
Viewing 41 - 58 of 58 results

An engaging story (pun intended) · 3:21am Sep 5th, 2018

Once upon a time I was broken. (This was before I had even considered being anything other than straight) My ex girlfriend Rachel had just dumped me for like, the 4th time (We’ve since gotten back together and broken up 7 more times, but that’s not important.) She had suggested me being polyamorous with her and her boyfriend Jacob, (Known here as Lord Dragon at the time, though he may have changed his username since then) and when I declined, she dumped me. She had to be with just him,

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more art stream and chill · 11:59pm Aug 12th, 2023


Anti-Anti-Corporate · 5:16pm Jul 1st, 2020

Okay. I'm really starting to hate this whole 'Anti-Corporate' sentiment of today. I'm not pro-corporate, I'm fairly neutral on that ground. But I think it's incredibly self-defeating. Almost every anti-corporate comment I've found on various media sites point towards only one thing- Rage.
It's rage against a system that doesn't exist.
Most problems in corporations are rarely ever solely down to greed or hatred.

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Backwards Online Behaviour · 10:38pm Sep 24th, 2019

When I have a problem or a worry, when stressed, agitated or sullen, I get it off my chest with my family and friends at home.
And online, I do my best to tell people things are okay, to look on the bright side and to treat each other right.


So is it supposed to be the other way round then?
Because, from what I see online, I'm seriously out of place here.


Paul's Thursday Reviews CVII · 9:57pm Mar 8th, 2018

And we’re back with another round. I’ll have to keep it short today, folks, as I’ve got almost 50k words to read (it’s a workaholic week), a car in the shop that needs picking up (my poor wallet! But the rental's sweet), 2,000 words to write (at minimum), my day job (writing about boring things so I can write about interesting things later), and a need to make a big meal so that the leftovers will last me every lunch for the next week (because it’s cheaper than buying six or seven small meals).

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What Wouldn't You Do For 800,000 Dollars? · 1:35pm Aug 27th, 2017

What Wouldn't You Do For 800,000 Dollars?

Let's just say someone, hypothetically speaking, walked up to you and said they would give you 800,000 dollars with the condition that you would have to pass a series of 'tests' or 'challenges' to get the money. Think Fear Factor, but a lot darker (potentially).

The challenges would range from eating bugs to sleeping in a room filled with spiders to...perhaps even more sinister things.

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Am I the only one who feels like... · 3:01am Jun 5th, 2018

Spike getting his wings isn't nearly as divisive as Twilight getting hers was, but that there seem to be some very vocal people trying to make it sound like it is?

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Signal Boost: Netflix and Chill? No, not like THAT! · 3:02am Feb 22nd, 2021

It’s happened again, another entry into my Not-A-Contest! This time by none other than Fable Caster:

TNetflix and Chill? No, not like THAT!
Another day, another failed job application... In other words, Andy is having a bad one. Luckily his equine housemates are there to brighten it up.
Fable Caster · 9k words  ·  115  3 · 2.5k views

If you’ve enjoyed the million or so words I’ve written about ponies misunderstanding human culture or humans misunderstanding pony culture, this’ll be right up your alley.

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Fembruary · 3:34am Feb 2nd, 2019


The Good, the Bad, and the Extra stuff I wanted to talk about. · 10:56am Nov 6th, 2022

Okay. Bad news first: I haven’t started working on anything new. Like at all. Not a single word. The finale hasn’t even begun to get written yet, or any other story for that matter.

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Chillin', Helluva Boss EP 6 talkback, game stuff · 2:08am Aug 22nd, 2021


Let's Talk About This Timeline Skewing Nonsense · 5:16am Nov 19th, 2018

Okay, so this was just brought to my attention from EQG director Ishi Rudell's Twitter feed.

And the comments on said image have everybody flipping out over two things: Starlight's appearance in the opening number of the MLP movie and the redesign of the throne room in the movie that was made part of the Season 8 backgrounds. How does this affect my personal timeline?

Answer: It doesn't.

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2016-01-07 6:07, plus some. · 12:29pm Jan 7th, 2016

So. New year. Can't resume random thoughts and dreams of late, but those guys on the floor above my ceiling keep me awake. Eh.

No apocalypse yet, survived again. Not that I believe in one. Still too cynical for that:

The day the pony comes to say: the apocalypse is neigh, the cynical will laugh,
for he has no time to waste on such nonsense.
And on the day the apocalypse comes, the cynical will laugh: for he was right.

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Silent Chill Redux [Relaxing Music from Silent Hill 2 & 3] · 3:25pm Jul 15th, 2019


Looking forward to the holiday break · 12:23am Dec 18th, 2020

Usually, I find the winter solstice season, or the post winter solstice season, to be rather relaxing. Depending on where I'm employed, things quiet down before or after Christmas, and since 2016, I've had jobs that offer paid time off, for the holidays. For both of the employers that I've had, since 2016, the work load lessens, by Christmas. The winter solstice break of 2018 has probably been my favorite, since it involved two entire weeks off. It seems as though the break of 2020 might be

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Badfic Slaughterhouse #25 · 6:21pm Oct 21st, 2015

The doors of the Badfic Slaughterhouse have opened once more, and six more stories now stand before their judge, jury, and potential executioner. Which will be found worthy, and which will be thrown into a grinder for your twisted amusement? Read on to find out.

In this edition of Badfic Slaughterhouse:
—Drunken poker shenanigans.
—Abel and Caine, reincarnated as astronauts.
—Sunset Shimmer gets hammered.
—Being gay makes ponies stupid.

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Looks like I'll be sober tonight · 10:46pm Jul 29th, 2016

I'd rather drink the hooch with my friend. If she comes, she'll have to drive home and there's no way I'm letting her have a drop of alcohol. She just took a nap so she may or may not come. I'm fine with that, though. Nothing's as bad as that time I threw a birthday party and nobody came.:moustache: Yes, it actually happened. It also happened another time, but it wasn't a birthday party. I'm kind of used to this shit now so it's ok.

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Sailor Moon -- from Gay to Gayer · 9:12pm Dec 9th, 2017

Viewing 41 - 58 of 58 results