
Viewing 21 - 40 of 61 results

Abrupt Update to Thing · 4:14am Aug 21st, 2016

*Brews up relaxing cup of pumpkin spice tea, sits down at computer while humming classical music. Pulls up site while taking slow sip. Reads blurb on latest episode. Tea Spray Mother-F***ing Everywhere.*

Screw the mid-season hiatus. I'm doing this.


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So, I Just Had The Most Peculiar Dream · 6:48am Aug 9th, 2020

After an early dinner and an uncharacteristically early bedtime (I’m more of a night owl, staying up past the witching hour doing God knows what, but this time I was knocked out by what I can only speculate as having been around 6pm) I had the most peculiar dream about Chessie’s Starlight Over Detrot. To give you a brief rundown of the plot (before my post-waking mind purges what little remains of the memory),

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Report Duep · 168 views · #Dream #late night #sfw #bathroom NOW

Greetings from 2am · 10:06am Feb 11th, 2016

Can't sleep. Brain is like a hamster on a wheel. :ajsleepy:


Topic for Discussion · 4:15am Oct 14th, 2018

Who is best pony, and why is it Lyra?

Just look at those colors, that smile. There is no competing with her.

Twilight is pretty neat too.


Does this happen to anybody else after a certain time? · 1:23am Mar 3rd, 2021

After a certain time of day or night (night in my case, the time in which I'm writing this), does anybody become extremely melancholic and thoughtful about their lives? Where you're headed, where you'll be in the next few odd years, if you'll be the same person or not, whether or not you'll still be single or in a relationship and how you'll handle it?

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Thoughts after watching Legend of Everfree (spoilers spoiler-tagged) · 5:35am Oct 3rd, 2016

I just finished watching Legend of Everfree. Maybe this is partially the accompanying cider talking, but I'm pleased overall, despite some gaping plot holes and continued hand-waving about how Equestrian magic is supposed to work in the other world.

Basically it's like this

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Probably a bad idea but whatevs · 5:39am Oct 26th, 2016

Well season six is finally over and that means watching/reviewing the last half. I had planned on holding off until next week cuz I'm a sissy baby coward have stuff to do the next few days, but work has gotten me riled up and gave me a crazy idea for late night shenanigans to both relax and get this thing over with. I'm loaded down with red wine and a bottle of Guinness actually no that's for a special occasion to marathon my way through this silly horse show, see how many

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I read a lot · 7:24am Mar 25th, 2016

This isn't exactly an update, I just wanted to point that out.


What's going on with you?


So, you're sitting at home, doing whatever, and you get a call on your phone... · 11:29pm Mar 17th, 2017

But the caller ID sign says 'No Caller ID'. You ignore it. The call comes again a few minutes later, so you ignore it. Another few minutes later, 'No Caller ID' calls again, you get annoyed, but you ignore it. Again, it calls, but this time, you answer it.

You would probably greet in a pretty annoyed tone.

A soft voice talks. "Oh? I don't want an attitude like that around Equestria."

You immediately recognize the voice.

It was Princess Celestia.

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A musing on original story publishing · 8:00am Jun 25th, 2018

I certainly want to keep all rights to my own story, which means that I'll practically be ruling out every major publishing house there is.

I guess I'll self-publish, then. I can handle writing and editing myself, I can join some reviewing groups to get the thing proofread, maybe stir up some hype with Kickstarter and some marketing muscle, and partner up with a printing company to get the thing rolling into stores.

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So then. · 7:02am Oct 26th, 2018

I'm still awake at 1 AM. I was bored, so I searched up the city I used to live in on wikipedia.

I used to live just a bit down the road from an IM Flash Technologies factory.

Turns out that same factory makes about 1 in every 14 flash memory chips in the world.

Also, the entirety of Utah's population is centered around Lehi, which I know from personal experience has been nicknamed "Silicon Slopes" to compete against California's Silicon Valley.

So yeah.

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Late Nights with Wraithy: Mass Effective · 5:11am Aug 24th, 2015

I'm sorry, but writing puns is hard this late at night.

Well, puns that don't involve sex for catchy phrases regarding incest.

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Mannrobics · 7:58am Dec 18th, 2015

Scout has rhythm.


Meerkats. · 6:50am Dec 6th, 2017

Just kidding. This blogs just about me talking about how I've now got a new habit of listening to music on my Bluetooth headphones for about an hour before actually sleeping every night because I lost my earbuds and so I listen to all my music at once.

Also, I still have no idea when and where I picked up the habit of randomly saying/shouting "meerkats".


Late Night Story Idea · 8:36am Mar 24th, 2019

Hey guys, Gamer here. Just had an idea I wanted ta' swing by you guys. I've been contemplating this one for a while and, to be honest, I have my heart kind of set on it. I was thinking about making an anthology of crackship, one-shot clopfics. For example: Maud Pie and Tree Hugger. Or maybe Big Mac and Queen Chrysalis. The more outlandish the better, and the more practice I get out of it to get back into the swing of writing. Let me know what you guys think. And maybe give me some suggestions.

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What I've learned after over a year of job searching... · 4:41pm Aug 30th, 2016

QuickBooks is obviously such a complex and user-unfriendly system that anyone who does not use it regularly has no chance of ever grasping it. The same can be said for any external payroll processing system, the catch-22 being that you must be an expert at using the system before you can learn how to use it, since a company won't hire you if you don't have the experience with their specific system, and you cannot be trained on a system without a corporation backing you.

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Night glass · 9:20am Jul 19th, 2016

Another sleepless night. I am tired, torn, but... Excited? Today, husbando and I are signing the lease to a beautiful new home. On that, I am very happy. My heart still aches though. My family, my broken little family, has a fresh new crack. I hope the rift closes... Or at the least that someone busts out the super glue and mends the break.

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Expect something new · 2:23pm Sep 9th, 2017

Alright, I've hit a literal brick wall while writing "One late night" and I've decided to put it on pause for a while. For now, I'm working with two of my friends to bring you all a new story.

I would give you guys a sneak-peak into the google docs file that we're writing it in, but I don't feel like being paranoid about someone making edits or just utterly fucking everything up. Sorry, but one bad apple spoils the bunch. It's happened before, so I don't feel like letting it happen again.

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Announcement: New Story Incoming, Story Updates, And More! · 6:56am Oct 24th, 2022

Hey everyone, it's pretty late where I am right now, and as of writing this, it's 2:34am. But I'm crunching for time like Hell because I recently moved and got a new job, so yay me, and my co-author has also been dealing with their IRL schedule too. But I have exciting news! I have spent my limited time off to provide the stories you love. Expect at least one update and a new story. If I can complete the Equestria Chronicles Chapter tonight, that'd be great, but I might have to post it on

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"It's Just Clop" · 8:14am Aug 9th, 2015

"If a thing like this is worth doing at all, it's worth doing right."
- Raoul Duke/Hunter S. Thompson

You know what bugs me? People defending poor writing quality by saying, "It's just clop." Yeah, because having graphic sexual content means you don't have to put any effort in. Come on, is it really so much to ask?

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 61 results