• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.

More Blog Posts83

  • 5 weeks
    Happy 420

    Here's a little something half-baked for such a groovy day.

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  • 74 weeks
    Special Christmas Post!

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  • 108 weeks
    So yeah, Space Wars Day or whatever

    Honestly I've been checked out on Star Wars for a long time: longer than before the new trilogy came around to sour it even further. I mean I technically still write Star Wars, though it's nothing that can be accepted by any ol' fan. For one thing, the Ssi-Ruuk are regularly represented, and another is that they're not presented as their original selves. Still a shame they're so under-utilized in

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  • 124 weeks
    Positive Vibes

    So something curious has just happened: I just got done watching the South Park Post-Covid two part special, and it has put me in a very positive and hopeful mindset. Yeah: South Park of all things giving me the feel-goods. Like legitimate fuzzies about things working out.

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  • 133 weeks

    Hells to the yeah: Season 2, and it's coming in early December, baby! Right alongside Stone Ocean at that, hoo-yeah!! Just the thing to perk me up after a day of work, I tell ya.

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Probably a bad idea but whatevs · 5:39am Oct 26th, 2016

Well season six is finally over and that means watching/reviewing the last half. I had planned on holding off until next week cuz I'm a sissy baby coward have stuff to do the next few days, but work has gotten me riled up and gave me a crazy idea for late night shenanigans to both relax and get this thing over with. I'm loaded down with red wine and a bottle of Guinness actually no that's for a special occasion to marathon my way through this silly horse show, see how many episodes I can watch and critique while blitzed out. So let's get this shindaggity dib a dabba goin', boiz and gurlz cuz it's time we get proper pissed ya know so come on lads LET'S GET SMAAAAAAAAAAAASHED!!!

A Ramblin' Raver Nut's Late Night After Work Poorly Decisioned Pony Show Review Desperate Rush Time Bugger

Stranger than Fiction, Fanfic, f***: Cons cons cons cons cons cons cons ho boy it's the con episode. Having been to a con I can confirm they look like that... only no fun rope swings or ball pits (thankfully if that one ill-fated con was lesson enough). Surprised to have Patton Oswalt be in pony, and be the know-it-all who criticizes his way to victory. Some fun little jabs at adventure genres, fans, half-decent adventure plot. Though what impressed me more was the monologue about fan fiction that went on during the end credits. I've had my obsessive spiels on my own fan works, so I say nice tough, touch, damn.

Horse Before Cart: F*** Yeah Physics!! And yeah I see the Quibbles (teehee) about this being the whole "older sister hogging the spotlight" deal lesson whatever. Still a decent episode, with nice okay song and references to Wacky Races (that s*** was my jam, anyone else's? No? K then).

28 Planks Lata: Dammit another "Rainbow Dash is a jerk" episode. If Flutters was "too easy" why'd you scare her in the first place? Gawd. Harry Bear real bro, tho. And ain't it a little early for Halloween? Actually, it's about close enough. Zombie babies; I didn't need sleep tonight. Still, I thought this was a better "teach Rainbow a lesson" ep than Mare Do Well and frickin' sabotaging winter are you kidding me?? But yea, real alright.


Dungeons & Discus: Discord episode; my smile has widened. Jokey 4th-wall breaking darling come to raise my drunken enjoyment praise almighty PRAISE ALMIGHTY! But yeah, this is totally how guys night goes for me and my crew... only with more alcohol and vulgarity. So yeah, this was a real treat to smile on through. A time to not take things seriously and get all kinds of random ridiculous fun time happy joy. 5/7 would recommend. Certainly better than wasted Smooze potential episode.

Bucketball Session: So I ate some Ho-Hos to counteract the alcohol, and also I've run out of wine so bummer. Anyway, sports. Itsh a sportsh episodes. I really should get into casual baseball. Just gotta talk me chums into playing it or sumthin'. But yeah, this is looking liek a repeat of the apple cart episode, the whole "getting ahead of ourselves at others' expenses". Okay no not entirely. Good bit of entertainment. And hey, some Snails appreciation. Words to live by for easy living: don't think about anything. Preaching to the choir, you guy who the fans like to roleplay as transgender... seriously fandom why must you decide how these characters operate?

That One Movie Where Cancer Patient Teens Have Sex: Short Touhou break to boost me energy. I seem to play better when drunk. The ZUN spirit lives on in me! Oh huh? Right, uh, that seems like a good idea: have some 10 year olds be advisors for how your child functions. Oh yeah, real professional opinion right there. With that outta the way, oh Gabby, what a wonderful restless bouncy ball of sunshine you are. Sure her constant yipping and gushing can come off as annoying, but I find it endearing. A fun little song to go along with the episode, too. Seeing a pattern here: Changelings learning to change, and griffons learning to be helpful to others. Like a... progression of the world, building towards a better future. Shame not all episodes can be this good at world building (-ish). Oh wait, we've yet to see if what has happened has been applied to future happenings. We'll see. Overall good episode.

Hey I used to live there (Actual Vegas, not this charade): Awwwww yeah, some Sin City action. And I gots just the right tunes for it. Spin that wheel o' luck, daddio. And hey, I found more wine; good times! Neato episode here with the unraveling con/counter-con scenario. Bit of redemption story for them fast-talkin' Flim Flam brothers, pure excellence. Kinda didn't work how they didn't go full Elvis with Gladmane, instead using those random punctuation-a-majiggers. Pretty nice episode overall.

Every little thing she does is Magic! Every thing she does just turns me on! (Holy S*** that's a Police song, SWEET!): You figured that the whole "casting magic on your friends is a bad idea" should have been established after the season 5 opener... or the season 5 finale. But wahtevs, middling bit of episode here. Figured she'd get over the whole friendship worry thing after the Hearth's Warming episode; loosen up and get all chummy. At least I got my Police to keep me warm. Yet it'll never remove Spike's never-ending role of butt monkey. What cruel fate, to play the kid sidekick in a kid's show.

PPPPPPPP: Meh, not much going on here. Saw commenters on this site point out Pirate-jack, and also bunyip. I actually went and did Wiki research on bunyip. What this fandom does to me. Again, not much going on here for me. Or maybe it's the fatigue wearing at me. Feeling pretty mellow as it is. Also kinda late. So yeah, okay filler episode.

Right lads I think I'm done for this night. Will finish up the season when sober, after more imporatnnat things are done. some amusement so far. Lookin' forward to end of season, where big things happen. Changeling things. Can't wait. Night night... zzzzrrrggggzzzeegssshh

Comments ( 1 )
Author Interviewer

ohei, it's CoS! :D How you been?

5/7 would recommend.

CoS pls

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