The book pedestal 30 members · 97 stories
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I have been invited and have also been tasked with something quite monumental: what are the best fics on this site? Hrm, quite a difficult proposition, but in order to appease all who care, allow me to suggest some of the best of the best. And if some of these are already in your folders, whoops, I apologize, it was kinda hard to figure out what the organization pattern for those was. (These are in no particular order)

Rainbow Dash flies east.
Imploding Colon · 213k words  ·  2,757  88 · 54k views

This book has it all: characterization, mystery, intrigue, and it's all told in bite-sized chapters that add up to a lot of words down the line! I have, regretfully, only read the first book in the series due to time constraints, but everything about the FIRST book is hands-down amazing. If you want a truly LOYAL Rainbow Dash, excellent worldbuilding, and jaw-dropping scenery descriptions, this is the book for you.

TThe Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments
Sweetie Belle must find Twilight by travelling through different Fanfic worlds...
Wanderer D · 570k words  ·  3,343  70 · 47k views

Do you like fanfics? Do you like Sweetie Belle? Well, in that case, check out this fun little romp through the worlds of several different fanfics - all visited by a very curious and confused Sweetie Belle. What starts out as a simple 'go to world, see thing, move on' soon delves deeply into Sweetie's psyche and shows her some of the darker areas of the multiverse... It's a real good read.

Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans.
JasonTheHuman · 130k words  ·  8,498  175 · 150k views

I don't think anything needs to be said about this one. Lyra turns out to be a lost human and is sent back to the human world, having to deal with a whole lot of weirdness in the process. I haven't read it in forever but it has stayed with me all this time.

TSunshine and Fire
Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.
BornIn1142 · 168k words  ·  1,386  32 · 22k views

This fic has ACTION, INTRIGUE, an old interpretation of DAYBREAKER, and the ETERNAL SUN! It has multiversal travel and alternate versions! It only has one problem. It's a dead fic. :raritycry:

TLetters to the Sun
It's been two hundred years since Twilight Sparkle last saw her beloved teacher. Now, she begins writing to her once more.
Horizon Runner · 21k words  ·  234  7 · 3k views

This story... is one of the simplest, most elegant ones I've ever had the pleasure of reading. It's told in the form of a series of letters from Twilight Sparkle, telling Celestia the story of the growth of Equestrian society... to the point where they enter space. Every element has a very different story to tell...

TFriendship is Optimal
Hasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run it.
Iceman · 39k words  ·  4,242  138 · 100k views

Celestia is an AI in a video game that ends up having access to everyone on the planet. The goal? "Bring better living through friendship and ponies." This goes out of control very quickly in a morally-gray way.

TSongs of the Spheres
Twilight Sparkle comes across a strange black ball with the power to travel to other worlds.
GMSeskii · 2.1m words  ·  568  47 · 15k views

A bunch of ponies end up exploring the multiverse that contains every world imaginable. Yes, I wrote this one. Yes, you should probably get a second opinion before adding it. But I'm told it's suitably epic.

-GM, master of books.

If you don't mind a good dose of grimdark, this is a great epic from the dawn of ponyfic:

[Adult story embed hidden]

And just to show AestheticB can also do light, short, and funny:

ETwilight Sparkle Gets A Free Salad
Twilight becomes an action hero to fight for free salads everywhere.
AestheticB · 9.1k words  ·  1,509  21 · 19k views

What they both have in common is a wonderfully kick-ass Twilight Sparkle.

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