
Viewing 61 - 80 of 425 results

The End - A series of summaries · 10:45pm Aug 19th, 2019

Hello, it's me again. I've been thinking a lot ever since I've written my last blogpost, and here's what my brain came up with. I still had plans, BIG plans, for where I could take my Divine Universe, and now I'm certain they'll never see the light of day. Thinking about it made me realize just how big of a commitment that would have been, and considering I got other stuff to do, I concluded that I'm not willing to commit to that. The size of the various stories would have been smaller overall,

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update · 6:13am Apr 17th, 2020

real life is a bi*** and so does growing up. My taste in ponies has diminished to the point I can't even bother to look at these colorful horses without cringing in some way.

Also, I worship a new Alicorn now.

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Report Bwaak · 276 views · #Alicorn #Ace Combat #irl

Actually, I'm Dead - Autopsy: The Hiatus Update · 3:37am Jul 25th, 2016

Guess who got some spare time between a soul shattering cold and university doing everything to tire me to death.

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yall did this to yourselves. · 6:41am Aug 24th, 2021

now watch me take a full month to actually finish and post this. :P


OC Story question · 3:35am Dec 16th, 2022

So, this question is for a future story for an OC I have made.

The OC is a human and the story takes place in Gen 4 , with the ponies being quadrupedal (on all 4s).

Should the human get the ability to turn into an anthro alicorn?? Or no??

And the same questions apply also to gen 5. I'm planning a story for it as well.

He is the only human in their universes. And the stories are not connected to each other.

Please comment your thoughts below.

Report PuzzleMaster98 · 132 views · #OC #alicorn #vote

Presenting Blitz, the Prettiest Radiation-Fueled Sorceress Horse · 10:42am Oct 24th, 2023

I wanted to wait until I’d posted Chapter 15, since it contains a minor spoiler, buuuuuuut oh well.

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Actually, I'm Dead: From the tomb · 5:47am Apr 16th, 2016

Actually, I'm Dead's Chapter 16: In edition.


Princess Fidelitas/Rainbow Dash and enemies · 8:05am Apr 25th, 2016

For the record about Princess Fidelitas/Princess Rainbow Dash, yes, she DOES tend to make a lot of enemies because as the concept of breaking cycles, MERELY BY EXISTING in a universe she causes any time loop in effect to come CRASHING DOWN around the loopers ears, causing it to come to a close. But for say, events like Majora's Mask, this actually enables Link to beat Majora, and MOVE ON, rather than say beating Majora, watching the credits, and going back to the last save file. She embodies

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Audio Reading of Alicorn's Feather · 11:19pm Mar 9th, 2016

A few days ago, GutiuSerenade, sent me an audio reading of Alicorn's Feather.

I have to say that GutiuSerenade done really well, going beyond than just a simple reading. A ton of work and assets had been put together. He gathered several people to voice the different characters, added music and sound effects, and even got a cover art to go along with the video.

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Actually, I'm Dead - Hiatus report: Let's do another Q&A session meanwhile · 8:10pm Aug 3rd, 2016

What university looks like:

The story's writing so far:

How I feel about this whole situation:

So, feel free to submit your questions in the comments. Stay classy, readers.


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Actually, I'm Dead - Editorial: Party goers · 8:06am Aug 14th, 2015

Okay, first of all, for those who may want my head for not updating in over a week, despite the fact that university is not in the way anymore... you know what, I'm not even sure on how to finish that statement, so I'm going to use the standard apology form:

Yeah, apparently this is a thing.

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Actually, I'm Death: Halloween Countdown (4) · 11:56pm Oct 9th, 2016

So, here we are with the first week of report. Let's do the technical stuff first:

First Act finished.
Added scene transition.
Second Act sketched and started.
Third Act sketched.

Yeah, keeping things spoiler free will make these reports kinda dull. So, let's talk about how's been the writing process working.

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Next chapter of "The Last Alicorn" will be delayed by a week. · 1:33am Jul 19th, 2015

I am currently out of town visiting my boyfriend and while he does have a computer, he doesn't have access to the chapter I was working on. Don't worry though, as soon as I get home, I plan on finishing the chapter!

This week however is going to be spent relaxing with my BF and once he has a night off...

I like to brag okay?!:rainbowwild::rainbowkiss:


Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster: How dark can they be? · 11:54am Aug 8th, 2017

Recently, a comment appeared in both of Nightwalker's and mine stories, Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

At first, I didn't pay them too much attention. However, after reconsidering it, I decided to answer it with the following, which I want to share with you, my faithful reader, in order to give you a clearer view of this strange look into the abyss that is our story.

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Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster: How dark can they be? · 11:55am Aug 8th, 2017

Recently, a comment appeared in both of Nightwalker's and mine stories, Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

At first, I didn't pay them too much attention. However, after reconsidering it, I decided to answer it with the following, which I want to share with you, my faithful reader, in order to give you a clearer view of this strange look into the abyss that is our story.

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I, Monster: First teaser · 12:05pm Feb 20th, 2017

It was a dark and stormy--
(Violin whack!)
:trixieshiftleft:: No! None of that! Shame on you!

Okay, okay. Calm down! I won't do the purple prose thing, only if you stop hitting me with my own violin.

:trixieshiftleft:: I don't trust you enough, so I'll keep the violin at reach.

Just three lines, all already approved by Nightwalker.

:trixieshiftleft:: I don't trust him either.

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Actually, I'm Death: Halloween Countdown (1) · 5:09am Oct 30th, 2016


Science in pastel colored pony land for the Win · 1:49am Oct 31st, 2016

I just realized that Twilight and Cadance's ascension is backed up by real world genetics. Ponies are a single species with three subraces that have common ancestors and routinely interbreed-so anywhere you look, you can find examples of even the "purest" of the races to have ancestors of the others in them. Both Twilight and Cadance were born a unicorn and a pegasus, respectively, but in their genetic code they still have DNA coding for the other races-it's just dormant and suppressed in favor

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Incoming!!! · 10:27pm Apr 20th, 2021

Yeah, distracted. Totally new story posting soon. Meanwhile, read The Runaway Bodyguard.

Note: The background of the images in this story is licensed from PIXTA. #11315199 is copyrighted by Yoc-chan Hiss.


The Rest of the Mane Six As Alicorns? · 8:06am Apr 16th, 2021

What do you think of the rest of the mane six alicorns would be like? As in all of them become alicorns alongside Twilight Sparkle.

Here's my theory.

Rainbow Dash's ego would be inflated even more. She probably be ridiculously powerful in the Wonderbolts. (faster strong, etc) She might be able to even fly to other planets at great speeds across the universe. She may want to try to make friends on other planets even, as in aliens.

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Report Bendy · 253 views · #Alicorns #mane six
Viewing 61 - 80 of 425 results