Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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I enjoy funny stories and good action/adventure. I'll take one-shots as well as longer stories so long as I believe in the premise.
I'm good for pre-reading, proof-reading and editing but better at the latter two.
I'm not really a fan of crossovers but if I can be convinced there's potential for a story than I'll consider it (sometimes it helps if I don't know it's a crossover).
I do not want to read slasher or clop fictions.

Prefered tags:
Adventure, Comedy, Random, Slice of Life
Sometimes Romance and Dark (I'm picky here).

The Mute Octave
Ditzy Don't

Favorite form of communication:
Skype - Brawny Buck (

Be sure to be very specific with me as to what type of help you're looking for. For example, if you only want help correcting grammar or if you want help developing the story. I'll be as thorough as possible in any case and let you know what was done well and what might need work. I encourage a high amount of communication so that the intentions of whatever is being conveyed in the story is seldom lost.
Sections highlighted in red will indicate things I feel could use work or am uncertain of.
(Green parentheses are suggested changes.)
This is to make sure that I didn't misread or misunderstand something that was written.

Obligatory and Standard Instructions: To request a review of your story, please do the following:
1. Read the general rules on the front page, plz.
2: Read the rules the kind reviewer has set. If he doesn’t want a specific tag, don’t waste anyone’s time by posting a story with that tag.
2.5 Read all of them. Don’t be lazy. Laziness is a terrible quality.
3. Fill out this form about your story:
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag):
General Summary/Description:
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):
Other important information:
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:
4. The reviewer has one week to accept your story. Please understand they are people too, and may not accept your request as soon as you post it. If they fail to accept your request after one week, and you are sure you fit into the group/reviewer’s rules, then report the instance to the admins.
5. After the reviewer has successfully reviewed your story, then be sure to mark your post as completed in some form of noticeable lettering. It helps everyone see the reviewer is doing their job.
6. If any problems arise that you and your reviewer can’t solve together, contact the admins and we’ll help you.

I have XPS files I'd like you to read over and give me some feedback on them. Would that be alright? You put your email down so if you agree then I can just send it to you there.

I'd appreciate your help.
Title: The prophecy of Sweetest Belle
Tags: Dark Adventure
General Summary/Description:
When the sweetest belle has green eyes, the world shall meet its untimely demise.
An ancient prophecy foretells that if the 'Sweetest Belle' has green eyes she will bring the world to ruin. Rarity refuses to believe that her Sweetie Belle is the one the prophecy foretells. However when Sweetie Belle begins to display the signs Celestia, Luna, and Cadence warned her to look out for, Rarity has to decide if she should let her sister die to save Equestria or protect her sister from harm. And if Sweetie Belle finally finds out what they have in store for her, Rarity dreads what actions her little sister will take.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:None
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Spelling and Grammar mistakes.
Other important information: I have other people proofing this story, their using a Gdoc
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Probably a Gdoc so you can keep in touch with my other proofreaders.

How many chapters will this be and what is the average word count per chapter?

I don't know how many, but normally it's 1-2k per chapter.

I'll get in touch with you later tonight over private message to work out the details. I should be able to help.

Title: Through the Well of Pirene
Tags: Adventure, Human
General Summary/Description: A teenage girl's sister is kidnapped by strange creatures and she must go after them to save her. She discovers that the imaginary friend of her youth is not so imaginary as she believed, and that saving her sister will demand more of her than merely journeying.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: None.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Grammar. Pretty much exclusively grammar. I tend to have issues with sentence structure.
Other important information: All I ask is for assistance on the grammar, though I would not sneer at other advice. I say this because Pirene is fairly long and so if you find the size uncomfortable all I would ask for is someone to swoop in and look at sentence structure.
If you have to, I would accept your commitment to only a couple chapters.
The total length as of now is 7 chapters at over 10k words a piece—if you want to do the whole thing or even continue as a permanent editor, I would appreciate it, but would not demand it.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Google documents is where I store the master drafts, but for communication I can do Skype, AIM, or other IMs or chats.

I'll get in touch with you over private message.

Title: Ditzy Don't

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Comedy, Slice of Life

General Summary/Description: "After Ditzy Doo messes up one too many times, Rainbow bans her from the weather team. Ditzy turns to Twilight to help her get over her clumsiness, but can she and the rest of her friends get the job done or will it only result in further calamity?"

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: The story is already published and complete at 3 chapters with a total of 9,232 words between them. It can be seen here.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I've submitted this story to EQD in the past and it came back with these general complaints: Missing commas, missing words, awkward and confusing sentences, LUS, overly thick accent, too many exclamation marks, and typos. While I've tried to fix what I can, I'm not confident that I can spot everything, and I'm looking for more specific feedback into what I might be doing wrong and what I need to do to improve it enough to get it up to the kind of standard that no one can complain about it from a technical standpoint.

Other important information: I prefer extensive and rigorous criticism as long as the analysis stays professional.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Sending a Gdoc of the edited chapters to me would be acceptable, though if Skype is preferred by the editor at any point, I'm not shy and the sight of my face shouldn't cause anyone's eyes to melt.


What type of help are you looking for? Pre-reading, proof-reading or editing?


Sorry, I mainly need editing. Don't feel shy about pointing out something proof-reading related, of course, but it's a secondary concern, I think.


I can definitely help you with this. I've got a couple people ahead of you though so I'll get to you by early next week at the latest.
What type of editing are you looking for? Grammar, formatting or both?


Both, if it's not a problem. Feel free to nitpick.

Title: Dangerous Elements
Tags: Dark/Adventure
General Info/Overview: Spike is forcefully kidnapped from Twilight and forced to fight for the entertainment of a corrupted, backwash - town club owner. Twilight tries to rescue him, but is having trouble controlling her anger towards those who want to hurt her and her dragon.
Information needed: Story is currently on hiatus while I study for exams, but I will be continuing come the end of June.
Specifics to focus on: Grammar and capitalisation errors, as well as just anywhere you feel could be improved. Phrases or parts that make it sound too 'rushed' or emotions conveyed to reconsider. Also, help with dialogue and proper use of speech marks and quotations.
Other important things: I've never had anyone read over or help me change my story, so I might need help on how I can actually get documents to you. I've already published 5 chapters and I'm looking at doing between 3-5k words on average per chapter.

I can in touch via Skype, though any changes wouldn't be completed until after the 19th of June (end of exams).
Any help you can give would be much appreciated. :twilightsheepish:


Title: Sugarfree
Tags: Adventure, Romance, Comedy
General Summary: After a bizarre disaster at the Castle, Discord has fled and Luna is sick. Overloaded with work, Celestia pops by Donut Joe's for coffee, between shifts. For some reason, magic seems harder to use, and more concerningly, all sugar has been acting very strangely. Joe, Celestia, and Gilda are compelled to investigate a growing epidemic after a run-in with a sleepwalking Luna. Eventually, they will need to stay awake for days, fueled by coffee, lest they fall victim to this epidemic.
Focus: Not sure at all about the way in which this reads. Is it too boring, too vague, too tedious? I have a good arc in mind, but if I lose readers at the start, it won't matter.
Other important information: I'm three chapters in, each one between 3,000 and 4,500 words. You wouldn't be expected to read the whole thing, just skim, and let me know what seems off-putting, confusing, or unsatisfying. Much can be changed at this stage, if needed.
Form of communication: PM or Skype

Comment posted by DigitalChaos deleted May 27th, 2013


Title: A Mellow Encounter (2.0)
Tags (Slice of Life):
General Summary/Description:
This my first ever MLP Fanfiction and a story that is very dear to me. As such I want it to be the best it can be. To do this, I am in need of the assistance of an editor. I am actually trying to get my story submitted to EqD. As such that means I have a high standard of quality I need to achieve. I've submitted it and have a single strike. Some of the faults listed include
- dialogue punctuation
- dry language
- weather report opening
- massive paragraphs
I need some assistance identifying and resolving these issues.
Pms are a good way to communicatie for me, and skype is also an option.


I'll get to you in private messaging.


Title: Mare of the Mountains

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Adventure

General Summary/Description: Long ago in the magical utopia known only as Dream Valley, the ancient goddess Megan left her little ponies for a world unknown. Without her, the ponies devolved from a united coalition of friendship into the three pony tribes known today. After centuries of fighting and the loss of the valley to the windigos, the dust has finally settled and a new power in Ponyland -- the Unicorn Aristocracy -- has forced the pegasi back into the skies and the earth ponies into servitude.
Deep in the Unicorn Mountain Range lies the Little Rock Mining Camp, where a young earth pony mare feels as though she's finally found her purpose in life. But when tragedy strikes and her life comes crumbling down, she has to find the strength within herself to fight back and the will not to succumb to revenge.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: This first chapter is being prepared for publication, so please point out any and all flaws that you find within it.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Characterization, world-building, plot inconsistencies and errors, grammar (if possible)

Other important information: Preferably, I'm looking for another set of eyes to pre-read but if you find any grammatical or spelling errors, they're fair game to pick at.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Via PM, as my current reviewer absolutely hates when other people comment on the Google Doc.


How long is the story?


At the moment, the first chapter (which is all you'll be reading) is approximately 8500 words. Will that be a problem?


Not necessarily but that does help. How many chapters are you planning and are they going to be about that long/longer/shorter?


They will be around the same length, hopefully.


Can you estimate how many chapters until completion?


Yes. There will be approximately ten, give or take an epilogue.

You honestly don't have to read that far, if you don't want to.


Ten chapters at this length is workable. If you're willing to wait a little while, send me the chapter over private messaging in about a week and I'll see what I can do.


Thank you for your tentative commitment, but I won't be able to send you the chapter in a week's time as I'll be going on vacation. Should I send it to you before or after I go on my trip?


After for two reasons; a) To be safe that I actually get to it in a timely fashion upon receiving it. b) We can look at it together.


Alright. I'll only be gone for next week, so I'll send it to you in the beginning of August.

Sounds good. Looking forward to it.

I thought it was pretty good, myself.


Via PM, as my current reviewer absolutely hates when other people comment on the Google Doc.

Hope I didn't piss them off too much.

...though I'll probably keep doing it if given the option. Commenting on gdocs is much easier/more fun.


That's why I resolved them as quickly as possible, as so not to wake the sleeping dragon.

God, I hope he doesn't see this...

899084 Well, hopefully you can approve of this story. If not, well then, it just means that i'm shit out of luck. Then again, I do have one more editing group to try and see if I can't get an editor.
If not, then i'm really am shit out of luck, and that means that review in The Equestrian Critics society might also be bad as well.
Anyways, here it is.

Title: My Little Pony: Universal Magic
Tag: Comedy, Random, Adventure, Human, AU, Crossover(Not really, but, it does sort of contain some elemnts. It really is up to you to deicde on that one.) , Mature. (It's just rated Mature because of it's content. Not for Gore or Sex, but for everything else.)
Summery:My name is Knight. I was once a human who lived on Earth, until I found a portal that led to outside of the universe. Then, after a few years of having adventures through the portals, I went to live in the MLP universe, until shit happened, and that shit, is the weirdest fucking shit that you will ever read. The shit is a neon green pony named Neon Party is random as shit and creeps me the fuck out, a talking timber wolf named Wolf who get's moslted by Moslestia, Slenderfetus, Derpy shoving muffins up her asshole, Planter Random, and a whole bunch of other shit. (Keep in mind that I didn't really do this summery, but only because someone suggested that I should put it this way. I really don't know what i'm doing with this describtion anymore.)
Info you need to know: None
What I need you to do: Speeling and Grammer mistakes.
Other uselss information: Well, like I said before at the top, i'm just trying to prepare for a reiview by the Equestrian Crirtics Society. I know I shouldn't have put my fic in the group, and I was about to take it out, but unfortenitly, it's in review cycle, so I can't take it out, for it goes againist the rules. Also, i'm pretty sure why everyone dislikes this is because of the grammer. before that is was the prolouge, but I eventually fixed it, and now it's just the grammer that i'm looking for help on.

Also, i've been to muiltiple editors for this, and the one main thing is, that they never responded back on me for this fic. It's been 5 or 6 months since i've asked for them to editi it, got nothing back. So, yea. Although, I think i have a Profff Reader for future chapters, but, yea, there you go.

Form of communication: PM

This one's a bit beyond my abilities. Sorry.

1432672 Well, at least I gave it a shot. Time to see if that other group can help me or not.

Comment posted by CartoonDuck deleted Aug 15th, 2013

Title: What I've Done

Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Human

General Summary/Description (Chapter 1 and a bit of chapter 2): A Prophesy says that six creatures that call themselves the Elements of Disharmony will go to Canterlot and attack the Princesses. They will then fight the six barriers of the Elements of Harmony in an attempt to take over Equestria. A 17 year old meth dealer named Jeff Thomson finds out he is the first of six Elements of Disharmony when he finds a stone in a forest that grants him magical powers. When he finds his way into Equestria, he tries to use his powers to challenge Celestia and take over the Ponies world. The Elements of Harmony defeat him and he is turned into stone. He escapes as an Earth Pony with no powers and goes on an adventure to try and find a group of Ponies who will help him steal the Elements of Harmony.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: Grammar, flow of the story, sentence structure, and character motivation.

So far, I've only made one chapter that's about 3,000 words.

Form of communication: PM and Google Docs

After this weekend I'll message you and we'll talk about specifics.

Comment posted by CartoonDuck deleted Aug 17th, 2013

1535315 Thank you.
I wont be able to respond to you this week because I'm going on vacation. After next week, I'll be back.


Hi there!

I'm looking for a once over on my Fanfic. I have self edited, and used the auto proofing tool provided by EQD after my first rejection (no strike, if that matters), but I want another pair of eyes on it. I would also like the piece to be pre-read if possible? I haven't written in a while, and I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things.

Title: Whatever Happened to Princess Sparkle?
Tags: Adventure, Dark
General Summary/Description:

A falling out. An argument. Blatant misuse of magic. Whatever the reason was, it has long since been shrouded in mystery. While the rest of the world has turned, Equestria has stagnated, haunted by the ghosts of the past.
But... perhaps the ghost is needed to save the haunted.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:

- I tend to have issues with using hyphens instead of en-dashes. Those issues have been revised in the first and second chapters.
- At times, I may word something that makes sense to me but sometimes is hard to follow.

Other important information: I'm not sure how the passworded FiMFiction chapters work, but I do have a GDocs version if I messed it up.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Email or Skype work best for me.

How many chapters is the story and how long is each chapter?

So far I'm at four, each around 2500 words, I don't know how long it will end up being, but if my last fic was anything to judge, around or longer than 30 chapters. I know that's a lot, and I'm not asking for that amount of work in this particular instance. Of course, this is under the assumption that there aren't many mistakes floating around, and I just missed a few (especially the hyphen thing - that was easy to fix). I have two on fimfic and two in Gdocs, (chapter 4 is a page off from completion).

Correction: All of the chapters have a GDocs version

Title: The Dweller's Tale: Of Mutants and Magic

Tags: Dark, Crossover, Adventure, Human, Gore

General Summary/Description:
Twilight believes that her theory on the potential of crossing chaotic and standard magical energies could lead to some major breakthroughs in the field of magical development for the kingdom of Equestria. Enlisting the help of the recently reformed Discord, Twilight, sure of her formulas, decides to skip several steps in the scientific process and jump straight to the experimental stage.

Needless to say, things don't go as planned.

And so, with a case of major magical backlash which could take weeks to fully heal, Twilight awakens to a sweltering desert environment with an odd creature staring down at her. On the creature's blue clothing is a large, yellow number.


Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I know you said you don't usually work with crossovers, but I don't think I've ever seen a crossover with the first Fallout. Fallout 3 and New Vegas have been done to death, but the originals are almost untouched. I liked the idea that both the Vault Dweller and Twilight were completely ignorant of everything that the Wasteland has to offer, so they'd both know more or less the same things and would experience the same hardships.

There will be blood, but that comes with the territory of post-apocalyptic, and I don't plan on making it the main feature.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Making action scenes more seamless is something I think I might be lacking in. I'd also like help making emotional moments have more impact, as well as generally skimming for any signs of Lavender Unicorn Syndrome or overusing Saidisms and the like.

Other important information: I could really use a prereader/editor for this, which is why I'm asking for your help despite your dislike of crossovers. If you don't want to accept this I can understand completely.

I've got 4 chapters published so far, which tend to be between 3000 and 5000 words. I can't even begin to speculate how many chapters will come after. I don't expect you to stick around for the whole story, but even reviewing what I have and/or any future chapters which you may have time for would be a great help.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I've got a Skype account, so we can use that if you'd like. I'm also fine with PMs, and I can upload the chapters to Google Docs. Whatever is most convenient for you.

In any case, thanks for your time.

Title: Loving Laughter.

Tags: Slice of Life, Romance, Sad, Comedy (Fimfic thinks Comedy and Sad clash to much, so I don't have the comedy tag. I do however think you will get a good laugh out of it.)

General Summary/Description: Can one pony really find a soul mate when all he has ever known is loneliness? Scribble Script is a pony full of life and happiness, choosing to make others happy at the expense of his own heart. Nothing brings greater joy to him than seeing others smile. So after a hard time of it in Manehattan, the saddened Earth pony from Trot About Creek stakes all he has on a new start in Ponyville.

He finds more than he bargained for, with his new shop and eyes on a pink party pony who shares many similarities with him. Can he win over the heart of the Element of Laughter? Even with the CMC helping this is going to be a mission of great difficulty.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:

- I do use ascent dialogs for the characters in this story. So Scribble Script speaks with an Aussie ascent, Applejack Southern, Sketch Bronx and so on.

- Story is already at 60,000 words plus, and is still going. So if you like long stories this might be for you.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):

- I just after a pre-reader. I want some feedback on the good and bad points. Also what you enjoyed about the story, and what you think could use some work.

Other important information: None really.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I'm flexable. Can use email, Skype, or Fimfic PM system.

Hopefully you can help me :moustache:

Title: Life's Last Breath

Tags: Dark and Adventure

General Summary/Description: (Read in dramatic voice) As an infection spreads across Equestria, the few left who are living band together to surivive. Rainbow Dash, her friends and the CMC have banded together, but after a tragic accident, Rainbow and a partner are forced to leave the group. WIll they survive, or fall and become infected themselves?

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I have alot of trouble with spelling, punctuation and grammar

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Grammer, spelling and punctuation

Other important information: This story contains gore, mild language, parts of intense graphical action, and innocent, cute ponies dying :raritycry:

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: My prefrences are, in order:
1) Skype
2) Google docs (When and if i figure out how to use it)
3) Anything else the reviewer mentions.

Title: genesis

well i guse it would be action and drama with some comedy as you follow the main character genesis , as he first comes to pony vill and despite his better judgment , decides to stay and find out more about its unique inhabitants , while there is is dragged in to an all out battle between the changling army and princes twilight and friends
theirs no action rite now but there will be in the next chapter

i don't know what you need to see it , other then its on my page , and i think it can be viewed publicly
im more concerned with grammar and spelling , but i would like to get input on wether i should add more descriptive stuff or clarify something

im new to this so sorry if i don't quite know what to do on this site
so if you could send me a pm mesag that would be grate because thats about all i know rite now


Title: Adventures Aboard the R.E.S. Rising Moon

Tags: Adventure / Romance

General Summary/Description: After a brutal war, Equestria and the Griffon Commonwealth have "enjoyed" an uneasy peace for the last thirty years. The Griffons are eager to regain lands lost after they were beaten, but the rulers of Equestria wish only for the peace to endure. After several border skirmishes, Princess Celestia sends the new princess, Twilight, to negotiate the peace and keep the two countries from igniting a new war. Luna and Twilight depart from Canterlot on the Rising Moon, the fastest ship in the Equestrian navy, to begin negotiations in the capital of the Griffon Commonwealth.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: This is my first serious attempt at writing so it will probably need a lot of work.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I really need help with things like show v tell, making sure characters are IN character, Pre-Reading stuff.

Other important information: I have posted to chapter seven and eight is almost finished, although technically, my story is on Hiatus, I have stopped writing new chapters because I am unsatisfied with how my story stands currently, so I am looking for help with what I have before I move forward with it.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: FimFic PMs or GoogleDocs.

Thank you for your consideration.

I'll read what you have so far and get back to you.

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