughtforms · 5:24pm Jan 14th, 2015

Some of you might know or have heard about tulpas/tulpae. I have some thoughts I'd really like to get down, and I hope my perspective might be of some use or interest to folks regarding the use of thoughtforms, including tulpas, as well as mysticism and magic in general.

First, read this, so I don't have to explain as much.

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A call to those suffering depression and suicidal thoughts · 12:13am Jan 29th, 2017

Depression is one of the many terrible conditions people suffer under in this world. It might be brought on by traumatic events, by grief and loss, perhaps even extended periods of boredom. It is a spiraling, downward path that tries to suck people into the black hole of oblivion, either by rendering them broken and useless, or convincing them to end, or attempt to end, their existence.

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A thing happened. · 7:49pm Apr 11th, 2016

I had a new experience today. I'm not sure if its good or bad, but I want to write it down, so here I am.

It was a weird thing. I felt angry at someone before I heard them say anything. No, more than that. I felt angry at someone who was trying to be nice. Angry is not usually a thing that I feel; especially under those circumstances. I need to explain two things before I can explain what made me angry and why.

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New Story: What if a Changeling Became a Christian? · 9:13pm Jun 21st, 2019

As a christian, and because most christian fics on this site sucks or have been abandoned for a very long time, I always wanted to see if I could make a fic depicting either God or the type of struggles a christian has to endure through his life and, after rewatching Samurai Champloo, I managed to create my first attempt at it. I hope you can enjoy it.

EWhat if a Changeling Became a Christian?
A brief story wondering how certain species in Equestria would be affected should christians from earth get to the land of ponies
Time Reaper · 4.3k words  ·  38  30 · 1.4k views

I should NOT have to pay for your brat's religious education! · 7:40am Dec 9th, 2021

The mere thought of state funding going to religious education turns my stomach. I say this as a Christian. If you are too lazy to send your brat to church on Sunday, that's on you! It is not on the state to pay for your child to learn about Jesus, especially not when they should be learning reading, writing, and arithmetic! If you want to send your child to religious school, it is on YOU to find the funds for it. My tax dollars should have no part in it!


Concerning homosexuality · 3:27am Aug 1st, 2016

Note; this is not a hate thread. Quite the opposite. Hateful comments WILL be deleted. You've been warned.

Now, onto the topic at hand;

From here;

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Good news to share · 10:58am Apr 26th, 2020

I'm glad that I found a church that wholeheartedly accepts the LGBTQ+ people. It's called the Open Table Metropolitan Community Church. I attended their Zoom online conference today and it felt good in the chest that they welcomed me with open arms. I look forward to weekly online conferences as well as visit the building to meet the people there in person once the quarantine is over.


Christianity and patriotism · 12:14am Mar 25th, 2016

It is easy for many Americans to assume that the nation and the Bible are inseparable. The truth is otherwise. Christians are ultimately citizens of Heaven; we live on this earth temporarily. In other words, we are not of this world, even if we are in it. Our loyalty should be to God first and foremost.

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Merry Christmas! · 7:26am Dec 23rd, 2018

Bah! Humbug.

I love the concept of Christmas, or at least the basic one. You know me, I'd rather avoid the religious stuff. Not for a lack of belief, but for a lack of desire to test my patience on fools and idiots that only know how to parrot books.

Besides, I'm probably closer to Pagan than I am Christian, if I'm entirely honest. Not really sure. I'll have to look into that some time.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 148 results