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Applety #1 · Oct 12th, 2017 · · 4 ·

Actually based on that section they seem like a couple not as sisters. Only one of them was described as being related to one of her parents and she also kissed the other one on the head. Adult siblings usually don't do that.

Also the dynamic suggests Holiday is like the wife whereas Lofty seems more like the "husband." Holiday is doing laundry, offers breakfast, and is the one who kisses Lofty on the head. Lofty is burlier and even called Scoots "slugger." More butchy lesbian behavior honestly.

Orkus #2 · Oct 12th, 2017 · · 2 ·




Oh, it's a book.

Made me worry for a moment there.

People seem to say this makes her have lesbian aunts be,mabye its my dyslexic reading but inpuerted it as them not being gay but more them being sisters who live together

Knowing this fandom, I expect someone will decide they're both.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe, by Mike Vogel and Nicole Dubuc. Nicole's the new executive producer for MLP...

--Sweetie Belle


Better hurry up with my Scootadopt fic, then.


Yeah... if they did that, their Russian broadcasters (among other countries) would cut the show (or just the EPISSSSSOOOOODDDDEEE), considering their severe homophobia.

All chapter books are cannon. Words on high from Hasbro itself.

6154366 You should post this in The Insane Creators Guild too. XD I think a lot of writers in my group would appreciate the information.

I think Cruz can disapprove of it and still enjoy the show. I know I do.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I posted about it in the Scootaloo group last night and I got it from Equestria Daily, so I think a lot of 'em already know about it.

I read the whole book afterwards, but really, the pages there were the ones with the most information about the aunts. Though I'm curious about the thing mentioned with Twist turning into a werepony temporarily later in the book. Think that might've been part of the plot of a previous book...

--Sweetie Belle

6154509 I wonder is the aunts will make it into the show? That will be interesting.

Also confirmed: Scootaparents exist, but make the Belles look like helicopter parents!


They already hinted at Scootaloo's home life in Parental Glidance.

You mean the part where Scootaloo has no concept of embarrassing parents at all, and states that she never had anypony in her life giving her encouragement?

I always thought the implications of that were surprisingly dark.

Hasbro wont come out and say it, but they have nearly said it with Lyra and Bon bon.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It kinda goes right along with the bit on one of those pages, though:

Recently, she and Aunt Lofty had started staying with Scootaloo when her parents were away, which was most of the time. Unlike her parents, they were always interested in what was going on with her life. Usually it was nice that they cared, but this morning, she wished they would just leave it be.

--Sweetie Belle

Jeez, so much of my headcannon has been shattered recently. Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to write stuff nowadays.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

For anypony curious about the book, here's a sample from elsewhere in the book:

"No!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You're awesome. Things have just been different lately." Scootaloo looked at Ambermoon. "But I guess different isn't bad. It's just... different."

"No matter what else changes, you're always gonna be one of my best friends," Apple Bloom said. "And when you're in trouble, I'll be there. So next time my best friends says that she sees a scary, old pony coming after her, I promise I'm going to believe her."

"That's good," Sweetie Belle said with a shaky voice as the train pulled into the Ponyville train station. "Because as your other best friend, I want to tell you that there's a scary, old pony coming after us." She pointed out the window.

The Olden Pony was waiting for them at the train station.

--Sweetie Belle


I dunno. Even if she's mostly raised by her aunts, that still means she has parental figures. And they sound pretty supportive, too.

I figured she wasn't an orphan. In retrospect, the "Scootaloo is an orphan" thing is kinda dumb, because we already have potential orphans, and it's a lazy, uninspired explanation. I always figured she had a single working father who left her with his sister in-law. A lot of my stories insinuate as such. I do understand though why some want Scootaloo to live with the rainbowhorse, so I just have the multi-colored cutie date the dad.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, her parents aren't that supportive, anyways, and the aunts only started staying with her recently. To be honest, I'd kinda like to read the setup to this, where Scootaloo was mostly on her own because of her parents usually not being around, and then Lofty and Holiday showing up. That sounds like it could be pretty interesting.

I wouldn't worry too much about your story, tho'. Just try to get it out before season 8. And I doubt the season opener will be a two parter about Scootaloo and her Aunts (though that'd be neat).

--Sweetie Belle

6154573 I would love to see the aunts in the show though. XD

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

There's fan art!

--Sweetie Belle


I wouldn't worry too much about your story, tho'. Just try to get it out before season 8. And I doubt the season opener will be a two parter about Scootaloo and her Aunts (though that'd be neat).

I can't take that chance!

Must write more sad orphan Scootaloo!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well... I do want to read it. Quick, write as fast as you can and post it! They might change Scootaloo canon at any moment! Maybe you'd better just put up all the chapters you've written now, too, just in case.

Yeah, think that's well done. I'd like to see more!

--Sweetie Belle

(checks it out on Amazon) 2 reviews. One star - Ick! Fillyfoolers! Five star - Wonderful story, kids loved it. Sigh.

I'm just going to think of them as sisters. It's easier than dragging politics into a children's book.

How can Scootaloo get adopted by Rainbow Dash's parents now?


Well... I do want to read it. Quick, write as fast as you can and post it! They might change Scootaloo canon at any moment!


Maybe you'd better just put up all the chapters you've written now, too, just in case.

I am tempted. Especially since Chapter 7 is taking way longer to finish than anticipated.

Mostly because I'm feeling a potential cold emerging and for some reason my ability to write plunges when I'm even a little bit sick.

6154696 They did a good job of capturing the style of the show.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The comments on what you post might encourage you to write more, too!

I'd probably take things easy physically and get lots of rest and tea and things and such if you've got a cold coming on, though. Eating spicy food and avoiding dairy tends to help for me, too.

It is a childrens story, but I liked it. I might end up picking up the others.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Aunt Holiday's the earth pony with the tropical island cutie mark, and Aunt Lofty is the one with the scarf.

Mike Vogel, cowriter of this book, cowrote a few episodes of the show, co-executive producer of the mlp movie, used to be VP of development for Hasbro Studios, and probably other things.

--Sweetie Belle

6154755 I always wondered if Starlight was an orphan, seeing as she spent so much time at Sunburst's house and the two were almost like siblings.

6154782 you never know. Maybe the show will go into her past one day.


I never thought they were implying child abuse.

Maybe not abuse, but Scootaloo is, what? Twelve or so? And yet she didn't seem to really comprehend why anypony would feel embarrassed by their parents.

At least to me, that has some worrying implications. Almost as if she doesn't know what having parents feels like.


By the way, is Lofty's cutie mark a winged sheep? :rainbowhuh:

The heck is that supposed to mean?

Gay people in MLP are already a thing. Like, that judge who hit on Big Mac when he was dressed up as a woman? It's revealed at the end that they knew he was crossdressing all along. So the guy hit on Big Mac specifically, not on whatever his alias was.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, lofty could mean "from a great height", which would explain the wings, and I think loft is a term used to describe wool as well, but I'm not really 100% on that...

--Sweetie Belle

It's a term that refers to how durable wool, yarn or textile is to tearing and such. It's a visual pun, which is actually pretty funny.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That is pretty neat! Obscure puns is definitely the way to go for these things.

I just haven't actually dealt with yarn for a long time, though I've probably heard the term before, honestly.

--Sweetie Belle

It's not something you're likely to ever hear anywhere outside of a sewing class, if that, so it's really surprising enough that you've ever even run into it at all.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

My mom did sew and crochet, but it's been a really long time since I've been around either. I vaguely remember stores with rows and rows of yarn, though...

--Sweetie Belle


Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

i much as lesbian aunts might seem like some cool idea, i don't think it's going to happen even if this does become cannon, though i like the idea that it says she had parents


Knowing this fandom, I expect someone will decide they're both.

Yeah, Flitter and Cloudchaser can attest.


Like Sabrina the teenage witch

Considering we now have Capper, a talking cat in the family might not be too far away. And if so, please come back, Nick Bakay!

Psh. I was doing this before it was cool. Though admittedly I had Vinyl Scratch and Octavia pegged for it, not new characters... great, now I have to write the sequel even faster :twilightoops:

In all seriousness, though, wait and see what the show does with it, if anything. There's always a chance it doesn't make it into the show proper and Scootaloo's home life just gets the Red X treatment: kept as one of the secrets even past series' end.

As for how it might be brought up if it does hit the show: they don't need to be lesbians, you know. They could just be heterosexual partners, housemates. Like, umm... :pinkiegasp:

Asterix and Obelix. Oh, please, Celestia, let those two get based on Asterix and Obelix.


As for how it might be brought up if it does hit the show: they don't need to be lesbians, you know. They could just be heterosexual partners, housemates. Like, umm... :pinkiegasp:

Snake and Otacon? They're even raising a little girl together.

Oh, wait, no, you said heterosexual. Never mind.

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