
Viewing 21 - 40 of 266 results

Okay, on the new episodes... · 5:02pm Mar 26th, 2018

Okay, here I'm just going to take a stab at the new season premiere and share some theories and thoughts I have. Just short little ramblings.

The new students of the School. I wonder, are they being set up to be the new Mane Six and CMCs? I mean, before you rant and rave at me, hear me out.

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Wild Fan Theory: “The Cart Before the Ponies” · 10:52pm Aug 7th, 2016

Okay, so after a watched this episode, I looked up what TVTropes had to say about it, and the Shout-Out section mentioned something about a similar activity called the Pinewood Derby. It mentions that the derby is done by Cub Scouts and that the derby has a bit of a bad reputation for having overcompetitive dads take over designing and making the cars. I also noticed that the episode was written by Ed Valentine, who I’m guessing is male.

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Wild Fan Theory: “Forever Filly” · 3:01am May 14th, 2017

Wow! Okay, is it me or are we getting a lot of episodes about parenting this season? I mean, the first episode was about letting your loved ones go and how they’ll always have a place for you in their hearts even as they are growing into better people. The third one was about how important it is to give a loved one proper care and attention rather than taking on more than you can chew just to prove that you’re Superhuman. I’m counting the fourth episode. If you want to know why, just read

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Weird theory of mine regarding Twilight and reformed villains · 8:43pm Apr 16th, 2021

Especially if the villains in question were ponies.

Tell me, what do these clips have in common:

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the missing 7th Element of Harmony?! · 7:54pm Dec 6th, 2020

-now, as many bronies and pegasisters know there are six Elements of Harmony, and they were originally depicted with the six gems in that coat of arms logo before they turned into the actual elements. however we also know that none of the mane six have the Green Gem. so many people wonder and theorized what this 7th Gem could represent. for me. I've always theorized that the 7th gem represents something that I feel is missing from MLP, from both the show and in fanfictions.

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Story delayed, but neat cover art · 9:43pm Mar 7th, 2021

My new fic Changeling Theory is going to be delayed by another day since Maren's internet is out and is unable to send me the cover art. However, he did show it to me!

Striving for tomorrow!


Where are the deer? (a theory) · 12:25am Oct 31st, 2018

Sooooo, this is has been on my mind the past couple weeks. For those of you who don't read the comics, back in the day there was an arc that featured sentient deer. I have not personally read it, but I know of its infamy. Later on, in "Fluttershy Leans In" we see deer are as sentient as birds and bears. This really made me confused at the time, since I knew about the comic's arc with the deer. I wanted to spend some time talking about times in the show there were hints of deer existing as

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Report Guitarlove · 258 views · #speculation #theory #deer #EQG

On Writing and Giving Advice Thereof · 3:46am Jun 13th, 2017

So, the following blog post is, at least partially based on the writings of others. Primarily, I recommend you peruse SoloBrony’s (unfortunately incomplete) writing on art under ADPA. I must also acknowledge that GhostofHeraclitus wrote a blogpost that has a similar theme in addressing the same problem. I recommend that, after you read this, you follow

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So what exactly are griffons? · 2:22am Dec 1st, 2015

I actually wrote an essay of sorts on what a griffon is in MLP. You can find it here.

The tl;dr of it is griffons are to dragons as falcons are to dinosaurs.

Report wille179 · 381 views · #griffon #dragon #mlp #theory

Luna Theory, Emotional Transformation · 9:35pm Jul 11th, 2015

Ever since I first got into the fandom, I found myself wandering how this cute little princess-

could become this princess.

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Discord's Origins · 2:59am Jul 13th, 2015

Ok this is something I been debating about. What is Discord's Origins? When IDW comics did the Fiendship is magic, one popular villain origin they didn't do was Discord.

Now this has gotten me thinking, what is Discord's Origins? There are three theories on this.

One: Discord is Native to Equestria

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The Alicorn Amulet: Breaking it Down Analysis. It's NOT what you really think it is. · 3:47am Dec 26th, 2016

So what is the real story behind the mysterious and powerful Amulet in "Magic Duel" of the MLP Show?

No one really knows.

But there are many numerous head canons that say that the Amulet is an Element of Chaos/ Disharmony!

(Evil Maniacal Laugh)

And while I support this theory, there is one, well actually many, thing(s) I disagree with.


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Cracking the Equestria Girls Timeline · 7:04pm Aug 14th, 2018

So I was talking to some of the other writers involved in the Beanis Cinematic Universe and I posed the question I asked here a while back "why can we accept characters from adult shows like the Simpsons and Bob's Burgers having characters who don't age but insist that kids shows adhere to that rule?"

There was discussion back and forth, but during that discussion something came up which might actually fix every problem everyone has with the timeline of events for Equestria Girls.

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Review: Critical Theory Since Plato · 7:12am Sep 24th, 2015


If there's only one Sunset Shimmer, this is why I think that is (Also: if there are two, where I think the other is) · 4:06pm Feb 7th, 2019

This isn't my preferred answer to the question "Where is the other Sunset Shimmer?" but it has the virtue of being straightforward and working with what we know about how the worlds do and don't parallel each other.

Unnecessary Deep Background:

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Season finale theory · 3:08am Oct 24th, 2017

From what I saw at the end of the most recent episodes end (the book in the barrel in the last scene) and the description I read on direct tv for the finale I think they are finally using something from the comics as I think the pony if shadows ( who the tv description mentions ) is the evil ancester that the pony who was erasing all knowledge of from the world in an attempt to keep him from coming back.


Was re-reading some webpages latelty .... · 4:19pm Sep 24th, 2020

I think this quote may cheer you up, even if udnerlaying reality is no laughting:

A few years ago I was sat on a train with a chap who said he was a nuclear scientist and during our discussion he said the problem is we are too clever, I paused and said I don't agree the problem is we are too sexual, we are fucking every other species off the planet.

SRC from Alan Cooper (not computer related one).

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Report Andrew-R · 100 views · #links #theory #world

I don't believe in the Flat Earth theory · 12:23am Sep 22nd, 2018

I don't believe in the Flat Earth theory and it genuinely scares me that alot of people including those I know personally believe in this crackpot conspiracy theory. I do believe in some conspiracy theories but this one is just too stupid for me to take seriously. As far as I am concerned, the Flat Earth theory is a just a half baked psy-op AKA psychological operation design to make everybody who does not take what the mainstream media says as the gospel truth look like crazy and ignorant

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Steven Universe Theory: Why Aren't Rejuvenators Still In Use? · 6:48pm Sep 6th, 2019

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Steven Universe the Movie left a lot of unanswered questions, many of which pertain to our main antagonist's weapons and how she acquired them. But what about why her weapon of choice is no longer in use?

Steven Universe belongs to Cartoon Network and the Crewniverse.

My Tumblr:

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The magics of Equestria (magic theory post) · 3:43am Dec 5th, 2015

Some of you may know that I am Pagan, and psychic. I do quite a lot of spirit-work, and may post things on my off-site blog which are channelings from various spirits and gods. This is one which Epona asked me to channel, and I believe it may be useful for reference here. Dream Equestria is Epona's personal "zone" or "realm" in spirit, one which she says many pony fans have passed through in dreams or imagination (I believe her, having spotted a few in my own spirit journeys there).

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 266 results