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A call to those suffering depression and suicidal thoughts · 12:13am Jan 29th, 2017

Depression is one of the many terrible conditions people suffer under in this world. It might be brought on by traumatic events, by grief and loss, perhaps even extended periods of boredom. It is a spiraling, downward path that tries to suck people into the black hole of oblivion, either by rendering them broken and useless, or convincing them to end, or attempt to end, their existence.

All of these feelings, and the things that bring them on, are common. But we must not let them control and define who we are. We are only broken and useless if we allow ourselves to believe it. While people sometimes abandon us, or even turn on us, it doesn't mean that we're not worth knowing or that we're necessarily the problem. Suicide only ends the chance we have to make things right and to gain new, true friends. Life, such as God has given us, is worth living. Yes, life is, or can sometimes be, painful. That in undeniable. But killing oneself only adds to that pain; it does nothing to subtract from it.

I'm not saying the road is always easy. It isn't. But there are things worth living for. Our circumstances may not be as we might wish, and our mindsets may be off. That said, God does not leave us without resources or skills. he does not want us to wallow in misery. Some people may roll their eyes, but it is true. We have a Councilor and Friend, even when we are abandoned by this world. And we have earthly counseling and people to go to as well for comfort and reinforcement. As someone who has gone through mild depression (albeit one characterized more by boredom with life and indifference as opposed to suicidal thoughts), it is crucial to garner what support one can from others, and especially from God (through prayer in particular). There is no circumstance that cannot be overcome; going to God and to caring people, even if they aren't part of one's family or if contact is limited, can ease trouble and pain and bring new light and solutions.

In a related note, what others call you and think of you... doesn't matter. Bullies and negative emotions should not be given a vote on how you feel. While there are valid criticisms, these should be corrective and constructive, not destructive. Don't give destructive lies and bullying the time of day. If pressed, report the bullying and continue with your life, seeing the help of others and especially those you love and care about, and who love and care about you.

Live free. Live forgiven. Live without a black hole of hopelessness crushing you. And if I may say so, live with God.

I wish you all the best, and may God go with you :twilightsmile::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::raritystarry::pinkiesmile::yay:

There also anti-depression groups on this site, where help and advice can be had;





Here are other links and videos, if the viewer is interested;



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