
Viewing 81 - 100 of 278 results

I may have created a new monster... · 8:15pm Jan 12th, 2018

... and I need someone to draw and/or name it.

(biological descriptions ahead, please be mature)
here's what I've imagined:

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Breakthrough! · 2:46pm Aug 27th, 2018

Even after I'd been doubting I could finish the new Firefly chapter and asked others for help, it turned out I didn't need it--it wasn’t easy as the tactics and battle progression were still giving me fits, but I felt my way forward and finally found the path, grinding through the remaining 3000 words of the new chapter yesterday to complete the initial draft, to good reviews along with some suggestions for enhancements and elaborations from my prereaders.

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Into the Storm chapter 9 in progress... · 3:50pm Apr 20th, 2018

Currently 4300 words down. Will be putting on a big push to get it done this weekend, though it's unlikely to release before next week. But since you've been so patient, here's a teaser:

News that we were planning a counterstrike was an instant morale boost to my beleaguered troops.

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After a two-day bout with stomach flu... · 6:44pm Mar 13th, 2019

Or maybe it was food poisoning; take your pick as the result was the same (:pinkiesick:)--I'm resuming work on Firefly, with work being done on not one but two chapters. The release of the last one was a roaring success and easily the most popular chapter yet, judging by the number and content of the comments. I'd like to thank everyone who dropped a comment, and welcome new readers to the story as well. Interestingly, the story did NOT feature upon launch of the latest chapter, but

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New Firefly chapter release imminent · 2:34pm Mar 23rd, 2019

In the end, I decided to break it up, both because of its growing length and because the lengthy opening section deserved its own chapter. On the one hoof, that means you won’t get the battle right away, on the other, it means you get a new chapter quickly, with some surprising content. Be looking for it later today or tomorrow.


I didn't write this. · 8:27am Dec 13th, 2020

Totally didn't write this.


Definitely did not.

Twilight Sparkle invents a thingy. Ponies now worship it for some reason.
TechnoNerd · 1.2k words · 319 views

Firefly Chapter 27 at 8100 words and climbing · 7:04pm May 14th, 2020

With a major denouement planned, this is going to be a big one; maybe reaching 14k words or more before all is said and done. I've still got a lot of writing to do, and I'd rather not break it up into two chapters if I can at all help it. Only reason I would is if it reaches 16k words, which is kind of my unofficial limit on a single chapter.

A teaser? Sure, a brief one. I promised there would be a new perspective on this war, and I'll reveal it here:

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Fic Rec + Updates · 6:22am Aug 20th, 2016

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone's been doing awesome. I've been doing a bit better, resting a lot at home and writing to pass the time. I'm still suffering from headaches and respiratory problems, but I'll be going to the neumologist next week and hopefully this will all be over soon. My condition has made it hard for me to focus lately, and I miss being able to breathe like a 23 year old and not, well, an 80 year old.

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How 'bout a good ol' roast session of my oldest fic? · 12:25am Apr 18th, 2018

Hey y'all, you liking how Pony-Me is going? Don't like how my recent string of tests, quizzes, and randomly getting sick for half a day has slowed the thing down to roughly an update every 1-2 weeks? Well, why not pass the time by roasting an ol' fic of mine?

Go ahead and leave as many scathing remarks as you'd like. Past me would certainly care, but now? Given how long ago I've since given up on that thing, I couldn't possibly care less. :rainbowwild:

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I don't give a flying fava bean · 10:53am May 10th, 2018

...if the site's been hit with Beanis Fever the last few days. I'm working on a new beany mess.

it's pretty...

Stay gassy.


Folks, an apology for not replying... · 3:47pm May 17th, 2019

... to the comments on the last Firefly chapter yet. But work is a royal mother-of-a-diamond-dog right now, and I've been coming home late and exhausted night after night, in no mood to do anything. I will get to them this weekend, promise. My vacation can't come soon enough at this point; I'll be off to a week or two in Las Pegasus Vegas to get my fill of poker and the desert after Memorial Day. Who knows, maybe I'll run into Aces Up and Double Down (from Five Star

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I accidentally hit the unpublish button on the new Firefly chapter... · 6:31pm Sep 27th, 2018

So it was unavailable until it was finally pointed out to me by KMCA. If you came by looking for the chapter and it wasn’t there, that’s why. It’s fixed now. They really should put a confirmation step on that button. :ajsleepy:


One final Firefly teaser... · 2:48pm Aug 29th, 2018

Well, folks... I promised a graphics teaser for the new Firefly chapter, so here it is:

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The new Firefly chapter is nearly complete... · 2:33pm Aug 29th, 2019

And very heavily guest-written. There will be one section by me, one by AJ_Aficionado, and one by Denim_Blue, each highlighting a different race/faction who will shortly have to choose sides in the war. And since I can't resist despite earlier saying there wouldn't be one, here's a teaser...

Northeast of Mosclaw
Location Undisclosed
September 4th, 1130 AE (Year 305 of of Her Majesty Lepidoptes IV’s Reign)
0335 AM

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Firefly Chapter 24 is draft complete · 6:00pm Mar 16th, 2020

Not quite a record time for turning out a new chapter, but close. Weighing in at around 8500 words, it was a scene and sequence I'd been wanting to do for a very long time, and certainly one I'd been hyping here for quite a while. There will be no teaser, and it's possible it will released tonight as I get prereads in and edits finished. Just need some additional music selections, and we're good to go!

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Firefly Chapter 21 is on the way · 7:03pm Nov 21st, 2019

With the latest chapter more than half-done, I'm currently projecting a Thanksgiving-ish release (Thursday, November 28th for the non-American readers) for when you want relief from family or are otherwise immobilized by too much turkey and trimmings.

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Getting there... · 7:38pm May 16th, 2020

New Flight of Firefly chapter now at 14k words and with another 2-3k words to go. I have major momentum on it now after struggling with it for some time, as it's finally taking shape and being fleshed out. For those who know me on Skype, I'm mostly unavailable until I finish this. Best guess at this point is it'll be draft complete tomorrow and released within a couple days after, once prereaders have given it a thorough check and thumbs-up.

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texas weather at its finest · 12:31am Dec 28th, 2015


my little pony but its abridged · 7:07pm Jan 20th, 2017


Crackshipping and Crossovers · 9:28pm Aug 21st, 2016

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well, staying classy and all that. Just a quick thing, but the latest Crackshipping story I've posted, you might notice, stars Aria. Pretty much the same Aria that is in Dazzling Sunset(which is why that story is tagged in this blog). The crackshipping story, if it were strictly canon to Dazzling Sunset, would take place after the end of that story, and therefore is a touch spoilery.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 278 results