
Viewing 21 - 40 of 83 results

Story plans for 2018 and the foreseeable future · 7:57am Mar 27th, 2018

First of all, I might get a job at some point so I don't know how I'll do this exactly if that happens. Probably the timescale of releases will be more spread out or whatever. I'm slowly working on that- wish it would be a faster process but doing assessments of what I could do for a job and all takes time.

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Post-COVID job quitting · 5:28am Apr 28th, 2021

I resigned from my very first job on December 2019, 3 months before the world went into a pandemic due to the spread of COVID-19.

The job I had was pretty much a dead-end job. I worked for 6 days a week from 9am to 6pm and the tasks that I performed were all the same. What's great about my former workplace is that it's 2 minutes away from my house. I didn't have to worry about the traffic that keeps getting worse every year.

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Hey. · 4:04am May 30th, 2018

I found an old screenie of my account from before I started publishing stories. The main focus of the screenshot was the fact that I got the popup for upgrading to Windows 10 and decided to go ahead, but behind that page, you can see the new story page that would eventually lead to the original Wielder of the Orb story that I published a few months after I first joined.

Notice how the username is different?

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Done! Just needs to be edited. · 6:05pm Mar 14th, 2016

Well, the next chapter of What I've Done is ready for action! Though, to tell the truth, this is probably going to be the last, real chapter of this book.

This book.

The ending is solid, leaves on a decent resolution, while at the same time it gives a decent cliffhanger, and is perfectly set up for the sequel. All that is needed now is an epilogue for this story, and the prologue for the next book: What I Am.

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Getting more materials down. · 6:23pm Aug 7th, 2019

Mwahahahaha, the chapter keeps getting BIGGER.

Hi Meeeeeeeeeeerlos,

Yes Stormy?

Do you know what time it is?

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Well, I should have seen that coming... · 12:41am Oct 10th, 2015

As it turns out, "Equestria Girls: Applejack's Secret" has been given a nice extensive review, which can be found here!, and receives the best rating I've ever gotten in a story ever...

What can I say? I know what I am!



You all need to hear this - FireRain is coming to an end. · 6:10pm Dec 30th, 2019

I made an announcement that is pretty important for everyone who follows me and expects new content from me to hear. I know it's short and incredibly brief, but you should give it a listen to know what's going on.


hey · 8:09pm Jul 13th, 2018

Ok. Ive got a lot of explaining to do rn. You might have noticed ive been abesnt from this site for quite some time. And theres a perfectly logical reason. Im no longer a brony. Why, you may ask? Well i assure you, theres a perfectly logical explanation. You see, in all my time on this fine website, i dident watch the show at all. All i did was jerk off to fanfiction. Thats all. Even though i called myself a brony, i was anything but. I was basicly using this site as a pastel horse version of

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Report Juicy grapes · 283 views · #I #quit #lol #no #more #ponies #for #me

I'm not dead but im also done here if it wasn't obvious · 1:04am Apr 4th, 2023

Hey I'm sorry to disappoint you ponies but after so long I don't think you were holding your breath for my return. its been quite a long time and while I still write things I'm no longer part of the mlp fandom nore do i plan to continue the stories on this account. to add onto that my editor and i have part ways for the foreseeable future and without them its definitely not happening. its been a fun ride and I still look back upon these old stories with some fondest, but at the same time I've

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Here We Go Again!!! · 5:26am Aug 19th, 2016


Author Spotlight #5: All Art Is Quite Useless · 1:24am Nov 11th, 2017

Hey guys! Back with another one of these thingies.

So, this time I'm talking about a more active author in recent days that I think you all should pay attetntion to. For a brief idea as to why and some story recs, check below the break!

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Are All My Ideas Unworkable, No Matter What? · 9:34pm Sep 22nd, 2021

Because I think that's started to be that way. My OCs, my stories, my wiki pages, all of them are bad and can never work, no matter what I do. I shouldn't come up with an idea at all. Maybe that will be the answer.

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And Suddenly I'm Writing Too Much Fic · 11:13pm Sep 27th, 2015


Why I Quit Writing - An important video you might be interested to hear + my roots as a writer · 3:08pm Jan 13th, 2020

Context - I start off with an introduction as to how I got started on Fimfiction, the first material I ever wrote, my journey through writing and learning the ropes, persona experiences made through wrongs and rights, the people and contacts I've made and learned a great deal from, my thoughts on creativity...just a lot of different areas. I have a tendency to rant at times, but this is something that I really felt needed to be said.

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Falling Out Of Writing - Break + WTF? · 8:49am Jul 21st, 2015

Starting this blog out with a "WAT" moment:

Now since I have your attention and all of your wats, I will now drop the bombshell.

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Something I Find Odd · 9:54pm Jun 26th, 2017

So, I have 83 followers, right?

Chances are, at least five of them are because of my stories. But that still leaves 78.

There are also high chances that 10 of them are because I added their stories to my shelves, but that is still 68.

So why, then, do my reviews, on average, get a view count of 40?

It's just something I find interesting.

Oh, and I have been slacking more than I'd like on getting more of those reviews out. Sorry.


its been like a year and a half · 1:38pm May 14th, 2020

and im still upset about villain exchange program
losing that badly- to some of the absolutely shittiest entries, who committed sins my entry was called out for to a far greater degree really fucked with me

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The real reason why I'm temporarily leaving. · 6:59pm Jul 8th, 2021

Because all I do is hurt people. I just realized that a long while ago, but I didn't want to say anything, until now, because I didn't want to instigate the previous incident or come off as manipulative again, but I need to get it off my chest.

I used to think that there was at least some good or chances in me despite that, but now I know that I'm beyond saving at this point. No matter what.

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Message #2 · 12:08am Feb 16th, 2017

Want to know what I am most annoyed with?

Stories that aren't complete.

Yeah sure I know the excuses, I've heard them all.

Oh I have a job.

Oh I have children.

Oh it's just too much for me, I'll never really actually finish.

Oh I just don't really care anymore.

Oh I have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

Oh I'm not really a brony/pegasister anymore/ I'm not really that interested in the show anymore.

I'm leaving Fimfiction.

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Commencing solar orbit #42 · 6:54pm Jul 20th, 2018

Allow me to be self-indulgent for a moment, and celebrate surviving another year! The last 365 days have been a heck of a ride; I'd try to unpack it a little more, but I'm getting pulled out the door to head out into the mountains for swimming purposes. (Which is far from the worst way to spend your birthday.)

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 83 results